The Break

My Adorable Bodyguard

"What are you staring at?" Sungmin asked his colleague, surprising the latter, as he was busy encoding some police cases in his laptop.

"Ehe....Uhm...." his colleague started while scratching his head in hesitance. "There will be a new undercover case for- Wait! I thought you were too engrossed with what you are doing?"

"I am. But that would not make me notice what's going on around me." Sungmin answered as he continue on what he was doing, not sparing any glance to his fellow officer. "What's this new undercover case about this time, Yunho? And please stop staring at me. It's giving me the creeps."

"Sorry, can't help it." Yunho muttered shyly while blushing. "You're too cute and I still wonder why you are the only one among us who is straight and-"

"I thought you're here to talk about the new undercover case." Sungmin cut him coldly. Yunho knows that he had crossed the line again as he stared at Sungmin's back. He was about to say something, when the door of their office swung open, revealing a hyper Lee Donghae.


Donghae, with a happy smile on his face, announced, "Chief wants to have a word....." He paused for a while and slowly his smile faded as he felt the tension between his two friends, before continuing, ".......with Sungmin hyung.'


"Okay." Sungmin answered and got up from his seat. "Tell him, I'll be there in a minute."


"Got it!" Donghae replied cheerfully again and went out of the room.


Sungmin started to pack his stuff and purposely avoided Yunho's presence. He's not mad, it's just that he don't want to hear the same words and advices from him all over again. He felt guilty for what he had done, but it's Yunho's fault, right? Who would be in their right mind to ask about his ual preference when they obviously knew that he has a girlfriend? He let go of a sigh and headed towards the door. Before he was able to get out, a hand gently tap his shoulder.


"I'm sorry, but I mean what I said earlier. I know I crossed the line again, but it would not make me stop hoping that one day you'll be able to move on from those memories with her. It's been a year, Sungmin. Learn to let go." Yunho muttered softly.


Sungmin turned his head towards Yunho and smiled at him. "Thanks Yunho. Don't worry. I'll be okay." Although his smile didn't reached his eyes, Yunho was glad that his best friend smiled again.




"Sir, your son was involved in a gang fight at a certain bar again last night. He's at the custody of the police, together with his friends right now." One of Mr. Cho's personal assistant informed the old man through the phone that early morning. The old man closed his eyes and felt his head ache and slowly massaged it with his left hand. 'Oh God, when will he learn?' He doesn't need to ask who started the fight, for he was too sure that it was his son. That brat never failed to give him headaches every single day. How can he be sure that his company will be handled nicely if his only son is getting into trouble all the time?


"Where's his bodyguard when that happened? Is there anyone who got hurt last night? Any signs of media people there?" Mr. Cho asked the other line worriedly. He still needs to protect his son's profile from the media. Last thing he wanted to happen is for his son's image to be ruined by them. No. He can't let that happen. The company that he had worked for so hard, as well as his image and his son's name, should never be stained in front of the people.


"There were no signs of any media people on the scene, and luckily, no innocent people were injured. If any of this will get leaked to the media, we'll make sure to stop them in spreading it." The other line answered, before continuing, "And about Mr. Kibum, ahm...."


"What is it, Siwon?"


"Your son fired him yesterday before that gang fight happened."


"Oh dear." Mr. Cho can only mutter as he let go of a sigh. He knows it will happen again. Kibum was the sixth bodyguard that he had hired for his son, who now ended up being kicked out too. What should he do with him?! Mr. Cho is not getting any younger and the things that his only son is doing is making him become too old and would die any time soon. This is really frustrating! He needed to do something to make his son changed into a better person. But how?! Mr. Cho pulled his head in frustration as he can't figure out any solution to his problem.


"Mr. Cho? Is everything okay?"


"Siwon, I need you to do something for me. Find my son another bodyguard. This bodyguard should be special. Someone who'll be able to change my son and make him a better man. This bodyguard will be the last bodyguard that I will hire for him. If my plan will not work this time, I'm giving up." The old man said and tried to calm himself.


"Are you sure, sir?"


"Yes Siwon. And I want you to do it now. I want my son and me to meet him before dinner."


"What about your son, Sir?" Siwon asked again.


"Let him know how it feels like to be in prison for a whole day. This is going to be my punishment for him. But you have to make sure that this will not be in media people's knowledge."


"I understand, Sir." Siwon answered and ended the call.




"WHAT?!" Sungmin shouted after hearing what their chief had told him, not minding that the man in front of him is their boss.


"Calm down, Sungmin." The chief tried to calm him and gestured for him to sit down again, which Sungmin denied.


"No. I cannot calm down, Hyun Joong. I definitely, cannot." Sungmin answered angrily, while stomping his feet. He is really angry, but in the chief's eyes it looked adorable that he was not able to control himself from chuckling.  "What's funny?!" He glared.


Hyun Joong cough and bite the inside of his cheeks to let himself stop from chuckling. Afterall, he needed to be decent and act as a professional and responsible Chief to his fellow officers that are all under him, whom he treated like brothers and friends. "You're cute. That's an honest opinion, though. And it will really make you succeed in this break that I'm going to give you."


"Pfft!" Sungmin puffed his cheeks and pouted, before glaring at the laughing Hyun Joong in front of him. "How can you even call that a break? And me as a bodyguard?! For goodness sake! That's not even a break at all, it's a major headache considering that I'll be working for some rich people's kid. How can you be so sure that I'll succeed in this, huh?"


"It's a break from your undercover self. Besides, they wanted someone who is special. Someone who can make Mr. Cho's son change into someone better. And that someone Obviously." Hyun Joong said dreamily, while clasping his hands together and imagining Sungmin succeed in this plan of his and get married with Mr. Cho's son. 


Sungmin noticed the look on Hyun Joong's eyes and he swear it made him scared. "You're not planning anything mischievous, right?"


"No, none at all." Hyun Joong answered with a smirk on his face.


`"Good, then." Sungmin calmed down before sitting down on the chair in front of the Chief's desk. "I really wanted to know what made you think that I'll succeed in this? Why of all people here have you chosen me to do this? I'm not even special to begin with. I don't even know how to fix what I am going through right now, and you are all aware of that. So, how can I make someone turn into a better person, if I, myself, don't even know how to begin with? I don't want this. It's better if you will just give it to some other officers here, Chief. I don't want to let you down with all of your expectations, as well as that Mr. Cho you've been talking about. Being an undercover police agent is enough for me."


Hyun Joong grabbed Sungmin's hand on the desk and squeezed it gently. "I chose you because you are indeed special." Hyun Joong begun and smiled warmly as he saw Sungmin pouted his lips again. "I know that until now, you still haven't gotten over the incident and you're trying your best to cheer us all up here when a crisis appears. I haven't seen you cry in front of us, which made some of us think you are stronger. But behind closed doors, I know you are continuously weeping over her. You have this feminine and cute look, which made some of the bad guys that we had captured think and be fooled that you're a girl during an undercover mission. There are a lot of things that made you special in each people's eyes that you are not aware of. You had this certain trait that can melt even the stone-hearted man."


"Too much fluttery words." Sungmin interrupted.


"To be frank, I am not expecting anything from you. I know that you are always doing your best. I gave this mission, or break, or whatever, to you so that you can help someone who's life is in a mess, and at the same time you'll be helping your self too. I want to see the real you, not the Sungmin I know now who is hidden behind a mask."


"Win-win situation, huh?"


"More like that. So, you'll do this?" 


"I am still not convinced, and I can sense that you are planning something." Sungmin playfully said which made Hyun Joong laugh nervously. "But, anyway, I'll try my best."


Hyun Joong's eyes widened after hearing Sungmin's answer. "Really?"


"Yes. But I swear, if this brat get into my nerves, he'll suffer a big consequence that I'm sure he'll regret for the rest of his life." Sungmin replied as he started to massaged both of his knuckles, which made Hyun Joong gulped in fear. Well, Sungmin is one of the best martial artist they have, and Hyun Joong silently pitied both Mr. Cho and his son's future if they mess up with Lee Sungmin.




Sungmin got off his car and examined again the address that Hyun Joong had given him. He pushed the doorbell button, and was answered by a tall man wearing a formal suit. He looked at the man, and the latter smiled at him, showing his dimple and handsome features.


"Hi. I'm Choi Siwon, Mr. Cho's personal assistant. I supposed you're Lee Sungmin?" The tall guy said as he offered his hand for a shake. Sungmin grabbed it and smiled.


"Yes. I'm Lee Sungmin. Nice to meet you, Siwon-sii." Sungmin replied politely. 'This is it.'


"Please drop the formality. Siwon would be enough." Siwon said while still looking at Sungmin's eyes. He was too mesmerized by those doe eyes that he was not aware of Sungmin trying to release his hand from Siwon's.


"Ah... My hands." Sungmin said calmly and was too confused with Siwon's action.


"W-what?" Siwon stuttered and Sungmin held their clasped hands high. High enough for Siwon to see. The latter blushed and immediately released Sungmin's hands.


"I'm sorry." Siwon immediately bowed at him, to Sungmin's surprise. He grabbed Siwon's shoulder and stopped him from continuously bowing to him. 


"It's okay. It's okay, Siwon."  Sungmin reassured and Siwon stopped and sheepishly smiled at him again. 'Maybe if she is here with me right now, she'll drool over him." Sungmin smiled at the thought.


 "So, shall we go inside?" Siwon gestured towards the mansion and Sungmin nodded.


Siwon brought him inside a room and was welcomed by an old man with the same suit like Siwon having an argument with a younger guy, who Sungmin guessed as Mr. Cho and his son.


"You never changed!" The old man angrily shouted at the younger man in front of him.


"Yes! I will never ever change! You are the one who made me like this!" the younger one retorted back.


Sungmin felt awkward as he looked at Siwon beside him. The latter smiled at him apologetically before calling the two people's attention, in which he succeeded. "Mr. Cho, your guest has arrived." Mr. Cho looked at Siwon and then carefully examined Sungmin. A smile slowly crept up his face as he met Sungmin's eyes.


'Creepy and weird people. Creepier than Yesung hyung.' Sungmin thought.


Mr. Cho hurriedly went to Sungmin and immediately enveloped him in a hug, which surprised him and the two other people inside the room. "Welcome! I am glad that you came here, Sungmin-ssi." Mr. Cho happily exclaimed and let him go from the hug.





Cho Kyuhyun, Mr. Cho's heir and only son, was just watching and observing his father's guest, who apparently just witnessed the fight that they had. Embarrassing! Not that he would mind at all. He hated his father since the day he found out what happened to his mother, and what he had done to his first love. He was about to go out and leave his father with his guest alone when Mr. Cho called him. "Son, meet your new bodyguard." Mr. Cho gestured his hand towards the man standing in front of them, wearing a smile that even the sunshine would be embarrassed of. "His name is Lee Sungmin."


Sungmin politely bowed at the two gentlemen in front of him, ignoring the dark gazes he's earning from Mr. Cho's son. "Hi! I'm Lee Sungmin. I'll do my best in serving your son as his bodyguard." He said cheerfully after composing his self and balled his right hand into a fist while shouting, "Fighting!"


Kyuhyun looked at his father disbelievingly. Is his father playing any jokes with him? How can this guy, who's wearing a pink shirt, black skinny jeans that defines the iness of his honey thighs, with a bunny smile, doe eyes, perfect nose, and perfect bow-shaped lips, become his bodyguard?! This guy is definitely the definition of cuteness, fluffiness, and the word adorable in Kyuhyun's vocabulary. 


"ARE YOU ING SERIOUS?!" Kyuhyun exclaimed angrily, earning a cold glare from his father, while Sungmin seemed not to be affected at all.


'Geez! This is going to be a one hell break.' Sungmin thought.







aigoo~~I'm so sorry for this.....too LAME! :(

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I won't be able to update cause I need to start reviewing the topic that I'll be discussing in our hospital :(


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Somy1375 #1
Chapter 19: This is so beautiful. I enjoyed reading it. :)
minimina91 #2
Chapter 19: OMG this is the best o ador si ma bucur k am găsit aceasta ff pupici XOXO
Chapter 19: Me? Ow..what for? *scratching head
It's me who should be thanking you.
Nice theme. I like bodyguard Sungmin. I thought Sungmin died, I nearly had a heart attack. Kyu brat how did he manage the dream proposal? It's Yunho, wasn't it?
How are you coping with the news? I hope you'll be fine.
Lots of hugs and kisses for you.
Chapter 19: OMG this is just perfect. I really thought Sungmin would die... I´m glad there´s happy ending :)
Thank you for this awsome story, autor-nim <3
Chopumpkin #5
Chapter 19: OMG I LOVE THIS! You should make a kyumin kdrama version of this!!
Im telling the truth. You, author nim should filmed it. XD
1235t4 #6
Chapter 19: say "yeeaayyy" for the end \o/
OMG this is so sweet, angst, and i love how u slipped some humors in it. I aLmost have the urge to kiLLed u when i thought that Sungmin might be dead orz *sorry ㅠㅠ
Thanks for the story *kisses u :33♥♥
1235t4 #7
*brb after finishing this fic*
mingie101_ #8
I love this fic! :))
elfcloud9 #9
Chapter 19: ah so SWEET authornim.. though the few chapters before it ends make me cry..and i thought you kill minnie=_= the ending is really DAEBAK^0^
Chapter 19: