Chapter 30

Delusions of Grandeur

A:N/ I know alot of you guys are (hopefully) as sad this is over as I am...but hopefully this lat update will help you to feel a little bit better....

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“I knew it. I told you it'd work!” Niel cackled, triumphantly to the two boys either side of him. “What do you mean? You didn't do anything!” Changjo mumbled, only to earn himself another smack to the back of his head. He glared at Niel reproachfully for the attack while Ricky eyed Niel curiously.


“You mean you set up the whole thing? Why would you do that?” Ricky enquired, confused. “Simple. Because everybody knows that love is a mixture of friendship, trust, jealousy and lust. The firs two parts were already there in buckets, so all it took was me stirring up the jealousy to make L. Joe see the lust. Once that happened it was guaranteed they'd get together.” Niel explained, haughtily.


“You making him jealous didn't inspire L. Joe's lust. It was seeing Chunji wet that did that.” Changjo countered, petulantly, cringing slightly when Niel made as if he was going to hit him again. “He does kind of have a point, Niel. It was the water that really got things going.” Ricky pointed out, distracting Niel from his rage


“Yes but my comments to him the other week made him start thinking about it. After that it was only going to be a matter of time before they jumped one another. L. Joe's car getting vandalised was just the catalyst, speeding up the reaction I started.” Niel informed him proudly strutting off.


“Wow. It's scary how well Niel can manipulate people.” Ricky murmured, eyes wide with awe and a tinge of fear at his friend's abilities. “I suppose so.” Changjo mumbled, making as if he was about to leave. “Oh and before I forget. Can you tell Chunji he's got to do a little bit of shopping, we've run out of a few things.” he said to Ricky.


“Sure, I'll let him know when he's done with L. Joe.” Ricky informed him, helpfully. Changjo rolled his eyes. “Forget about it. I'll go myself.” he informed him. “Wait, I'll come too.” Ricky shouted, rushing to put his shoes on, before Changjo left him behind.


“What are we getting?” he enquired, as he hurried to tie up his shoelaces. “Oh nothing special. Just some milk and eggs.” Changjo informed him, an evil grin lighting up his features. Ricky looked at him suddenly, “Wait but then that means...” he whispered, in shock. “Come on, we've got to replace them before L. Joe finds out or he'll kill us.” Changjo stated, Ricky nodded racing out the front door, right behind him.


The End.

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Aww I knew it was short but I didn't think it was THAT short T-T


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Chapter 30: I am going to be completely honest...throughout the whole story the one line that stuck in my head like a leech was when Chunji said that the 2nd son in the family is always gay xD hahahahaha I laughed more than I should've reading this fic. After finishing this wonderful piece of art I have come to the conclusion that Byunghun is my spiritual animal xD partially anyway, well because all those feelings he went through and overthinking and just feeling plain awkward and boring is exactly I feel as a person, I could really relate to the beginning of this fic and it just made me feel very comfortable for some reason ? haha the only thing that I don't have in common with Byunghun is the fact that in the end he got Chunji LOL

So yeah..haha, thank you so much for writing this (really appreciate it, I always love reading well written chunjoe fics) and I hope you never ever doubt your writing skills because it reaches out to people (well to me anyway ^^ ) and you write everything on point making that the reader feel like they're in the story :o

Fighting !!! ♥
Chapter 19: Omg nooooooooo
How did this happen ???!!

Chunji's request for byunghun not to contact him and that he needed time for himself makes me so sad .. I would want to cry for a lifetime ,from the shame guilt and sorrow .. And having the others know that sobs
Chapter 4: HAHAHAHha xD don't give me that look xD
Omg I'm seriously in love with your writing
It's so vivid , lively , funny and I love it !!!
Chapter 3: Omg awwwww
I really am in love xD
This is really blooming like a real love story , I'm actually really kind of as shy as byunghun here ..I hate attention !
Chapter 1: The fact he'd found three things endearing about the bit in the span of five minutes ~~~
Awwww I'm already in love with this !!!
Chapter 30: Ahhhhh! The ending was so cute!~
Chapter 30: great story!!!!
i like niel here... hahaha
Chapter 30: This story is nice~~ Chunji is such a goood man haha