
The Manly Me

“I know,” I replied. “And what of it?”


            Truth is, I really did know. It was part of the 'great' discovery I had made a while ago.






:: An hour ago ::


            I have to meet Seungho!

            It’s been so long since I’ve talked to him… I felt bad for not being there for him. At school, he’d seem so lonely, but something had come up, and I hope that he understood that.

            Yes something did come up because spmethig came off of my shelf So. What happened to the journal? I think I get it now.


            As I opened the apartment building’s door, the person I was off to look for was right in front of me, walking slowly in the shades. His eyes wide open when he saw me, it almost seemed that he was searching for me.

“Sanghyun, I –”

            I hugged him. Isn’t that how people greet sometimes? Well, maybe that was just an excuse, but I really wanted to hug him, and took the opportunity to. Ive missed this I was happy, and Seungho didn’t fight back. In fact, he seemed to like the feeling of being hugged. He must’ve felt really lonely. I looked up and held him tighter. From afar, a short shadow was looking at us. I didn’t let it bother me, and I just continued to embrace until Seungho slowly pushed me away. Maybe it was too long.

“I discovered something great and I wanted to share it with you,” I said. Is the word great really the best word to describe it? It isn’t that great… Well, I really need Seungho to help me figure this out.



            So we went to Seungho’s house. For once, I didn’t want to feel useless so I told him I would lead the way for once. I was confident enough to not get lost. That wasn’t much for him probably, but it was a big deal for me. I didn’t want to rely on him all the time… I had to be able to do little things by myself.



“So eum… what was this great discovery of yours?” he asked.

            Right. I had forgotten about it. Seeing a spider from the eyes of a human had made me remember how terrified I am of them. I thought they were much bigger, considering the size I was before, but… the thought of every detail, from its eyes to its legs and fur, makes me shiver… Why do I still remember that?


“My great discovery? Well, I should put you in context first…”





Day 1.

            That day was the start of it all. Considering that we are Day 7, six days have passed since then.

            I woke up that day, feeling tired as never before. I even slept over my alarm! I was rushing through morning: breakfast, dressing up, running to school… I was certain I was going to be late. However, I didn’t miss that strange happening. My journal was on the desk, yet I hadn’t done anything with it since a few days.




“Wait. So you have a diary?” he laughed a bit at the innocence of it all.

“I wrote in it as a kid, but I’m not anymore.”

“Oh ok.”





            So what happened then is that I never had the time to put it back. I was feeling too sleepy each and every day. Why? I didn’t get it. I always slept very early, woke up at decent hours, and never overexerted myself. I mean, ten hours of sleep is perfect to feel better, no? But I never felt well. My tired eyes would pull me back to bed. I was tired, and nothing was curing me no matter what I tried… That’s how I spent Days 2, 3 and 4.


            At Day 5, I figured I had to find the cause of all of this. I was certain there was a link between me not sleeping well and the diary. But the link was actually made because of a third factor: History.




“You mean the history project?” he asked. “How is that even related?”

“It is, but I was also talking about the past. My past. It’s all much related.”


            Seungho seemed to be deeply digging through his thoughts.


“You mean…” he was thinking whether to tell what he wanted to tell me or not. “Is it about Jieun? Your sister told me about it.”

“She did?” Then Dara already knew? “Why didn’t she tell me then?”

“She… She was scared about your reaction to it all… But I was actually going to meet for this,” he said. “But please, continue your story, maybe there’s something more to it.”

            I nodded.





            So yes… the history is related because of Jieun. Because Jieun was in my past. Because of this past, she took advantage of me. She knew me, but I didn’t know her. She knew how I acted in the past, but I didn’t know that. I had forgotten everything, but she knew everything.

            And because of the fact that Jieun is in my past, Jieun is also in my journal. That doesn’t quite link everything together though. What about my lack of sleep? What about the sudden invisible limbs that my journal grew to move from the shelf to the desk?


            I think I had found that click I was searching for on Day 7. Afterall, if anyone did barge in our home, what was the point of coming in without stealing or destroying anything? Why would Dara not react on the next morning?

            The cause was actually inside the apartment.

            I had realized this a while back, but I could have never been too certain. I thought it could’ve been Dara. Maybe, since she already knew about the past, she was the one who wanted me to remember. But hearing what you said previously, I think now that she, by no means, wanted me to remember. Else that Dara, there was nothing with the physical strength to move the journal inside the apartment. However, what made me sure of myself about the theory was that, this morning, I woke up, at the side of Dara’s bed, on the floor. I woke up with a bruise on my left arm, as if I fell with all my weight on it, but I couldn’t land properly weirdly. I was probably standing then, and when I fell, I had no available hands to weaken the impact of my fall: I woke up with my journal in my arms.

            I am the person who made the journal move. But how did I come to my sister’s room?





“That’s called sleepwalking,” Seungho commented.


            He nodded. “Maybe your subconscious felt so guilty that it had to stop you from doing stupid things and get betrayed by Jieun once more, no matter what.” He chuckled. “You got some really caring subconscious though.”

“Can sleepwalking be that precise? I mean, if I’m sleeping and walking, how did I know where the book was?”

“It happens. People can talk, interact with others, and walk down in stairs without hurting themselves, and come back to their bed like nothing happened.”

“Really? But that’s strange… When I asked about it to Sandara, she told me I had sleep paralysis, but never did I do anything like sleepwalking. It’s weird because, as I told you, it did happen more than once during the week.” I scratched my head.

“You had sleep paralysis?”

“Yeah, but I don’t think I have it anymore. But anyhow…”





            That’s when I read the journal. It was heartbreaking to read. If it is really my subconscious that wanted me to read this, then in the end, it wasn’t that caring at all. I still don’t know the exact feelings I felt in the past, but the new feelings I received made me ache in pain. It was sad. I felt bad for Sanghyun.

            Every word was simple, but the way it was written was heart wrecking. I remember how ruined the pages were because of the tears that fell onto them. If Sanghyun really wanted to forget the rejection, I don’t believe he would’ve written that entry. But he did. And I don’t think I would have ever known about that entry. I didn’t know anything. If I’m sleepwalking right now... it’s because Sanghyun did remember… He…




            Suddenly, a striking pain at my wrist – it was the bracelet – stopped me from continuing to explain my realization. I forgot I was supposed to be talking about myself, not about Sanghyun. I almost blew up my cover.


“So you’re saying that your past self is helping you through this?” Seungho looked at my straight in the eyes. He seemed intrigued but confused at the same time.

“Yeah, sort of. That’s my great discovery,” I nervously laughed. “I know it isn’t that great.”

“No, it’s great,” he said. “It’s a little supernatural, no?”

“But one can never know what can happen during one’s short life…” I said. “There can be one small opportunity that can change the course of it all.”

            He looked at me with bright smiling eyes. “So you know what’s waiting for you? Don’t break your sister’s heart. Don’t waste your past self’s efforts.” I smiled back.

“Sanghyun, I…”

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Nothing… It’s nothing.”







:: Present ::


“So… you know?” Jieun asked. “How? Didn’t you tell me you forgot everything?”

“Well, I remembered. That’s all,” I simply replied. “I didn’t forget forever. The doctors said that amnesia can be curable. That’s great, isn’t it?”

            She smiled sarcastically out of defeat.

“Is this it?” I asked.

            She didn’t answer.

“Now get out of here. We’ve finished the project. I don’t find the need of you here,” I stated and turned to the door. “Dara, you should move away from the door. I don’t want you to become a murderer.”

“Is that so...? Haha,” Dara’s voice came from behind the door. “I’ll be… eum… farther away hahaha…”

“Now leave,” I said, facing Jieun. “I don’t want you to bother my life, Seungho’s life or anyone’s life anymore. Betraying won’t make you a better person.” I smiled. “Let’s try living as better people.”

            I brought my hand up to her, but she lightly slapped it and ran away.


“Wow, Sanghyun,” Dara said. “Remind me to never mess with you. You know how to make a person feel bad with only words.”

“You know how to deal with people through violence.”

“You remember that?”

“Yeah, I read it somewhere.”

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random-user1234 #1
Chapter 18: please update >.< im still looking forward to the rest :D
hinatac #2
Chapter 1: Excelent!!! I'm only at chapter one but I have to say that your writting style is just exquisite!!!
Chapter 19: poor doongie... who the hell spread the picture huh... aish....
Chapter 18: ADORABLE CUTE..... this chapter so sweet.......>.<
Chapter 20: OMG ! who take the pcture like seriously T^T and where's seungho??? where are you panda ??? and hope that byunghee can help doong ;---;
Chapter 18: seungho's confession and kiss are so cute ... and thunder's witty reply is so adorable ....>.<
Chapter 18: oh my.. oh my... author nim... update again pleaseeeee... heheheheh
author nim... fighting... >.<
Kyung1Ari #8
Chapter 18: Omo, they kissed and confessed. Finally. I can't wait for the next chapter. Worth the wait, author-nom.
Chapter 18: kyaahh they kiss so excited!!
random-user1234 #10
Chapter 18: Kyaaaaa! So fluffy!!!! >\\\\\\< they like each other... ~(^o^)~