our FATE is it destine OR just a GAME




A/N: WARNING----> Grammar error and Pabo Yongguk is back in this chapter~~ Anyway, enjoy reading but, the next update will be after my long hiatus because I have an examination for 1 month okay...


Junhong didn’t want to budge even a little bit even Yongguk giving him his favorite candy. He wanted to send Junhong home but, the little kid didn’t want it resulting they sit on the bench waiting for a certain someone by the name of Daehyun to come and fetch his cute little brother.


‘Daehyun hyung must be dating again.’ Junhong pout and swing his hanged legs forth and back; bored. Yongguk look at the little boy and started to get curious about Junhong real identity. He already knows that Junhong is Chanyeol’s but, why they didn’t look alike. ‘Is there a possible that Junhong is Himchan’s? Because by the way he acts when with Himchan…It’s different. Then if yes, who is the father?’

“Junhong-ah.” Junhong look at him a little too early making him startled.


He smiles to him before asking his full name. “Junhong never know Junhong full name. Mommy and Daehyun hyung never tell me about it.”

“Didn’t Junhong can look at your name on your notebook?” Junhong blinks and smile widely.

“Oh! Why didn’t I think about that earlier?” Junhong open his bag zip and take out one of his notebook and he looks at it before moving his gaze to Yongguk.


“Here.” Junhong give the book to Yongguk.

“Read it for me. I don’t know how to read yet.” Junhong says shyly. Yongguk smile and take the notebook from Junhong and his eyes become wide when he read Junhong full name. He looks at Junhong in front of him and gulp.


“Junhong-ah, is this your real notebook?” Okay, this is really a stupid question.’

“Why did ahjusshi asks me like that? It’s mine and mommy writes my name on every notebook I have.” Junhong said. ‘He’s back calling me with ‘ahjusshi’. Aish! I’m not too old to be called that. Yongguk, he’s just a kid.’ Yongguk shook his head a little to get away from the thought.


“Before that. What mommy writes there?” Junhong stand on the bench and walk to Yongguk before leaning to look at his notebook.

“I know this. This is ‘Jun’ but, I don’t know other.” Junhong point to the character in the middle.

“So, tell me.” Junhong said and crossed his arm looking bossy. Yongguk chuckles. Before he can say anything, Junhong already had his eyes to others place.


He tugged Yongguk shirt and point to a place. “Daehyun hyung!!!” Junhong yelled and Yongguk can feel like he become deaf after that because Junhong is actually shouting beside his ear while waving to Daehyun. Daehyun looks at Junhong place and surprised by the fact that his father also there. ‘Why is daddy here? Are they planning to ruin my date by kidnapping my Jae Jae?’ Daehyun looks around before running away with Youngjae.


When Junhong sees his brother run away, he quickly or maybe clumsily went down from the bench and run after his hyung. Probably thinking that Daehyun is playing tag with him. Yongguk still doesn’t know what happening.

“Daehyun must be thinking that I’ll kidnap his precious Youngjae. That’s why he runs away. Just like Daehyun…” Yongguk smile remembering the incident happens when Daehyun is 5 years old.


“Bang Junhong.” Yongguk looks at the notebook.

“But, it’s not I’m the only one with ‘Bang’ surname.” Yongguk said and keep the book inside Junhong bag again before calling out for the three kids.




“So, what is this?” Yongguk head get hit by a ball at his temple and he stumble to the side before looking at the culprit.

“Yah! Bang Daehyun!” Daehyun laugh loudly before running away and they are now playing tag while Junhong is sleeping in Yongguk room.


They stop when cry can be heard from the room. “It’s all daddy faults.” Daehyun stuck his tongue out to Yongguk before running to Yongguk room. Yongguk sigh before following Daehyun.


Yongguk have to take care of Daehyun and Junhong for 2 weeks because Himchan is not in town and also Chanyeol. And because Daehyun doesn’t want to be taken care by the childcare beside his middle school. Himchan doesn’t have any choice and he just sends them to Yongguk.


“Bang Daehyun! Hold it right there. Don’t you dare to hit Junhong with that?” Yongguk said when he sees Daehyun bring a long plastic baseball bat inside the room where Junhong is currently sleeping at.




Yongguk is surprised when he sees Himchan in front his house. Junhong in his arm and Daehyun beside him with a big bag beside Daehyun.


“Himchan? What…”

“I have a favor for you. Can you take care of them? Because I’ll out of the town for 2 weeks.” Himchan said and looks at Yongguk. Yongguk is having the urge to let out a big smile but, he restrains that. In short, he tries to hide his happiness.

“Daddy, I’m here again!” Daehyun salute to Yongguk like an army before going inside and straight to his usual place; the fridge.


“Daehyun, don’t run.” Himchan said.

“Come inside first.”

“Thank you.” Yongguk take the bag with him and enter the house after Himchan. Yongguk smile alone and he actually didn’t notice that Junhong is looking at him.

“Mommy, this ahjussi weird.” Junhong said.

“Junhong you can’t say something like that to someone that will take care of you for 2 weeks.” Himchan said the detail, didn’t care anymore what Junhong will do after that.


Junhong looks at his mother and suddenly tears can be seen at his eyes. “No! Junhong don’t want!!!” Junhong crying voice can be heard throughout the house. Yongguk become panicked when Junhong is crying he doesn’t know what he should do. Then, he realizes that Himchan didn’t even flinch by his sons crying.


Himchan turn around and give Junhong to Yongguk. Junhong grip Himchan cloth tightly didn’t want to let go. Himchan loosen the grip of his son hand on his shirt. Junhong cry hysterically, struggling in Yongguk embrace extending his hands to Himchan telling him to take him back. Himchan feels sad looking at Junhong, he didn’t expect that Junhong will be like this.


He actually didn’t accomplish to left Junhong behind but, because of work and this time is the most important part of the work. He has to let his son go. It’s different with Daehyun. That kid if there is food he’s willing to follow anyone as long the subject is food.


“Baby, its only 2 weeks. Mommy will fetch you again here so be a good boy okay?” Himchan said caressing Junhong face.


Junhong shook his head saying that he doesn’t want to leave here. Himchan sigh heavily. He looks at Yongguk with worried eyes. “It’s okay. Go now or not you’ll miss your trip.” Yongguk said calmly despite Junhong that is struggling in his embrace. Himchan let out a small smile to Yongguk. ‘Oh no! Not that charming smile Kim Himchan!!! My eyes will become blind.’


“Take care of them for me Yongguk.” Himchan said and avoided Yongguk gaze. He walks to the entrance before exiting the house.

“Mommy!!” Junhong wailed. ‘Oh my god! How Himchan manage to handle this kind of tantrum!’ Junhong struggle and manage to free from Yongguk embrace and run to the door.

“Mommy! Mommy!” Junhong hit the door with his small hands and tip toeing to open the door but, he can’t reach it.  


Yongguk sigh heavily gripping his hair tightly. Just then the savior comes to Junhong.


Suddenly, Junhong cries all gone Yongguk lift his head to look up. ‘Daehyun!!! Thank goodness!!!’ Yongguk sigh in relive. But, Yongguk can see that Junhong is sobbing again.


“Oh no. Daehyun ple--”

“Bang Junhong enough!” Yongguk is surprise with Daehyun stern voice. Junhong sobbing died down and looks down.


“Don’t be a kid! Mommy just not here for 2 weeks. So, stop crying. Be a grown up kid even you’re still a kid not a grown up kid but now you have to be a grown up kid even you didn’t want to be one…” ‘What actually I said?’

“So be silent and eat this.” Daehyun shove the lollipop from his mouth to Junhong’s before holding his little brother hand. They walk to the play room. Yongguk just looks at them in silent. ‘Wait. Did Daehyun just say Bang Junhong? That’s mean Junhong is mine?!’ 



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Chapter 28: Aww I wish we got to go through the end of the pregnancy with them. And meet their new baby. Cute story.
Chapter 28: I really love read this story. ^^
Chapter 1: This is really ing stupid. it's bad enough the english is ing terrible but this Mpreg makes no sense.
Chapter 28: This is so sweet ;-;
Really like the story!
Chapter 28: Love the end so much ♥♥♥
PuZzLe_Solved #6
Chapter 28: i love the ending.. its soo sweet.. ^^
Chapter 28: Oh I like this!!! love banghim couple.The ending so awesome OMG >ㅅ< I really love the idea of having the third child.So great.^ㅅ^
petalcha #8
Chapter 28: The kids wanting to get married that earlyㅋㅋ The family ughhh omg omg I love this author님 thank you for writing this!:)
Chapter 28: Tiger soup ???? LOL XD
And oh i know tigger will always be himchan's forever enemy kkkk XD

Ohmygod i'm gonna miss this fic soooo much!
I'll be looking forward to your next fics author-nim ! Especially banghim family fics ! Keep up the great work ! Thanks for writing this story ~ ♥ ♥ ^^
Chapter 27: THAT WAS THE BEST PROPOSAL SCENE I'VE EVER READ !! With their kids bickering so cutely at the background aaaawww !! >.<

But seriously i'm still curious about why did yongguk leave himchan years ago :(