Forty Seven

On The Rooftop

"Well I guess this is it..." Lani said to the members of Teen Top who were gathered at the train station, with the exception of L.Joe. No one had seen him all morning and Lani hadn't spoken to him since the afternoon before where she told him goodbye for the last time.

"Where's hyung?" Ricky questioned.

"Yeah, shouldn't he be here to say goodbye?" Changjo added.

"Well actually... we broke up..." Lani quietly stuttered.

"What?" Five faces turned to face her in shock.

Questions were flying at her from all directions except from Niel. He was silent since he heard news of her leaving. He still felt like it was his fault that Lani was in this whole mess and he couldn't deny the guilt anymore. It was killing him to know that Lani and L.Joe had suffered so much at his hands.

"You can't leave," Niel abruptly stated. 

They all turned to face him with questioning eyes.

"Yah, Niel, you don't even know what's going on," Chunji gave him a light smack on the head and turned back to face Lani. They continued their conversation ignoring Niel who didn't seem to make any sense to them.

Niel took a deep breath before blurting out, "it's my fault!"

Six pairs of eyes shot in his direction but he was only looking at one.

"I'm sorry Lani," his intense stare was intimidating but Lani tried her hardest not to look away.

"What are you talk about Niel?" she questioned, not quite sure of what he could be referring to.

"It's my fault! It's all my fault! Your secret...I'm the one... Who let it out..." his eyes fell to the ground as he hung his head in shame. "I'm sorry..." Niel couldn't handle it any longer and tears fell from his eyes as he fell to his knees. "I'm sorry! It's all my fault! You're leaving because of me! I took your dreams away from you! It's all my fault! I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." he trailed off as he began to weep in his hands with his head hanging low.

Lani kneeled down in front of him and tried to meet his eyes. "What do you mean it's your fault?" she questioned in a hushed tone.

"I overheard L.Joe hyung and Cap hyung talking about it one night and I couldn't help but tell someone. So I told Jaewon but I didn't know his sister was a crazy fan. I only found out recently when I saw a collection of pictures of us and you and L.Joe hyung in her closet. It was her. She told everyone about you and L.Joe and the baby and..." Niel continued to babble on and on, "I'm sorry! I shouldn't have opened my big mouth..."

Lani was shocked. She had wondered for so long how her secret came out, but never expected this. 

"Niel..." she started, not sure what to say to him.

"Do you hate me?" he bluntly asked.

"What? Of course not! It wasn't your fault." Lani could see how bad Niel felt and how much guilt he had locked up in him and even though she was shocked, she knew it wasn't right to get mad at him for something that was out of his control.

Niel continued to apologize as Lani continued to forgive him. They were interrupted by the maknaes making a commotion.

"Hyung!?" they said in unison.

"Hyung what are you doing here?" "Why do you have suitcases?" "Hyung! What's going on?"

"L.joe, what is this?" Cap demanded.

Lani shot up to face the direction he was coming from. He was walking down the station platform with a cool expression on his face and a suitcase rolling behind him. He ignored the stares of s and walked straight past them to Lani.

"Byunghun... What is all of this?" she questioned in disbelief.

"What do you mean?" he gave her a cheeky grin, "it's my luggage."

"I can see that. But why do you have luggage?" she asked slightly irritated.

"Because I'm coming with you silly," he replied as he pinched her cheek like a child's.

The members were shocked with disbelief and all had oppositions, but L.Joe wouldn't hear any of them.

"But I broke up with you L.Joe. We're not together anymore. You can't follow me," she tried to make clear to him.

"You broke up with me to protect me. But frankly, I don't need protecting. I can make my own decisions, and I know this is what you want too," he concluded.

"I don't love you L.Joe," she lied through her teeth, just saying those words made her heart sink; it hurt her to lie to him like that. She tried her best not to let her true feelings show through her poker face, but unfortunately, she wasn’t successful.

"I know you better than that," he argued. "Don’t think that you can lie to me."

"It's not a lie. I don't love yo-"

Before she could finish, L.Joe slid his hand to the back of her neck and pulled her into a deep kiss. At first Lani tried to fight back; she put her hands on his chest and attempted to push him away, but when L.Joe refused to let go of her, she finally relaxed and kissed him back. She couldn't deny what came so naturally to her; she wrapped her arms around him and embraced him tightly. They stood in their sweet moment not aware or caring of anything or anyone around them.

"Ehem," Chunji loudly cleared his throat.

Lani pulled away from L.Joe when she heard Chunji’s voice and saw all the Teen Top members staring at them. She took a step away from L.Joe and stared down at the floor as her cheeks turned red.

“L.Joe, you’re not going anywhere,” Cap announced. Before L.Joe could reply, the station was surrounded by the roaring of the trains.

“That’s our train! We better get going!” L.Joe exclaimed as he grabbed his luggage in one hand, and Lani’s hand in the other.

“Yah Lee Byunghun,” Cap stated with an irritated voice.

“Let him go for now…” Chunji whispered to Cap, “we’ll go get him later.”

Cap agreed and stepped back.

“I really have to go,” Lani spoke up as she saw the rush of people get off the train.

“Wait, at least tell me where you’re going,” Chunji grabbed her wrist from L.Joe’s hold.

“Gyeonggi-do!” she replied before she gave him a small hug and rushed through the train doors with L.Joe trailing behind her.


they got back together! yay~!

korea's so hot guise D: and i havent seen any oppas D:

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angel_on_top #1
Chapter 54: Oh God he's such a bddizaqsukhf! She got drunk because of him!! This chapter was really great but it made me so sad...Like I felt my heart breaking because Lani's so sad about it...
Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #2
Chapter 54: God dammit L.Joe -.- because of you, Lani got drunk -.-
angel_on_top #3
Chapter 52: This chapter was heartbreaking...I hope they'll find a way to keep in touch,I don't want them to break up once again,even if it's because he's sooooo busy!

I feel the same way about school...Urgh, wish I didn't have to go everyday...

Anyway, I can't wait for the next chapter~
angel_on_top #4
Chapter 51: Oh! I really want to know what is decision is! I kind of want him to go back to the boys but I also don't want the two to be separated...This chapter was really cute :3
Chapter 51: Ohhhhhh, he made his decision. I wonder what it is. Like I really do, so update soon ! :)
It seems like fun to live how Lani and L.Joe are at the moment :)
angel_on_top #6
Chapter 49: WAAH! I really enjoyed this chapter it was really good :) It was good to see all together,enjoying their day :) Can't wait for the next chapter ^-^
new reader here.. sounds interesting. ^_^
mykpopluv #8
Chapter 47: tough luck. go out there and just SEARCH for them. they'll be out there somewhere. if not, then probably back at their airconned dorms.
Taemint_Henry_Zelo23 #9
Chapter 46: Have fun in Korea it's SOOO awesome there soo have a good time~~!^•^ Ohmaghadd don't hurt me but I think the break up was for the best~? Thatzz just my opinion though~~*•*
angel_on_top #10
Chapter 46: Ah!I was actually right when I said they would break up!Oh no,why?!That's so sad! What's going to happen now,after everything that happened they can't break up just like that...!I really like this chapter even thought it's sad :(
Can't wait for the next chapter!
You're in Korea?!I hope you'll have fun there! :)