
Cloud Nine

I woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon and eggs. Mmmm..I like bacon. I slowly opened my eyes and sat straight up. I rubbed my eyes and sighed.

"Smells nice.." I dreamingly said. I heard voices in the kitchen so I got up and took a look. I saw Ryeowook at the stove with Donghae and Henry chopping stuff. Eunhyuk was in my fridge...What kind of guest is he?

"Hyung you're awake!" Henry looked over his shoulder and smiled at me, then looking back at what he was chopping. I shuffled my way towards Ryeowook who was intently flipping pancakes.

"Ohhh..Pancakes." I stood behind Ryeowook and stared at what he was doing. I can just say that he flips pancakes like a professinal.

"Y-yesung! I didn't notice you behind me.." Ryeowook turned off the stove and turned around. He was inches away from my face and I could feel my heartbeat speed up. 

"Uhm.." Ryeowook looked down, and all I could do was stand there and stare at him. He's truly perfect..His skin, his hair, his hands! 

"Get away from my wife." Someone pulled me from the back. W-wife?! I turn around and see Sungmin with his arms crossed with a frown on his face. 

"Sungmin, I thought you left! Go away you hobo!" I pointed at Sungmin and he just smirked.

"Excuse me? I am not a hobo! The person I'm living with is fixing his house so I'm staying here." He walked past me and Ryeowook and grabbed the plate of pancakes. He walked towards the table, sat down, and started eating.

"Your brother..is something." Eunhyuk said carrying 2 cartoons of strawberry milk. I nodded and sighed. My brother is something. We all took a plate and sat down carrying the bacon,eggs,bread, and syurp.

"Hey, kid. What's your name?" Sungmin had his mouth full of bread and bacon, looking at Eunhyuk. I made a disgusted face and shut his mouth with my left hand. He swatted my hand away and continued to stare at Eunhyuk.

"Oh, Sorry. I don't think I introduced myself to you yet. My name is Eunhyuk." Eunhyuk smiled and bowed his head. Sungmin looked at him with wide eyes and swallowed his food.

"So..polite..Yesung! Why don't you be polite like that!" Sungmin pouted at me and I ignored him. 

"So..We don't know much about you. Can you tell us some stuff about you?" Donghae looked up from his food and smiled at Eunhyuk. Wow..Donghae has an extra boost of confidence today. Usually he'd stutter or sweat like crazy.

"Well..Uhm, I'm an only child. My parents got divorced, and I like dancing." Eunhyuk said plainly. It was an awkward silence till Henry spoke up.

"How do you know Zhou mi?" Henry blinked a couple of times and stared at Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk chuckled and put down his fork and knife.

"I met Zhou mi, when we were about 8? He liked acting and singing while I liked dancing. He would teach me chinese sometimes and since he didn't know much korean I taught him some. He couldn't come today because his mother was sick, so he's taking care of her." Once he was finished with his sentence he looked at Henry, who was in awe.

"How about you Donghae. Can you tell me things about yourself?" Eunhyuk stared at Donghae and smiled. I could tell that Donghae was in shock that his crush was asking about him. I nudged his foot under the table.

"A-ah. Oh! Well...I love dancing. I want to get in the Seoul Dance Academy one day. It's like my dream." I knew Donghae wanted that. That's been his dream since he was 5. Last year he got a chance on auditioning for the academy, so he practiced night and day till he collapsed and had to go to the hospital. On the day of the autidton Donghae did his best, but yet he didn't past. He was devasted and vowed that he'll get in that school no matter what.

"Really?! I want to go there too! We should practice together!" Eunhyuk cheerfully smiled. Donghae gladly said yes and through the next few minutes they talked all about dancing. 

When breakfast was done, we decided to watch T.V before Eunhyuk and Ryeowook go home. I sat on the floor with Ryeowook and Henry. While Sungmin was on the couch with Eunhyuk and Donghae. 

"Really? I won about 4 medals in that contest!" I heard Eunhyuk brag. I look over and see Donghae and Eunhyuk paying no attention to the show and just off in their own little dancing world. I felt a tap on my shoulder and look to see that it was Sungmin. 

"Those two are getting, pretty close. The atmoshpere is all...mushy and..bleh." Sungmin whispered in my ear and shivered. I chukled and agreed. Those two are getting to know each other..a little to well.

"Eunhyuk..Do you like Donghae?" Henry blurted out recieving a deathly look from Donghae. Ryeowook giggled next to me and Sungmin sighed.

"Yea, He's a great friend." Eunhyuk chuckled and ruffled Donghae's hair. I could see a slight speck of dissapointment in Donghae's eye. 

"I wish I could take him home and keep him forever." Eunhyuk hugged Donghae tightly. I could see Donghae almost fainting in happiness.

"Go ahead. Take him. He's just a fish who can't-" Sungmin started but was faced with a pillow to the face.

Soon, it was time for Eunhyuk and Ryeowook to go home. We gathered all their things and walked them to the door.

"Thanks for letting us sleepover. I had a pretty good time." Eunhyuk smiled. He then reached out and gave Donghae a big hug that lasted for about 30 seconds.

"Let's practice sometime 'kay?" He smiled and grabbed Ryeowook's bags and went through the door. Donghae stood there starstruck, and Henry had to fan him with a newspaper.

"T-thanks for inviting us. I had a b-blast..I hope we can do this again." Ryeowook gave me a grin. I smiled aswell and reached out and hugged him. 

"Sure. Call me, and we can hang out." I hugged him tighter and let go. Ryeowook blushed and waved. He quickly went out the door and into his car with Eunhyuk. I waved goodbye and closed the door.

"Phew.." I put my back onto the door and turned to see three people giving me stupid grins. 

"You told Ryeowook to call you..you hugged him." Henry cooed at me and puckered his lips.

"S-shut up! You asked about Zhou mi!" I pointed at Henry. Henry immdeiatly blushed and hid behind Donghae. 

"Yea, yea. I HUGGED EUNHYUK!" Donghae jumped around and twirled Henry around. He's a happy camper..

"Aish..This girly stuff is making me puke.." Sungmin crossed his arms and leaned on the wall. I blinked and smirked.

"You shouldn't be saying that Sungmin..or should I say, Mr.Fluffy Bunnyicans." Sungmin snapped his head towards me and gasped.

"H-how do you t-that?" He stuttered. I grinned in amusement. I haven't seen Sungmin this suprised in years..This is going to be fun.

"What are you talking about?" Henry looked at me with confusion. I smirked and turned to look at a terrified looking Sungmin.

"Oh nothing~ Just that Mr.Fluffy Bunnyicans here, has a boyfriend. His name is Kyuhyun isn't it? Or should I say Cutie Kyu?" I almost burst out laughing from all these pet names. Pshh...and he has the nerve to say he can't handle girly things, when he's the girliest one out of all of us! Sungmin started blushing like crazy and turned beet red.

" 'Oh my Cutie Kyu~ I miss your warm hugs and your soft kisses~!' So corny!" I mimicked Sungmins voice and tried remembering all the words in the text.

" 'Don't worry Bunnyicans..I'll give you a surprise when you come home~. keke~' " I tried saying in a manly voice. 

"I saw a text message. Ohohohoho~ You have a boyfriend." I giggled and pranced arounf Sungmin. I got Henry and Donghae to prance around him and say 'you've got a boyfriend' in the most annoying manner ever.

"Come here you little bastard! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Sungmin exploded and grabbed me by the t-shirt, I shrieked and ran out from his grasp. Sungmin started hunting for Henry this time, then Donghae. We all ran away from Sungmin, trying to avoid his explosive fists.

Now I know, that an angry bunny...is DEFINATLY not a happy Mr.Fluffy Bunnyicans..

Ermahgawd. Like the story so far? I kinda liked it. I was all out of ideas so I made up random scenes on the spot. XD As you can see..I failed at making this chapter about EunHae..There are some scenes though that are EunHae! keke~ I totally loved Sungmin's part at the end...I want my own cutie kyu (.___.) LOL XD Mr.Fluffy Bunnyicans is pretty scary when he's mad. Zhoury will be on it's way!! *does superman pose* Sooooo....Comment and Subcribe! I love new comments and subbies!!! 

PS: Please look over the mistakes >.< I was rushing! 



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Chapter 22: it was great hearing from you ^_^
Chapter 21: I will confess that i didnt read the author note and now i dunno whh cloud nine O.O the fic ended so beautiful and fluffy and here i am wonder whh cloud nine instead of spazzing ._. Why cloud nine?
yethunguie-zo #4
Chapter 21: Wooooooow the best of, i really enjoyed this story....it was so sweet. Much fun i dont remember how many times i laughed... and cried when memory of yesung back....aaaaah
Chapter 21: I love this story it was sooo sweet especially the zhoury parts I wish people wrote more about them~~<3
I love this story^^
One of the best YeWook fanfics.
I hope to read more YeWook Fanfics from you in the future.
Seriously, this was sooo cute & silly. It made my smile a lot.
Especially Henry (Mochi Baby!!) I think he was my favorite character. ^^
Chapter 21: omg this was amazing <3
SuperShinee2pm2ne1 #8
Chapter 21: Very good ending. I love it so much