Rageful Realization

Calamity of the Shadows

     You suddenly felt anger flow through you. You broke out of Yesung's arms and raced out of the room and through the front doors of the school. You heard shouts behind you but ignored them. Fiercefully wiping tears from your eyes you kept running. Where were you going? You didn't know and frankly, you didn't care. You could hear everyone chasing behind you but didn't look back. You just ran.

"Why do you run, Hye Yoon?" the voice was in your head.
'Leave me alone!' you shouted inwardly.
"Running will not take you to any conclusion. Your friends need you, do they not? Do you not care about them?" it mocked
'Don't! Get out! Please! Just leave me alone!' you tried to fight the demon voice from your mind, but it stayed implanted in your head, reading your every thought and desire.
"If you don't care fro yoru friends...I can kill them you know...I can and I will, just like I did to your other friend."

Your eyes widened in shock and fear.

'What...?' you were horrified almost to the point of your heart failing you.
"You do not care for them...so why shouldn't I? In a sense, I will be assisting you. Without them, you will be able to worry about only yourself and how to save only you. You will no longer have to worry about them. Only you. Only your freedom."
"No..." you whispered.
"Hmm? Sorry, I couldn't hear you. I suppose it's true then. Heh." it stopped. You ceased running and turned around to see everyone catching up to you. You were silent.

"Hye Yoon...you...okay?" Jin Ae panted.

You stood on the spot and stared in fear. You couldn't stop it. It would do what it wanted. It ruled this place. Nothing could stop it's actions or change it's will.

"Hye Yoon?" Soo Min asked. You said nothing.
'Please...' you thought. 'Don't...please....'

Hee Young placed her hands on your shoulders and gave you worried eyes.

"Now...who first?"
'No...!' you pleaded.
"Oh...I know." you could feel it smirk. You looked up in awaiting fear just as you heard someone let out a piercing scream of pain.

You saw Yesung fall to his hands and knees, one hand grasping his chest. He gasped for breath through the pain that didn't diminish. Everyone rushed over to him.

"What's wrong?!"
"Yesung ah!"

You watched with traumatized eyes, unable to do anything.

"Stop..." you whispered desperately.
"Please. Stop this." you said a little louder. Yesung still clenched his chest in pain as everyone tried to help him, though they didn't know what to do.
"STOP IT!!!" you screamed at the top of your lungs.

You fell to your knees. Everything was silent. Everyones shouts faded and your head was met with concrete. Everything was clouded with black dots. You passed out.

You opened your eyes to a pitch black room. You stood up and looked around. You saw nothing.

"Hello?" you said.

The world was suddenly filled with light. You squinted until your eyes adjusted, you were in your room. You gaped in surprise until your faced the window. Sunlight.

"Hye Yoon ah! Come down here for a second please!" your mothers voice.
"Mom?" you yelled. You smiled widely and ran out of your room and down the stairs.
"Mom?" you asked again.
"In here!" she said back. You ran into the kitchen. You frowned when you saw that no one was there.
"Mom?" there was no answer this time.
"Mom? Where are you?" No answer.

Suddenly, you were garbbed by the invisible hands. Their boney fingers wrapped around your arms and legs. You tried to squirm free but they only tightened their grip on you.

"Foolish girl." you heard someone snarl.
"You should have let him die!" another hand, slightly larger than the others, wrapped it's fingers around your throat, blood rushed to your head.
"You should've let them all die! You stupid girl!" the voice yelled and you were thrown against the wall. Pain shot through your spine as you fell to the ground. You gasped and writhed in pain as you attempted to stand. The hand grabbed you by the throat again and raised you into the air. You could barely breathe. You desperately gasped for air to fill your constricting lungs.

"Why don't you listen? Many people have been brought to this place and they have all escaped within a day! They could figure it out! They used their head! They weren't stupid!!!" it screamed. It released it's grip and you dropped. You breathed in heavily.

"Do you not understand?! You can't fight this place! It can not be destroyed! You deserve to remain here! You worthless-!"
"Shut up!" you screamed.

"You honestly thikn that will help you?! All you and your idiotic friends do is yell, cry and waster energy on useless defying! You should have let your friend die when those beasts attacked! Left that boy to die when the coughing started!"

You glared as you took heavy breaths.

"You told us to cherish each other! That we are eahc other's only salvation! What happened to that?!" you yelled in defense. It laughed.

"You really think that letting them suffer here is cherishing them?! It's torcher for them!"
"They're my salvation!" you sounded weird saying it, but it was true and yoru couldn't take it back.

"And they are! But you just haven't let them fulfill that role yet! What good is salvation if it is even weaker than the person who needs it?!"

You said nothing. It was right. They were all strong, but not nearly as strong as you or even they needed to be in order to survive.

"But...what can I do? I can't just watch them die...I can't." you said.

"To escape this place you must turn dusk to dawn. What have you been doing wrong this entire time? Dusk is light to dark, dawn is dark to light. Think. Do something with that useless head of yours. Good bye, Hye Yoon. Hope this will be the last time we speak." it stopped and the world around you faded.

You felt concrete beneath you and opened yor eyes to see everyone looking down at you. Yesung was no longer in pain. You sat up and looked aorund at everyone. You sighed.

You knew the answer.


Late update, I know. School...bleh :P I hope this is a good enough apology. As you probably could tell from the end, this will end soon. :( I'll try to add another chapter or two this weekend, but no promises. I have a few ideas on how to lead up to the ending, but I have slight writers block as how to start them. Sorry. Enjoy! :)

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magicshop222 #1
This story actually blew my mind. I read it a long time ago and still come back for a good read as well as your other two fics!
Chapter 18: Oh god.. Thank goodness I had the intelligence to not read this in the middle of the night. ; u ;
Amazing story, author-nim!
Chapter 18: My god this was amazing!!!!! Loved it.
Chapter 18: woah!!!!!!
Chapter 18: Just.... Awesome!
Maudmoonshine #6
Chapter 18: PASS. Definitely pass. You've done a terrific job and i can't imagine a much better ending.. :D
Chapter 18: That was super extremely good!! I love your stories!!
Chapter 17: waaah~ no way?!?!?!?!? I wanna know what she thought of!!!!
Chapter 16: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!? OH MY GOSHH uishfsdgkgdsolkasg
Chapter 15: OH NO!!!!! Dx