Chapter 5

Playboy vs. Icy Witch
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C  h ap te r     fiv  e . 



That night, Yoorin slept on the couch in the living room. Because L.Joe kicked her out of his room without any words, and locked the door, when he came home. Already two days passed, and L.Joe ignored her since then. 


But today?

Yoorin was outside waiting and crossing her arms.

L.Joe stepped out, closed the door behind him and smirked when he saw her,"You're waiting for me?"

She looked up and raised a brow,"No, I'm waiting for my taxi, Jerk."

"Taxi? Why don't you go by yourself? Or did you forget your broom, witch?" L.Joe scoffed and stood next to her, with his hands in his pockets.

She rolled her eyes,"Go away. What are you waiting for? Your presence is bothering me already."

Before he could answer, a taxi stopped in front of them and she quickly entered it.

He sighed and before it could drive off, he opened the cardoor again and went in too.

The two sat at the back. "What do you want? Go away. I don't pay for you." she tried to push him away.

"You can drive now. To the school near the playground." L.Joe said to the driver and then looked at Yoorin,"Don't worry. You can make Chunji pay if you want." The driver began to drive.

"Chunji? You mean grin-face? Yah, moron, can't you just stay away from me? So annoying." she sighed and looked out the window.

He just wanted to insult back, but she mumbled something,"People are annoying." Loud enough for him to hear and that sounded as cold as usual. So, he stopped and looked out the window as well.



"I hate you, wannabe-spiderman-friend." she hissed, then quickly exited the taxi and went inside the school.

His jaw dropped,"Yah, I won't pay!"

But she was already gone. The driver looked at him,"You have to pay!"

L.Joe sighed and gave the driver the money, then he exited the taxi also. Quickly it drove off.

He spotted the rest of Teen Top coming and went to them.

"Wassup, L.Joe?" CAP high-fived him as a greeting. Changjo and Ricky gave him a smile. Niel slung an arm around his shoulder and grinned widely,"So... how about the witch? Did you...? You know what I mean. Did you?"

L.Joe shook his head and stucked out his tongue in disgust,"No! No! No!"

He blinked, suddenly he realized Chunji wasn't here. Normally, Chunji would come and flick his forehead as a greeting. But where was he now?

"Where is Chunji anyways?" L.Joe asked.

"He already went to school without us. He said, he had something to do." Ricky answered and laughed,"Since when would he go out earlier at the morning? Hahaha! Must be something important!"

"Yeah, propably." he rolled his eyes,*He wants to talk to the witch about their date yesterday, and asks for a date again.*


After L.Joe reached his classroom, he seperated from the rest of Teen Top and entered.

He spotted Yoorin at her seat next to his, and Chunji sitting next to her, talking to each other.

*Did I miss something?* he frowned and slowly walked towards them.


"Oh god, go now." Yoorin sighed,"How can you take so many insults?!"

Chunji smiled,"You can try more, if you want. I take everything you say, Rowdy!"

"How many times do I have to say, that you have to stop with calling me that?" she lay her head on her table,"I don't like that nickname."

"Uhh, already nicknames? I suggest Witch!" he obviously faked a smile, then made a face,"And now, Chunji stand up from my seat and go to your own."

Chunji nodded with a sigh and gave Yoorin his eye-smile,"Bye, Yoorin~!" And walked to his own seat two seat rows away.She waved lazily,"Bye."


After he was gone L.Joe sat down at his seat and raised a brow at her,"You get your revenge, with taking my best friend to your side?"

Her head came back up and she frowned,"What?"

"First you're going on a date with him. And now you're talking to him comfortably! And not to forget; you're giving each other nicknames!" he sighed frustrated.

"Moron Joe." she rolled her eyes lazily,"What are you talking about?"


But before he could continue the teacher came in,"Morning, class!"

The students stood up, bowed and greeted back. The class began.




Yoorin finished packing andjust wanted to walk out the classroom. L.Joe wanted to stop her, to talk to her. But Chunji stopped her by holding her shoulder,"Wait for me. Let's go together!"

L.Joe could

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and i can't post it wtf ಠ_ಠ


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Chapter 32: Whoa authronm......update juseyo...i rrally like Yoorin personality also please put a loy of TEENTOP SCENE esp whiny ricky ^^
Chapter 32: Updatee sooonn pleaseeeeeeee!!!!!
candygirl12 #3
Chapter 29: Update Soon
candygirl12 #4
Chapter 29: My Bias in Exo is Sehun and Suho
angel_on_top #5
Chapter 32: No. Oh My God seriously I already hate that Jongin guy...Urgh...But it still was a really great chapter :)
Chapter 31: Andweeee another er......
Seems like Ljoe oppa need to fighti hard......
Aye it good poster sangie.....
But I don't really fans of girls day.....
Chapter 29: Exo bias Chen than Suho. Ultimate bias ONEW~!!!! than Yunho <3
Chapter 30: Andweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
No no no no no no
angel_on_top #9
Chapter 30: This chapter was really great,just like the rest of ^^
I'm happy I found this fiction I just love it :)
I really wonder who this guy is :)
Chapter 29: My exo bias is Taoris and Kai!! ^^