
The Manly Me

            The darkness faded away. I felt no pain throughout my body, although I certainly fell after the hit. I tried to move my body, but I couldn't move. Maybe I'm just dreaming, I told myself.

            I dreamt of a familiar place, somewhere where I felt at home. Where I lied down was soft and comfty, sort of like clouds. I felt light, and small compared to the spacious place I was. And it wasn't cold like it was outside. Surely, I was indoor, obviously because of the decent and mild air around me. I soon discovered I was covered by a blanket. I felt myself enjoy softness of the sheets, and slowly, I was wanting more of this dream. It'd be great to roll about and continue my peaceful sleep.


            That was where the nightmare part came in.


            I couldn't move. Well, it was probably not a nightmare at this point. But it didn't feel great. I couldn't see more of where I was, and it slightly bothered me to not be able to have an appropriate perspective of the room. A lttle irritated of my incapability, I tried to move in any way possible.


"Yah! Where did I put it?

Was it in my bag?

Nope, not there..."


            Oh, great. Now I'm hearing things. It was an annoying voice. It kept on talking, and talking, and talking. I sighed. What the heck was the point of this "dream"?


            I tried to ignore this voice. So I restlessly tried to move. It soon resulted as impossible. Was I tied down? Too weak? Or, could it be... *gasp* PARALYSIS? NO NO NO! I can't be like this! What about my mission? What about my life? And most importantly, what about Sanghyun??? AAAAAAH!!!

            It was definitely a nightmare by now, and it was summoning all of my strangest fears. In my worst state of panic, there was something that caught my eye.


            It was a lump. The blanket was uneven to my left. Little bumps were at the end of this blanket hill. I tried to stretch my view as much as I could. That was when I barely saw... a hand? Yikes! In what situation am I putting Sanghyun? I mean, in a bed with another inert person?

            I felt so irresponsible, I felt like Dara would kill me if she found me. I was certainly scared, but still curious. I managed to fully see the body that was next to me.





            This is just a dream... just a dream... just a...


            As a matter of fact, I didn't seem to be as tall a Sanghyun in this bed. Then, could it be that...



"Ah, Cheondung... You poor thing."


Soonja? Why do you always come when I am about to die???


"Calm down, little fellow." He was totally looking down on me. "Don't you think that's great? I can be your savior."


So, I truly am on the edge of dying?


"Not at all. You're just in your plushy self."


What? I said, but what he stated really made sense.


Why is that?


"You neglected Sanghyun's body. Didn't you feel tired this morning? That was because you didn't sleep. And even in that condition, you went outside in such a cold winter. You ran, and eventually got knocked out."


So why are you here?


"I came to tell you that."


And what will happen to me?


"Well, you did disrespect a rule. Disrespecting a rule asks for a price. Death can completely erase your carefree behaviour in a snap."


            Soonja came to me. If he came here today, it was that I had done something wrong, and I have to repent for it. But I can't leave Sanghyun lying like this. If death is my sentence, what will happen to Sanghyun?


Whatever you do to me, at least let Sanghyun live his life with his sister.


"I am not the one to decide that."


Can you make him wake up?


"What do you think I can do? The least I can do to remove his pain by..."


... by killing me?


"I guess you could say that."


"Mom, I really can't find it"

"Do you remember when you last saw it?"

"Well, I searched everywhere!"


            The voice was more distinct. Actually, there were two voices right now. It was indeed far from a dream. I was in someone's house.




           Seunghoon? That kid? Then I'm in the young lord's house? I should've known sooner... I can't let Sanghyun's lying body here! Seungho did see his face. It can turn out to the worst scenarios ever : Sanghyun wakes up, Seungho says he reconizes him, Sanghyun doesn't so he thinks Seungho is like a kidnapper or something, but as he tries to escape, he feels the recoil from the fall and doesn't remember anything and starts panicking, and... and... and... what if he remembers I told him I would protect his body and finally curses my soul forever? Or what if he never wakes up?


Soonja, I beg of you... I promised him that his body would be safe...


"Those are your promises. Promises that you can't keep are not my problem. Making a small mistake now can lead to an even bigger one. I cannot let you do that mistake and worsen your situation."



Then... what are you going to do to me?







"Seungho, what are we going to do about that kid? Are you sure we don't need to call the ambulance?" Mother asked.

"I checked his breathing and he seems to be sleeping. He must be very tired," I said. "I don't know what there is to faint about otherwise. When we bumped, he didn't fall. I caught him before he did."

            She didn't seem to believe me, but she still said, "Take care of the boy since you brought him here. If you need me I'll be in my room."



"Hey, Seungho-hyung! Why did you bring this guy here?" Seunghoon asked as I was in the living room playing video games.

"I don't know why. I just did," I replied. "For all I know, it's way better to bring him home than leave him on the street. Anyway, did you find your cellphone?"

"Nope. I bet you have it."

"What? Why falsely accuse me?" I asked indifferently.

"Your room is the last room I haven't checked."

"So?" He was making me lose concentration.

"So, I'm going to go in your room and prove to you that you have it."

"What if you had it all along and planned on framing me to have stolen your cellphone by magically making your cell appear as you come in my room?" I cursed to myself as the screen showed GAME OVER. "Ok, let's go, you'll see I don't have your cellphone."





"Wait. Isn't that boy in there?" Seunghoon asked in the loudest voice.

"Can you talk louder?" I asked sarcastically. "Yes he is so hurry up and be quiet."


            I opened the door and Seunghoon hurriedly started checking everywhere.

            In the meanwhile, I sat next to the boy and checked if he was alright.

"Now tell me where you put it," he whispered.

"I didn't take it, Seunghoon."

"What if it's in there," he pointed at Cheondung.

"How could I have put it in him?"

"I don't know, but you know how to knit. It wouldn't surprise me if you could also do that."

"Oh come on."


            Then, he grabbed on Cheondung, shaking him. I reached out to stop him.


"Ya! Don't-"


            All so suddenly, I was interrupted by a hand which grabbed my arm that was hovering above the bed. The boy woke up.



"Hey, he woke up!" Seunghoon said, stating the obvious.

            The boy slowly opened his eyes. He looked quickly at his surroundings. Both my brother and I were frozen on the spot. How would he react if he wakes up here?


"Do you recognize me?" I asked.


            He stiffly turned his head to face me and looked blankly, but there was a tint of panic in his eyes. Still grabbing onto my arm, he analysed my face and didn't say a word.


"Weren't you the waiter at the restaurant? Don't you remember me?"


            Still no reaction. He didn't move. Was he too shocked?


"Ah, you must remember that time. Well, don't feel bad about it. I just didn't feel well," I tried to reassure him and smiled.


            Reluctantly, his lips parted. He carefully swallowed and said :




"Who are you?"


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random-user1234 #1
Chapter 18: please update >.< im still looking forward to the rest :D
hinatac #2
Chapter 1: Excelent!!! I'm only at chapter one but I have to say that your writting style is just exquisite!!!
Chapter 19: poor doongie... who the hell spread the picture huh... aish....
Chapter 18: ADORABLE CUTE..... this chapter so sweet.......>.<
Chapter 20: OMG ! who take the pcture like seriously T^T and where's seungho??? where are you panda ??? and hope that byunghee can help doong ;---;
Chapter 18: seungho's confession and kiss are so cute ... and thunder's witty reply is so adorable ....>.<
Chapter 18: oh my.. oh my... author nim... update again pleaseeeee... heheheheh
author nim... fighting... >.<
Kyung1Ari #8
Chapter 18: Omo, they kissed and confessed. Finally. I can't wait for the next chapter. Worth the wait, author-nom.
Chapter 18: kyaahh they kiss so excited!!
random-user1234 #10
Chapter 18: Kyaaaaa! So fluffy!!!! >\\\\\\< they like each other... ~(^o^)~