
Calamity of the Shadows

     Donghae eventually stopped coughing. He was exhausted. No reason why he shouldn't be. No one should have to go through that, ever. Jin Ae was about to leave to get him a blanket and pillow if she could find one, but that was irrelevant now as Donghae passed out again. Hee Young wiped the blood from his mouth and hand. She placed a damp cloth on his forehead in hopes of lessening his fever. You knew that this was no ordinary illness and that it would probably not do anything, but didn't tell her that. Eunhyuk buttoned up his shirt. The black veins still spread out over his face and hands, but it was better than seeing his entire body in that state.

You were sitting in the back corner of the room, away from everyone. You wanted to be alone, as well you couldn't stand looking at Donghae suffering like that, knowing what his fate would most likely be. You felt hot tears roll down your cheeks at that thought. You looked out the window above you, hoping that if you didn't see the scene in front of you it would disappear. Foolish idea, but it's all you could muster at this point.

You turned your head when you saw movement. Another one of those spiders. You were about to smash the heel of your foot into it when you remembered what you had promised. You all promised that you wouldn't kill any more things living here, like the other spider.

'That's unfair.' you thought. 'We can't kill this places inhabitants...but they pick us off as if we're flies on a windshield.'

"Bastards..." you whispered. The spider crawled up and out the window. It shot you a triumphant sneer before leaving. You jumped up in anger and quickly shut the window forcefully.

"Hye Yoon...?" Soo Min said quietly behind you. You turned to her, seeing her tear stained cheeks, red eyes and quivering lips. You embraced her and her hair. You heard her sob quietly into your shoulder. Sungmin looked at you and Soo Min sadly. You frowned back at him and looked away.

After a while, Soo Min became tired and walked over to sit with Kyuhyun. She placed her head on his shoulder, he didn't decline. They both fell asleep. You went back to the corner and dozed off. You woke up when your head dropped to the side and hit something. You opened your dreary eyes and turned your head. Yesung was sleeping beside you, his head against the wall. You didn't wake him, he looked tired. You looked around at the 13 sleeping people and never would have guessed that these 15 guys were major idols not 3 days ago if you hadn't known them before this.

They were strong and not just in muscle. You felt a smile in your heart that wanted to show itself, but the grief took over and it failed. You stood up and walked over to Donghae. When you saw him your heart fell into your stomach. The black veins hadn't extended any further, but he wasn't breathing.

"Donghae oppa?" you shook his arm slightly.
"Yah...Donghae ah." you said louder while shaking him harder. Your eyes suddenly felt like oceans were leaking into them. It was almost cartoon about how much water fell from your eyes at once. Your legs felt weak and you collapsed to your knees next to the table. You held Donghae's hand, it was cold.

"...uh...Hye Yoon?" Yesung groaned as he opened his eyes. He saw you on the ground and ran over to you.

"What's wrong?" he asked gently. You felt like slapping him. What does he think is wrong?! You sqeezed Donghae's hand harder as you sobbed. Yesung noticed and looked at Donghae. You heard a quiet gasp. He knelt beside you and pulled you into a hug, your face in his chest, his hand on your head. Your shoulder became wet. You didn't dare let go of Donghae's hand.

Everyone else was still asleep, unaware of what was going on. Yesung hugged you tighter but it still felt like your heart was a black hole. Any hope or happiness you had left was away, never to come back.

Eventually everyone else woke up. In a TV show or comedy movie, it would've been funny to see 18 people crying hysterically, but this wasn't a TV show.

"Am I Interrupting?" the voice, of course.

With that one sentence, Leeteuk lost all sense.

"Get out of here! Just leave us alone you ing bastard!!! Is this your idea of teaching us, you sick...monster?! Either tell us how to get out of here or leave us the alone!!" he screamed.

The voice was silent but you could tell it hadn't left, you could feel it.

"Don't go insane just yet." it said. Leeteuk was about to yell again but a cloth was suddenly shoved into his mouth by...nothing.

"Just shut up. Losing your mind will get you nowhere."

Leeteuk glared.

"Don't any of you remember what I told you? *sigh* You must leave behind what you once longed for or you shall never learn and therefore never leave this place. If that happens, more of you will meet the same end as your friend." it sounded frustrated. "If you don't discover how to leave this place in 3 more days, another will perish. Good bye." the voice stopped.

Everyone was silent.

3 days. If you didn't figure out the riddle, someone else will die.


I'm sorry!! Don't hurt me! T_T If it helps, I actually invisioned this story to be a lot more dark and creepy but it seemed to be dulled down from what I thought it would be when I was writing it. I guess it matters on what your imagination comes up with. I'm gonna get sh*t for this chapter, I just know it. -.- Don't be mad! Please!

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magicshop222 #1
This story actually blew my mind. I read it a long time ago and still come back for a good read as well as your other two fics!
Chapter 18: Oh god.. Thank goodness I had the intelligence to not read this in the middle of the night. ; u ;
Amazing story, author-nim!
Chapter 18: My god this was amazing!!!!! Loved it.
Chapter 18: woah!!!!!!
Chapter 18: Just.... Awesome!
Maudmoonshine #6
Chapter 18: PASS. Definitely pass. You've done a terrific job and i can't imagine a much better ending.. :D
Chapter 18: That was super extremely good!! I love your stories!!
Chapter 17: waaah~ no way?!?!?!?!? I wanna know what she thought of!!!!
Chapter 16: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!? OH MY GOSHH uishfsdgkgdsolkasg
Chapter 15: OH NO!!!!! Dx