Three guys ruined my "date."

She got me crash & burn!

Three guys ruined my "date."

Listen to- "Lady" by BIGBANG

Zelo wokeup bright & early at 9 A.M. He washed up then came out into his room. Today, Miyong was going to come over to his house. They were going to watch movies together all day. He was so excited to be having her over & hanging out with her! Thank God his parents were going to be out all day running errands then they had a party to attend. 

He walked into his closet & looked around, "Miyong said she likes when I wear button up shirts." He mumbled to himself. He owned so many that he didn't know which one to put on. He came across a burgundy colored one & was content. He slipped it on & buttoned it. He looked around for some jeans to put on. He ended up going for some white skinny jeans. 

After getting dressed he walked downstairs to see his mom cooking breakfast. "Good morning eomma~" He said & kissed her cheek. Considering how tall he was, he towered over his mom. "Good morning Junhong-ah~" She said as she mixed the pancake batter. "What time is you girlfriend coming over?" She asked. Zelo's face turned red. "Eomma! She's not my girlfriend." He mumbled the last sentence.

His mom just laughed & nodded her head in understanding. "She's coming at 11." Zelo looked over at the time & it was barely 10:13. "Here let me help you." He started helping his mom cook breakfast & before he knew it, the doorbell rang. His eyes widened when he realized it was Miyong. He ran to the door & tried to compose himself to look cool for when he opened it.

He swung the door open & leaned against it, "Good morn-" His face immediately fell. In walked in Jongup, Himchan & Daehyun. "YAH! WHY ARE YOU GUYS HERE?!" Zelo yelled. Were they really going to ruin his day this early? His mom was so excited to see them. They all greeted her & kissed her cheek. Jongup even offered to help her finish cooking but she politely turned down his offer.

"Why are you here?!" Zelo whined closing the door. "Yah! We're your hyungs, respect." Himchan said making a fist. "Miyong's supposed to come over any minute & you guys are here!" Jongup & Himchan wiggled their eyebrows at each other, "Ooooh, Miyong." They winked at Zelo making him blush. "Leave!" He commanded but they all plopped down onto the couch. He rolled his eyes & walked over to them but the doorbell rang. 

He ran to open it, finding Miyong in a cream colored skirt with a sheer blush top tucked into it. Her hair was loosely curled. Zelo's heartbeat increased just looking at her. "G-Good morning M-Miyong." He said shyly making her smile. "Good morning Zelo!" She jumped up & hugged him taking him by surprise. Even though she practically always did this, he still was affected by it.

Miyong walked in & took off her shoes. "Oh, you guys are here to? Annyeong!" She cheerfully waved at the three guys on the couch. Himchan stood up & opened his arms for a hug but Zelo pushed him away making Miyong laugh. She said hi to each of them but when it came to Daehyun she stuttered quite a bit. Daehyun never paid her any attention, if she was lucky she'd atleast get a hi. 

They all ate including Zelo's parents then they went into the living room to sit on the couch. Zelo's parents left soon after. "So, what are we going to watch?" Miyong asked. Zelo pointed to the rack full of movies, "You can choose whichever one you'd like." Jongup & Himchan ran up & choose various ones, "This one!" They both yelled. 

"This is going to be a long day." Zelo thought to himself.

Hey guys, I hope you like this chapter! ^^
I've been spazzing all morning omg GD's video is so EPIC! *___* Best. Video. Ever. 

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Chapter 40 just might be the final chapter guys ;____;


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came back here after 5 years <3
yehet_shidae #2
Chapter 15: Omg. That story is legit my life story ... seriously the same exact thing happen to me, except with my bestfriend (-,-)
Chapter 41: So gooood! Not too dramatic or fluffy, it was just right! Basically perfect <3
Haha. I finish allnof these chapters in one day coz im too interested
iluvkpop28 #5
Chapter 41: omg! yes! sequel! ^^ i loved the ending on previous chappie!
Chapter 24: Oh okay i get it. Thanks author-nim for explaining it to me. :) Another question the kim eunbi in the picture in the foreword is the rival right?
Chapter 2: i don't get it, her rival way back is eunbi right? but who is this eunbi that she's talking at the gym at the pe class? hahaha sorry for being dumb but please can someone reply/explain to me? :)
Chapter 6: Ok I seriously think we're like secretly twins or something. First you said you write fanfic a in your 4th period because you always finish early, and then you said you were obsessed with WoW. And that is exactly what happened to me. I listened to wow soooo many times at one point, and I always finish early in 4th period so I read fanfics. I'm guessing your biases are daehyun and zelo right? OMG if it was I would like freak cuz those are my biases. Sorry if this turned out creepy or anything >_<
Chapter 41: Thank God there's a sequel! <3
Chapter 18: So cute~ I can imagine you now Zelo~ :">