A Date part 2

My Twin Brother That No one Knows


 After the date we were in Starbucks sipping milk coffee. “Where do you live?” WooHyun asked me. I gulped and looked around hoping I’ll see Hoya. I didn’t see Hoya and WooHyun was giving me a “Well- aren’t- you- going- to- answer- my- question?” look. “I live with Hoya,” I answered. WooHyun looked at me all funny and said”Really? How come I never see you? Also if you live with Hoya you should be attending our school,” WooHyun said all confused. “Well I just came back from America and I’ve been getting ready to like go to school and such,” I blurted out. I mean I did go to school but I didn’t want to blow my whole pretty identity! I might actually have a chance with him if I keep the whole nerdy me a secret.

 “Really? When are you coming to my school? I can like show you around and maybe we could be the cutest couple,” WooHyun said all greasy. Even if it was all greasy my face turned red and I started to drink my coffee nonstop.  “I don’t know when but I know that I will pretty soon.” There it goes again. Why am I telling him all these lies? “O-M-G! Let’s buy a couple sweatshirt so we could wear it around!” WooHyun said as he squealed. He grabbed my wrist and dashed out the café. He dragged me to Abercrombie and Fitch and grabbed some couple sweatshirts.



 “We are getting this!” he said as he pulled out his wallet and walked to the cash register place. I got mad at myself because every time I opened my stupid mouth all that came out was stupid lies! Maybe… I should go to school for like couple of months and tell WooHyun that we are over! “Hello? Are you okay?” WooHyun asked as he moved his hand back and forth in front of my face. I nodded and begged WooHyun if we could eat ttuckbokki. “I love ttuckbokki! It’s like my favorite snack!” I told him as I dragged him to the ttuckbokki shop as soon as he got his receipt.  “Why do you like it so much?” he asked me. “It’s because the flavor is just so… EEP!” I squealed as I started to jump up and down.

 “Can we have 3 servings of ttuckbokki!?” I yelled. “NAE!” The cook yelled back. I smiled and started to spazz again. “We should eat ttuckbokki after school!” WooHyun said as he pulled his arms around me. “He he… After school,” WooHyun said as his face started to get blushy. “YAH!” I yelled. He got rid of his smile and looked around the shop. I rolled my eyes and waited for the ttuckbokki to come out.

 After eating ttuckbokki WooHyun walked me home and I gave him a goodbye hug. “Adios!” I said as I gave him a wave and he waved back. When he left I was about to close the door when this guy grabbed the door and pulled it open. “W-w-what?” I said.  I didn’t know what to do. I looked around for help but no one was around me. “HELP!” I yelled. AISH! WHERE IS MY MAIDS WHEN I FRICKING NEED THEM!

 Then SungYeol punched the guy and he fell down. “Are you okay MinJung ah? Are you hurt?” SungYeol asked me. “I’m fine,” I said with teary eyes. “Call 911,” the guy said. I removed his hood and it was Hoya! “HOYA!” I yelled. SungYeol’s face froze and pulled his phone out. “I was just joking! I’m fine.. but you really know how to punch!” Hoya said as stood up. “You scared me!!!” I said as a tear dropped. Hoya wiped it off and hugged me. “I’m sorry, I was just stocking you hehe,” Hoya said. I punched his arms lightly and wiped my tears away. “So tell me about the date!” SungYeol said. We all laughed and walked in my house and talked about the date and how I met SungYeol and his brother DaeYeol.

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chinese12 #1
great ^^
Chapter 23: sooo goooooood^^
Chapter 22: update soon^^
Chapter 22: this is my first time to read this fanfic that sungyeol is the hero. <3
good job author-nim. :)
Chapter 23: Thank you so much for writing this awesome story all this while~
Cause it was and still is worth my upvote ^^
Chapter 22: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 다 일겄음^^~ 이젠 프리전 어브 러브 1회(?) 화(?) 읽을로 갈께^^~ 팬픽 귀요워-3-¥¥ (I made A LOT of spelling errors... -_-;; I know....)
Chapter 22: OwO so sweet. Yeolie <3 <3
Chapter 22: Awww... I can't believe it~ It's end.. I love it :'''D
Jeongmal... :'') I love this ff so much!!
Chapter 22: Awww :( It ended :(
wellllllllllllllll.... it was a really good fic.
Thank you for writing it :)
Chapter 21: Say yes say yes SAY YES!!!!!