Bloody Hell

Calamity of the Shadows

     As you walked to the school you noticed that everyone was actually pretty light-hearted and somewhat relaxed despite what the voice had told you about your luck beginning to become worse. They were all talking happily with the occasional laugh or "Yah!" from Heechul. You smiled at the friendliness around you, until you saw Donghae. He was talking with Soo Min, Kyuhyun and Henry, a smile on his face but you could tell that it was forced. As well, his throat moved every now and then that looked as if he was holding back a cough or hiccup. You frowned and walked over to them.

"Hey guys." you said casually.

"Hey Hye Yoon." Soo Min responded, smiling. She stood next to Kyuhyun and seemed especially happy.

You talked with them for a while and realized that, upon a closer look, Donghae looked very tired and like he was straining all his energy to speak and even smile. You decided to act on this now.

"Hey, Donghae oppa? Can I talk to you for a second?" you tried to sound normal, but Kyuhyun, Henry and Soo Min have you a look. Not the "Is everything all right?" look but the "ooh la la!" look with their eyebrows raised in flirty curiosity. You rolled your eyes and walked away with Donghae following behind you.

When you were far enough away from everyone you looked at Donghae with a worried look.

"Are you okay?" you asked gently.
"Uh...yeah. Why?" he said, his voice was slightly coarse and stressed.
"You don't look well." you continued. You raised your hand to his forehead but he grabbed your wrist before you could touch him. His hand was sickly warm but you felt his hand shivering on your skin.
"I'm fine." he said. "Don't worry." and with that he let go and walked ahead to walk with Leeteuk, Kibum, Shindong and Eunhyuk.

You watched him closely as yo continued to walk. After a few minutes you saw the school, then you looked back to Donghae and noticed that he looked even more tired than he did before you turned to the school. He looked like every step he took he was using all of his energy. He breathed through his mouth as if he had just run a mile. No one else noticed, but that's all you could focus on. You didn't know what was wrong with him but you knew that it couldn't be good if he could lose all his energy in a matter of seconds.

"There's the school!" Jin Ae yelled. Everyone sighed in relief and quickened their pace except for you and Donghae. You felt worry run through you when you saw Donghae place his palm to his head and stop in his tracks.

"Donghae oppa?" you said. No answer.
"Donghae ah? Are you okay?" you asked again. Still no answer. Everyone turned around and looked to Donghae.
"Hey Donghae ah! What's wrong?" Leeteuk yelled.

Then, without warning, he collapsed to the ground like he were a puppet that just has it's strings cut.

"Donghae oppa!" Jin Ae shouted in fear at the top of her lungs. Everyone yelled and started running to Donghae.

You fell to your knees next to his limp body. He was still breathing but it was rough, as if some kind of mucus was blocking his throat.

"Donghae!" Leeteuk cried as he dropped down beside you and tried to wake Donghae.
"What happened to him?" Hee Young asked in terror.
"I don't know! He just collapsed!" you shouted.
"Is he injured?" Hankyung asked with his already broken Korean almost sounding like jibberish through his crying.
"No. He just collapsed." Leeteuk said, sobbing.
"Hye Yoon. Did he seem different when you talked to him?" Kyuhyun asked as he tried to hold back tears, but his red eyes suggested failure.


You nodded. Tears were falling down your face in rivers. "He looked sick...and like he was holding back coughs. He was burning up when I felt his hand." you sobbed. "He insisted he was okay...why didn't I do something?!" you cried while putting your head in your hands. You felt someone put their hand on your back soothingly.

"He looked sick?" Kangin asked. You nodded shakily.
"The mist..." Hee Young said. "It must have been that mist in Soo Min's house."
"Then why aren't we sick?" Zhou Mi asked.
"It must have been designed to only harm Donghae oppa." she said.
"Why?" Heechul asked harshly.
"I don't know!!! I'm as confused about this place as you are!!!" Hee Young yelled in anger and frustration. Her eyes filled with tears.
"...sorry..." Heechul mumbled.

You all heard a moan and looked at Donghae. He slowly opened his eyes. They were red and blood shot.

"Donghae?" Sungmin said quietly.
"You okay?" Eunhyuk asked.
"...Yeah...just a bit tired. Sorry I worried you." he smiled weakly.
"We're going to get you help okay?" Leeteuk said. Donghae nodded.

Kangin picked up Donghae on his back and you all walked toward the school. Donghae started coughing again. No longer holding them back as that would be useless by now.

Once you were inside a fairly large science classroom, Kangin set Donghae down on one of the big tables. He looked like he was getting worse. He was only half concious and struggling for each breath. Everyone noticed this as well.

"What do we do?" Ryeowook asked. "The medical supplies were all burned in the hospital."
"There's got ot be something in the nurses office." Jin Ae said. "I'll go check." she said as she ran off.
"Siwon, can you go with her?" Leeteuk asked. Siwon nodded and ran to follow Jin Ae down the hall.

Leeteuk started ing Donghae's shirt. You felt like you should look away but you knew this wasn't the time to be bashful. Once Leeteuk opened Donghae's shirt, everyone gasped. Not at his extremely fit torso, but what colour it was. The spots where his lungs would be had black spots on them and extending from them were small vein like lines, they were black as well. The black veins were spreading down his stomach and over his shoulders and arms. You saw them extend out from under his sleeves, over his hands and onto his fingers.

"...Oh my god..." Soo Min whispered.

Donghae coughed and the black veins pulsated. He forced himself to sit up and immediately his face became pale, or paler, with pain and horror when he saw what his body looked like.

Everyone was silent. No one knew what this was or what to think of it. You'd never seen asnything like it before. Donghase suddenly became weak again and started to fall back against the table, but Yesung caught him and lowered him back down slowly.

Just then Jin Ae and Siwon came running in holding various medical supplies and medicine. It all fell to the floor when they looked at Donghae. Siwon's mouth was open in shock and tears streamed down Jin Ae's cheeks.

"Hand me that congestion pill bottle." Hee Young said to Siwon as she walked up to Donghae. You could tell that she was just as creeped out by the black veins covering Donghae as everyone else was, but was trying to hide it. He needed help and acting squeamish wasn't going to solve anything.

"Will they help?" Yesung asked.
"Worth a shot. It might calm his coughing enough so that the...lines don't extend anymore, at least."

Donghae ate the pills without hesitation. Although before they could even get half way down his throat he began coughing severly.

"Donghae!" Shindong yelled. He continued to cough hard into his hand. It sounded like he was going to burst a lung. The black veins pulsed with each rib cage rattling cough. Leeteuk wrapped his arms around Donghae to try to stop his fit, but to no evail. All you could do was watch with wide, fearful eyes. It was torcher for you to see anyone in this state.

After a while, Donghae finally stopped coughing. He removed his hand from his mouth and went wide eyes at what he saw. Everyone looked. In his hand were the two pills...laying in a small puddle of blood filling his palm.

Donghae looked up. You felt fear, sadness and anger toward this place run through you when you looked at him. He had a blood streak coming from the corner of his mouth, but that's not what scared you. The black veins were now crawling up his neck and to his mouth, his nose, his eyes. When they reached his eyelids, his eyes became severly bloodshot and all the colour rushed out of them, leaving them a light grey with his pupil covering almost the entire eyeris. The lines reached his hair line and he started coughing again, even harder than the last time. His entire body convulsed with the force.

Everyone sobbed as they watched their friend and member cough his life away in front of them. Unable to do anything about it.

You were wrong. Your luck could get much, much worse.


I felt so cruel while writing this. T_T I'm so sorry Donghae oppa! As well as any Donghae bias who reads this! Anyway, sorry I didn't update the past week, school started and I haven't found much time to write. Sorry! I'll probably add another chapter later today or tonight so don't fret! Enjoy! :)

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magicshop222 #1
This story actually blew my mind. I read it a long time ago and still come back for a good read as well as your other two fics!
Chapter 18: Oh god.. Thank goodness I had the intelligence to not read this in the middle of the night. ; u ;
Amazing story, author-nim!
Chapter 18: My god this was amazing!!!!! Loved it.
Chapter 18: woah!!!!!!
Chapter 18: Just.... Awesome!
Maudmoonshine #6
Chapter 18: PASS. Definitely pass. You've done a terrific job and i can't imagine a much better ending.. :D
Chapter 18: That was super extremely good!! I love your stories!!
Chapter 17: waaah~ no way?!?!?!?!? I wanna know what she thought of!!!!
Chapter 16: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!? OH MY GOSHH uishfsdgkgdsolkasg
Chapter 15: OH NO!!!!! Dx