Ending with the Beginning

Calamity of the Shadows

     Everyone stared at you uncomprehending. You weren't sure yourself what you meant by it exactly but you knew you said it for a reason.

"What?" Kangin questioned.
"Well...if we have to die in order to get out of here...if we kill death, so to speak, then this world has to create another way for us to leave. Light and dark have to be connected somehow, it's like two sides of a coin." you tried to explain in the easiest way possible. Which was hard since you weren't completely sure of it yourself.
"When one door closes, another one opens." Soo Min said.
"Exactly!" you exclaimed, smiling wide. Everyone's spirits seemed to rise now at the thought of them getting out...without dying.
"So...how do we do it?" you asked innocently.
"You don't know?!" Heechul yelled in astonishment.
"Yah! I can't think of everything you know!" you shouted in defense.
"She's right. She's done most of the thinking for us until now. We should figure it out for ourselves this time." Yesung inquired.
"Thank you." you said as you shot Heechul a look, he rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"We should probably start by figuring out what controls death here first." Shindong said.
"That's easy. That creepy- voice has this whole place under it's control." Kibum remarked.
"How do we kill a voice though? Especially one that has the power to kill any of us at will, and not in a pleasant way?" Ryeowook replied.
"Everything has a weakness." you responded with a knowing tone.
"Then we just have to find it's weakness!" Leeteuk said enthusiastically. He stood up energetically. "Let's go. Shall we?" he smiled. Everyone jumped up and began walking in stead of their leader. Finally, there was a sense of hope in everyone's eyes.

You all walked with light steps. "What else did the voice tell you Hye Yoon?" Hee Young asked.
"Well, it said that I was stupid a few times. It was rather rude." you laughed slightly.
"Heh. That all?" Kyuhyun smirked.
"It also said that..." your smile diminished. "It said that I should've let you all die..." it was more of a whisper, but everyone still heard you.
"Ah! Sorry! I shouldn't have said that! That'll never happen!" you rubbed that back of your head in embarressment.
"Right! No more sadness!" Henry said happily. You smiled.

After a while of walking you all stood in front of the building you first came to this world in. The SM building. Hopefully it would give you the answers you needed to escape. Your mind suddenly flashed to the talk you had with Eunhyuk while walking here.


"Hey, Hye Yoon?" he started.
"When you were unconcious...did you see the voice? Like, was it visible? In any way?" he asked.
"Hmm...no, sorry. It was just the voice, as usual. Why?" you tried to hide your suspicious expression.
"I just thought, if it has a physical existence, we could destroy it by force or something." he answered. You immediately understood what he meant by all that. Donghae. He wanted to get revenge...for Donghae. He knew him since before they were even trainees so it must've affected him the most. Watching him suffer like that. Seeing him die and being unable to so anything.
"Anway. If it doesn't, then nevermind." he said.
"Eunhyuk oppa..." you said gently. He looked back to you.
"You know that...Donghae...he's not really...you know. If the voice told me the truth, then he's most likely back home. Safe and unharmed. Okay? Don't worry. I'm sure he's fine and waiting for us to hurry up and meet up with him back home." you smiled kindly. Eunhyuk smiled back.
"Yeah. You're right! Thanks."


You came back to your senses and looked at the entrance to the SM building.
"You think it might be in there?" Zhou Mi said nervously.
"Maybe. Hopefully." you responded, being direct.
"Well, no use standing out here. Let's go." Kangin said and pushed the door open. You all filed inside, being cautious as you did so. Once you were all inside the door swung shut and locked itself. Siwon grabbed the handle to see if it would open, but as soon as he touched it, the entire handle melted together.

"AH!" Siwon yelped and quickly removed his hand. It was burned slightly, but not too bad.

"I hope that means we were right to come here." Jin Ae said.

You all started patrolling around the building for some kind of clue as to where the voice was. As you walked you noticed all the other doors that led outside were melted as well. You were trapped. Suddenly, you heard a noise from under you. You looked down and noticed that the ground was turning orange, as though it was heating up.

"Move!" Yesung yelled and pulled you aside. Just then, the ground burst into flames that extended half way up to the ceiling, higher than any of you could jump over. Although, the flames didn't extend past the spot they took up. They stayed where they were, as if it were creating some kind of wall. You looked up from the flames and realized that the wall of flames had split everyone up. You, Hee Young, Yesung, Hankyung, Heechul, Ryeowook, Kibum, Eunhyuk and Zhou Mi were on one side and everyone else was on the other.

You were seperated.


Just a note; in one of the other chapters I had said that I would be ending this soon, I am going to slightly retract that statement as I plan to go on with this series a bit longer, but that could change so it's not official. Also, I hope that little Donghae part made you feel a bit happier inside. XD Enjoy! :)


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magicshop222 #1
This story actually blew my mind. I read it a long time ago and still come back for a good read as well as your other two fics!
Chapter 18: Oh god.. Thank goodness I had the intelligence to not read this in the middle of the night. ; u ;
Amazing story, author-nim!
Chapter 18: My god this was amazing!!!!! Loved it.
Chapter 18: woah!!!!!!
Chapter 18: Just.... Awesome!
Maudmoonshine #6
Chapter 18: PASS. Definitely pass. You've done a terrific job and i can't imagine a much better ending.. :D
Chapter 18: That was super extremely good!! I love your stories!!
Chapter 17: waaah~ no way?!?!?!?!? I wanna know what she thought of!!!!
Chapter 16: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!? OH MY GOSHH uishfsdgkgdsolkasg
Chapter 15: OH NO!!!!! Dx