
Cloud Nine

I was getting ready to leave my house when I tripped over something on the doorstep. It was a small turtle phonestrap you would put on your phone. Where did this come from? I shurgged and put the phonestrap in my pocket. I walked out of my house and onto the sidewalk to my school.

"Who said I would call him?" I heard two famliar voices talking behind me. I turn to look, and I wasn't suprised seeing Donghae and Henry walking side by side arguing.

"You said it yourself..Ahem..'I will call him. I'm just nervous! Kyaa~'" Henry stuck out his tounge and giggled. He looked staright ahead and saw me staring. He smiled widely and tapped Donghae to look to my direction. 3...2...1...

"HYUNG!~" The two raced forwards and glomped me. I chuckled and patted both of their heads.

"You guys seem to be happy.." I smiled and looked at Henry then at Donghae. Both of them just smiled and hummed.

"We are happy. We get to have lunch with Zhou mi and Eunhyuk today!" Henry smiled and waved his hands everywhere. What? So that means Ryeowook will be there..I get to spend more time with him!

"By the way..Donghae, how did you get Ryeowook's number?" I ask suspiciously, thinking maybe Ryeowook and Donghae were hiding something behind my back.

"Oh..I asked Eunhyuk for it." Donghae giggled. I was relived that Donghae and Ryeowook were just friends, but I couldn't help feeling worried that Donghae was getting a little to close to Eunhyuk. They are getting pretty close, pretty fast..

"Is Sungminne hyung still at your house?" Henry asked walking slightly ahead of Dongahe and I. Sungmin...I groaned and looked up into the sky.

"Yea..That hobo is still there..He said that since I about his 'Cutie Kyu' he's going to stay at my place for another week.." I felt annoyed thinking that Sungmin had his own place to stay at or maybe even his boyfriends place, yet he chooses to bother me at home. 

"It's okay, hyung. We'll be there to cheer you up." Donghae put his arm around my neck and smiled at me.

I chuckled, "Yea, like that's gonna cheer me up." 


I walked into class about five minutes early,which is really rare considering how I'm always late. I went to my seat and set my things down. Ryeowook's bag and his book was on his desk, but he wasn't inside the classroom. Bathroom maybe?

"Wassup?" A voice snapped me back into reality. I look up to see a grinning Heechul at me. I sigh and frown.

"What do you want now, Heechul?" I tried to sound calm instead of annoyed. Heechul is known for his way of finding one of your deep secrets and uses that to piss you off or blackmail you.

"A little birdie, told me that you like puppydog here." Heechul sat down in Ryeowook's seat and picked up his book. He examined the summary and then smiled at me.

"Don't call him that. He has a name, and it's Ryeowook." I snatched Ryeowook's book out of Heechul's hand and carefully dusted off where ever Heechul touched and gently placed it ontop of my book.

"No need to be so defensive. You guys look good together.." He said with a smirk. This is not good..When Heechul compliments someone it either he's joking and actually thinks the opposite or he's planning to make your life a living hell. 

"What are you planning?" I eyed him and tried looking for any sort of clue on his face that he was planning something. He just smiled and patted my cheek.

"Nothing. Come visit me anytime at my desk..I'm getting bored with Mr.Teukie." He said with a blank expression. He got up and went to his seat. Right when Heechul was seated the bell rang and Ryeowook came in with a horrified expression on his face. He sat down and didn't bother to look at me.

"Ryeowook?" I tapped his shoulder causing him to jump. I was startled at his sudden actions, but I calmed myself down.

"What's wrong? You seem..tense, and scared." I was worried that maybe something horrible happened to him. Ryeowook gave me a small smile and sighed.

"D-don't worry about it's...n-nothing." I could tell he had some hesitation in his voice. I just nodded and looked straight foreward to the board,But in the corner of my eye I saw something weird. Ryeowook was holding his phone tightly that I could see his knuckles turning white.

While we were in class we had to get with our partner we were assigned to last week by sticks. We had to work on our project till the end of class. I sighed and looked over to Ryeowook. He was dazed and looked like he was thinking baout something.

"Ryeowook?" I waved my hands in front of him. He shook his head and smiled at me. I was confused on how he's all smiley after this morning.

"We should start." Ryeowook got out a piece of paper and wrote down some ideas without looking at me. I felt slightly nervous with his actions. Why does it seem like he's in a rush? Does he want to get out of class already? I tried shrugging the feeling off and worked on the other parts of the project.

Soon enough the bell rang, and everyone filed out of the room. I was cleaning my desk when I noticed Ryeowook staring at me. 

"Uhhh...Yes?" I blinked and waved awkwardly at him. Ryeowook giggled and put his book into his bag. I smiled thinking that this was the first time I saw him smile sincerly.

"You're funny. Oh! We're having lunch with you guys again." Ryeowook smiled and waited for me to finish cleaning my desk. I smiled to myself thinking that he's waiting for me, like he was my boyfriend or something.

"Yep. Let's get going?" I smiled and walked out of the classroom with Ryeowook. We headed to the oak tree and we were both surprised seeing Eunhyuk and Zhou mi already being there. I squinted and saw Zhou mi bumping into Henry's shoulder and Henry giggling. On the other side Eunhyuk and Donghae are playing patty cake. 

"You guys are early." Ryeowook smiled catching the attention of the four boys. Ryeowook and I sat down across from the two pairs. 

"Sorry. We wanted to spend a little more time with them, because we couldn't talk much last time." Zhou mi chuckled playfully pushing Henry on the arm. Henry giggled and nudged Zhou in the stomach. I stared at the two dumbfounded. How did they get so close?

"Here, I brought you chocolate pudding, your favorite." Ryeowook handed me a plastic cup that was sealed. I happily took it, but a thought hit me.

"I don't think I told you about my liking to pudding.." I say a little surprised that Ryeowook knew about my obsession with chocolate pudding.

"Ahaha..Uhm..Donghae told me you liked it so I wanted to give you some.." Ryeowook awkwardly smiled and glanced at Donghae who was staring with wide eyes.

"Y-yea..I told him about i-it." Donghae stuttered. Why is he so nervous? I shurgged and ate my pudding. My shoulders were touching Ryeowook's shoulders..Yea..that's how close we were sitting.

"Kyahahahah! Mimi stop it! ahahah!" I look up to see Henry on the floor with Zhou mi on top of him tickling him. I dropped my pudding cup and blinked. M-mimi..Henry already has a pet name for him?!

"Looks like fun." Eunhyuk took a bite out if his banana and laid his head on Donghae's shoulder. My mouth dropped. How did these two get so close?! And what about my awkward Henry? That does not look like awkard to me..

"Ya,ya,ya,ya,ya! You four! Listen to me!" I slightly screamed to get their attention. All four of them looked at me with surprise. I breathed in and stared at each one of them.

"How did you guys get so close? Like before you were awkward turtles!" I gestured making an awkward turtle face. I earned a giggle from Henry and a bored look from Eunhyuk.

"It's called being friendly,and talking duh." Eunhyuk threw his banana peel at my face. I shot his a glare and threw a water bottle at him. I chuckled seeing that the cap wasn't fully closed so that it splashed all over him. I felt a sharp point in my pocket and took out the phonestrap from his morning.

"Ah! You found it!" Ryeowook smiled and stared at the keychain. I tiltled my head and looked at the keychain again.

"It was my phonestrap. I lost it a couple of days ago when I went to your house. You found it!" I smiled and gave Ryeowook back the phonestrap and he clipped it to his phone. I looked at the strap and saw it had the initals FYR ingraved on the turtles shell. I wonder what that means?

Soon it was time for the next class. We all cleaned up and got up. We dusted our clothes off and headed to our next class. I heard a whisper coming from either Eunhyuk or Zhou mi. "When will he find out?" 

How was the chapter? I think I could've done better..But I wrote this last night at about 11 pm..0__0 Yea...On a school night. Excuse the grammar or spelling issues..I'm to lazy to edit. If you see a mistake that's HUGE comment it and I'll try fixing it. OH MAI GAWSH. Did you see that I put a Zhoury moment there? *wink wink* This is just the start!~ Ooo~ Someone asked. 'When will he find out?' Keke~ Is someone dating?! *le gasp.* It'll be told soon~ I'm planning on making this story about 20-30 chapters long? Maybe depending how fast the storyline goes. Why was Ryeowook looking scared when he entered the classroom? Someone called him, and now he's frightened..Who called him? Mwahaha that's for you to find out in the next chapters!~ Keke...Who's up for a fluffy chapter focusing on Zhoury? Anyways...Comment and subscribe! I love comments and subbies! *-* It makes me want to update faster!~ If I get enough comments and subbies by tomorrow I'll do a double update! Yay!! Don't worry..I just need about 4 new subbies and like 6 new comments and I'll do a double update 'kay? Soo...COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE! 

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Chapter 22: it was great hearing from you ^_^
Chapter 21: I will confess that i didnt read the author note and now i dunno whh cloud nine O.O the fic ended so beautiful and fluffy and here i am wonder whh cloud nine instead of spazzing ._. Why cloud nine?
yethunguie-zo #4
Chapter 21: Wooooooow the best of, i really enjoyed this story....it was so sweet. Much fun i dont remember how many times i laughed... and cried when memory of yesung back....aaaaah
Chapter 21: I love this story it was sooo sweet especially the zhoury parts I wish people wrote more about them~~<3
I love this story^^
One of the best YeWook fanfics.
I hope to read more YeWook Fanfics from you in the future.
Seriously, this was sooo cute & silly. It made my smile a lot.
Especially Henry (Mochi Baby!!) I think he was my favorite character. ^^
Chapter 21: omg this was amazing <3
SuperShinee2pm2ne1 #8
Chapter 21: Very good ending. I love it so much