Final Shadow

Calamity of the Shadows

     You could see the voice watching you in your mind. It's eyes focusing on only you. Staring into you, reading your thoughts. You tried desperately to hide your realization but you needed tot hink of a plan. A plan that would fool even the voice, it couldn't see it coming no matter what.

You closed your eyes and focused on the space in your head where you could see the voice. Everything else was the same. The puppet Sungmin still had fake blood seeping from the neck wound, oblivious to the pain that the real Sungmin was surely feeling. You turn your attention back to the voice or at this point it was more like the shadow. It looked like a mere shadow figure, a silouette, but you knew it was more than that. It was a monster. Looking it straight in the yellow slits that were it's eyes you raised your hand very carefully.

"Hye Yoon? What are you doing?" you heard Hee Young ask behind you. You ignored her and kept carefully raising your hand to the silouette in your mind. Once your fingers were aligned with the voices face, you began to walk forward. Keeping your eyes closed.

"Heh. What do you think you're doing? You're ridiculous." it said. You shivered when it opened its mouth. When it spoke you saw razor sharp teeth that looked like they could tear something or someone apart faster than any living thing on earth. But, it didn't know you could see it so you hid the shiver that crept up your spine. You continued to walk forward until you stood right in front of it. It didn't breath and was slightly translucent, like a real shadow. You looked to the knife lingering under the puppet Sungmin's chin and the dark fingers curled around it. You glanced up to the yellow eyes and razor sharp fangs that were smirking down at you. you fought back another shiver and gently wrapped your hand around the shadows wrist that grasped the blade. Your hand didn't pass through it. 'Good.' you thought.

"I'm sorry..." you whispered to the others behind you. You felt a tear roll down your cheek as you swiftly guided the shadows hand to the blade across the puppet Sungmin's throat and into the shadows own body. The only thing that can kill death, is death. You heard the unmistakable thump of a body falling to the ground. The puppet Sungmin fell to the ground in front of you. You let out a quiet sob and pulled the blade from the shadow. You let go of it's wrist and stumbled backwards. It's hand still held the blade that was emitting a black gas. The same gas was flowing out of the shadows body and disappearing in the air. Then all at once your heard screams and a painful screach from all around you. You opened your eyes and saw the voice in front of you. It was visible. You turned around and saw everyone lying on the ground, Sungmin had a small puddle of blood surround his head and neck.

You turned back to the voice just in time to see it crumble to the ground in in ashes and then blow away like mist. The black mist. You frowned stood on the spot for a few minutes. Staring at the spot that your enemy once stood. Suddenly everything went quiet. Dangerously quiet. You stood alone in the room. Everyone lying limp behind you. Whether they were unconcious or dead you didn't know. Then you saw all of their puppets fall to the ground just like Yesung's and Sungmin's had. You stared in anger at your puppet. It was the only thing left in the room besides you. Then you realized something. You fell to your knees and started sobbing into your hands. You had sent everyone back, but you were still stuck here. You sobbed and sobbed until you had drained yourself of any water your body held. You stood up, wiping tears from your eyes and cheeks and left the room. You walked aimlessly through the building, you had finally lost all sense. You had snapped. Just like the voice said you would.

You continued to wander around the building without any sense. You walked and walked, step after step until you came to the entrance doors. You looked up, eyes glazed. The handles were fixed, somehow but you didn't have the mind to wonder how. Unconciously turning the handle you pushed the door open and walked outside. The sky looked the same, dusk, but at the same time it looked different.

'Dawn.' the word ran through your delirius head. You lazily raised your head and looked out into the distant sky. It wasn't dusk anymore. It was dawn.

You stood in the middle of the street for what felt like forever until you felt your mouth turn up into a small smile. Then you collapsed.

When you opened your eyes again you were laying in a pitch black room. You looked up into the darkness quizzically until you heard the voice.

"Good job." you jumped up and looked around frantically. The space became slightly lighter and you saw a figure walking toward you. Only it wasn't a figure, it was a shadow. You stepped back, glaring at the yellow eyes. It stopped a few feet from you and looked at you with a neutral expression.

"You've succeeded." it said, baring it's fangs. "Took you long enough. Heh. You've finished your trial. You may return home. Your friends are waiting." it bowed it's head and then the almost black world started swirling. When it stopped you were sitting in a familiar room. You couldn't put a name to it, but your recognized it. You stood up and started walking around. Your head was spinning, you were overcome with confusion. You walked around the room alowly until you tripped over something. You fell onto the hard floor. Groaning in pain you sat up and looked to your feet.  You had tripped over, an arm. You crawled up to the body to get a closer look. The figure hand ruffled, somewhat messy black hair, small lips and large but at the same time small eyes. You looked at the person, confused. You placed  your hand to their cheek and you were suddenly filled with memories. Memories of a dark place, a boy severly wounded and bleeding. A girl holding a needle and wire. A large beast and three smaller ones playing at a park. Black mist. Another boy laying on a table, dying and covered in black lines. People in a apanic. The memories overwhelmed you.

Your vision blurred and your couldn't focus. You didn't black out, but you were close to it. That is until you heard a far off voice calling your name. Through the chaos of memories you saw a hazy image of a face. You forced your eyes to focus and the face became clearer. Once the memories had faded and you were back to reality, you were looking straight into the eys of the boy that was lying on the ground. Yesung. You both stared at each other in disbelief, sadness, relief, happiness and many other emotions until you flung yourself up and wrapped your arms around is neck in an ambrace. You practically knocked him to the ground but he regained his balance and wrapped his own arms around you.

"We're back. It's over." he said into your neck. That's when it finally hit you. You were home. Bakc in teh real practice room in the real world with everyone, your family, your friends, everyone. It was all over. You cried into his shoulder in relief for a few minutes until you heard moans from around you. You lifted your head and looked around. Everyone else was waking up. They all looked confused at first but once they realized what had happened they smiled, some cried, others fell back on solace, while others sat where they were in astonishment. You still had your arms around Yesung when something clicked in your mind. You looked around frantically until you saw him. Donghae. Sitting in the corner groggily while Leeteuk had him in a hig embrace,

You pulled out of Yesung's arms and walked over to them. You placed your hand on Donghae's cheek and he looked up, smiling weakly.

"Have a nice sleep?" you whispered gently.
"Ha..." he laughed quietly. Leeteuk let go and smiled. You smiled back and looked to Kyuhyun. Soo Min was beside him checking his arms and legs. All the stitches that none of you bothered to remove, mainly because no one knew how, were gone. They had disappeared. Suddenly you were knocked over from the side and fell to the floor, someone on top of you. You looked up and saw Jin Ae grinning widely at you.

"We're back!" she yelled. "You did it, Hye Yoon!" she squeezed you tightly until you couldn't breathe. You patted her back and she lessened her grip.

"Yah!" you heard Heechul yell. You and Jin Ae looked to him. He was being tackle-hugged by Eunhyuk who was smiling in extreme happiness. "I don't think Eunhyuk oppa is quite back yet." you whispered to Jin Ae who laughed. "Yah Eunhyuk oppa!" Jin Ae shouted. "Donghae oppa's over here!" Eunhyuk stopped hugging Heechul and after realizing who he was hugging, frowned and ran over to Donghae. Sungmin walked over rolling his eyes at his dongsaengs and stopped in front of you.

"Sorry, I...cut you Sungmin oppa..." you said sheepishly. He looked down and smiled. "Well, seeing as how if you didn't we would still be there, I think I'll forgive you." he joked. You smiled.
"It's weird though. It feels like it was only a dream." Yesung, who was now sitting next to you, said. "Yeah...I can't even really remember what it felt like when I was..." Donghae said. "Me neither." Yesung inquired back. "That's probably a good thing." Kibum said from across the room. Everyone was silent for a while until you spoke up. You meant to say it to yourself but it came out of your mouth instead.

"We're finally back." you smiled. Yesung put his arm around you. Everyone smiled as well, then the room was filled with happy silence. Then you saw something move in the shadow of the couch in the corner. It rushed under and couch before you could see it, but it had scruffed fur. Normally that would have creeped you out but this time you just smiled.

'Light and dark will always be connected. No matter who or what interferes. Even if the world ends. Light can not exist without dark. Just like dark can not exist without light. They are one and the same.'


Another story finished. This chapter was longer than I expected but I just kept writing. I did have more but I didn't like it and felt like it was useless so I cut it out. I hope you enjoyed reading Calamity of the Shadows, my second story here on asian fanfics! ^.^ To be honest I do like Crimson Lily a lot more, but this was kind of a try to see if I could write a creepy, dark, kind of horror-ish story. In my opinion it was a pass-fail. I did well on some parts but on others I really messed up or it wasn't written well. Oh well, you live and your learn. Plus I'm not a professional writer and still need practice and schooling on how to really write. XD Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!

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magicshop222 #1
This story actually blew my mind. I read it a long time ago and still come back for a good read as well as your other two fics!
Chapter 18: Oh god.. Thank goodness I had the intelligence to not read this in the middle of the night. ; u ;
Amazing story, author-nim!
Chapter 18: My god this was amazing!!!!! Loved it.
Chapter 18: woah!!!!!!
Chapter 18: Just.... Awesome!
Maudmoonshine #6
Chapter 18: PASS. Definitely pass. You've done a terrific job and i can't imagine a much better ending.. :D
Chapter 18: That was super extremely good!! I love your stories!!
Chapter 17: waaah~ no way?!?!?!?!? I wanna know what she thought of!!!!
Chapter 16: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!? OH MY GOSHH uishfsdgkgdsolkasg
Chapter 15: OH NO!!!!! Dx