I can't like her. I shouldn't like her.

She got me crash & burn!

I can't like her. I shouldn't like her.

Listen to- "1 Minute, 1 Second" by Epik High

They were at lunch when Daehyun signaled Miyong to follow him outside. Daehyun stood up & Miyong soon did too. "I'm going to the restroom." She said. Zelo smiled at her.

The 4 other boys looked on suspiciously. If Daehyun had just left, was she going somewhere with him? They weren't dumb.

"So Zelo, what do you think about Daehyun & Miyong's relationship?" Yongguk asked. Zelo looked at him a bit confused, "What do you mean?" He asked.

Youngjae shook his head. "Well, they've gotten pretty close. Does it bother you?" Jongup asked. Zelo looked back at forth at all of them & shook his head.

"No, it doesn't bother me, why? Should it?" He asked with wide eyes. Himchan scoffed, "One of your best friends is getting close to your GIRLFRIEND. Does that not bother you?"

Zelo scrunched up his face, "No, it doesn't. Once again, should it bother me? I mean it's not like they like each other or anything." He laughed.

They looked at him seriously & Yongguk gave him a sympathetic look. Zelo's eyes softened up, almost sad. 

"Wait, Daehyun hyung doesn't like her or anything? Right...?" 


Miyong walked outside to the patio & Daehyun was sitting down on one of the benches. She smiled & sat down next to him, "So, what's up?" She asked.

Daehyun gave her a small smile, his lips in straight line. She looked at him, "What's wrong? You seem, sad?" 

"Well I mean.. No, I'm not." He covered it up with a lie. Actually, he was sad. He was sad that Zelo was back & Miyong was back to being with him. Things weren't going to be the same from when he was gone.

"Are we still on for the movie?" Miyong asked. Daehyun widened his eyes, "W-wait, you still want to go?"

Miyong laughed, "Of course, why wouldn't I wanna go?" 

Daehyun scratched the back of neck, "Because Zelo's back." He said in a low voice. Miyong gave him a small smile, "Just because Zelo's back doesn't mean we can't hang out." She grabbed his hand & he looked up at her. 

She laughed & her eye smile showed making his heart skip a beat. He smiled back at her.

They walked back into the cafeteria together. Zelo was glaring at Daehyun. Daehyun seemed to notice & he looked at Youngjae with a confused face.

Youngjae just shrugged his shoulders & stuffed his face. Daehyun looked at the other boys but they avoided his gaze. "Something going on here." He thought to himself.


As Daehyun was walking to fourth period, someone called out to him. He turned around & it was Youngjae. After catching up to him they both started walking.

"Zelo seems, weird." Daehyun said. "Is there something I don't know?"

Youngjae looked around trying to find a way to avoid the question but Daehyun was practically staring him down.

"Well uhm you see, the guys kind of told him that he should watch out for you. They said you & Miyong got too close while he was gone."

Daehyun's eyes widened, "What?! How could they say something like that? What, are they trying to convince him that I'm after his girl?! 'Cause I'm not!"

Daehyun was furious by this point. He can't believe his own friends would go against him like this.

Youngjae pouted, "I told them that you two were just friends & nothing more but Zelo believed them. Now Zelo thinks there's a chance that you might like Miyong."

"But I don't!" Daehyun shouted. "Yes you do." Youngjae said. He laughed, "You do like her hyung. Admit it to yourself, YOU LIKE HER. You're aware of your feelings so stop trying to convince yourself that they're not there."

With that, Youngjae walked into class. Daehyun walked into class & sat in his seat. He stared at the board with thousands of thought running through his mind.

He did indeed like Miyong & it was wrong. It's not like he could just confess to her & be with her. She's in love with one of his best friends, it's never going to work out.

Double update at 2 A.M. whaddup! 

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Chapter 40 just might be the final chapter guys ;____;


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came back here after 5 years <3
yehet_shidae #2
Chapter 15: Omg. That story is legit my life story ... seriously the same exact thing happen to me, except with my bestfriend (-,-)
Chapter 41: So gooood! Not too dramatic or fluffy, it was just right! Basically perfect <3
Haha. I finish allnof these chapters in one day coz im too interested
iluvkpop28 #5
Chapter 41: omg! yes! sequel! ^^ i loved the ending on previous chappie!
Chapter 24: Oh okay i get it. Thanks author-nim for explaining it to me. :) Another question the kim eunbi in the picture in the foreword is the rival right?
Chapter 2: i don't get it, her rival way back is eunbi right? but who is this eunbi that she's talking at the gym at the pe class? hahaha sorry for being dumb but please can someone reply/explain to me? :)
Chapter 6: Ok I seriously think we're like secretly twins or something. First you said you write fanfic a in your 4th period because you always finish early, and then you said you were obsessed with WoW. And that is exactly what happened to me. I listened to wow soooo many times at one point, and I always finish early in 4th period so I read fanfics. I'm guessing your biases are daehyun and zelo right? OMG if it was I would like freak cuz those are my biases. Sorry if this turned out creepy or anything >_<
Chapter 41: Thank God there's a sequel! <3
Chapter 18: So cute~ I can imagine you now Zelo~ :">