You still receive all my love.

She got me crash & burn!

You still receive all my love.

Listen to- "One Man" by Kim Jong Kook

Miyong walked into the cafe freezing. It was about 20 degrees outside, the coldest it's been all week. All she wanted was to get inside & get herself warmed up.

It's Saturday which means Zelo & Miyong are going to hang out today. They're not official as of right now, but they're enjoying whatever their status is.

They don't want to label each other just yet as they like how things are going. You don't need to have that label of "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" to define how you feel about someone.

You're probably wondering how long it's been right? As of right now, they're both in their second semester of Sophomore year. 

It's been about a year since they've met each other. They're known as the school's number one couple. No one dares come between their relationship with each other.

Zelo stood up with a smile on his face as he saw Miyong enter. She ran into his arms & he warmed her up as he kissed the top of her head.

"It's so cold outside!" She whined as she sat down. Zelo smiled, "That's why it's good to have someone like me to warm you up."

Miyong laughed & rolled her eyes, "You're so cheesy." She said. She ordered a hot chocolate as Zelo sipped on his drink.

"It's still so cold & it's already February." Miyong complained. Zelo smiled as he remembered that Valentine's day was only 5 days away. 

"Yeap." He said smiling to himself. Miyong eyed him, "Why are you smiling?" She asked. He looked up at her & just shook his head.

Her hot chocolate came & she put her hands around it to warm up then took a sip.

After finishing their drinks & pastries, they left. Zelo saw how Miyong didn't have gloves on so he took off his left glove & put it on her left hand.

She looked up at him with sincere eyes & he took her right hand in his. She smiled at him & they started walking.

"I'm lucky to have met you." Miyong said. Zelo couldn't help but blush. "I'm even luckier to have someone like you by my side. You taught me everything there is to know about loving someone."

Miyong couldn't help but smile like an idiot at what Zelo said. "Yeah, well you taught me what real love is." She said. 

This is where Zelo wanted to be forever, right besides Miyong. He had never liked anyone before, he'd never even bother looking at girls. What for? He thought.

But when Miyong arrived, everything changed. His perspective changed. She changed his life & the way he viewed girls.

He thanks God everyday for bringing someone like Miyong into his life. He's truly thankful to have met her & to have known her on this level.

He may be young & he may not be in love with her forever. She may not even be the one he's going to marry one day because she is his first girlfriend.

But then again, she just may be the one he's going to spend the rest of his life with. Who knows. All that's important right now, is cherishing every moment he has with her.

They're there for each other through thick & thin. Not once since they're broken up have they said those three words to each other.

Why? Because they're scared. Is this really love? They think so. But if they say it, it may just ruin everything. Maybe they're just not ready to say it just yet.

When the time comes that one of them says those three words once again, it'll be special. It'll signify the start of their real relationship together.

Deep chapter guys. :p For those of you asking what "They were each other's firsts." meant, ohoho. I don't know, I wanted to trip you guys out. If you want to think they did the dirty, go right ahead! If you refuse to believe they did the dirty, go right ahead! Whatever you want to think happened, is what happened. >:)

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Chapter 40 just might be the final chapter guys ;____;


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came back here after 5 years <3
yehet_shidae #2
Chapter 15: Omg. That story is legit my life story ... seriously the same exact thing happen to me, except with my bestfriend (-,-)
Chapter 41: So gooood! Not too dramatic or fluffy, it was just right! Basically perfect <3
Haha. I finish allnof these chapters in one day coz im too interested
iluvkpop28 #5
Chapter 41: omg! yes! sequel! ^^ i loved the ending on previous chappie!
Chapter 24: Oh okay i get it. Thanks author-nim for explaining it to me. :) Another question the kim eunbi in the picture in the foreword is the rival right?
Chapter 2: i don't get it, her rival way back is eunbi right? but who is this eunbi that she's talking at the gym at the pe class? hahaha sorry for being dumb but please can someone reply/explain to me? :)
Chapter 6: Ok I seriously think we're like secretly twins or something. First you said you write fanfic a in your 4th period because you always finish early, and then you said you were obsessed with WoW. And that is exactly what happened to me. I listened to wow soooo many times at one point, and I always finish early in 4th period so I read fanfics. I'm guessing your biases are daehyun and zelo right? OMG if it was I would like freak cuz those are my biases. Sorry if this turned out creepy or anything >_<
Chapter 41: Thank God there's a sequel! <3
Chapter 18: So cute~ I can imagine you now Zelo~ :">