17: Goodbye

Idol Fixer



Someone turn off the damn alarm. I groaned in annoyance as I went to hit the hellish clock, but failed miserably. 


Damn thing is mocking me. It's getting louder. I yelled in annoyance as I grabbed the clock in my hand throwing it as hard as I could away from me. A loud clash echoed in the room signaling the end of the life of the clock. Great I need a new alarm clock now. But it is silent. I sighed lovingly as I buried myself more into the tundra of my pillow and blanket. Ahh it's so nice..

"Mommy!" Jake and Adalia yelled out excitedly as they slammed my room door open. There goes my nice sleep. I groaned out as I dug myself deeper in my pillow. "Mommy! Get up!" They whined as they jumped on my bed. 

"Five more minutes!" I moaned as I moved the blanket over my head.

"Mommy!" They whined as they grabbed the blanket to pull it off. I almost laughed as I heard their little voice grunt in frustration as they attempted to take the blanket off of me. I only held onto it tighter. "Mommy! Wake up!"

"Why isn't Roxy awake?" I heard Aron ask at the door of my room. I felt my kids jump off my bed as I heard their feet run to him. Oh no. 

"Aron! Mommy won't  wake up!" Jake and Adalia whined. What the hell? You're not supposed to get back up. Ugh this isn't going to be pretty. I should wake up, but the bed is to comfortable. 

"Really? Roxy get up!" Aron said as he kicked my bed. 

"NO!" I whined as I held on tighter to my blankets. I heard Aron sigh loudly while he cursed in Korean. 

"MINHYUN! BAEKHO! REN! JR! Come here!" Aron yelled. What the hell? Are they going to hold a meeting in my room? I continued to stay burried in my tundra of blankets scared to come out. 

"What's up?" I heard the guys breath out as they stepped into my room. 

"Where's Jr?" Aron asked. I wonder if Jr is mad at me from yesterday. I immediately felt my chest clench in fear. I just got him to only lose him. I sighed as a tear went down my eyes. I should get up, but can I really face him?

"He is in the shower." I heard Ren say.

"Why did you call us?" Baekho spoke. I felt someone sit on the edge of my bed. 

"Mommy! Won't wake up!" Jake whined. I bit my tongue to hold in my laugh as I heard the guys sigh in annoyance. They know I hate mornings and will do anything to stay in bed. They have tried before to get me up from bed, but they only ended up hurt. 

"Aish..I am not getting hurt again! Last time I had to go to the hospital because of her!" Ren said dramatically as I heard him walk away. I rolled my eyes at that he is so dramatic. 

"Ren it was a paper cut that you gave to yourself when you got away from her!" Baekho yelled as he sighed in frustration. 

"I could have died!" I heard Ren yell from I am guessing the kitchen because there was an echo. 

"Oh my God! Give me five more minutes to sleep!" I yelled into my pillow hoping they heard me. I am so tired and here they are being pain's in my .

"Roxy! You need to get up so you can take us to the airport!" Aron sighed as he kicked my bed. I growled annoyed as I shook my head no at them. I am guessing they saw me shake my head for Aron sighed again really annoyed this time. 

"I don't feel like fighting like last time. Aron. Baekho. Go turn on the cold water in the tub in the bathroom." Minhyun ordered. I heard the guys move to my bathroom while my kids giggled excitedly. He wouldn't. I felt Minhyun go next to my bedside close to me. My heart beating faster and faster in fear. I lift my arms up to the bed post holding on it with my dear life. "Roxy, Last warning! Get up!" 

"No!" I yelled rebelliously as my grip tightened on the bedpost. 

"It's ready! I heard Baekho and Aron yell at the same time as they ran back in my room. They sounded way to excited. Bastards. 

"Okay! Help me get her arms off the bed post." Minhyun said.

I felt him bend down over me as his arms went under me on my stomach. Oh hell no! My grip tightened on the bed post, but I felt four hands pry my fingers off forcefully just when Minhyun lifted me in his arms. The guys laughed as I struggled to get off, but Minhyun only held onto me tighter. The blanket fell off of me revealing that I fell asleep in my cloths of yesterday. I turned my body completely to look up at the smug Minhyun. I tried to push myself off, but it didn't work. Was he always this strong? Minhyun laughed as he walked me to the bathroom. I kept yelling for him to let me go while I struggled with all my might to get off. 

"Hold the door open." Minhyun told the guys. Baekho laughed as he held the door open. 

"Minhyun! Don't you dare!" I threatened as he held me over my bathtub that was filled with cold water. I wrapped my arms around his neck while I made my legs wrap around his waist. I am not going in there. I clung onto him like a cat. 

"Oh so you're awake now? huh?" Minhyun laughed as he moved closer to the bathtub his hands went slowly to my waist. I held on tighter to him scared what will happen. 

"Yes! Okay! Don't do it!" I yelled into his neck. I felt Minhyun laugh under me. 

"I don't believe that!" With that Minhyun touched my tickle spot on my waist. It shocked me so bad that I let go of him making me fall into the cold water. I gasped in shock as the freezing temperature hit my skin. I screamed. It was ing cold. I lifted my head out of the water to see Minhyun and the guys laughing at me. I glared at them dangerously as I got up slowly from the water. My body now fully awake and shivering from the cold. "Now you're a-" Minhyun was about to say, but he noticed my face and froze in fear. "Roxy? It's not my fault!" He yelled as he ran out the room. 

"You're dead, Minhyun!" I yelled as I jumped out of the tub to chase after him. Not caring that I was completely soaked and shivering. I almost slipped a couple times as I chased behind him. 

"You need to wake up!" Minhyun cried as he ran around the island counter with me hot on his trail. I growled as we continued to run around the counter. 

"What's going on here?" Ren asked as he walked into the kitchen. Minhyun took that moment to use him as a shield. Minhyun ran past Ren pushing him towards me. Ren screamed in fear as I just pushed him away with force. He quickly lost balance and fell to the floor. "This is why I hate waking her up!" Ren cried. 

"Minhyun!" I yelled dangerously as he ran into the living room. Without thinking about it I jumped on the back of the counch launching myself in the air. Minhyun looked up in horror as he screamed bloody murder. I immediately fell on top of the poor brunette making us both groan in pain. Ignoring my throbbing head I immediately put Minhyun in a headlock.  "Bastard! Who dumps someone in a tub of cold water!" I hissed as I tightened my arm around his neck. 

"ehh ...You ...pycho." Minhyun choked out as he flailed his arms and legs out. He tried to get free, but I only held on tighter. What did he just call me? I flipped us over so Minhyun was face down on the floor. I straddled his back as I took his arms bending them back in a painful position. Minhyun screamed in agony as he moved his feet in panic. 

"What did you call me?" I growled in his ear. Minhyun breathed heavily as he looked up at his laughing teammates in pain. "They won't help you. Now what did you call me?" I hissed as I pulled his arms move back. Minhyun let out a cry as he breathed out. 

"What's going on here!" I immediately stopped torturing Minhyun to look up at Jr who just came out of the guest room. He looked at me with confusion, but I can see his eyes holding sorrow in them. 

"Jr! Get your woman off of me!" Minhyun yelled his voice sounding higher than normal. I felt a pang in my heart when he said those word as I stared at Jr with sad eyes. He didn't tell them we broke up. Jr stared back at me with sad eyes as he tried to keep his cool facade. 

"Roxy! Don't you have to drop us off at the airport?" Jr spoke as he stared at me. His features becoming almost cold. I sighed as I let go of Minhyun slowly, but still stayed sitting on him. I can feel all eyes staring at me and Jr noticing something wrong with us. 

"What time is it?" I finally asked breaking the silence. 

"11:45." Jr simply said. My eyes widen in fear as I immediately jumped off of Minhyun and ran towards my room to get ready. 

"Why the hell didn't anyone tell me! Now I have 15 minutes to get you guys to the airport!" I yelled.

I quickly changed my cloths and got ready putting on light make up while I put up my wet curly hair in a bun. Because I was in a hurry a lot of strands hanged out all around. The straight hair was nice while it lasted. I ran out my room completely refreshed to look at the clock in the kitchen telling me I had 10 minutes to get these guys to an airport that is almost a half an hour away. I ran grabbing my purse and kids opening the door and opening my car by the remote. 

"Everyone in the car now!" I yelled making the guys hurry up in getting their stuff out the door and in the car. "Hurry! Hurry!" I kept yelling at them as I got impatient. I put my kids in their car seats then practically threw all the guys stuff in the back slamming the trunck shut then pushed the guys to their seats. 

"Stingy!"Ren muttered as the guys agreed with him. I just looked at Ren through the mirror and glared. 

"Better buckle up guys!" I warned as I backed up the car from the driveway with amazing speed then turning it sharply to the left. The tires squealed to life as I sped out of my neighborhood heading towards the airport. 

"Oh my God! She is going to kill us! I am to young to die!" Ren yelled out dramatically.

The guys agreed with him while I just rolled my eyes in annoyance. I had 5 more minutes to get them to the airport. I can make it. I pressed my foot down harder on the gas pedal as I weaved through traffic. 

"Oh be a man!" I complained as I looked through the mirror. Bad idea for just when I did that a in a black camero decided to cut off in front of me in the middle of the freaking highway. He didn't even have on a turn signal. 

Everyone in the car screamed as I pressed on the brake's on the car slowing it down as I swerved the car to the right. I thank God there was no car there as I sped up again trying to catch up to the camero bastard. I could have gotten into an accident because of him. I looked through the mirror to see my kids already covering their ears in preparation. When my car was next to the camero I rolled down the window honking my horn at the stupid arrogant bastard on the phone. Oh he is on the phone everyone it must be so important to give him an excuse to drive like a . When he rolled down his window calling me a and a bunch of other things I let out a whole bunch of profanities in English, Spanish, and Korean. The guys looked at me in shock as I still kept on and when I was finally done I sped away. Kids if there is one thing you should learn is that you should never piss off a Spanish woman who had twins. 

"Oh! Sweet beautiful concrete floor!" Ren cried out as he jumped out of the car with the guys kissing the floor. I already parked my car in the airport with 1 minute to spare. Damn I'm good. I opened the trunk with Jr while taking out the stuff slowly. 

"Get off the floor, Idiots! We need to check in now. The manager is waiting for us already!" Jr complained as he stared at his phone screen. I'm guessing he got a text message from the manager. The guys immediately got up from the floor grabbing their stuff as they mumbled sorry. 

My kids and I walked alongside the guys as we entered the airport heading towards check in. The whole time while we watched the guys I felt my heart clench in pain. My eyes following Jr's every move. I wanted to cry. We were really over and now he is going to leave my life. When the guy's finished checking in we quietly followed behind them to secruity. I looked around to see a lot of people around with their luguagges. I didn't see any fangirls. I wonder why? 

"Well this is our stop!" Aron breathed out as we came to a stop in front of security. I stared at them in saddness while my kids cried softly we knew this was as far as we could go. 

"NO!" My kids cried as they ran up to the guys hugging them.

Baekho lifted Adalia in his arms while Ren lifted Jake in his. They hugged the kids close to them while they closed their eyes to keep from crying. I watched in saddness as they all took turns holding my kids hugging them, giving them a kiss on the head, and telling them how they will miss them and they love them. My chest clenched in saddness as I let my tears fall down. This is really goodbye. They are really leaving. I focused back on them to see that Jr was now holding both of my crying kids to him. They seemed to be talking. I stared at them remembering when we first met and all we went through. God. I can't believe they are leaving. I kept crying until I felt arms going around. I looked up to see Ren, Minhyun, Baekho,and Aron enveloped me into a group hug. They also had teary eyes while Ren was crying. 

"We will miss you so much!" Aron said as they all held me. 

"I will to!" I choked out as I remember everything we went through and all the fun we had. "Thank you for everything. You guys made mine and my kids summer so much fun. I love all of you. Come back and visit anytime."

"We should thank you!" Minhyun spoke once they all pulled away. 

"Yeah! You managed to keep our group together when we wanted to break apart because of Jr." Baekho added while looking at me with a wide smile. 

"You got him back to his old self and we can't thank you enough..You saved our friendship. Thank you so much!" Aron said. I looked at the guys and started crying again. 

"I'm gonna miss you guys!" I sobbed out as they hugged me again in a group hug. 

"Flight 281 to Seoul, South Korea. Now boarding." A male voice announced over the intercom signaling that the guys had to leave. The guys pulled away from me sadly while we all sniffed in our snot. 

"Come visit again! My place is always open for you guys!" I said as I faked a smile at them. I watched in saddness as Jr set my kids down on the floor. They ran to me crying while they held my hands. Jr didn't even hug me goodbye. I felt more tears come down. We are really done. 

"Thanks for everything! Bye!" Jr said nonchalantly as he and the guys waved at us. Jr refused to look me in the eyes the whole time. 

"Jr?" I whispered out  as more tears continued to fall.

I watched as they passed through secruity in silence the guys would look occasionally at us in saddness as they put on their shoes and grabbed their bags. My teary eyes followed Jr as he walked away with the guys. Just like that it was over. He is going away. I won't see him for God knows how long. I cried silently as I remembered when we first met how we hated each other. The warning he gave me to not fall in love with him or he will break my ego. Who would have thought we broke each other's ego. I remember all the pointless fights and pranks we had. The nicknames we gave each other. The way he saved me from the fangirls. All of our memories played in my head like a movie as I cried. 

"Mommy?" I looked down at my kids to see them looking up at me crying. Adalia held my hand tighter looking up at me. 

"I don't want to lose another daddy." Jake whispered out as Adalia agreed. I looked at them in shock. I felt more tears come down my face. Damn it I hate crying so much. I couldn't believe they already saw Jr as their dad. They want him back and so did I. But will he come back to me even after we broke up. I looked up in fear to see Jr staring at me on the other side at the entrance of his gate. His dark eyes looking at me with longing as if waiting for something. "Go! Mommy!" Jake yelled as he and Adalia pushed me forward. 

I looked back at my kids in shock to see them smiling through their tears. My heart beated faster as they looked at me happily. What would I do without them?

"He's your Prince, Mommy! Go!" Adalia laughed as she gave me one last shove towards them.

I looked at Jr to see him smile softly as I bursted into a run towards him. I didn't care what laws I was breaking to get to him, but I didn't care. I kept my eyes on him as I cried. I pushed people out of the way getting more frantic to get to him in time. I jumped over bags that were on the the floor. The security yelled at me to stop, but I kept going. The Metal detector rang loudly as I ran through it. The security was hot on my trail while I kept running towards Jr. My tears coming down as I kept running and running towards him without a care that I am loosing strength. 

"JR!" I yelled as I finally reached him. I jumped on him enveloping him in a hug. I cried in his arms as he held me also. "I'm sorry! Please don't forget me!" I sobbed into his chest as I held on tighter. I wasn't gonna ask him to stay because I know he can't. He had responsiblities and so did I. 

"I'll come back for you!" Jr stated as he pulled me back far enough to look him in the eyes. His dark eyes stared into mine with seriousness and saddness. "When I come back I will take you and the kids back with me. So you better wait for me!"

"I will! I always will no matter what!" I couldn't wait anymore. I pulled his face to him kissing him with so much passion. I felt him kiss me back as he lifted me in the air twirling me around in a circle. 

"I love you." He whispered once we pulled away resting our foreheads together. 

"I love you too." 

"I'll come back for you, I promise. I'll work hard again to earn another tour here. I'll take you and the kids back with me and I'll marry you." I looked at him in shock as he pulled away  setting me down slowly on the floor. I felt my tears go down my face. Jr wiped my tears softly as he looked at me with loving eyes. He bent down and gave me one last longing kiss. It was soft and gentle as I wrapped my arms around his neck. My tears coming down. This big idiot. How can he basically propose to me here at an airport on the day he leaves. 

"You better come back for us! Don't you dare forget about us, Superstar!" I breathed out as we pulled away softly. I smiled weakly at him as I wiped my tears. 

"Never!" He whispered as he pulled me into one last hug. I felt his arms hold me tightly and securely as I held him back with the same force. I let small tears fall down softly as I held him. Jr let out a loud sigh as he pulled away. "I should go." He said looking at the entrance to his gate for the plane. I let out a sigh as I looked at him walk away.

"Mommy?" I looked down to see my kids grab my hands softly as they smiled up at me.

I looked at them smiling softly. We watched in saddness as Jr joined up with his now crying group members and Manager. They turned to give us a last goodbye before they walked through the gate disappearing from our sights. We cried softly as he just stared at were they just disappeared through. We reluctantly left quietly from there knowing us staying there will sadden us more. We walked in silence as the people and security that witnessed the scene looked at us with pity and saddness. Some of them were crying as they looked at me with proud eyes. 

"Idiot! You better come back for us!" I whispered out as I looked up to the open blue sky once we excited the airport. The sun shined down on us while the sounds of everyday life echoed around us. I smiled softly as I felt the wind blow around us. All we have to do is wait. Wait for him to come back and take us with him. Knowing that Superstar he will follow his promise. All I have to do is wait. 

I am not going to lie but I am seriously crying right now.. :( Last time I hear sad music when I write a sad chapter...

I just want to say thank you to all of you that have read, suscribed, Liked, and commented on my story. I had so much writing for you...Sadly this is the end of this story...I don't know yet if I should put an epilogue or not...What you think? Thanks again for reading..I love you guys..Please tell me what you think :D 

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kikka6807 #1
Chapter 18: WRITE A SEQUEL 4 ME? PLZ!!!
I luv the ending, I cried so hard...
It was sooo cute, but I really can't believe its over
I will now go sob in a corner
FinJee #2
Chapter 17: You make me cry in my history class :')
kikka6807 #3
Chapter 16: UR asking wth is going on???
*do not take any of threats seriously >…<
kikka6807 #4
Chapter 16: UR asking wth is going on???
*do not take any of threats seriously >…<
FinJee #5
tasmina #6
Chapter 16: NOOOOO jr and roxy have to be together :( update soon
kikka6807 #7
Chapter 15: Awww
Chapter 15: Awww~! This chapter was so cute!!! >w< Baekho is so photogenic :3
Chapter 15: hahaha have u ever noticed wen u try to take a group picture theres always some screwup? i like adalia's pov--so cute and happy but it was also really meaningful. this chappie was so fluffy! hwaiting! update soon authornim! v^_^v amy/ying
kikka6807 #10
Chapter 14: <3 cant wait
Adalia's mai second favorite character after Aron XD