
My Adorable Bodyguard


Sungmin woke up the next day with a throbbing headache. He groaned in pain as he slowly sat up from the bed. He furrowed his brows in confusion as he observed his surroundings. ‘Where am I? This is not my room.’ He thought. The airconditioner of the room is on and he felt cold. He hugged himself and his eyes widened when he realized that he’s . He looked down and he sighed in relief when he saw that he still has his boxers on. He tried to remember what happened last night and all he can remember was when he was telling Kyuhyun and his friends about his girlfriend.


“Crap! How can I be so stupid?!” Sungmin mumbled to himself and pulled his hair in frustration upon realizing how vulnerable he became in front of the people that he only met in a couple of hours. That’s never part of his personality.


“Glad that you’re awake.” Sungmin turned his head towards the voice and saw Kyuhyun standing at the door, looking at him with smirk on his face.


“Where am I?”


“In my room.” Kyuhyun replied and his gaze suddenly darkened. “Do you remember what you did to me last night?” He slowly walked towards the bed, where the almost Sungmin just stared at him with an innocent expression. It took him a lot of effort to control his growing lust towards the oblivious man in his bed. Last night he can’t sleep thinking about the kiss that he had stolen from Sungmin. The guy had been occupying his mind since the moment that he had laid his eyes on him. Thinking that he is bored and can’t sleep, he went to his room again and admired the sleeping man on his bed. After a few moments of staring, he went inside the bathroom to get a basin and a cloth. When he came back, he gently opened the button of Sungmin’s polo one by one. He gulped continuously as the milky-white and unblemished skin of Sungmin was exposed. He slowly wiped Sungmin’s body with the wet cloth in his hand, while the latter just simply groan and…..moan? Kyuhyun inhaled deeply and thought a lot of funny things just to get rid of the lust that’s starting to invade him. His eyes then caught something on Sungmin’s chest. It’s a necklace with two silver ring on it. He touched and observed the two rings that’s hanging on Sungmin’s necklace. On the first ring, a word ‘Sunshine’ was engraved, while the latter has ‘Vitamin’ in it. He wonder what it means. Maybe he can ask Sungmin about it, or he can find it on his own way, which Kyuhyun smirked evilly upon thinking about the second option. He removed the rest of Sungmin’s cloth, leaving him in his boxers only. Kyuhyun swear that if he stays a minute longer, he will not be able to control his self anymore. So, after stealing another kiss again from the still sleeping Sungmin, he hurriedly went out of the room and breathed heavily.


Sungmin just stared at the approaching Kyuhyun, and did not attempt to cover his almost self. Why should he? He’s a straight guy and does not think about trying to seduce Kyuhyun. But the latter was thinking the opposite. Kyuhyun pushed Sungmin’s body so the latter was lying on the bed. Sungmin was still clueless as he just stared at Kyuhyun’s eyes.  He doesn’t know why but those brown orbs seemed to hypnotize him. He can feel that Kyuhyun’s eyes are his soul and his heart skipped a beat as Kyuhyun’s face became too close to his own.


“Want me to remind you?” Kyuhyun whispered seductively and before Sungmin can react, he felt something soft landed on his lips and his eyes widened in shock and he felt his cheeks burned as he stared at Kyuhyun’s closed eyes.


‘Did something happened between us last night? Did we do it? Oh my God! No! I’m a straight guy!’ Sungmin thought and harshly pushed Kyuhyun’s body away from him. Kyuhyun fell from the bed and stared at Sungmin’s flushed face.


“T-tell me. Did w-we do ‘it’?” Sungmin stuttered and he wanted to punch himself for acting like this! He then heard Kyuhyun laughed. “What’s funny?!”


“So what if we had last night? It’s a normal thing.” Kyuhyun simply answered. Sungmin widened his eyes upon hearing the latter’s answer. He got up from the bed and grabbed Kyuhyun’s collar and glared at him.


“Listen, you erted brat! For you, may be something that you can do with someone anytime and anywhere, without the feeling of love. But for me, it’s a sacred one. I will only do it with someone that I love, and never with someone like you who thinks that it was just some kind of a normal thing to do. Do you think that you can fool me by saying that we had done it last night? And let me remind you again, I don’t with men.” Sungmin angrily said and let Kyuhyun go when his phone suddenly rings.


‘Let’s see about that.’ Kyuhyun smirked evilly as he watches Sungmin grabbing his pants, then putting it on while answering his phone.


“What do you want?” Sungmin uninterestedly asked the other line.


“I just want to say sorry for what I had done last time. Can you come to the office today? We had something to discuss with Chief.” The other line answered. Hearing that it was about his other work, he glanced towards Kyuhyun’s direction and rolled his eyes in annoyance when he saw the younger was still looking at him with those creepy smirk of his. He quickly went outside the room, not even thinking that he’s half- and not even noticing that Kyuhyun had followed him secretly.


“I thought I’m on a break. What does he want to discuss?” Sungmin asked the other line.


“Well, I don’t want to spoil what Chief wanted to tell you, but this has got something to do with the current break or work that you have.”


“Really? Is there something fishy going on, Yunho?”


“Donghae, you mean?” The other line replied to which Sungmin laughed.


Kyuhyun fisted his hands and gritted his teeth in anger that he doesn’t understood why he’s feeling it. Maybe because of the way Sungmin was laughing while talking to someone on the phone? Is he jealous? ‘Aish! Cho Kyuhyun, get yourself together. Sungmin is straight.’ Kyuhyun’s mind told him. ‘But he’s my bodyguard and he’s mine.’


“Aish! What is wrong with me?!” Kyuhyun accidentally said out loud while gripping his hair in annoyance. Sungmin saw him and Kyuhyun wished for the ground to open up and swallow him when he saw Sungmin’s blank stare.


“What are you doing?” Sungmin asked him.


Kyuhyun composed himself and tried to act like he was not caught on eavesdropping. “Why? Am I not allowed to roam inside my own house? For your information, Mr. Lee, you are just my bodyguard. And as my bodyguard, you’ll do everything that I’m going to ask you. I also want to remind you, that you are mine.” Kyuhyun mentally praised himself for the epic comeback that he had done. He saw Sungmin gaped his mouth and he can sense that Sungmin wanted to say something but decided not to.


“Now,” Kyuhyun said as he approached the obviously pissed bodyguard of his. “Go to your room and put on some clothes before I devour you.”


Sungmin blushed at those words, and the way Kyuhyun was currently checking him out is sending shivers to his body in a not-so-creepy way. Sungmin was about to go inside his room that Siwon had showed to him last night, when he heard Kyuhyun called his name again.


“Make me breakfast after you’re done, then clean my room. You need to do that because you must be glad that I still clean your body after you vommitted last night and I didn’t kicked you out of my own room, you drunkard!” Kyuhyun shouted at him, to which Sungmini felt his blood boil.


“What?! I am your bodyguard and not your cook and maid!” Sungmin retorted back, and he secretly thanked Kyuhyun for cleaning his mess last night, but he will never tell that brat!


“No shouting at my house, Sungmin. Now, go and start doing what I had told you.”


Sungmin swear that he wanted to strangled the younger’s neck to death. But he needed to control himself since he’s just Cho Kyuhyun’s bodyguard. ‘Yeah. I almost forgot that I’m just that erted brat’s bodyguard. Stupid Sungmin.’ Sungmin thought as he hurriedly put on some clothes, while his head is currently hammering his skull hardly.


“This is why I hate being drunk!”


Unknown to both Kyuhyun and Sungmin’s knowledge, Mr. Cho was silently observing them. He was smiling to himself as he saw how his son behave towards Sungmin. “I hope this will be a good start.” He happily mumbled  to himself.




Sungmin arrived at the Superior’s Headquarters after making up stories to Kyuhyun that he needed to buy some groceries for himself in the middle of the night. Kyuhyun seemed not to believe him (who wouldn’t, anyway?) , so he used the power of his aegyo and it just took him seconds before the younger allowed him.


“I don’t know what’s with that brat. He keeps telling me that I belonged to him. He’s crazy. If he’s not my boss, I could’ve strangled him to death for ordering me around. I am so tired after all those work that he made me do.” Sungmin kept on blabbering about Kyuhyun, and how he complains with the way Kyuhyun had been treating him like a maid! The helpers at the Cho’s mansion just look at him with pity while he cleans the house, cooks for Kyuhyun, and does the laundry. And during those work, Kyuhyun had been continuously calling him to do this and that. Whenever he complains, the younger always rubbed into his face that he is just a bodyguard and what he had done to him the other night. “A bodyguard, who is like a slave! I need higher salaries, then! Argh! It’s been three days, but I’m starting to give up being his bodyguard.” Sungmin continued to complain.


“But I think Kyuhyun likes you.” Yunho told him, to which Sungmin just rolled his eyes. “Believe me, but I see the way he looks at you.”


“Eh? What do you mean?” Sungmin glared at Yunho. “Are you following me, Yunho?”


“Yunho hyung won’t be called a great spy for nothing.” Donghae beamed innocently without noticing the tension going on between Yunho and Sungmin.


Sungmin stood up from his seat and Yunho did the same. “Why do you always have to mingle with my work?” Sungmin questioned him angrily.


“I am doing this because I wanted to protect you, Sungmin. I wanted to know that you are always safe while staying at that house.” Yunho replied. “I see the way how you became so suddenly friendly with Cho Kyuhyun’s friends who are known as troublemakers, and who have been going in and out of the prison for being involved in a lot of gang fights.”


“I know that! I know what they are doing, but I’m trying to act as normal as I can while I’m trying to get to know them better. This is part of my job as an undercover. Have you forgotten about it?! And what’s with me staying at the Cho’s mansion? Stop getting into my work!”


Donghae tried to calm the two, and he sighed in relief as he saw both Hyun Joong and Leeteuk arrived. The three of them immediately saluted to their seniors.


“Having some childish fight again, huh? When will the two of you become friends again like before?” Leeteuk asked the two men in front of him.


“It’s a big headache actually.” Hyun Joong agreed. Sungmin and Yunho bowed their heads guiltily. “You two were known as the best buddies and partners here before. Now all I hear and see when the two of you are together are those childish bickerings. It won’t solve anything if the two of you keeps on behaving like that towards each other.”


“I’m sorry, Sir.” Both Sungmin and Yunho said in unison.


Leeteuk sighed and took a seat. “We’ll be needing you two again for this next mission that we’re going to have.”


“WHAT?!” Sungmin asked in disbelif. “I thought I’m on a break. What is this?”


“Lee Sungmin, I did not give you the authority to talk to me in that manner.” Leeteuk told him in an authoritative tone.


“I apologize, Sir.” Sungmin then bowed his head. He lost his patience again.


“We cannot do this mission if the two of you are acting this way. I’m afraid we’ll be in danger because of you.” Hyun Joong begun. “Before I will give the two of you this mission, I want you to fix whatever problems that the two of you are having.”


“May I ask what is this mission all about?” Donghae asked curiously.


“It’s about our old friend, Mr. Cho.” Hyun Joong replied.

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I won't be able to update cause I need to start reviewing the topic that I'll be discussing in our hospital :(


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Somy1375 #1
Chapter 19: This is so beautiful. I enjoyed reading it. :)
minimina91 #2
Chapter 19: OMG this is the best o ador si ma bucur k am găsit aceasta ff pupici XOXO
Chapter 19: Me? Ow..what for? *scratching head
It's me who should be thanking you.
Nice theme. I like bodyguard Sungmin. I thought Sungmin died, I nearly had a heart attack. Kyu brat how did he manage the dream proposal? It's Yunho, wasn't it?
How are you coping with the news? I hope you'll be fine.
Lots of hugs and kisses for you.
Chapter 19: OMG this is just perfect. I really thought Sungmin would die... I´m glad there´s happy ending :)
Thank you for this awsome story, autor-nim <3
Chopumpkin #5
Chapter 19: OMG I LOVE THIS! You should make a kyumin kdrama version of this!!
Im telling the truth. You, author nim should filmed it. XD
1235t4 #6
Chapter 19: say "yeeaayyy" for the end \o/
OMG this is so sweet, angst, and i love how u slipped some humors in it. I aLmost have the urge to kiLLed u when i thought that Sungmin might be dead orz *sorry ㅠㅠ
Thanks for the story *kisses u :33♥♥
1235t4 #7
*brb after finishing this fic*
mingie101_ #8
I love this fic! :))
elfcloud9 #9
Chapter 19: ah so SWEET authornim.. though the few chapters before it ends make me cry..and i thought you kill minnie=_= the ending is really DAEBAK^0^
Chapter 19: ey...author-nim..