Chapter 19.

Playboy vs. Icy Witch
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 Chapter nineteen.



"Oh, Yoorin!" Mr.Lee greeted her happily, when she and L.Joe arrived home,"Did you made someone cry today?"

Yoorin sat down at the kitchen table,"No, but hey, it's only 4pm!"

L.Joe rolled his eyes,"She hit someone today."

"She hit someone?" Mr.Lee looked up, and stopped cooking what he was cooking.

"When we were on our way home, a random guy came up to us and flirted with her." L.Joe explained,"Bastard."

Mr.Lee frowned and turned to Yoorin,"You hit someone, because he flirted with you?"

"Nope, the guy wanted to grab my , so I used my bag and hit him several times with it." Yoorin innocently looked up, but obviously amused from what she did.


"He deserved it anyways." L.Joe shrugged,"Men these days.."

"What about you? You're the man, you should've hit the man and not Yoorin." Mr.Lee smirked at his nephew,"You're so right, Men these days.."


L.joe made a face at his uncle and walked upstaurs,"Call me when the food is ready!"

"Okay.." Mr.Lee sighed and continued cooking.



"Finally the idiot is gone!" Yoorin streched herself,"I have to talk to you, ahjussi."

"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not that old!" Mr.Lee whined.

"Whatever. It's important; Do you think I can stay a bit longer here?" Yoorin looked up, Mr.Lee's back facing her.

Mr.Lee frowned,"Wae? Didn't you say you want to go as quick as possible?"

"Yeah, but I don't want to go back either. It's nice here. And don't worry, I try to find a place where I can stay and then I'm gone!" Yoorin clapped her hands, satisfied from her good idea.


Mr.Lee felt a bit sad about that though,"You can stay here as long you want, Yoorin. But I don't want to have trouble with your mom either."

"I know," Yoorin stood up,"Oh, and don't tell anyone what we talked about just now. I'm going to my room!" She made her way upstairs.

Mr.Lee bit his lip,*Let's hope that her mother will be okay with it too.*



After Yoorin had entered her room and had closed the door, she let out a heavy sigh.

"Baby~, where are you?" Yoorin sang and looked around.


Finally finding what she looked for under her bed, she grabbed it and sat down on her bed,"So.. let's call Ahjumma~!"





Mr.Lee rolled his eyes at how L.Joe reacted, when he entered the room.

"I can keep the news to myself too, if you want!" Mr.Lee acted like he wanted to go out again.

"No, no, tell me! What news??" L.Joe sat up from his bed, his un-done homework falls on the floor.


"You know I've met someone, right?" Mr.Lee sat down on L.Joe's bed, with a big grin.

"Yeah, that woman." his nephew nodded.

"She and her son will visit us tomorrow! Isn't that awesome?" Mr.Lee beamed,"And maybe... after a while-"

"No. Whatever it is: No. Your ideas are never good. Well, not good for me." L.Joe looked sus

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and i can't post it wtf ಠ_ಠ


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Chapter 32: Whoa authronm......update juseyo...i rrally like Yoorin personality also please put a loy of TEENTOP SCENE esp whiny ricky ^^
Chapter 32: Updatee sooonn pleaseeeeeeee!!!!!
candygirl12 #3
Chapter 29: Update Soon
candygirl12 #4
Chapter 29: My Bias in Exo is Sehun and Suho
angel_on_top #5
Chapter 32: No. Oh My God seriously I already hate that Jongin guy...Urgh...But it still was a really great chapter :)
Chapter 31: Andweeee another er......
Seems like Ljoe oppa need to fighti hard......
Aye it good poster sangie.....
But I don't really fans of girls day.....
Chapter 29: Exo bias Chen than Suho. Ultimate bias ONEW~!!!! than Yunho <3
Chapter 30: Andweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
No no no no no no
angel_on_top #9
Chapter 30: This chapter was really great,just like the rest of ^^
I'm happy I found this fiction I just love it :)
I really wonder who this guy is :)
Chapter 29: My exo bias is Taoris and Kai!! ^^