My Adorable Bodyguard

My Adorable Bodyguard


Yunho closed his eyes as soon as he got off the taxi with a smile plastered on his lips. ‘Ah. This is it!’ He thought before opening his eyes again and walked inside the airport. His flight would be an hour from now and he’s excited to be in Japan and start his work in that country. It’s been a month since Sungmin left and everything had not been easy for him. He took a break from his work, spending his time on thinking about his best friend, what he was doing and how is he. He wanted to see him again and wrapped him in his arms. But that’s impossible now. He promised Sungmin that he’ll start moving on, that he’ll live a new life and he’s going to start it today.
Yunho was hesitant at first when Hyun Joong told him that he would be working on a new case. He told their Chief that he still can’t focus with work after what happened to Sungmin. He needed some time, but when Hyun Joong told him that his next mission would be in Japan, he can’t help but feel ecstatic. It would be a great chance for him to move on and carry on with his life, so he accepted it.
Yesterday, Hyun Joong and Leeteuk threw a farewell party for him. Everyone was there, including Kyuhyun. He can see the sadness in Kyuhyun’s eyes even though how much the younger tried to flashed them a smile and pretend to enjoy. He observed how the younger seemed to lose some skin and the dark circles under his eyes were horrible. He saw how Kyuhyun kept on blaming himself for what happened to Sungmin at the hospital, how the younger cried his heart out, how he doesn’t want Sungmin to leave them. Yunho kept on telling him that it was for Sungmin’s good, even when he himself doesn’t want his best friend to leave. Yunho tried talking to Kyuhyun at the party, but the younger’s thoughts and mind was so distant. 
‘How are you, Sungminnie? Are you doing well? I’m leaving now for Japan and I’m going to fulfill my promise to you. I’ll start moving on, but you will always be the first love of mine that made my life meaningful. I wish I can see and talk to you right now, but that would be impossible, right? I miss you so much, my best friend. I’ll always pray for you.’  Yunho thought while looking outside the plane’s window. He was watching the clouds when he felt someone grabbed his arm.
“What are you-“ Yunho asked and his eyes widened when he recognized the man sitting beside him who is currently encircling his arms around his. 
“JAEJOONG?!” Yunho exclaimed in disbelief. “How did you get in here? What are you doing here? How did you-“
“Shh~~” Jaejoong put his index finger at Yunho’s lips to stop him from blabbering. “Too much questions. First, I asked Superman to bring me here and told the pilot to open the window and let me in, which he gladly comply since I’m too hot to be turned down. And second, I came here because I can’t let my prince charming get far away from me. We still need to make a happily ever after ending.”
Yunho rolled his eyes at Jaejoong’s answer. Really, when will this guy get tired of bugging him? He had made it clear to him that he’s not interested with him so many times. Is he really that thick-faced?
“Jae, when will you stop following me? I am not interested with you, okay? Just leave me alone. I am trying to move on and here you are pestering me around.” Yunho said softly. He did a gentle approach this time so Jaejoong would really get what he truly meant, but he never thought that it was the wrong move of all when he saw how Jaejoong’s eyes shone and smiled cutely at him.
“Jae.” Jaejoong whispered dreamily. “I love how you called me that way.”
Yunho can only slap himself hard mentally. Why did he even call him in that name? He felt Jaejoong lean his head on his shoulder and intertwine their hands.
“Since you wanted to move on, I’ll be here to help you forget about Sungmin. I know I can never replace him in your heart, but I’ll do all I can to have some space there. Even just a little space would be enough for me. I know that I am bugging you, but I can’t let you get away from me. That’s why when I found out that you are leaving, I followed you. They said that we should follow our dreams, and you are my dream. I’ve never like someone this much before. I’m always the one who had left them behind. But now, I’m willing to take all the risk just to be with you.” Jaejoong said before looking at Yunho and their faces were mere centimeters away and they can feel each other’s breath on their faces. “I love you, Yunho. Please give me a chance to show that to you.” He continued before closing the gap between their lips.
Yunho find himself being mesmerized with Jaejoong’s eyes that he was not able to pushed him away and he can’t help himself to kiss Jaejoong back when he felt how soft those lips are against his.
~2 Years Later~
“That’s it for today.” Kyuhyun announced after his meeting with the board of directors. He stood up and bowed at them in respect before excusing himself out of the conference room. He went immediately to his office to grab his things after checking his watch. He just hopes that he won’t be late or he’s doomed. He waved in goodbye towards his secretary before heading towards the elevator. His heart beat crazily on his chest. He felt so excited and everything for today had been going according to his plan. He had made a deal with one of the best companies in the country. His father would be so proud of him, especially him. He happily went inside his car as thoughts about him clouded his mind. He can’t wait to see him again.
As soon as Kyuhyun arrived at the park, he began to scan the place for that familiar figure. He smiled widely when he finally saw him and their gazes soon met.
“Cho, you are late!” The man yelled at him, trying to sound angry but Kyuhyun found him so adorable. Oh how he miss him! He ran towards him and immediately wrapped the man in his arms.
“I miss you so much. Don’t leave me again.” Kyuhyun whispered and he felt how he hugs him back. He misses being in his arms like this; his scent, his warmth, how his small body fits in his embrace, everything just seemed right. He was so glad that he was finally back, back in his life again. Sungmin is back after the two long years of wait, his beloved Lee Sungmin is really back.
Kyuhyun can still remember how he almost broke down when he heard that Sungmin won’t be able to make it, how the doctor felt sorry for he cannot do anything to save him. He was in a deep coma and was losing blood, which Kyuhyun did not hesitate to donate his own for Sungmin. He doesn’t want to let Sungmin go, not in that kind of situation. He’s willing to sacrifice everything just to see Sungmin look at him again with those adorable doe eyes of his, hear his voice, admire his childish and yet manly side, and feel his warm and sweet lips against his. Kyuhyun knows that they are going to lose Sungmin as every minute passed by, but he won’t let go. When he saw how the cardiac monitor, which was connected to Sungmin’s chest, showed a flat line, he began to panic and soon nurses and doctors came to resuscitate Sungmin.
“We need to transfer him to a more specialized hospital.” Dr. Heo told them after making sure that Sungmin’s pulse was back. “I can recommend you to someone I know in America.” And Yesung did not think twice and immediately asked the doctor to arrange the papers that they’ll need. Kyuhyun doesn’t want to leave Sungmin’s side. Who knows what will happen on the plane? No! He should be at Sungmin’s side all the time. He wanted to go too, but Yunho stopped him. Yunho kept on saying that it was for Sungmin’s best. If he wanted Sungmin to survive, he should not be selfish. He should be willing to take the risk and pray for him to survive. His father needed him too as the older man’s sickness has taken its toll on him. He kissed Sungmin’s pale lips for the last time as he whispers words of love and a promise that he’ll be waiting for him to come back and make it all up to him.
Now, after two years, he was woken up from his sleep in the morning to receive a call from an unknown number. He’s not the kind of person who will answer calls from unknown people, but this time he felt like he should really answer it and he was glad he did. He jumped out of bed as soon as he heard that familiar voice saying his name and asking if how was he. Kyuhyun can’t contain his happiness and tears fell down his eyes. The other line kept on telling him that he’s back, and Kyuhyun was too happy that he keeps on saying how much he misses him. When he was at the meeting, he cannot hide his excitement to see Sungmin back. He wanted to end the meeting as soon as possible. But he needed to be patient.
“Yah! People are watching.” Sungmin chuckled while blushing and slightly pushed Kyuhyun, who was cut out from his thoughts. 
Kyuhyun let Sungmin go from the hug and gently his cheeks. Looking at Sungmin now, he was still the same, only he became skinnier and looks so fragile. Every day he would call Ryeowook or Yesung to ask how was Sungmin when they left, and the couple never failed to give him updates. He wanted to talk with Sungmin, hear his voice but the couple would always tell him that Sungmin is busy with his therapy. Is Sungmin avoiding him? He sometimes can’t help but asked himself. But whether he’s avoiding him or not, he’ll still wait for him even though how long it would take.
“You are back to be with me again, right?” Kyuhyun said confidently earning him a light smack on his chest from Sungmin.
“As far as I remember, I haven’t accepted you yet. I haven’t forgiven you too. I just came here to see you. That’s all.” Sungmin said and was about to walk away when Kyuhyun grabbed his arms and kissed him on his lips. Sungmin was taken by surprise and he stared at Kyuhyun’s closed eyes. He must admit that he misses the younger one. He looked for him when he woke up and he felt disappointed when he finds out that Kyuhyun was not with him in the hospital. Ryeowook cleared everything with him and told him that he don’t love Kyuhyun anymore. He silently got jealous whenever he witness the sweet moments of Yesung and Ryeowook together. How he wish that he can do that with Kyuhyun too. But remembering how the younger hurt him, he decided not to make things easier for him when he decided to come back to him. If he will really come back to Sungmin. He even doesn’t know if the younger did really love him. Whenever Kyuhyun will call Yesung or Ryeowook, he will tell the two that he doesn’t want to talk with the younger. He was not yet ready to face him. And now that he’s back, the love he has for Kyuhyun still remains. The lip that is kissing him sweetly right now still sends him bolts of electricity that makes his knees go weak. He closed his eyes and clung at Kyunyun for fear that he might fall to the ground. He slowly responded to the kiss and he felt Kyuhyun smiled on his lips, making him pulled away from the younger.
“I.. I think I really should go now.” Sungmin stuttered, bowing his head so that Kyuhyun will not see how he’s blushing madly right now.
“No. I won’t let you leave me again. This time I will make it up to you.” Kyuhyun said determinedly. “I know sorry won’t make up for the hurt I have given you before. I was a real fool back then. And I will be the stupidest person in this whole world if I will ever let you go again. I’ll do everything to keep you with me, even though how many times you will try pushing me away. I love you, Sungmin.”
Sungmin looked down as if thinking deeply. He doesn’t want to be easy on Kyuhyun this time. He was planning to give him a real hard time to get him back. But the sincerity in Kyuhyun’s words just makes him doubt his plan. “I’m sorry, Kyuhyun.” What was he apologizing for? 
Kyuhyun have been waiting for a long time and he doesn’t want to wait any longer now. He doesn’t know what Sungmin meant, and he doesn’t want to know either. What if Sungmin will tell him that everything between them is really over? No! He won’t let Sungmin say that. He is desperate and he won’t do the same mistake again. Without thinking twice, Kyuhyun took both of Sungmin’s hands and knelt in front of him. Sungmin was surprised as he saw Kyuhyun kneeling in front of him while looking deep into his eyes.
“I am not a romantic type of person. I cannot promise you that I will make you smile every minute, but whenever you cry I will be at your side to dry your tears away. I was a fool to leave you before, but I want you to know I will not make the same mistake twice. We may have not the best love story ever, but I’ll make sure that all of the days that we spend are the most precious of all moments there is.” Kyuhyun said while staring at Sungmin as if he is the only person that he can see right now. 
Sungmin was blushing and he glanced around them and saw the people are surrounding them, witnessing what Kyuhyun’s doing. He felt shy as he saw some of the girls are giggling and some are trying so hard to stop themselves from squealing. He looked back at Kyuhyun and tried to pull him up, but Kyuhyun refused. “K-kyu… What are you doing? Will you just stand up?”
Kyuhyun shook his head and flashed his sweetest smile to Sungmin, making the latter’s heart flutter. “I told you I’ll do anything to make you mine again, even if I will kneel in front of you forever just to accept me back. We have wasted a lot of time, Min. I can’t afford to lose another one this time. When you were in a coma and fighting for your life, I was scared. I was too scared. What if you will not make it? What if you did not survive? What if you chose to be with Sunny over me?”
“Pabo!” Sungmin exclaimed with a smile on his face. “Although I have to tell you that I did told Sunny to take me with her. But that was just a joke.”
Kyuhyun pouted his lips. “You really said that?”
“Don’t you dare do that again even if how much you are angry towards me! Goodness! You don’t know how scared I was that if you won’t make it I will definitely kill myself to be with you! And why did you even save me from that bullet? You could’ve just let Siwon kill me. Aish Sungmin!” Kyuhyun was suddenly angry and Sungmin can only blink his eyes while listening to the younger’s nagging.
“Stop nagging at me like you’re my husband or something. I was only doing my job that time.” Sungmin retorted back using the same tone that Kyuhyun was using towards him. But avoided Kyuhyun’s eyes when he added, “And I…. I was… I can’t let you get hurt and…yeah! You were like an idiot standing in front of Siwon doing nothing when he was pointing his gun towards you so I have to act faster. And…. Yes! That was part of my job.”
“Oh! Really? But I love the way you said that you don’t want me to get hurt. You love me that much, huh?  And you know what? I can feel that you still love me. After this, you’re going to be my husband. I’ll make sure of that.” Kyuhyun said and smirked at him.
“Who told you that I’m going to make things easier for you? How can you be so sure that I still love you? And making me as your husband? In your dreams, Cho!” Sungmin said irritated. 
“Wait a minute.” Kyuhyun said after realizing that Sungmin and he had suddenly bickered. “I was supposed to propose to you. Why are we bickering?”
Sungmin widened his eyes in disbelief. Did he hear it right? “You are going to what?!”
“I was going to propose to you. And since you have an idea about it, might as well continue my lines.” Kyuhyun said while smiling sheepishly.
“You are unbelievable, Cho Kyuhyun.” Sungmin muttered.
“Only for you, bunny. I will not go around the bush for we might end up bickering again. So I want to ask you. Will you marry me, Lee Sungmin?”
“What kind of proposal is that? You think someone will accept that kind of proposal?” Sungmin complained. He was mentally jumping in happiness, but no! He still won’t accept Kyuhyun. He did not even ask to date him, or become an official couple again. How can he all of a sudden ask Sungmin to marry him just like that?
“Show me then.” Kyuhyun said teasingly making Sungmin looked at him in disbelief. “You said that no one will accept that kind of proposal. I don’t know how. Show it to me since you have done it before with Sunny.”
“I won’t.” Sungmin replied determinedly. “If you want to propose, do it in your own way so the person that you are proposing to will appreciate you more.”
“I just did. So you are accepting me?”
“When did I even say that I will accept you? That won’t happen! Your proposal is just too boring. There must be a lovely music in the background, a romantic place, bouquet of flowers, sweet words, and the ring.” Sungmin was busy telling Kyuhyun those kinds of things that he was not aware that he’s telling the younger one how his dream marriage proposal should be. He was not aware of the things that are happening around him. He was not aware how the park became quiet and how the younger smirked. 
“But no! You are proposing at the park and it’s just too boring. I will never-“ Sungmin stop when he heard a background music started playing around them. He looked at Kyuhyun again and the latter stood up, without letting his hands go.
“Look around you.” Kyuhyun whispered and Sungmin did what he was told. His eyes widened when he saw the people that were surrounding them before were holding one placard each with one big letter written on it.  Sungmin reads them,
‘I M  S O R R Y  F O R  W H A T  I  H A D  D O N E .  W I L L  Y O U  M A R R Y  M E   M Y  A D O R A B L E  B O D Y G U A R D ?’
“I told you that I am not a romantic type of person. But I hope this made you see that I am really sincere towards you. I want to be with you and spend my whole life beside you, Sungmin. Let me make you see and feel how much I love you, how much you mean to me. I love you so much, Lee Sungmin.” Kyuhyun said lovingly and Sungmin’s eyes brim with tears. Kyuhyun pulled Sungmin’s hand and guide him towards a table that Sungmin did not notice before. The table was decorated nicely, with a wine on it and some things that Sungmin was not able to process in his mind since he felt so much joy right now. Kyuhyun then handed him a bouquet of flower shyly while scratching his nape. He suddenly felt shy and Sungmin smiled upon noticing the pink color on Kyuhyun’s cheek. Kyuhyun is blushing and it was so cute in Sungmin’s eyes.
Sungmin grabbed the bouquet and Kyuhyun looked at him bashfully. “So… Ahm… Is that a yes?”
“What? You said that-“
“Where’s the ring?” Sungmin asked teasingly. He honestly doesn’t want the ring. He just wanted to tease the younger since a blushing and shy Kyuhyun is a very rare sight to see. He doesn’t need any material thing to prove Kyuhyun’s love for him.
“Oh!” Kyuhyun was about to grab the ring in his pocket when Sungmin grabbed his collar and crashed their lips together making the younger lost his breath for a while. It was just a simple peck and Kyuhyun was grinning widely after they parted.
“I was just kidding about the ring.” Sungmin smiled. “I don’t know how you managed to prepare all of this but I am amazed. I am ready to give you another chance. But this time, let’s take it one step at a time.”
Kyuhyun, out of too much happiness, lifted Sungmin while exclaiming, “Thank you! Oh my God, thank you so much Sungmin! I’ll make sure you won’t regret anything this time. I love you so much!”
Sungmin giggled while Kyuhyun was spinning them around and was lifting him and all of the people who watched them clapped their hands, before leaving the place. When Kyuhyun stopped, Sungmin immediately kissed him. They shared a sweet kiss, with no tongue and teeth involved. It was their best kiss and both of them were smiling.
“I never regretted anything, Kyu. Let’s forget what happened in the past and start creating new memories together. I love you too.” Sungmin said while looking down at Kyuhyun lovingly. 
“That was so sweet! Oh Yunho you should do that to me too.” Jaejoong squealed while holding Yunho’s arm, while the latter just rolled his eyes. 
Yunho ignored Jaejoong as he walked towards Kyuhyun and Sungmin to disturb their sweet moment. “Congratulations.” Yunho exclaimed making Sungmin looked at him and Kyuhyun letting his lover go.
“Yunho! It’s nice to see you again!” Sungmin said happily. But Yunho ignored him and went towards Kyuhyun.
“Take care of him. Don’t you ever dare make him cry again or I’ll break the hell out of you.” Yunho threatened. 
Kyuhyun smiled and nodded at him. “I will, hyung.”
“Yah! Cho Kyuhyun!” Kyuhyun turned his head towards a familiar voice and saw Jaejoong glaring at him. “How come you’re calling my boyfriend ‘hyung’, while you can’t call me that way, you ungrateful brat?”
“Boyfriend?” Sungmin asked in surprise and Jaejoong look at him proudly.
“Of course! I will never give up until Yunho becomes mine.”
“What did you make Yunho hyung eat?” Kyuhyun asked in disbelief.
“Yah!” Jaejoong yelled.
“Oh God, Yunho hyung must have been put on a spell by Jaejoong.” Kyuhyun said dramatically. “Yunho hyung, I pity you.” Kyuhyun started running for his life when he saw Jaejoong was about to hit him with a stick that he saw on the ground.
Sungmin and Yunho were both smiling as they watched their two lovers chasing each other. “I’m glad that you ended up with him.” Sungmin said.
Yunho glanced at Sungmin for a while before looking back at his lover who is angrily running after Kyuhyun. “I never expected it to happen. I always hated how he keeps on minding my business all the time. He never stops on showing me how much he loves me even though how many times I tried pushing him away. I tried to date other people, ignore him, but he never gave up. It was only one day when I woke up and I realize that I had fallen for him. I love him so much that I became afraid with thoughts of him leaving me and getting tired of me. Maybe Kyuhyun is really right. Jae had casted a spell on me.” Yunho chuckled and soon Jaejoong ran towards him and hug him from the back.
“Kyu is such a bad boy.” Jaejoong said while pouting.
“I am not.” Kyuhyun retorted and Jaejoong was about to hit him when Yunho stopped them.
“Kyu, stop being childish. I can’t believe that the CEO of the prestigious Cho Company is acting like this.” Sungmin chuckled.
“But I’m not.” Kyuhyun defended.
“Oh yes you are.” Sungmin said and Kyuhyun was about to say something again when he lean towards the younger’s ears. “I’m going to get jealous. And if I’m jealous, I may not allow you to take me tonight. Now, behave baby.” Sungmin whispered at Kyuhyun’s ear, making the latter smirked.
“I will, babe. You don’t know how long I have been waiting for that. We have a lot of catching up to do in bed later.” Kyuhyun whispered back and he can’t help but think of erted things that he’s going to do with Sungmin tonight. Oh! He’s excited.
Jaejoong, who has been watching the couple and seemed to know what they are whispering, smirked mischievously. He’s not here with Yunho for nothing. “Hey, Sungmin.” Jaejoong called out and Sungmin stared at him. “I’ll be sleeping with you tonight and Yunho is going to be with Kyuhyun. We’ll be having a lot of things to discuss about your wedding.”
Kyuhyun and Sungmin were not able to say anything. Jaejoong took Sungmin’s hand before walking away, leaving a dumbfounded Kyuhyun with Yunho.
“You two planned it, didn’t you?” Kyuhyun asked Yunho accusingly receiving a shrug from the older. Ah! He has been waiting for this day to come and here’s this couple who wanted to ruin everything! No, he will find a way. Whatever it takes, he’ll make sure that he’ll be able to sleep beside Sungmin and make love to him. And if this couple will still insist in keeping them apart, he will make them watch live then. He smirked when the last thought came into his mind.
Live for YunJae couple then.
It ended :(
I'm going to miss well as all of your comments~~btw,who wants a KyuMin ? LOL XDD Just kidding...
Thanks a lot you
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I won't be able to update cause I need to start reviewing the topic that I'll be discussing in our hospital :(


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Somy1375 #1
Chapter 19: This is so beautiful. I enjoyed reading it. :)
minimina91 #2
Chapter 19: OMG this is the best o ador si ma bucur k am găsit aceasta ff pupici XOXO
Chapter 19: Me? Ow..what for? *scratching head
It's me who should be thanking you.
Nice theme. I like bodyguard Sungmin. I thought Sungmin died, I nearly had a heart attack. Kyu brat how did he manage the dream proposal? It's Yunho, wasn't it?
How are you coping with the news? I hope you'll be fine.
Lots of hugs and kisses for you.
Chapter 19: OMG this is just perfect. I really thought Sungmin would die... I´m glad there´s happy ending :)
Thank you for this awsome story, autor-nim <3
Chopumpkin #5
Chapter 19: OMG I LOVE THIS! You should make a kyumin kdrama version of this!!
Im telling the truth. You, author nim should filmed it. XD
1235t4 #6
Chapter 19: say "yeeaayyy" for the end \o/
OMG this is so sweet, angst, and i love how u slipped some humors in it. I aLmost have the urge to kiLLed u when i thought that Sungmin might be dead orz *sorry ㅠㅠ
Thanks for the story *kisses u :33♥♥
1235t4 #7
*brb after finishing this fic*
mingie101_ #8
I love this fic! :))
elfcloud9 #9
Chapter 19: ah so SWEET authornim.. though the few chapters before it ends make me cry..and i thought you kill minnie=_= the ending is really DAEBAK^0^
Chapter 19: