our FATE is it destine OR just a GAME



A/N: Exam in over! WooHoo!!! But-------I have to study for my big examination that is just around the corner...I'm busy, busy, busy yeah! Okay, now enjoy reading also I'll study about the grammar and vocabulary so...I don't know...Also, thank you for the good luck wish for my exam you're the best everyone *flying kiss* It made my day XD


Just now, Daehyun is sitting on the couch in the living room while holding his lollipop but didn’t get to eat it because Junhong is clinging to him like a koala to a tree just because of Yongguk is sitting beside him. It is not that Junhong is afraid of him but, maybe he is. But, when Daehyun asks why he is afraid of Yongguk. Junhong will only say that.


“That guy takes me away from mommy.” That it’s, finish.


Now, Daehyun looks at the television and it’s his favorite cartoon airing but, he doesn’t know why that his favorite cartoon become annoying to him.

“Hyung, let’s get out from this house. I want mommy.” Daehyun glare at Junhong making the kids sobbed and Daehyun rolled his eyes. He then pushed Junhong to sit beside him before he gets off of the couch to find Yongguk.

“Hyung, where are you going?” Daehyun sigh again.

“Let’s go.” He holds Junhong hands and they headed to Yongguk’s room.


As Daehyun thought, they will definitely found Yongguk in his room with electronic device on top of the table and paper scattered all over. “Hyung, we no bother because he looks mad.” Junhong said tugging his brother arm sleeve. Daehyun agree with Junhong words but, he wanted to say something. Yongguk seem too deep in thought. Closing eyes and furrowing his eyebrows; leaning towards the chair. 


“Daddy. Daddy.” Daehyun called but, no reaction.

“Ehem. BANG YONGGUK!” Yongguk is shocked making him fall down from his chair groaning in pain.

“Wha? Yah, Bang Daehyun.” Yongguk said and sigh.

“Now, what do you want?” He looks to Daehyun and then he sees Junhong that is hiding behind Daehyun.

“Daddy, let’s go to amusement park!” Daehyun said and Yongguk sure that once again Daehyun speak like that. He’ll become deaf.


Daehyun then left to the side become excited all alone by the thought to go to the amusement park. Yongguk gaze then fall to Junhong that is tiptoeing beside his work table. ‘Is he interest?’ Yongguk clear his throat and call for Junhong. Junhong is startled and quickly hide back behind Daehyun with a pencil in his hand. ‘It can’t be?’ Yongguk rush to his table and then he looks on top of his paper. He can see a big drawing that looks like a bunny. Yongguk feels that his anger wanted to flew out but, then he realize.


‘Bunny? Love? Himchan.’ Yongguk grin alone.


“Okay. Kids let’s go to the amusement park.” Yongguk said in full excitement in his voice.




Daehyun is once again is annoyed with Junhong in the same day. Because he can’t freely and barely going anywhere because Junhong is always holding or hiding behind him while looking at Yongguk beside them. As a kid, Daehyun is really living in stress.


When the time they reach the amusement park, Daehyun is really excited to play around the entire park but, then Junhong keep holding on him preventing him to do so. Junhong didn’t want to ride anything he just being cautious around Yongguk worrying that Yongguk might take his brother away. Yongguk sigh looking at Junhong. ‘Did I failed become a father?’


“Daehyun-ah. Daddy will go to the toilet. Wait here with Junhong. Stay here.” Yongguk said and Daehyun just nodded. Yongguk quickly rush off to the public toilet to done his business.

“Junhong! Cut it out! Let go of me!” Daehyun trying to get Junhong arm around his waist loosen but, Junhong tighten his grip.

“Argh!! No!! Hyung will die if you keep doing that! Argh! Help me!!” Daehyun act like dying and by that act Junhong quickly loosen his grip worrying that his brother might be dead for real. Daehyun fall on the ground dramatically. Actually he’s playing around with Junhong.


“Hyung, don’t die! Junhong is sorry! Junhong will never do that again.” Junhong cry beside his brother while sobbing; thinking that his brother is already dead for real. Every passerby is looking at the two siblings weird. They are some of them trying to help them because Junhong is crying.


Junhong is crying because…


Reason one is: There are too many people around them.


Reason two is: Daehyun is acting dead in front of him because he’s already tired with Junhong that keep clinging to him.


“Are you okay boy?” One of the women asks. Junhong looks at her with teary eyes pointing to Daehyun.

“Hyung, dead.” Junhong say making the woman gasped surprised.


In the other hand, Yongguk is already finished his business in the toilet and looks around. “Crap! What happen?” He quickly jogs to the place where he told the two siblings to wait for him but, the place is crowded with people, talking with each other.


“Excuse me.” He walks in the midst of people and manage to escape. He huffed in relieve. Suddenly, feeling like getting out from a supermarket that are having a sale. He widened his eyes when he sees Junhong is crying while Daehyun on the road lying either comfortable or not.

“What happen?” He gulps.

“Hmm? That kid, the one that is crying is saying that his hyung is dead or something and now that woman over there is trying to call for ambulance.” Yongguk palm his forehead after hearing the explanation from the person beside him.


“I wonder who their parent is.”

“What a bad parent leaving their child like that.”

“Poor them.” Yongguk shook his head to get the words from the public around him getting inside his head. Because, the parent they are talking about is him but, it’s not his fault. Daehyun is the one fault. Why did he say like that? Later, you’ll found out why.


Yongguk walk to them and Junhong immediately hug him; crying. ‘Wow! Junhong hug me. Yes! One step closer to be a good father.’ He smiles. ‘Hey! Now, is not the time to be proud about that thing?’ Yongguk can feels they talk about him.


“Is he their father?”

“I think no because he looks young.”

“Young really? Teens this days.”


Yongguk feels his ears burned in anger from those words.


He lifts Junhong in his arm and Daehyun under his armpit. “So what if I’m their father or what. Also I’m 23!” With that Yongguk walk away ignoring them completely. He doesn’t know where he got that too much confidence in him. By the way, Daehyun is still playing dead until they reach in front of a café.


“I thought of going in to eat but, Daehyun faint. Should I just eat the super duper delicious cheesecake alone?” Daehyun awake and jump off Yongguk grip.

“What a genius tactic of mine!” Yongguk then realize that Junhong still in his arm.

“You’re weird like hyung.” Junhong said and tell Yongguk to put him down. He run to Daehyun that is already had his eyes captivated by the various type of cheesecake.




The waiter is writing down Yongguk order while Daehyun keep drooling looking at the menu. Junhong? He is just looks down and playing with his finger. “Excuse me.” The waiter looks at Daehyun.

“Can I order all of---”

“Please just give him fish and chip with orange juice with cheese cake as a desert.” Yongguk quickly said and the waiter writes down the order.


“And…” Yongguk looks at Junhong waiting but, Junhong didn’t say anything to him.

“Just give two of fish and chip and orange juice.” Yongguk just ordered according to his instinct. The waiter repeats the order and then walks off.


“Daddy!” Daehyun stand on his chair crossing his arm.

“Yah. Sit down! Everyone is looking at you.” With force Daehyun is back sitting on the chair.

“Why did you stop me from ordering all the food in the menu??” Yongguk roll his eyes. ‘Since when did I have a habit of rolling my eyes? Too much Himchan in my head. That’s why. But, too much Himchan in my head is not a harm right?’


“Anyway Daehyun. Why did you act like that? Moreover it’s in public!” Yongguk said and Daehyun smile.

“I thought I can get away from Junhong but, it gets worst. Suddenly I remember that I didn’t tell Youngjae about going here. So, I play dead. After that I can get into news right? So, then the news will help me to inform Youngjae where am I.” Daehyun said and smile proudly to himself.


Yongguk is lost of words. “But, hyung. Didn’t that make things go worst because you’re playing dead and when Youngjae hyung watch the news, he might think that you’re dead so he’ll be sad.” Junhong said.

“Oh no! Daddy what should I do?” Daehyun pout.

“Daehyun-ah, in the first place. Can’t you just call him using my phone?” Daehyun then looks at Yongguk phone. He takes it and looks back to his father.


“I never thought of that.” He says and Yongguk palm his face.

“But, Youngjae doesn’t have phone.” Yongguk then thinks.

“That is correct too.” Daehyun and Yongguk are still thinking deeply. ‘Why are they like this? Can’t Daehyun hyung just called Youngjae hyung adopt parents? He actually has the whole 1 month just to remember Youngjae hyung parent number and even save it in Yongguk daddy phone right?’ Junhong just blinks at them. 

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Chapter 28: Aww I wish we got to go through the end of the pregnancy with them. And meet their new baby. Cute story.
Chapter 28: I really love read this story. ^^
Chapter 1: This is really ing stupid. it's bad enough the english is ing terrible but this Mpreg makes no sense.
Chapter 28: This is so sweet ;-;
Really like the story!
Chapter 28: Love the end so much ♥♥♥
PuZzLe_Solved #6
Chapter 28: i love the ending.. its soo sweet.. ^^
Chapter 28: Oh I like this!!! love banghim couple.The ending so awesome OMG >ㅅ< I really love the idea of having the third child.So great.^ㅅ^
petalcha #8
Chapter 28: The kids wanting to get married that earlyㅋㅋ The family ughhh omg omg I love this author님 thank you for writing this!:)
Chapter 28: Tiger soup ???? LOL XD
And oh i know tigger will always be himchan's forever enemy kkkk XD

Ohmygod i'm gonna miss this fic soooo much!
I'll be looking forward to your next fics author-nim ! Especially banghim family fics ! Keep up the great work ! Thanks for writing this story ~ ♥ ♥ ^^
Chapter 27: THAT WAS THE BEST PROPOSAL SCENE I'VE EVER READ !! With their kids bickering so cutely at the background aaaawww !! >.<

But seriously i'm still curious about why did yongguk leave himchan years ago :(