The Unexpected Visitors II

My Adorable Bodyguard


Yesung eyed Sungmin suspiciously, and the latter tried to pushed Ryeowook’s body from him gently as he felt Yesung’s burning stare at him. He really wished that Kyuhyun is still asleep and won’t come out of his room.
“I think we have come in the wrong time, Wookie.” Yesung said after he saw how his brother became uncomfortable under his gaze. “But since we are here, we should meet the one who made those noticeable kissmarks on Sungmin’s neck.”
Sungmin felt his cheeks burned from his brother’s sudden remarks. He prayed that the ground would open up and swallow him whole due to embarrassment. He felt cold and suddenly realized that only Kyuhyun’s shirt is covering his body. When he saw Yesung smirked, he knew that his brother is up for something mischievous. 
Yesung took Ryeowook’s hand and guided him towards Sungmin’s room. “We should go and see our Minnie’s room.”
Hearing that, Sungmin dashed towards the two and stopped them from going inside his room, where Kyuhyun currently is sleeping.
“Are you hiding something from us, Minnie?” Yesung asked him mischievously. 
Sungmin sighed and nodded his head. He really can’t lie to his brother. “You won’t like what you see, so just stay away from my room.”
“But I told you, I just wanted to meet-“
“Hyung, I’ll just change and we’ll eat outside, okay? I know you are both hungry. Wait for me on the couch.” Sungmin stopped his brother again. He is not yet ready to tell his brother about Kyuhyun, especially after what happened to them last night.
“But I miss the way you cook for us. Right, Wookie?” Yesung said while looking at his petite lover.
Ryeowook glanced at Sungmin and the latter took his chance in giving Ryeowook his best puppy eyes, which Yesung didn’t noticed. “I miss it too.” Ryeowook replied before looking at Yesung back. “But I am so hungry after our flight. I cannot wait anymore for Sungmin to cook for us. We’ll just eat outside, Sungie. Please.” Sungmin mentally did a victory dance as he heard what Ryeowook  said and his brother, of course, can’t turn down his beloved’s request.
“Okay. Whatever you say, babe. But I still want to go inside Sungmin’s room.” Yesung tried again to convince Ryeowook, but the latter shook his head.
“Sungie, your brother is not a child anymore. You are being protective of him again. We just arrived and have seen him again just now. Don’t start anything that would irritate him. We can meet that lucky person later. Right now, let’s just allow your brother to have some time to change, okay?” Ryeowook replied and Sungmin wanted to hug him in joy. Ryeowook pulled Yesung’s hand towards the couch, before looking back at Sungmin again and winked. Sungmin smiled widely at him before mouthing a ‘thank you’.
Sungmin gently opened the door to his room and locked it. He let go of a deep sigh before touching his aching back. He was trying so hard not to limp in front of his brother. Who knows what that weird and creepy bother of his can do. He walked limply towards his closet and grabbed some clothes before heading towards the bathroom. He tried so hard not to make any unnecessary noises for he don’t want Kyuhyun to wake up and get confronted by his overprotective brother. His eyes widened when he saw a lot of red marks on his neck as he saw his reflection on the mirror. No wonder why he’s brother is acting like that even though they had just seen each other again just now. It’s been two years already since he last saw him and never heard anything from his brother and Ryeowook since then. But now that they came back, there are a lot of questions running through his mind on what’s the real reason that they had left the country. He removed Kyuhyun’s shirt from his body and saw a lot of other red marks on his chest. When did Kyuhyun managed to do that to him? He needed to think of ways on how to hide these marks. He smiled as images of last night flashed through him. He had finally told Kyuhyun that he loves him, and the younger made him feel how much he loves him too.
He got out of the bathroom and walked carefully towards Kyuhyun. The younger still seemed to be in a very deep sleep, while his lips were curved in a lovely smile. Sungmin lowered his head and pecked those lips. “I love you, Kyu.”
Kyuhyun’s lips were curved in a smile while his eyes were still closed as he turned around, expecting that Sungmin was still sleeping beside him. But when he felt that the other side of the bed was empty, he frowned in disapointment and opened his eyes. He sat on the bed and called Sungmin’s name, but there was no answer. He pushed the blanket off of him and grabbed his boxers and pants. He looked around the room and he smiled to himself as he noticed that the room is full of pink stuffs. The room made him feel like he’s inside of a girl’s room and not inside the room of an undercover agent. He didn’t notice it last night since he was too focused with Sungmin. He giggled after thinking that his adorable bodyguard is finally his lover now. How he suddenly wanted to wrapped Sungmin around his arms and kissed him endlessly. He wanted to make love with him again. But that bunny of his is nowhere in sight.
He got up and saw a mall note on the pillow where Sungmin laid down last night. He grabbed it and smiled as he reads the note.
‘Something came up so I had to leave. Sorry. See you later – Sungmin ^^’
Is this really his bodyguard? He’s really adorable. He saw a piano and a pink guitar at the corner of the room. He went towards it and gently touched the keyboards. He shook his head in amusement as he saw some musical notes and some songs that he’s sure Sungmin had written. There are really a lot of things that he had discovered about Sungmin, and he admired him more and more. He suddenly thought about something and he hurriedly went towards the bathroom to fix himself. He’s going to give something to Sungmin.
“I heard what happened to Sunny.” Yesung said after they finished ordering their foods. “I’m sorry for not being on your side during those days.”
“It’s okay, hyung. Although I can’t help but think that you forget about me and I felt so all alone that time.” Sungmin replied while trying to avoid his brother’s gaze. He still can’t help but hate him for being not on his side during those times he was still mourning over Sunny. 
“I know. I’m really sorry, Sungminnie.” Yesung said with hint of regret in his voice.
“It’s my fault.” Ryeowook muttered all of a sudden making Sungmin eyed him questioningly. “If not because of me, Sungie would have been with you.”
“Wookie, it’s not your fault.” Yesung tried to reassured him.
Ryeowook shook his head before looking at Sungmin. “It’s really my fault. If only I was brave enough to face him. I had fallen in love with someone before. He was a brat but when he loves someone, he’ll make you feel like you are his everything. We both thought that what we had is perfect. But his father tried to separate us when he find out about us. He don’t want his son to be in love with a man. He wanted him to live in a perfect and normal world, and having me around would ruin his dreams for him. His father tried to bribed me by giving me money so that I will stay away from his son. Yesung that time, was one of his personal assistant and he was the one who protected me from that old man’s wrath. I hated him. I made up a story and even used Yesung when I broke up with that old man’s son. I didn’t want to do that, but I can’t be selfish all the time. So, I decided to stay with your brother and I am so thankful that he never left my side. I’m really sorry, Sungmin.”
Sungmin grabbed Ryeowook’s hand and gently squeezed it in understanding. “It’s okay, Ryeowook. It’s part of the past now. I had finally moved on with Sunny.”
“Thanks, Sungmin.” Ryeowook exclaimed happily. 
“But do you still love this man you are talking about? Did you come back to make up with him? What about Yesung hyung?” Sungmin asked feeling all worried about his brother who had been listening to them.
Yesung chuckled that made Sungmin looked at him. “You don’t have to worry about me, my little brother.”
“Will you stop calling me that? I am not a child anymore, hyung!” Sungmin complained.
“But you are acting one.” Yesung deadpanned, making Sungmin glared at him. 
“Oh! You two, will you stop bickering?” Ryeowook was giggling at the sight in front of him. “Sungmin, me and Sungie are already married. We came back to fix everything. I love your hyung and I can’t live without him. That guy, I hope he had found already his special someone, just like me.”
“WHAT?! YOU ARE ALREADY MARRIED? SINCE WHEN? WHY DID YOU NOT INFORMED ME? OH I HATE YOU, GUYS!” Sungmin shouted in disbelief while flailing his arms. Yesung tried to calm him since they are now capturing the attention of the other customers inside the restaurant.
“Will you calm down? Geez! I’m sorry, okay. We are really sorry.”
“Remind me again why I love the both of you.” Sungmin said in defeat.
“By the way, I saw a red dress outside your room. Hm, mind telling me who’s this lucky girl?” Yesung asked him while wiggling both of his brows. 
Sungmin can only facepalmed his self. How is he going to tell his brother that it was him who wore that red dress? How is he going to tell him that he’s not straight anymore? How is he going to tell him about Kyuhyun?
“Sungie, let’s give your brother some time to introduce that lucky person to us.” Ryeowook said after noticing Sungmin’s look.
“I sometimes wonder how you fell in love with my brother.” Sungmin said while staring at Ryeowook’s pouting face.
“Because I’m too loveable to handle.”
Sungmin can only rolled his eyes and Ryeowook laughed at them.
“So they are really back. I wanted to see them.” Mr. Cho said through his phone. Kyuhyun was walking outside his father’s room when he heard the old man’s voice. The door was open and he sneekily went inside to listen.
“I wanted to make everything right. My time here is almost up. Yes…… I know…… Kyuhyun would hate me, but I wanted to make things right for him. I’m dying soon.”
“W-what did you just say?” Kyuhyun suddenly blurted out after hearing his father’s words. Mr. Cho gasped in surprise when he saw his son standing in front of him. “What dying are you talking about? Who is dying?”
Mr. Cho sighed before ending the call. He walked towards the couch and sat in it. “I think it’s time for you to know the truth.” He started before looking at his son’s direction. “I have a lung cancer, Kyuhyun. It’s in the third stage and the doctors can’t do anything about it.”
Kyuhyun widened his eyes and he felt his throat became dry. “H-how many days….” He can’t continue his question as the thought of losing his father filled him. He noticed how much his father had lost his weight, how his eyes were sunken, how pale his face looks. He wanted to hug him despite of the fact that he had told himself that he hated this man all the time. He hated him for all the things he had done to him in the past, but after meeting Sungmin, he began to act like a son to his father. 
“A month or two? I’m not sure. But while I’m still here I wanted to make everything right.” Mr. Cho replied, knowing that’s what his son wanted to ask him. “I regret all of those bad things that I had done to you and Ryeowook before, as well as to your mom. I know you will not forgive me, but I hope you still consider me as your father despite all of those things I’ve done in the past.”
“Tell me the truth. Have you been part of illegal doings before?” Kyuhyun can’t help but asked. He wanted to know the truth.
Mr. Cho chuckled and then coughed which made Kyuhyun rushed to his side. He gently his father’s back worriedly. Mr. Cho looked at his son and he felt how his son worry about him which made him happy. “I may have done bad things to you and the people that you had loved in the past, but I had never done anything illegal. I know that the police are investigating me, and I’m fine with it since I’m not guilty. I just don’t understand as to why and how my name was dragged into those kind of things. I don’t know who’s behind it. But trust me, son. I am not part of those.”
Kyuhyun sighed in relief and hugged his father, which surprised the old man. “I’m sorry, Dad. Sorry for being a brat. From now on, I’ll listen and take care of you”
Mr. Cho felt so overwhelmed that tears started to fall down his eyes. “You don’t have to. It’s all my fault. If only I did not get between you and Ryeowook before.”
“It’s part of the past now, Dad.” Kyuhyun replied.
Kyuhyun let his father go when the man started to cough again. He immediately grabbed a glass of water and handed it to his father, which the old man gulped down in one go. He smiled at Kyuhyun thankfully, before asking him. “Seems like my son is in love. Tell me what’s the name of this special someone of yours.”
“Dad, please.” Kyuhyun tried to avoid his father’s knowing gaze.
“It’s Sungmin. Am I right?”
Kyuhyun did not answer his father. Instead, he looked at him intently. He wondered how his father knew about it. He was expecting for the old man to get mad at him and tell him to stay away from his bodyguard, just like what he did with Ryeowook before.
“What’s wrong, son? Is there something on my face?” Mr. Cho questioned him.
“You’re not mad?” Kyuhyun asked worriedly.
“Of course not! Why should I? I’m not like before, Kyuhyun.” Mr. Cho replied.
Due to happiness, Kyuhyun hugged his father again. “Really? Oh my! I love you, Dad. Thank you so much!”
“I love you too, son.” Mr. Cho’s heart was filled with joy as he heard those words from his son. He regretted everything in the past before. There is just one thing that he’s not telling his son. Sooner or later he will tell him. Right now, he wanted to enjoy this lovely time he’s having with his only son.
Sungmin went to work the next day after being relieved from the pain on his back. He suddenly missed Kyuhyun. The younger called him last night and informed him about Mr. Cho’s condition. He was glad to know that Kyuhyun and his father were in good terms already. But he became sad and worried about the old man’s health. Now that Kyuhyun had told him that Mr. Cho is never part of the illegal transactions that he’s currently investigating, he wanted to find ways on how to prove that the old man is innocent and to find the real culprit, eventhough he now has an idea who is it.
He was too engrossed with his work that he didn’t see Kyuhyun sneek inside his office quietly. He slowly walked behind Sungmin before the latter’s neck. Sungmin jolted from his seat and quickly landed a kick at Kyuhyun’s shin. He gasped and hurriedly went towards the younger who’s groaning in pain.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry Kyuhyun.” He apologized and tried to comfort Kyuhyun.
“It hurts, Min.” Kyuhyun groaned in pain.
“Tell me where it hurts, baby. I’ll treat it. Really, I’m so sorry.”
Kyuhyun pointed at his lips. “My lips hurts. Kiss it Min. Your kisses will heal me.”
Kyuhyun smirked as he saw how Sungmin lowered his face towards him. Honestly, Sungmin’s kick had really blown him away. But the pain immediately subsided as he saw the look of worry in his lover’s eyes. He was anticipating for the kiss when Sungmin stopped midway and glared at him.
“I won’t fall for that trick.” Sungmin said before standing up and went back to his seat, ignoring Kyuhyun completely.
“You don’t love me. First, you left me all alone after we made love. Second, you kicked me. And now, you don’t want to kiss me. I even bought a pink bunny for you.” Kyuhyun pouted his lips and tried to sound broken while staring at the pink stuff toy in his hand. He stood up and put it in Sungmin’s desk. He saw how Sungmin’s eyes twinkle and soon smile spread on his lips as he took the pink bunny in his arms. K and M forever was written on it. But he arched his brows in confusion when Sungmin put the bunny back in the desk and ignored him again. He whined and pretended to be hurt again by Sungmin’s action.
“You really don’t love me.” He was about to walk away from Sungmin when the older jump at him and kissed him hungrily.
“You! Never doubt my love for you ever again.” Sungmin said between the kiss. He felt Kyuhyun smirked and he moaned when he felt the younger squeeze his .
“You really love me?” Kyuhyun whispered huskily when their eyes met.
“I really do love you Cho Kyuhyun. Now, let’s stop with this talk and take me.” 
“I love this side of you. I would gladly do it, baby. I love you so much.” Kyuhyun said before taking Sungmin’s lips in a heated kiss once again. He laid Sungmin’s body on the desk before the older’s neck.
Kyuhyun was about to remove his and Sungmin’s shirt, when the door sprang open, revealing a smiling Ryeowook. “Sungmin-ah, I brought you lunch and-“ He stopped and his jaw dropped.
Sungmin immediately pushed Kyuhyun’s body away from him. Kyuhyun was disappointed and was annoyed. He was ready to snapped at whoever destroy the intimate moment he had with his lover when his eyes widened upon recognizing who was the intruder. “R-ryeowook?!” He asked in disbelief.
“Kyuhyun?” Ryeowook too was in disbelief after recognizing Kyuhyun.
“Wookie, babe, you look like you have seen a ghost.” Yesung said after emerging behind Ryeowook. They were planning to surprise Sungmin, and he chuckled at Ryeowook’s expression.
“Yesung?” Kyuhyun suddenly felt his heart was in rage after seeing the two people in front of him. Yesung turned his head and gasped when he recognized the younger.
Sungmin furrowed his brows in confusion as he observed the three in front of him. “You guys know each other?”
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I won't be able to update cause I need to start reviewing the topic that I'll be discussing in our hospital :(


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Somy1375 #1
Chapter 19: This is so beautiful. I enjoyed reading it. :)
minimina91 #2
Chapter 19: OMG this is the best o ador si ma bucur k am găsit aceasta ff pupici XOXO
Chapter 19: Me? Ow..what for? *scratching head
It's me who should be thanking you.
Nice theme. I like bodyguard Sungmin. I thought Sungmin died, I nearly had a heart attack. Kyu brat how did he manage the dream proposal? It's Yunho, wasn't it?
How are you coping with the news? I hope you'll be fine.
Lots of hugs and kisses for you.
Chapter 19: OMG this is just perfect. I really thought Sungmin would die... I´m glad there´s happy ending :)
Thank you for this awsome story, autor-nim <3
Chopumpkin #5
Chapter 19: OMG I LOVE THIS! You should make a kyumin kdrama version of this!!
Im telling the truth. You, author nim should filmed it. XD
1235t4 #6
Chapter 19: say "yeeaayyy" for the end \o/
OMG this is so sweet, angst, and i love how u slipped some humors in it. I aLmost have the urge to kiLLed u when i thought that Sungmin might be dead orz *sorry ㅠㅠ
Thanks for the story *kisses u :33♥♥
1235t4 #7
*brb after finishing this fic*
mingie101_ #8
I love this fic! :))
elfcloud9 #9
Chapter 19: ah so SWEET authornim.. though the few chapters before it ends make me cry..and i thought you kill minnie=_= the ending is really DAEBAK^0^
Chapter 19: