Saving Salvation

Calamity of the Shadows

     You all ran as fast as you could to the hospital. No one knew how they would even begin to save Kyuhyun once they arrived, but they had to try. Kyuhyun couldn't die, especially not here. In this...hell.

"There!" Kibum shouted while pointed to the building ahead.

You looked up and saw the hospital. Then it occured to you. What could be in there? First, there was that giant creature at the park and then those beasts that attacked Kyuhyun. Who knows what horrors could be waiting in there. You felt fear and nervousness build up in your chest as you approached the hospital doors, but swallowed hard and pushed those thoughts to the back of your mind. That didn't matter right now. What mattered was keeping Kyuhyun alive.

As you all ran up to the main door, you discovered that it was locked.

"Who locks a hospital?!" Donghae yelled in frustration.

"Hold on." you said. You turned and grabbed the largest rock you could find from the gravel path. You stepped back and through it as hard as you could toward the window. It shattered into thousands of pieces.

Everyone began climbing through the window and dashed toward one of the emergency rooms.

Leeteuk placed the still unconcious Kyuhyun on the bed. He was very pale and the wounds coveer8ing his face and body still seeped blood. His breath was so slight that if no one checked closely, he could be mistaken for dead.

"What do we do now?" Eunhyuk asked, panicked.

"Someone get gauzes and disinfectant." Hee Young ordered. Siwon ran off and returned two minutes later with a giant glass jar of countless gauzes and a large bottle of clear, alcohol smelling fluid. Yesung and Leeteuk quickly began pouring the liquid onto the gauzes and placing them on the various wounds covering Kyuhyun. He flinched each time a new one was applied, but remained unconcious. At least he was somewhat responsive. You let out a heavy breath.

"That won't be enough to heal him." you said, sadly.

"Well, we can't do surgery, now can we?" Jin Ae said sounding angered. As she always did when the situation was serious and stressful.

"We can try stitching him." Sungmin said.

"No one here knows how though!" Soo Min cried. You walked over to her and hugged her close, her hair.

"It's the only chance we've got though." Henry said.

"Let's do it." Heechul said. He dashed out of the room in search for stitching materials. Ryeowook followed.

You all waited with baited breath as Yeusng and Leeteuk continued applying alcohol soaked gazues. The bandages they applied first where beginning to turn red. Their hands also had some blood on them.

After a few minutes Heechul and Ryeowook still hadn't returned. Everyone began feeling worried. Then the worry turned to hysteria and extreme trepidation.

"Oh god!" Leeteuk yelled in fearful surprise as he jumped back from Kyuhyun.

You all looked up and saw that a gash on Kyuhyun's leg was spurting out blood at an alarming rate.

"What happened?" Kangin yelled.

"I don't know! We cut off his pants to bandage his legs and when we did it just started bleeding!" Leeteuk shouted, his eyes full of tears. You grabbed a small towel hanging on the wall and pressed it hard against the large gash.

Just then Heechul adn Ryeowook came running into the room with their arms full of stitching wire and needles. They looked at you, Yesung and Leeteuk and went wide eyed. You didn't blame them though. The scene looked like it came out of a horror movie. You all had blood covering your hands and shirts with an unconcious person laying infront of you.

"What-?" Ryeowook started.

"Nevermind that!" Jin Ae shouted.

Hee Young took some wire and a needle. She dipped the needle in the bottle of alcohol and started, very carefully, threading one of the more major cuts on Kyuhyun's foreheard. It was a bit messily done, but the wound was closed. Yesung places a new gauze over it.

"We should so this one." you said as you removed the towel from the gash. It still bled but not gushing blood. hHe Young quickly stitched it shut before it was too covered in blood. It looked like a broken fence that was beyond repair, but no blood came out.

After about two hours of stitching as well as applying bandages and gauzes to the lesser cuts, Kyuhyun was no longer bleeding. He looked like a half wrapped mummy, but didn't bleed.

Everyone sighed and sat against the bed and wall.

There was a long silence.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" Hankyung asked quietly.

Everyone shrugged, frowns on their faces. Even though he was closed up and treated to the best of everyone's abilities, he hadn't shown signs of waking up and his breathing hadn't gotten any better.

You heard a sob from across the room and saw Soo Min who had her face in her palms. Tears falling through her fingers. You were about to go comfort her when Donghae put his arm around her and guided her head into his chest. You leaned back. 'At least everyone is getting closer...' you thought, trying to cheer yourself up. It didn't work. You felt tears filling up your eyes and placed your head in your knees. You viciously tried to fight the tears that threatened to fall.

'What if we didn't save him? We're not doctors. This can't happen! Not here, not now, not ever!' you yelled inwardly. 'Why did I have to cause this?!'

You felt someone place their hand on your back and start your hair but didn't look up to see who. The tears began falling.


What do you think will happen to Kyuhyun? Hm? Haha! Enjoy! :D

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magicshop222 #1
This story actually blew my mind. I read it a long time ago and still come back for a good read as well as your other two fics!
Chapter 18: Oh god.. Thank goodness I had the intelligence to not read this in the middle of the night. ; u ;
Amazing story, author-nim!
Chapter 18: My god this was amazing!!!!! Loved it.
Chapter 18: woah!!!!!!
Chapter 18: Just.... Awesome!
Maudmoonshine #6
Chapter 18: PASS. Definitely pass. You've done a terrific job and i can't imagine a much better ending.. :D
Chapter 18: That was super extremely good!! I love your stories!!
Chapter 17: waaah~ no way?!?!?!?!? I wanna know what she thought of!!!!
Chapter 16: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!? OH MY GOSHH uishfsdgkgdsolkasg
Chapter 15: OH NO!!!!! Dx