Sungmin's Past

My Adorable Bodyguard


Note: Words that are like this are part of flashback :)
It was the happiest day in Sungmin’s life as he stood outside the church waiting for his bride to arrive. He can’t hide the nervousness and excitement he’s feeling. He looked around him and smiled when he recognized a lot of familiar faces who came to witness this important day in his life. He only hoped that his parents were also there, but he knows that they are watching him in heaven right now. He grew up without his parents’ presence. It was only his elder brother who supported him from the start. He studied hard for his hyung. When at school, he always became the victim of bullying because of his pretty face. He always went home crying or having some bruises on his face or dirty stains on his uniform because of his classmates. He tried to hide it from his brother, but the latter found out about it, so he enrolled him in martial arts school with thoughts that it would help Sungmin in defending himself. That was the time that he met Sunny, the one who brought sunshine into his life. He loves to call her sunshine, since it was what she had been in his life. Sunny, on the other hand, loves to call him vitamin. Their friendship bloomed, and during their graduation in college, did Sungmin only find the courage to confess to her. He sometimes felt guilty in making Sunny worry about him all the time because of his work as an undercover police agent. His life had been put in danger a lot of times, and he did his best to hide his true identity, as well as anything regarding his brother and Sunny.
But his brother left him one day with a reason that he’s trying to save and protect someone dear to him. Sungmin didn’t question his brother’s decision, in fact he supported him and even helped him in getting out of the country with the man that his hyung told him as his lover. He knows that his hyung is gay, and despite it, his love and respect for him didn’t fade. He don’t know what’s the real reason for his brother and his lover to get out of the country. And now that it’s his wedding day, he tried to send them his invitation, but his brother didn’t arrived. It made him lose hope that his brother will come back, and at the same time he’s worried of what may could’ve happened to his hyung.
“You’ll gonna be a married man after this.” Sungmin smiled upon hearing Donghae’s voice. He turned around and saw his colleagues were all there, except for his best friend, Yunho, who is currently fetching his soon-to-be bride at her house. Last night, Yunho had confessed to him and he felt sorry for his best friend. He can’t love him more than a friend, and Yunho knows that. He can only apologize after seeing the broken expression in Yunho’s face.
“You can still change your mind.” Leeteuk and earned a smack from his wife, Kang Sora.
“What are you trying to say, Jungsu?” Sora glared at him and Leeteuk immediately kissed his wife’s lips.
“I was just teasing Sungmin, dear. I didn’t mean any of it.” Leeteuk sweetly replied his wife.
“Too much PDA. Please stop it. We are here to witness Sungmin and Sunny’s wedding, not your display of affection. You can do that later.” Eunhyuk joined in the conversation, and they all soon laughed.
Yunho arrived at Sunny’s apartment and the latter gladly opened the door for him. “Hi beautiful. Are you ready?” Yunho asked and he tried to hide the pain he’s feeling as he thought that this girl in front of him will soon become the wife of the man he had loved secretly for so long.
“I am quite nervous, oppa. Do I look pretty?” Sunny asked him nervously.
Yunho grabbed Sunny’s hand  and squeezed it gently. “You are perfect.”
“Thank you, oppa. I am glad to have you as Sungmin oppa’s best friend. You two have been through a lot together. Promise me that you will protect him and never leave his side.” Yunho suddenly felt something strange is about to happen. Sunny smiled at him sweetly and he can only nod his head as he tried to erase the feeling of uneasiness in him.
“Let’s go. I can’t wait to see Sungmin oppa.” Sunny happily exclaimed and Yunho assisted her in getting inside the car.
Yunho still feel nervous as he slowly drove his car towards the place where the wedding will take place. He was about to turn his car to the other side of the road, when a fast moving car hit them. Before it happened, Sunny saw the other car and quickly wrapped her body around Yunho’s. It took Yunho a minute to process what happened to them due to shock. He looked around him and he find it difficult to move. The car’s windscreen had been crashed and he felt blood flow down from his forehead. He lowered his gaze and he panicked when he saw Sunny’s body full of blood. His white gown had been soaked in blood as well. He moved his uninjured hand and gently tapped Sunny’s face to wake her up. He then touched her neck to feel for any carotid pulse, but nothing.
“Sunny….. Lee Sunkyu! Open your eyes. Please open your eyes. Oh God! Please…” Yunho pleaded between tears. “No! Please…. Sungmin…. He’s waiting for you…You can’t leave him like this….Why do you have to save me?” Yunho kept on crying and trying to wake Sunny again. Ambulances soon arrived, and before Yunho knew it, he lose his consciousness while still hugging Sunny’s lifeless body.
Sungmin was pacing back and forth while glancing at his watch. It’s been an hour since Yunho left and they should be here from now. Just awhile ago, he felt like something from him was lost. He felt empty all of a sudden and his heart hurt. He even shouted at Donghae for accidentally breaking a glass of water. He immediately apologized and Donghae told him that he doesn’t mind at all since he knows that Sungmin is just nervous and all.
“You’re making us dizzy here from watching you. Stop pacing, they’ll arrive soon. Yunho hyung will not snatch Sunny away from you.” Junsu said and laughed at Sungmin’s expression. 
Sungmin was about to reply, when his phone rang. He immediately answered it when he recognized the caller’s ID. “Yunho, where are you? Don’t think about taking Sunny away.” He joked. But when he heard the other line’s answer, he felt his world suddenly collapsed.
“Sir, the owner of this phone was involved in a car accident. He’s safe now, but the lady who is with him didn’t make it. I suggest you come to the hospital right now.”
Sungmin felt his body shook and his knees weakened. He bit his lips to prevent tears from escaping his eyes. “Y-you are kidding, right? Tell me that this is just a joke.”
“I’m sorry, sir.” The other line replied.
His colleagues that are curiously watching him, immediately went to his side when they saw his reaction. They can sense that something wrong happened from the look in Sungmin’s face. Sungmin dropped his phone and his body was trembling, and tears that he was trying to stopped are now falling from his eyes uncontrollably. Hyun Joong wrapped him in his arms and tried to comfort him. Leeteuk picked up Sungmin’s phone from the ground and tried to talk to the person on the other line. He looked at Sungmin worriedly as he listened to what the paramedic on the other line told him about the accident.
After the accident, Sungmin was never seen crying nor smiling in front of other people. He didn’t shed a tear during the funeral. He was only staring blankly at the ground and never meeting the gazes of people who were there to mourn with him. His friends tried to comfort him, but he would always tell them that he’s fine. He locked himself in his room for a month, trying to reminisce those moments he had with Sunny, and crying himself to sleep all the time. When he was back to work, he avoided Yunho. H e blamed him for what happened, as well as himself too. He never visited Sunny for he knows he will only break down and cry his heart out. He drowned himself in working til midnight, and even participated in a lot of dangerous raids. 
Sungmin stared longingly at Sunny’s grave. He gently it and smiled. “Hey. What’s up? It’s been a while. I’m sorry for not visiting you after the funeral. I know you are aware of how much of a crybaby I am. I may drown this whole cemetery, and you won’t like it.” He chuckled and tears slowly formed at the corner of his eyes. 
Kyuhyun can only watch Sungmin’s form. He didn’t know what to say or how to react after Sungmin told him that his girlfriend died a year ago on the day of their wedding. He can only managed to say sorry and Sungmin just smiled at him. For the first time, he saw Sungmin’s eyes full of pain. Those doe eyes that he thought are always shining are now trapped in darkness. He wanted to tell him that he’s there, that he’s willing to offer his hand for help, and he’s willing to listen to him. He wanted to help Sungmin in moving on, but how can he do that if he himself is also trapped in his past?
“You know, I hate you. How can you leave me like that on our wedding day? It was embarrassing! You could’ve atleast chosen another day. And to think that you had shield your own body to protect Yunho, that’s making me jealous. But you know what? Eventhough how much I hated you, I still miss you. I miss you each and every day, Sunny.” Kyuhyun’s heart softened when he heard those words from Sungmin. He went beside him and gently entertwined their fingers. Sungmin glanced at him before continuing, “Sunny, I brought a friend who wanted to meet you. His name’s Cho Kyuhyun.”
“Hi. I finally meet you. Don’t worry about your Sungmin oppa, I’ll take care of him for you. I like him a lot, you know. But he’s still stubborn to admit that he also like me.” Kyuhyun said and earned a smack from Sungmin.
“How could you say those kind of things? You are unbelievable.”
“I’m telling the truth. I am even confessing to you in front of your girlfriend.” Kyuhyun replied cheekily.
“Whatever Kyuhyun.” Sungmin said as he walked towards the car while pulling Kyuhyun with him. He was smiling to himself and he let out a sigh of relief. He was able to let a real smile crept at his face again after a long time.
He was about to get inside the car when Kyuhyun backhugged him. He tried to move but it only made Kyuhyun tightened his grip around him. “Let everything that you are feeling burst. I don’t want you to act strong when you are in front of me. I want to see the real you, Min. I can feel  how much you are hurting inside. Let it out. I will always be here for you. I will help you in moving on, and please help me too. I love you, Min. I am willing to wait.”
They remained like that for a couple of minutes. Sungmin can feel both of his cheeks flushed and his heart will soon break his ribcage from beating crazily. He only wished that Kyuhyun will not hear it. He tried to deny it for how many times, but he knows he’s starting to fall in love with Kyuhyun. Right now, he knows that he loves Kyuhyun too, but when he thought about his mission, his smile and hope faded. He knows Kyuhyun will hate him if he finds out that he’s currently trying to gather evidences against Mr. Cho, even though he knows Kyuhyun hates his father a lot. And what does Kyuhyun mean by helping him in moving on too? Is he trying to use him to forget someone?
It was past midnight when Kyuhyun and Sungmin arrived at the house. They were about to go to their respective rooms, when they heard a glass being thrown to the ground, and loud curses followed from Mr. Cho’s room. 
“W-who are you? W-what do you want?” Sungmin immediately headed towards it when he heard Mr. Cho’s pleading voice, but was stopped by Kyuhyun.
“Kyuhyun, let me through. What are you doing?” Sungmin said as he tried to walk passed Kyuhyun, but the latter is determined not to let him go.
“I don’t know what is happening inside my father’s room, but I don’t want you to go there and put your self in danger.” Kyuhyun whispered to him.
“Kyuhyun, you know I am your bodyguard. And as your bodyguard, I am entitled to protect you and your father. Now, let me through. I can handle myself.” Sungmin said before pushing Kyuhyun strongly. “Go to your room. Whatever happens, don’t go out.”
“No. I will go with you.” Kyuhyun muttered stubbornly.
“Please listen to me, will you? Go to your room right now before I will decide to kick you.” Sungmin threatened. Kyuhyun sighed and followed Sungmin’s order unwillingly.
Kyuhyun closed the door of his room and locked it. He was about to lie down on his bed when he heard a gunshot. He immediately went out of his room as thoughts about Sungmin being hurt clouded his mind. He opened his father’s room and he trembled when he saw Sungmin on the floor with blood.
(A/N) Don't kill me for the cliffhanger....hehe
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I won't be able to update cause I need to start reviewing the topic that I'll be discussing in our hospital :(


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Somy1375 #1
Chapter 19: This is so beautiful. I enjoyed reading it. :)
minimina91 #2
Chapter 19: OMG this is the best o ador si ma bucur k am găsit aceasta ff pupici XOXO
Chapter 19: Me? Ow..what for? *scratching head
It's me who should be thanking you.
Nice theme. I like bodyguard Sungmin. I thought Sungmin died, I nearly had a heart attack. Kyu brat how did he manage the dream proposal? It's Yunho, wasn't it?
How are you coping with the news? I hope you'll be fine.
Lots of hugs and kisses for you.
Chapter 19: OMG this is just perfect. I really thought Sungmin would die... I´m glad there´s happy ending :)
Thank you for this awsome story, autor-nim <3
Chopumpkin #5
Chapter 19: OMG I LOVE THIS! You should make a kyumin kdrama version of this!!
Im telling the truth. You, author nim should filmed it. XD
1235t4 #6
Chapter 19: say "yeeaayyy" for the end \o/
OMG this is so sweet, angst, and i love how u slipped some humors in it. I aLmost have the urge to kiLLed u when i thought that Sungmin might be dead orz *sorry ㅠㅠ
Thanks for the story *kisses u :33♥♥
1235t4 #7
*brb after finishing this fic*
mingie101_ #8
I love this fic! :))
elfcloud9 #9
Chapter 19: ah so SWEET authornim.. though the few chapters before it ends make me cry..and i thought you kill minnie=_= the ending is really DAEBAK^0^
Chapter 19: