
Calamity of the Shadows

     You stared at your arms in shock. Your heart was pounding against your chest. You turned to look in the wall mirror and noticed that the same marks were on your neck as well.

"Ugh..." Jin Ae moaned mext to you.

"What...what happened?" she asked wearily as she sat up, rubbing the back or her head.

"Don't know." you said.

"Woah! What happened to your neck Hye Yoon?! It looks burned! Are you okay?!" she aske, worried.

"Yeah...wait, you didn't get attacked?" you asked in a surprised tone.

She shook her head. "Well, I felt something holding my arms, but after that...I can't remember. I guess I just out."


After a few minutes everyone was awake and confused as to what happened. No one else noticed that you had red marks on your neck, they were probably faded now anyway. But you noticed that no one else had them either, this made you feel worried.

"Hey, my watch isn't working!" Donghae exclaimed.

"Mine either." Soo Min said while looking at her watch, frowning.

There was silence for a few moments. You couldn't take the awkwardness and confusion of this and spoke up.

"I'm gonna go find someone and see if they know what happened." you announced, standing up.

"Do you want someone to come with you?" Hee Young asked, obviously concerned.

"No. I'll be fine." you said as you left the room.

You walked through the hallways of the SM building. Everything looked the same. Everything except for the fact that no one was here. Normally people were rushing through the halls at this time to get any last minute work done, but there was no one. It was completely deserted. Then, out of the corner of your eye you saw a flash of movement. You spun around and saw what looked like a shadow disappear behind the corner. You've seen plenty of horror films to know what would happen if you checked, so you decided to head back to the others, taking another hallway.

As you started walking you kept seeing the same movement run back and forth behind you, hiding behind corners and in dents in the walls. Then as you walked passed an officer door the shadow slipped through the slight opening in the door. At this you quickling turned and was able to catch what looked like dark black fur entering the room. It looked like a...dog? But pets weren't allowed in the building. You wanted to keep walking but you were drawn to look out of curiousity.

You walked slowly and quietly toward the slightly open door. You grabbed the door handle and was about to open the door but from inside the room you heard someone talking.

"Hello, Hye Yoon." the voice was deep and scratchy but there was something about it that seemed like it was trying to be kind. You gasped and quickly let go, retreating away from the door. You pressed up against the wall opposite from the door. The voice continued to speak.

"You came alone? Quite foolish of you, Hye Yoon. It is dangerous here. Expecially for you. You of all people should know this." you started to run back to the others, but the voice kept speaking, never once fading. It was in your head.

"Smart decision. Go back to your friends. They need you, as well as you need them. This place is different, Hye Yoon. Here, you must stay with the ones you care for. It is your only salvation in this place. We'll meet again. I hope your friends will be there as well. We can all talk. Good luck, Hye Yoon. See you soon." the voice stopped.

You felt your lungs burning in your chest and stopped, breathing heavily against the wall. Then you realized the practice room was just across the hall. You started walking toward the door when you heard yelling.

"Kill it!"

"You kill it!"

"Why?! You're the guys! You should kill it!!"


"Someone kill it!"


You started sprinting toward the door and threw it open. You were met with everyone crowded in a group in the middle of the room. They were staring at a large black dot on the wall. They all turned to you.

"Hye Yoon! You're back!" Soo Min said.

You walked up to the black dot and rolled your eyes. It was just a spider. You knocked it off the wall and stepped on it, but you felt your foot being thrown back and you landed on your .

"Are you okay?!" Jin Ae yelled.

You nodded and kept your eyes on the spider that was staring at you with it's...20 eyes?! You gasped and stood up. The next thing you knew was Kangin and Heechul both running up to it. Kangin with his shoe in hand. They ran to it and Kangin slammed his shoe down on it while Heechul kicked it into the wall. They were both thrown back against the floor.

"What the !" Heechul yelled.

The spider glared at everyone and quickly scuried out of the room. It's slight drag made it look as though it was injured. They must have done something after all.

"What kind of spider is that?!" Eunhyuk shouted.

You shrugged.

"Hey, guys." Kangin said. Everyone turned to him. He was staring at the bottom of his show. He turned it around and you saw that the bottom of the shoe was covered in some kind of yellow liquid. Your memory flashed back to the spider and this time you saw that the part that was injured had a yellow spot on it. You looked at the wall and saw a small patch of the same yellow liquid.

"Blood..." you whispered.

"What?" Kyuhyunn said.

"It's blood."


Confused yet? Haha! XD I see that there's not much Super Junior. I tried to give them more parts in this but it still doesn't seem like much. I promise they'll have more from now on. ^.^

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magicshop222 #1
This story actually blew my mind. I read it a long time ago and still come back for a good read as well as your other two fics!
Chapter 18: Oh god.. Thank goodness I had the intelligence to not read this in the middle of the night. ; u ;
Amazing story, author-nim!
Chapter 18: My god this was amazing!!!!! Loved it.
Chapter 18: woah!!!!!!
Chapter 18: Just.... Awesome!
Maudmoonshine #6
Chapter 18: PASS. Definitely pass. You've done a terrific job and i can't imagine a much better ending.. :D
Chapter 18: That was super extremely good!! I love your stories!!
Chapter 17: waaah~ no way?!?!?!?!? I wanna know what she thought of!!!!
Chapter 16: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!? OH MY GOSHH uishfsdgkgdsolkasg
Chapter 15: OH NO!!!!! Dx