
The Manly Me

              I want to start over. Ever since I have become a human, I've acted like I was Cheondung and not Sanghyun. I even think Sandara is doubting me. She probably thinks I'm acting too strangely; indeed it was too obvious I wasn't accustomed to this world. I guess she's blaming it all on the accident. 


              "Who are you?"... I even have to act like I don't even know Seungho. But, as look at him, I believe he's a friend, someone I can trust. I believe he's the kind of person who is loyal to no matter the person... or thing. Someone whom I can cling to. Someone whom I know so well, yet so little. Someone whom I trust yet but who doesn't trust me. I have to start over. Even though I don't know anything about the human world's conventions, he'll help me, right? If he's the only one who knows how I'm not used to this, I'll be fine, right? Can I start over with him?


              First things first, I have to learn how to use this.




"Could you teach me how to use this?" I looked at the man in front of me and raised Dara's cellphone to him.



              He looked at me, surprised. He didn't take me seriously at first, but then understood I was serious about this. I did not care if I looked like an idiot. I was going to be honest. Alien-like or plushy-like, it didn't matter. I was determined  to learn everything from him.


"Sure, depends what you have a problem on."


"What?" He laughed tiredly. "Couldn't you just go home?"

"I need this to go home."

"Don't you know the way home?"

"Not at all. I just came to Anyang."

              He sighed. "If you insist."


              He sat to my right. I turned the cellphone on - the only thing I knew how to do - and gave it to him. As he took it, I just realized the contrast between my skin and his warm fingers. I was freezing. But that did not make sense. I had been in the bed for a while now. Why was I so cold?


"So," he started. "I suppose you want to call someone?"

              I nodded, looking at the screen.

"Well, you just-"


              *I just wanna kiss, I never wanna miss..."


"Ah, your phone is ringing. Wanna pick it up?" he asked.


              I nodded again. He pulled the green icon with his finger and brought the cellphone to my hand, and then to my right ear.


"Hello?" I said.

"Sanghyun-ah!" Dara's voice bursted from the phone.

"Ah, noona!"

"Where are you? Why did you leave the phone off?"


              I looked at the man next to me, and he looked back. He sat legs crossed, patiently waiting. He formed a line with his lips, raising his eyebrows. It was as if he asked me "What's wrong?".

              I just continued staring.


"I'm..." I hesitated. "I'm at a friend's house."

              That person just silently laughed on the side, probably judging me as well.

"Wah, Sanghyun, you've really become reckless, huh?" Dara was getting angrier. "Tell me the address, and-"




"Dara? Dara?"


              I looked at the phone. The screen was black no matter what button I pressed.


"Seems like there's no more battery," that person said.


"Well, you could just use this phone."

"But I don't know the phone number."

"Isn't she someone you know?"

"I don't know her number."

"I bet you don't even know your own address."




"Then what are we going to do?"

"Teach me."


"Teach me everything one by one. Everything I need to know I be able to go home."

"And then I suppose you'll let me sleep?"


              He sighed. "Let's... eum... at least figure out approximately where you live."

              He brought his laptop and came back next to me.

"If I recall, we met at this convenience store." He pointed at the map on the screen. "Do you know where you live from this point?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Ok, that's a good start."

              I nodded and noticed my eye lids were getting heavier.






"Then, after this turn," he continued, "you can walk towards this intersection..."

              That person instructed me which way to go, but I was too sleepy to actually listen. I felt bad I couldn't pay attention. It's my fault why he is helping me and not sleeping like he should, but my body wasn't listenning to my mind.

"... then make a right turn..."

              I forced myself to concentrate, but it was impossible. My head leaned on his shoulder and soon, I fell asleep.






"Hey Sanghyun!"






"Hey Sanghyun!"


              I heard a voice, but it wasn't calling for me.


"Hey, Jieun!" There I saw Sanghyun and Jieun together. They had school uniforms.


"You finished your part on the history project?"


"Yeah, I did," Sanghyun replied.


"Really?" Jieun said surprised. "I haven't started!"


              They both laughed.


"Don't worry," Sanghyun said, " I can help you. We're a team, aren't we?"




              A team?



              I opened my eyes, waking up from the weird dream. I was lying down, although I don't remember doing so. The rabbit slept next to me. I looked at it, my head turned to my right. The bunny kept staring back. So small, so pityful, so lonely... That's how I look like?

              I sat up, and took a look at where I was. I'm still at that person's house, I thought. It was dawn, and as always, the sun was barely lighting up the room. This place brought up too many memories. I had to leave. Dara would be worried.

Where is he though?


              I got out of bed and saw him lying on the floor. "What are you doing, young lord?" I whispered, impossible for his sleeping self to hear. I pulled the blanket that still had my warmth and carefully put it over the blanket he had. I thought of carrying him to the bed, but I was too weak for that. I took the pillow and made the floor and better-looking bed. Gently, I lifted his head and slid the cushion under him. Strangely, he seemed to be sleeping so well for someone who was lying on such a cold and hard surface. I looked at him, and just wanted to freeze time. He seemed so at peace at that moment. I moved his hair from his face, and he suddenly his lips. You still do that, young lord? I smiled. Unconciously, I brought myself to him, and closed my eyes. I felt like I was Cheondung again. It didn't feel that bad. I enjoyed it because I told myself it was the last time. After this, no more. He and I will be people who met after they collided.

              I stood up, thinking about what to do next. As I saw where my coat was, the lying pink bunny caught my eye. My expression went from confident to completely passive. Goodbye, Cheondung.




              I took my coat, and walked as silently out of the room. The last time I went into these corridors was so many years ago. Nevertheless, I had a good memory, and remembered mostly everything. At least, I remembered where the front door was.

              I got out, and quickly got hit with the realization that I don't know how to get back home. I sighed, and reached for the cellphone, although I had no hopes to actually be able to do something with it. As I slid my hand in the pocket, I felt paper. A sheet was folded and put in my pocket. I opened it, and it was a small map with a highlighted road and instructions on the side. I smiled, and firmly held onto the paper that was going to help me get back home. With this, I walked to the indicated intersection as I interiorly thanked him.

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random-user1234 #1
Chapter 18: please update >.< im still looking forward to the rest :D
hinatac #2
Chapter 1: Excelent!!! I'm only at chapter one but I have to say that your writting style is just exquisite!!!
Chapter 19: poor doongie... who the hell spread the picture huh... aish....
Chapter 18: ADORABLE CUTE..... this chapter so sweet.......>.<
Chapter 20: OMG ! who take the pcture like seriously T^T and where's seungho??? where are you panda ??? and hope that byunghee can help doong ;---;
Chapter 18: seungho's confession and kiss are so cute ... and thunder's witty reply is so adorable ....>.<
Chapter 18: oh my.. oh my... author nim... update again pleaseeeee... heheheheh
author nim... fighting... >.<
Kyung1Ari #8
Chapter 18: Omo, they kissed and confessed. Finally. I can't wait for the next chapter. Worth the wait, author-nom.
Chapter 18: kyaahh they kiss so excited!!
random-user1234 #10
Chapter 18: Kyaaaaa! So fluffy!!!! >\\\\\\< they like each other... ~(^o^)~