our FATE is it destine OR just a GAME



A/N: Another 5 chapters...I think? Hmm~~ Anyway, WARNING FOR GRAMMAR AND TYPOS~~ So, enjoy...The next update maybe on wednesday...-__-


“Daehyun! It’s not like that.” Himchan sigh.

“Your daddy is having fever.” Daehyun open his eyes looking shocked.

“Emm…hyung, Junhong can’t see.”

“Oh! Sorry.” Daehyun remove his hands and walk beside Himchan.

“I know this thing is useless but, can you help me move your daddy?” Himchan asks hesitant. ‘Himchan, what a stupid question to an elementary school kids.’ Himchan knock his head in his thought.


“Okay, anything for mommy. But---is there any other job mommy, other then move daddy?” ‘This kid, it’s not even started yet but already refuse it.’ Himchan sigh.

“Just get mommy a bowl of warm water and a small cloth.”

“Yes mommy!” Daehyun salute and walk away. Himchan slowly move Yongguk with all his might on to the couch.

“Mommy, how about me?” Junhong asks.


“Can you take daddy blanket?”

“Okay mommy!” He also salutes or maybe copying what Daehyun had done just now. Himchan smile looking at his son’s behavior.

“Now, I should get his things organized.” Himchan take the paper on the coffee table and arrange it; putting it aside. Then, he saves the document in Yongguk laptop before shutting it down.


“He’s working to hard until caught up with fever.” Himchan smile and caress Yongguk hair.




Yongguk hiss in pain when sudden headache hit him. He opens his eyes slowly looking at the surrounding. ‘I thought I died.’ He grins when he remembers that he falls on top of Himchan. He feels a damp cloth is placed on top of his forehead. ‘Maybe getting sick is my lucky side to get Himchan back.’ He smiles again.


Then, he hears voices coming from the kitchen and the smell of something delicious. “Daehyun don’t eat now. Wait! Sit still don’t move.”

“Junhong look at your cloth. Don’t copy your hyung.” Yongguk chuckles hearing that voice. He sits on the couch.  ‘The sons getting scold by their mommy.’ Junhong come to him hugging him sobbing in Yongguk shirt.

“Junhong-ah, what happen?” He then can see Himchan coming out from the kitchen with an apron.


“Mommy hit my hand. Mommy doesn’t love me.” Junhong pout. Himchan sigh and detach Junhong from Yongguk.

“Mommy love you Junhong.”

“But, why mommy hit my hand.”

“Because you should wash your hand first before eating if not the bad bacteria will infect you and you’ll be sick. Understand?” Junhong nodded.

“Now, go wash your hands first.” Himchan says and Junhong walk to the kitchen back.


“Did you feel dizzy?” Yongguk jolt up a little bit when Himchan suddenly talk to him. He chuckles and Yongguk feels embarrassed.

“A little bit.” That’s actually a lie because he actually didn’t feel dizzy at all just lazy accept when he wakes up just now.


“I’ll bring the medicine and I have cook porridge for you. I’ll bring it here.”

“It’s okay I ca---”

“No, stay here. I don’t want you to collapse for the second time...worse on me.” Himchan says and walk away.


Yongguk actually can notice the blushes on Himchan face when he says the last sentence. ‘Today is my lucky day.’ Yongguk lay back down wanting to close his eyes but, he’s surprised when a force hit his stomach. He looks and sees Junhong sitting on his stomach with his plastic sword smiling widely.

“Let’s play! I wanna play pirate with daddy!! Get up!!” He says and swings his sword in front of Yongguk face.


“Junhong.” The kid looks behind him and see his mother with a tray of porridge in his hands.

“Get down now.” Junhong pout and get off of Yongguk and sit on the floor. Himchan sighs.

“I know you’re excited to play but, Yongguk is sick now.” Himchan says after putting the tray on the coffee table in front of the couch where Yongguk is lying.


“But…Okay.” Himchan smile looking at his younger son.

“So, Yongguk I have brought the porridge. You can eat now.” Himchan handed him the bowl and Yongguk looks at it. ‘He should feed me…maybe if I act a little bit sick. Yes! You’re intelligent Yongguk!’ Yongguk try to get up but he hisses while holding his head.


“Are you okay?” Yongguk nodded; acting. But deep inside he’s doing celebrate dance ceremony because Himchan fall for his act.

“You feel dizzy right? Here take the medicine but you have to eat first.” Himchan says. ‘Okay! I’ll gladly…feed me honey~~’

“Daehyun-ah!” Daehyun then come running to his mother.



“Can you help feed your daddy the porridge?” Yongguk is shock to hear what Himchan said.

“Why me? Can’t you ask Junhong…?”

“No. He’ll end up spill all the porridge.” Daehyun just reply with a simple ‘okay’. Himchan then gets up headed to the kitchen while mumbling about he takes the wrong medicine.


‘That’s wrong move!’ Yongguk slump on the couch doesn’t feeling want to eat anymore.

“Daddy! I know you’re dreaming fluffy unicorns and rainbows about mommy feeding you right?” Yongguk quickly cup Daehyun mouth.

“Don’t say it out loud.”

“That’s why Yongguk daddy shows hurt look when mommy is here. Should I tell mommy?” Junhong get up ready to walk to the kitchen but, Yongguk manage to catch him in his embrace.


“Junhong, don’t go. It’s a secret.”

“What is a secret? It’s a food?”

“Uh…It’s about something that you didn’t want to tell people about.” Junhong tilt his head didn’t understand with Daehyun words.

“Ermm…Understand?” Junhong shook his head blinking.

“I think hyung is stupid saying something that I don’t know.” Then, Junhong walks off. Daehyun huffed angrily while clenching his fist.

“Junhong, I’ll get revenge.”   




Yongguk gets up and he feels his forehead. “The fever has gone down but, why the house is so silent?” Yongguk looks around and walks past the play room. He smiles looking at the two siblings sleeping on the play mat. Yongguk lift both of them in his arms and walks to their room. He tucked both of them in the double bed; kissing both of their forehead.


“No no! Don’t kiss me daddy.” Yongguk is amused. Daehyun suddenly furrowing his eyebrow after Yongguk peck his forehead.

“He’s sleeping right?” Yongguk waved his palms in front of Daehyun face and poked his cheek but gotten no reaction. He shrugs his shoulder and walks out switching off the light in process.


Yongguk ruffle his back hair and walk down stair peeping out each place inside the house. Then, he stops in front of the kitchen looking straight at the figure that is sleeping at the kitchen island. He is sitting on a chair with his head on his arm on the kitchen island. Yongguk stand on his knees beside the sleeping figure. He gulps.

“Himchan, wake up. You’ll become sore if you sleep like this.” Himchan squirm and whined cutely.


Yongguk stands and sigh. “So, no choice right?” He put one arm at Himchan upper body and another arms under Himchan back knees.

“I thought it’ll be tough to lift him up but, it seems pretty easy.” Yongguk smile to himself.

“Let’s go princess.” He jokes around alone with the sleeping Himchan.


He froze when suddenly both of Himchan hands wrapped around his neck while snuggling his face to Yongguk chest. ‘Damn!’ Yongguk looks down and quickly averted his eyes when Himchan moans.

“Don’t Yongguk!” Yongguk quickly go to his bedroom and tucked Himchan under the blanket.

“Should I sleep together or couch?” Yongguk sigh.

“It’s not a crime right? Sleeping with Himchan? But, it’s because he’s an angel! How are you so sure Yongguk? Because looks at his beautiful stunning face! I agree with---” Yongguk slap himself hard when he notice that he’s talking to himself.


Yongguk slips under the cover beside Himchan and he’s surprised when Himchan turns around snuggling to Yongguk chest. Yongguk looks down and gulp. His mind actually keeps screaming ‘kiss him’ many times. Yongguk lean down and peck Himchan lips. ‘Maybe a kiss is not bad.’ He lean again and start to kiss ‘the sleeping Himchan’. He looks at Himchan and gulp. ‘What happen if I move my mouth this time?’ Yongguk kiss Himchan again and move his mouth.


For how many times a day, he’s surprised when Himchan kiss him back. ‘Holy !!!’

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Chapter 28: Aww I wish we got to go through the end of the pregnancy with them. And meet their new baby. Cute story.
Chapter 28: I really love read this story. ^^
Chapter 1: This is really ing stupid. it's bad enough the english is ing terrible but this Mpreg makes no sense.
Chapter 28: This is so sweet ;-;
Really like the story!
Chapter 28: Love the end so much ♥♥♥
PuZzLe_Solved #6
Chapter 28: i love the ending.. its soo sweet.. ^^
Chapter 28: Oh I like this!!! love banghim couple.The ending so awesome OMG >ㅅ< I really love the idea of having the third child.So great.^ㅅ^
petalcha #8
Chapter 28: The kids wanting to get married that earlyㅋㅋ The family ughhh omg omg I love this author님 thank you for writing this!:)
Chapter 28: Tiger soup ???? LOL XD
And oh i know tigger will always be himchan's forever enemy kkkk XD

Ohmygod i'm gonna miss this fic soooo much!
I'll be looking forward to your next fics author-nim ! Especially banghim family fics ! Keep up the great work ! Thanks for writing this story ~ ♥ ♥ ^^
Chapter 27: THAT WAS THE BEST PROPOSAL SCENE I'VE EVER READ !! With their kids bickering so cutely at the background aaaawww !! >.<

But seriously i'm still curious about why did yongguk leave himchan years ago :(