our FATE is it destine OR just a GAME





“Can we talk?” Himchan didn’t looks at the person face. Daehyun just stare at his mother. Suddenly, Daehyun see Himchan is crying. “Ahjussi! Stop that! You’re making my mommy cry!” Daehyun says madly while hitting Yongguk legs. Yongguk ignore Daehyun. He tightens his grip at Himchan wrist and turn Himchan by his hands to let Himchan looks at him.


Himchan is shocked. He stares at Yongguk eyes and tears flowing down his face. “Let me go!” Himchan detached his hands from Yongguk harshly. “You’re the one says that if we meet again. Let us be like we didn’t know each other? You say that thing right?” Himchan looks at Yongguk madly and he walks away with Daehyun.


Yongguk hearts ache. He is the one says that but, he is the one want to meet Himchan. He is the one promise Himchan that he’ll never make him cry but, seeing the now broken Himchan it’s…heart breaking.

He never feels this guilty. He deserves it. He is the one let the best go from his life and he is the one that wanted to cut over everything. Yongguk didn’t know what to do. The only thing he thinks that Himchan already married with someone else and have Daehyun.




“Yongguk, you’re back…” His mother gasped looks at Yongguk face. “What happen sons?” His mother dragged him to the living room, sitting on the couch. “I meet…him.” His mother widened her eyes. “Really? Is he okay? I missed him.”


“He already married with someone else and got pregnant. He has one sons name Daehyun.” His mother looks at her sons. “When the first time I meet him, I know he can pregnant by looking at his medical check up. With whom he married too?”


“I don’t know but, his husband died in accident before Daehyun born.” His mother shows a sad face.


Yongguk mother name Jieun. Being a doctor is her job. She is the loveliest mother in the world. She really love Himchan like her sons and she will be mad if Yongguk make Himchan sad or what but, in this situation she doesn’t know what to do. This time will be their own decision.


“Mom, I want to go to my room.” Jieun nodded and looks at Yongguk. “What can I do to make them together? I can’t looks them become like this. But, Himchan has sons right? Maybe I’ll let his sons stay here with an excuse that I’ll take care of him.” Jieun smile with her plan.




As soon Himchan and Daehyun reach their house. Himchan losing his grip to Daehyun hands. He closes the door and slides his body to the door and slowly drops on the floor crying. Daehyun that is standing beside his mother just stare at him. He stands in front Himchan and touch his mother cheek. Himchan lift his head slowly looking at his sons.


“Mommy, don’t cry. Daehyun is here for you. Daehyun will not give that ahjussi meet you again. If not ahjussi will make Mommy cry. From now on, Daehyun will not give Mommy cry anymore.” Daehyun says wiping Himchan tears with his small thumb.


Himchan cry more because he remembers at the time he is crying, Yongguk will be there by his side and Yongguk will wipe his tears with his thumb telling the same thing as Daehyun.


Himchan hug Daehyun tightly and cry on the little kid shoulder. Daehyun feels sad suddenly and cry too. Himchan is shocked, he looks at Daehyun. “Why are you crying?” “Because *hiccup* Mommy is crying and *hiccup* Daehyun is sad.” Himchan smiles at his sons and kiss his cheek.


“I’m sorry Daehyun-ie. Mommy will not cry anymore so don’t cry.” Daehyun stop crying and look at Himchan. “Promise Daehyun.” Daehyun show his pinky finger in front of Himchan and Himchan clasped his son’s pinky finger with his.


“You also can’t hate other people just like that okay? Mommy just sad because he remind mommy of someone.” Himchan smile. “Okay. Daehyun will remember that words.” Daehyun says.


Night come and Daehyun already asleep beside Himchan in a queen size bed. Himchan caressed Daehyun face as he holds his tears from falling. Why did he should remember the time he shares with Yongguk? He doesn’t want to remember that entire thing. Now, he wants to start a new life.


“What should I answer if Daehyun asks about his father? I tell him that his father has died. The reality is; his father still in this world. How could I lie to this innocent kid? I’m such a stupid parent.” Himchan says to himself before fall to deep slumber.


 Without he notice, Daehyun actually hears all the thing Himchan says but only, Daehyun pretend to sleep.




The next morning, Himchan receive a message from someone. He didn’t recognize the number. He opens the message and read out loud. He clasped his mouth prevent him from shouting, he don’t want to awake Daehyun. Himchan get a job! He is so happy, from this time he only depends from his saving money and a little bit Chanyeol help.


He’ll work as a waiter with Chanyeol at the café in front of the playground. He quickly takes a shower and wake Daehyun up. Today, also the first time Daehyun will enter kindergarten. “Daehyun, wake up.” Himchan shake Daehyun body but, there is no sign of waking up.


“Daehyun-ie~~” Himchan kiss Daehyun cheek and the little boy shoot his eyes open and grinned like an idiot. “Mommy, you’re the princess. The prince should wake the princess.” Daehyun crossed his arm. Himchan chuckle and lift him up to wash the little prince.


At the kindergarten, Daehyun is pulling Himchan, excited to go to his class. “Mommy, quick!!” Daehyun pull Himchan with all his strength. Himchan smile looking at the excited Daehyun. “Calm down Daehyun. Why are you rushing?”


“Mommy, if I say don’t laugh at me.” Himchan nodded and make himself to be at the same level as Daehyun. “I have met my princess.” Daehyun whisper to Himchan. “Really? Did you know what her name?” “Mommy is not she is he!” Daehyun really looks like that person; fall in love with a boy.


“Then, what is his name?” Daehyun stare at Himchan. “I don’t know.” Daehyun run to his class and Himchan palm his face. “You should at least ask his name Daehyun.”     




Himchan is now working as a waiter with Chanyeol. He will try his best to work hard. After his shift finished at 7 p.m he’ll fetch Daehyun at the kindergarten. Daehyun will always waiting with patience everyday, he didn’t naging because Himchan come late and the teacher also didn’t mind if he comes late. They will take care of Daehyun until he comes.


2 weeks have past. Himchan do his usual routine and his shift end at 7p.m like everyday. He goes to fetch Daehyun but, when he reaches the kindergarten he didn’t see Daehyun presence there. He asks the teacher and the teacher says a woman has fetched him. Himchan bowed to the teacher and run out the kindergarten. He stop to called Chanyeol, maybe he is the one take Daehyun with him because today Chanyeol is not at work.


“Yoboseyo? Chanyeol-ah, is Daehyun there?”

“No. Why?” Chanyeol answer short.

Himchan gulp and start to panicked.

“It’s nothing. Bye.” Himchan didn’t want to say anything. He doesn’t to disturb Chanyeol because he is now with his beloved husband. His husband just comes back from America after 1 month. So at that whole time Chanyeol always blabbering about his handsome husband.

Himchan quickly run around and search for Daehyun but, he can’t found him. Suddenly, he is pulls by two guys in a black suit.


“Wait! Let me go!” Himchan is shove inside the car back seat and his body hit another person inside the car. Himchan looks at the person and quickly shift himself from the person. “I’m sorry.” Himchan says and wanted to open the door but, the car already moving and the door is child lock.


“Wait! Let me go! Where did you want to bring me too? I have…” “Daehyun is with my mom.” The guy says short. Himchan looks at the guy. “Why did Daehyun with your mother?” “I don’t know. She just asks me to fetch you, she miss you.” Himchan looks at his lap, didn’t know what to say.


“Himchan, I…” “Did you want to say sorry? Did you want to say sorry for all you do to me?  *He sighs and cross his leg* Just, you should have your new life Yongguk. I also have my new life with Daehyun.” Himchan says and Yongguk didn’t know what to say. The thing Himchan says is right; he can’t let his life be cover by the past. But, he really miss Himchan he miss all about the beautiful latter.


Then, they reach at Yongguk house. Himchan quickly rush out after one of Yongguk bodyguard open the door for him. Yongguk step out from the other door. He follow Himchan step.


Inside the house, Daehyun is playing happily with Jieun. “Bang! You died! Hahaha…” Daehyun voice can be heard from the main door. (A/N: What the heck that kids play? I also don’t know.) Himchan rush to the play room and see Daehyun standing on a table while holding a toy gun. “Daehyun.” Daehyun turn around and Himchan hug his sons.


“Mommy!” Daehyun says and smile. “Himchan.” Himchan looks at the person who called his name. “Is that really you? I miss you!” Jieun says and hug Himchan. He freezes in his place. “Jieun omma.” Jieun caressed Himchan cheek. “How did omma knows about my sons?” “Yongguk tell me everything. It’s a pity that Daehyun is not from both of you.” Jieun says with a sad face.


Himchan just silent. “Himchan, your sons is so handsome. When I fetch him at the kindergarten, after I introduce myself to him, Daehyun says he wants to follow me back home. He just likes Yongguk during his kindergarten days. He didn’t care who they are but, after introducing themselves to him he will follow they back.” Jieun says.


Himchan can’t stay here; if he stays here he’ll meet Yongguk more often. “I think I’ll go back home now.” Himchan excuse himself but, Jieun pull his wrist. “Stay here. Outside is dangerous. You can sleep here.” Himchan didn’t know what to say. Suddenly, Yongguk just pull him inside with Daehyun and lock the main door.


“What the…” “Just stay here. Even you didn’t like it just stays here for your sons and your safety.” Yongguk says without looking at Himchan. “But…just for today.” Yongguk lloosen his grip and he walks to his room.




In Yongguk room, he is lying on his back while starring at the ceiling. “Himchan, can you give me second chance? I want you back in my life.” Yongguk says and close his eyes.


He actually didn’t notice that a certain kid is leaning towards his door hearing what he said. “Daehyun will grant ahjussi wish. But, how I’ll do it?” Then, Daehyun get an idea.


He run towards Jieun room and knock on it. “Yes, little prince?” Jieun lift Daehyun in her arm. Daehyun lean over and whisper something. They both smile happily with their idea.


In Himchan and Daehyun room. Himchan already sleep because he is tired. Daehyun is reading a book on the bed. Beside him Himchan already sleep. He then, decided to sleep too. “Mommy, is Yongguk ahjussi my daddy?” Daehyun asks Himchan but, there is no response because Himchan is sleeping. “Maybe no.” 


A/N: Update! I hope this story didn't dissapointed you. 

Thanks to the subscriber, comment, and viewer. ^_^


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Chapter 28: Aww I wish we got to go through the end of the pregnancy with them. And meet their new baby. Cute story.
Chapter 28: I really love read this story. ^^
Chapter 1: This is really ing stupid. it's bad enough the english is ing terrible but this Mpreg makes no sense.
Chapter 28: This is so sweet ;-;
Really like the story!
Chapter 28: Love the end so much ♥♥♥
PuZzLe_Solved #6
Chapter 28: i love the ending.. its soo sweet.. ^^
Chapter 28: Oh I like this!!! love banghim couple.The ending so awesome OMG >ㅅ< I really love the idea of having the third child.So great.^ㅅ^
petalcha #8
Chapter 28: The kids wanting to get married that earlyㅋㅋ The family ughhh omg omg I love this author님 thank you for writing this!:)
Chapter 28: Tiger soup ???? LOL XD
And oh i know tigger will always be himchan's forever enemy kkkk XD

Ohmygod i'm gonna miss this fic soooo much!
I'll be looking forward to your next fics author-nim ! Especially banghim family fics ! Keep up the great work ! Thanks for writing this story ~ ♥ ♥ ^^
Chapter 27: THAT WAS THE BEST PROPOSAL SCENE I'VE EVER READ !! With their kids bickering so cutely at the background aaaawww !! >.<

But seriously i'm still curious about why did yongguk leave himchan years ago :(