
The Manly Me


           Laying unmoving on the bed, silence became a friend. It never liked to speak or communicate in any way. That’s why our relationship could never develop. I can’t blame it. I can’t talk to it either. Nevertheless, Silence kept me company, unlike Loneliness who bothered me throughout the day, from whom I could not escape. I always thought of how I could repay Silence; it has only helped me, and I couldn’t do the same.


            But Silence could disappear in a fraction of a second. When I was somewhat no longer alone, when anyone would come home, silence would be gone. My friend would leave me with no proper goodbye, and I’d feel sulky towards him. My stupid soul would always forgive though, because he comes back when I really needed him. Am I like that for the young lord? Does he really need me? Does he brag about me to his friends? I doubt it. But then why am I still here?



           The young lord’s room was dark and yet he was nowhere to be found. Moonlight seeped through the thin curtains and, where its passage was not obstructed, it became the bright lone beam of white on the wall, dominated by the window’s shadow. Everything was still. Strangely enough, something or someone talked to me. My very first communication.


“You can do A LOT OF THINGS, Cheondung. You just don’t know it.”

            What was that?

“It is I, the great Soonja!”

            Where? Where is it coming from? My inner conscience?

“No, good lad, I have come from the Council to grant your wish!”

            The Council? My wish? Where are you? Show yourself!

            From there appeared a glowy white plush with pointy ears and yellow nose. Its oval head was overly big compared to its body. It had a pink dress and a bow next to its left ear.


           Are you a Kitty?

“No, silly being! I am Soonja. Anyway, The Council, through your request, has found a way to make your wish a reality!”

           What wish? How do you know my wish? I’m not even sure about it myself.

“The Council knows everything! Were you not the one who wishes your owner happiness and to know who he really is?”

            I am the one. But how can you help me?

“It’s simple. Just sign this, accept it or whatever. As long as you agree with the following.”

            Sign? What it is exactly?

“As it seems you are truly disconnected with the whereabout of the P.L.U.S.H. Council! Have you ever heard of contracts?”

            Soonja explained that the Council, every fifty years, choses a living and grants him a wish. I happened to be the lucky one. Well, actually it probably was not the hasard; it was that I quietly respected and accepted the rules that came with my life and I managed to survive with my first owner all this time. The contract was a sort of priviledge.


“Get it? Now here’s the contract.”



Dear Cheondung,

            Your request has been received. We have decided to grant your wish through this contract. We will allow you to fufill it by giving you the capacities to interact and communicate wih the living subjects of your quest. In this case : Humans.

            If you refuse the following, we will erase your memory of the existence of your messenger, of the contract and the Council, and you will not be granted another wish.

            Once you sign this contract, you will be given the body of a human and must respect the following rules :

1.    You will take care of the capsule you are given. Live off of human necessities : water, food, sleep, shelter, etc. You can temporally come back to being a plushy. The plushy is connected to the capsule. The capsule will be damaged if the plushy is damaged, but not the other way around.

2.    You can not reveal your identity as a plush.

3.    You will only use the capsule for your quest.

4.    When you will succeed your mission, you will disappear.


Best regards,

The Council



           My life was always boring. I figured why would I not sign whatever this is. Afterall, I have always wanted to communicate, move and whatnot.

“So are you going to sign it?”


“Are you sure? You know, you don’t HAVE to accept. Many before you have refused the offer.”

            I’ve got no choice. An opportunity like this won’t come any soon. I only lived as a plushy, I still have much to discover about the world… about Yang Seungho.

“You know there’s no turning back, right?”

            I know.

“Well, if you insist. You will be my first client in centuries!”

            I, Cheondung, accept the Council’s favor.





            From there, we were transported to a building, and arrived in a unusual white room where only beeping and heavy breaths could be heard. Flowers were placed in a vase, and considering the loss of colours, they haven’t been changed since a long time. Next to the small table, there was a white unconfortable-looking bed, where a pale boy was sleeping. He was furled to the bed and linked with machines.

“This is Park Sanghyun,” Soonja stated, for once a serious tone out of his mouth. “He is in coma for two years now.”

“Is he...?”

“He is your ‘capsule’. You will live through his life. And… The Council told me to mention something to you before all this.”

“What… is it?”

“You can fufill your wish, but you will help him attain happiness as well. It’s part of your mission. You will disappear after you give happiness to Yang Seungho AND him.”

“Him…? Park Sanghyun?”

“Yes. He has an older sister. The only family he has left. They used to live in Seoul, but she couldn’t pay for Sanghyun’s stay in the hospital so they moved to another hospital in Anyang.”

“But many people must have had that problem. Why him?”

“I guess… eum… it was just decided like that.”

“Is that so… So how do I…”

“Hug him.”


“Hug him. That’s how you change bodies.”

            I relunctantly made my way to the frail boy. Then again, what was there to lose?

“Oh right!” Soonja added, “This is important! First of all, it’s not that easy for two souls to share a body. Both of you will have to agree to be together. Then, when your soul will be in Sanghyun, he will wake up from his comatic state.”

“And my plushy body?”

“It will stay in your owner’s house. You will be able to change bodies when Sanghyun sleeps.”



            I advanced to his chest. I am you now. Not Cheondung. Let me see how you see.

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random-user1234 #1
Chapter 18: please update >.< im still looking forward to the rest :D
hinatac #2
Chapter 1: Excelent!!! I'm only at chapter one but I have to say that your writting style is just exquisite!!!
Chapter 19: poor doongie... who the hell spread the picture huh... aish....
Chapter 18: ADORABLE CUTE..... this chapter so sweet.......>.<
Chapter 20: OMG ! who take the pcture like seriously T^T and where's seungho??? where are you panda ??? and hope that byunghee can help doong ;---;
Chapter 18: seungho's confession and kiss are so cute ... and thunder's witty reply is so adorable ....>.<
Chapter 18: oh my.. oh my... author nim... update again pleaseeeee... heheheheh
author nim... fighting... >.<
Kyung1Ari #8
Chapter 18: Omo, they kissed and confessed. Finally. I can't wait for the next chapter. Worth the wait, author-nom.
Chapter 18: kyaahh they kiss so excited!!
random-user1234 #10
Chapter 18: Kyaaaaa! So fluffy!!!! >\\\\\\< they like each other... ~(^o^)~