She loves me

Living the fangirl dream


Heechul’s POV

WANNA KNOW WHY!?”She screamed in my face with tears streaming down her cheeks, it hurt seeing her like that, crying “CUZ I ING LOVE YOU LIKE CRAZY!!” she continued sobbing loudly and I froze by her words.

“Liandra I-“ I started but had no idea how to continue and she pushed me out of the way before I could even come up with something more to say to say to her. She hurried to the window and got it open and before I knew it she disappeared through it. I just stood there and stared at the window like a fool. My stupid actions had made her say that she loved me. I had been lying of course when I said that I was only playing with her and that my actions didn’t mean anything at all. I had in matter of fact been in heaven during that moment. And then I had to ruin it and say that it didn’t mean anything to me. Why do I keep hurting her when I love her more than anything else!? It doesn’t make any sense whatsoever to me! And she loves me...wait... Oh god... she loves me! When I realized the full meaning of her words, that she actually loved me, I rushed to the wide open window; I saw that Liandra had just reached the ground.

“LIANDRA WAIT!” I shouted after her, she looked up quickly but then she shook her head and started running, I cursed to myself and without hesitating or thinking whatsoever I climbed out of the window and started to make my way down to the ground to be able to go after her. In a miraculous way I reached the ground in less than five minutes and as fast as my feet touched the ground I started running in the same direction that Liandra had been running. She was more than five minutes ahead of me though, so only luck would help me find her now. I even prayed to god that I would find her. Siwon’s god that is. Hopefully he would be good to me.

But after running around in about twenty minutes I had to stop and realize that it was pointless and that it would get me nowhere to just run around. I had to think. Which were the most logical places that she would go to? A Park? No, there would be too much people there for her liking, when she thinks she likes to be alone or just have one or two persons to talk to. The river? Probably not, the sound of the water made her stressed when she was sad. To Siwon? That wasn’t too likely either. She isn’t the type of girl that will go to her big brother with her love problems. To Liliana? Not possible either as Liliana was working with GD this morning and Liandra would never find her way to YG entertainment and she wouldn’t want to disturb her sister while she was dancing. She would most likely go to a person though...Donghae! Of course! She would go to her favourite member! Her fishy! Now I just had to find out where Donghae was. I had no time to lose so I quickly took forth my phone and called him immediately.

“Hey hyung what’s up?” he asked and I could swear to god that I heard him suppressing a chuckle

“Where are you?” I asked him, not having time to be too suspicious

“In the dance studio at SM” why do you wan-“ More he didn’t have time to say as I hung up and started to run towards SM. I didn’t come far though because I spotted Liandra on the way. Seeing her felt like someone stabbed my heart with a hundred knives. She was sitting on a sidewalk curled up to a little ball, crying. It was me that caused that, it was me that made her that sad. I was the reason.

“Liandra!” I yelled and she looked up and when she saw me she looked panicked. Then she stood up abruptly and furiously dried her tears “Lia wait! Please!” I continued but she ignored me and started to run and I was quick to run after her. She started to make her way over the road, but that’s when I saw the car that was driving towards her, she was too upset to notice. And I knew that if I didn’t do anything she would get hit by the car.  “LIANDRA!” I yelled again but she ignored me and the car was getting closer and closer. So I sped up , my body was going on adrenaline so before I knew it I had almost reached her but so had to car and just as it was about to hit her I pushed her out of the way and in the next second everything went black.


Liandra’s POV

I heard Heechul’s running steps just behind me, I heard how he screamed my name wanting me to stop, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t ever face him again. Not after telling him that I love him. Not when he didn’t love me back. He screamed my name again but I just kept going. I just couldn’t talk to him. But then all of a sudden I felt his hand on my body as he pushed me hard so that I flew and hit the ground hard and then I heard a high noise, like a crash. I slowly opened my eyes and thought that I was going to die. It was a car that had hit a person. The car had hit Heechul. 


A really short chapter just beacuse I can  and of course with a cliffhanger! xD Sorry :)

So please comment and subscribe and stuff, I love you all :) <3

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Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not updating, life came inbetween and now I have an exchange student at my house that I have to entertain xD So be patient! Love you~


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mauge92 #1
Chapter 41: Awwww this was such a beautiful chapter, great update and dont worry, take your time for updating.
Chapter 40: Oh and i went to an sj convention today and a lot of us cheered for heenim and we have a project for hee in case he will be a part of ss5 manila ooooh im so excited!^^we cheered saranghaeyo kim heechul woo u biccal kim heechul so loudly!just sharing hehehe
Chapter 40: Omgeeee I will really by a cake saying welcome back kim heechul!^^he is the love of my life really!kekekek^^
Chapter 40: I'm so excited for Heechul's comeback! I entered the ELF fandom last year so he was gone and I can't wait for more Lady Hee Hee performances. Loved the chapter by the way.
hyukbear #6
Chapter 39: hahaha shouldn't have left their laptop unlock, hahaha
Chapter 39: I love the main image it's the endorsement of Siwon in the Philippines!^^I saw him!kekekke
And Heechul's hoooooot!waaaah we have less than a month to see him again!I'm going crazy!!!!
alexys1111 #8
Chapter 38: That was HILARIOUS ! :D *loved it soo much (:
mauge92 #9
Chapter 37: damn! it took A LOT of time to read this fic, but it worth it, love it, keep writing
aninrara #10
Chapter 34: I LOOOOOVE IT