Waking Up

The Manly Me


“Yes, thank you sir,” I said as I received my pay. It was barely enough for all I have to pay.

            I went outside and contemplated the clear night sky. There were so many stars but the moon was nowhere to be seen.

*I just wanna kiss, I never wanna miss…*  I hurriedly grabbed my phone in hopes I would receive good news.

“A-GA-SSI !!!” I reflexively moved away from the phone.

“Is it… is it you land lady?”


“Well – ”


“Yes, I will,” I said and I hung up afterwards.

           I sighed. My pay got down the drain again.

*I just wanna –*


“Sandara Park-ssi?”


“This is the Anyang General Hospital.”

“Yes, I will pay the monthly –”

“No, this isn’t about that! Sanghyun woke up!”

“Really? He did?” Those words that I longed for two years ringed in my head. I couldn’t disifer if it was a lie or not. “Thank you! Thank you so much!”

“Please hurry!”

“I will!” It was unbelievable. I hung up, and ran as fast as I could. Tears of joy were blurrying my sight, but they weren’t going to slow me down. I need to see Sanghyun. I need to get back the time we’ve lost. I need him.

And he needs me.




            A girl slammed the hospital door. She ran toward me, pushing every person in her way. Just then, I realized Soonja disappeared.

“Gaedong aaah” She wailed and hugged me tightly, her tears soaking my clothes. “I knew you’d come back”

            She must be his sister.

“N-noona,” I tried out, hugging her back.

            She held my face with such strength yet delicacy, and from her expression I knew I was like a precious jewel to her. She stared into my eyes, as if she wanted me to reassure her that Sanghyun was indeed alive.

“I’m… I’m back,” I forced myself to smile. Unconsicously, Sanghyun’s tears ran down my cheeks. Is this what it feels like… to cry?

“Sandara, I know this is an important moment for you,” a man said, “but please exit the room. We have to do a check-up. You’ll have all your time to celebrate after that.”

“Okay,” she said reluctantly, not once leaving my eye-contact. She lowered her hands slowly, trying as much as possible to stay in touch.

            Sandara left the room, but I was sure she didn’t want to leave.

“How are you feeling?” the man said while preparing things.

“I don’t… know… What is the feeling of living?”

            The man took my wrist, lightly grabbing it. He chuckled but he didn’t answer my question.

“Please breathe in and out.”

            I did as I was told. I was focused on breathing as equally as possible. He placed a cold metal piece on me and I flinched at the contact. I tried to spot Soonja across the room, but there was no sign of him. I still have many questions to ask him. I don’t know where I live. I don’t know who I am supposed to know. And I really don’t know anything the outside world. Will I ever meet Soonja again?

“Of couse you will. I’m like a fairy to you.”


 “I have to make sure you aren’t disobeying the rules, Cheondung. So many questions, good lad. But I can assure you: I will answer as much as possible. Though I can’t right now. All you can do right now is get used to living with Sanghyun. When you get out of the hospital, then I will answer you.”


“Yes, sir?”

“How did you get this bracelet?”

            I looked at my left hand. It was a white chain with a bow of the same colour. It’s the exact bow I had on my bunny-self.

“Maybe a girl put it on you as a present, giving you hope and whatnot,” the man said teasingly, still continuing whatever he was doing.

“… Maybe,” I said, although I knew it was not the case. It must have something to do with Soonja.

“Sir, how did I come here?”

“Call me doctor. You were in an accident two years ago,” Doctor casually answered.

“And Sandara noona waited for me all this time?”

“Well, yes. She’s all you have, and you’re all she has. Sandara-ssi would not give you up like that. She’d rather die than lose you. Come sit on this chair.”

            I tried standing on my feet, but painfully stumbled and almost fell. Doctor held me to keep balance and we slowly managed to seat me properly.



            After a week or so, I learned new things about a human’s life and necessities, and about the very important “toilet”. The room still gives me chills, even now.

           Sanghyun is very tall compared to other people but is also very skinny. The nurses and the many people with the name “Doctor” do help me rehabilate him. Anyway, each day was filled with discoveries, and every hour was filled with hope that I’d leave the hospital soon. How is the life outside? I looked through the window on my wheel-chair and viewed the sunset. I always knew how a sunset looked like; in fact, I’ve contemplated it every day at home. But this time, it was from a different angle. It was far from the exhausted sun that ticked slow seconds. It was the warm, dim, and welcoming illumination that was soon becoming another one’s daylight. I saw children playing ball outside. Kicking, cheering, running… Will I be able to do all that too?


            The calling of my new name brought me back to reality. I looked to my left. Sandara was at the door. Every day, she would come after her part time job to the hospital to visit me.

“You want to go outside?”

“I can?”

            She nodded. “The doctors said you’re in a decent condition to go outside. So… let’s go get fresh air!”

            As she came closer, I smiled at her smile. She scurried behind me and pushed the chair.

“Let’s go!” she said energetically.


            As we went outside, we were both silent. I only heard the autumn leaves, crushed under the weight of my wheel-chair.

“Hey Sanghyun…” Sandara tried to start a conversation. She must’ve thought the silence was awkward.


“You know, I’ve always dreamed that you’d wake up…” she said.

“I really wanted to see you again too.”

            We continued visiting the park near the hospital. It was suprisingly empty. The sunset was still there. Gradually, I heard screaming and laughter the more we advanced. There was a large grass landscape with white lines and net-like structures on two opposites sides. It was the big field I saw through the window. The children I saw were still playing.

            It was fun watching them play. Sandara allowed me to stay and watch. We left soon enough though; the children were leaving and the sun as well. It was a pity, but Sandara promised me we’ll go back to see them. That day was my first day outside. The walk was pleasant and it didn’t disappoint me. The tree’s leaves shuffled at the breeze. The sounds of nature were so different of what I was used to. At home, the only noises I would hear were the strong wind, the rain hitting against the window, the rumble of thunder… Cheondung…

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random-user1234 #1
Chapter 18: please update >.< im still looking forward to the rest :D
hinatac #2
Chapter 1: Excelent!!! I'm only at chapter one but I have to say that your writting style is just exquisite!!!
Chapter 19: poor doongie... who the hell spread the picture huh... aish....
Chapter 18: ADORABLE CUTE..... this chapter so sweet.......>.<
Chapter 20: OMG ! who take the pcture like seriously T^T and where's seungho??? where are you panda ??? and hope that byunghee can help doong ;---;
Chapter 18: seungho's confession and kiss are so cute ... and thunder's witty reply is so adorable ....>.<
Chapter 18: oh my.. oh my... author nim... update again pleaseeeee... heheheheh
author nim... fighting... >.<
Kyung1Ari #8
Chapter 18: Omo, they kissed and confessed. Finally. I can't wait for the next chapter. Worth the wait, author-nom.
Chapter 18: kyaahh they kiss so excited!!
random-user1234 #10
Chapter 18: Kyaaaaa! So fluffy!!!! >\\\\\\< they like each other... ~(^o^)~