
Calamity of the Shadows

"How is it my fault?!"
"You're always so quiet! Who knows what goes on in your head!"
"What about you! You probably caused all this because you're alwaus so loud and conceited!"
"I've always been this way! Why hasn't it happened until now then?! Huh?!"

     You opened your eyes to find Kyuhyun and Heechul yelling at each other fiercly. Everyone was stnding around them trying to calm them down, but to no evail.

"If this is all MY fault then why is everyone else here with me?!"
"How should I know! Nothing here makes sense!"

You walked up to them and stopped in between them, head down.

"Stop..." you half warned, half pleaded.

You knew this was neither of their fault. It was yours. Because of you everyone was starting to break apart and fight with each other. You had to stop it.

"Fine..." Kyuhyun said. He turned and started walking away.

"Kyuhyun ah! Where are you going?!" Siwon shouted after him.

"Away from him!" he yelled back.

"Kyuhyun ah!" Leeteuk shouted and started running after the maknae.

"Hmph!" Heechul huffed and started walking in the opposite direction.

"Great. Now what?" Jin Ae said, annoyed.

"Split up. Half go follow Kyuhyun, the other half go after Heechul hyung."Donghae said. "Who knows what could happen here."

You all followed Donghae's plan and split up. You agreed to meet up at Hee Young's house once the two were found. You, Soo Min, Yesung, Zhou Mi, Ryeowook, Henry and Shindong went after Kyuhyun and Leeteuk. The other 9 searched for Heechul.

"Kyuhyun ah! Leeteuk hyung!" Shindong yelled.

"Where could they have gone?" Yesung questioned nervously.

After a long time of walking you saw a figure in the distance.

"Who's that?" you asked pointing. Everyone squinted.

"Ah! Leeteuk hyung!" Ryeowook yelled.

The figure turned and started running toward you. It was Leeteuk. He stopped in front of everyone panting.

"Where'd...everyone else go?" he asked between breaths.

"They went looking for Heechul hyung." Henry answered.

"Where's Kyuhyun oppa?" Soo Min asked.

"I don't know. I folowed him, but when he turned around a corner, I ran after him, but he was gone."

Everyone looked worried now. That couldn't be good in the slightest.

"We have to find him!" you ordered and started running. Everyone followed . You ran about a block when you heard a scream, a human scream.

"Oh no!" Soo Min yelled.

"Come on!" Yesung signaled as he ran down the street.

You felt your heart racing in your chest and your legs were going numb. You heard the scream again and turned in between two houses. You crashed through the back gate if someones fence and you saw Kyuhyun.

He was surrounded by strange creatures that looked like combinations of a wolf, bear and wolverine. They were all growling at Kyuhyun, blood on their bared fangs. Their claws extended. Kyuhyun was pressed up against the fence, barely concious and covered in blood. You stood frozen in the gate way. Everyone else came running up behind you. Soo Min gasped. The creatures turned away from Kyuhyun and toward you.

You felt fear run through you in a wave. The creatures stared at you, unmoving. After a while they turned and retreated over the fence. You watched them dash away. Once they were completely gone everyone ran toward Kyuhyun who was trying to stand while grasping the fence for support. He was able t stay upright for a few seconds before collapsing. Leeteuk quickly caught him before he hit the ground.

"Kyuhyun ah!"
"Yah! Don't you dare! Stay here!"

Kyuhyun didn't respond, he was unconcious. Whether from the pain or blood loss it didn't matter, he needed help. At least he was still breathing. It was shaky, but it was still breathing.

"We have to find the others and help him!" you yelled. They all nodded while looking at the injured maknae, tears in their eyes.

Leeteuk has Kyuhyun on his back and you all started running. You blinked away the tears that were obscuring your vision and tried to stay strong, for Kyuhyun, everyone else and yourself.

'He won't die. He can't die. We'll save him. We will.' you thought to yourself to keep the small bit of hope you had left alive.

You ran for a long time until you saw the others came walk out from behind a store.

"Yah! Over here!" Henry yelled, he voice weak from sobbing but they wouldn't notice it.

They looked up and started running toward you all. They were smiling. They didn't notice Kyuhyun. Heechul was with them, unharmed.

'Thank goodness.' you thought.

You all stopped running and panted heavily.

"We found you! We were looking for so long! We found Heechul!"

They all had high spirits. That was going to change within seconds though becauseEunhyuk asked the question.

"Where's Kyuhyun?"

You frowned and looked back to Leeteuk who had tears rolling down his cheks. He still held Kyuhyun firmly, unwilling to let go of him.

Everyone else followed your gaze and you could feel their spirits drop.

"Oh my god!"
"What happened to him?!"

"No time for that. We have to get him to the hospital! Now!" Kibum yelled.

"But there's no one there!" Ryeowook cried.

"But it'll have the equipment we need to help him." Hankyung said, his eyes wet.

"Let's go!" Hee Young shouted.

You all ran. Some sobbing, some in quiet shock. All while Kyuhyun's life slowly slipped away.


I know. Major cliffhanger. Sorry! I'll update as soon as I can but that may take a few days. Sorry again! XD

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magicshop222 #1
This story actually blew my mind. I read it a long time ago and still come back for a good read as well as your other two fics!
Chapter 18: Oh god.. Thank goodness I had the intelligence to not read this in the middle of the night. ; u ;
Amazing story, author-nim!
Chapter 18: My god this was amazing!!!!! Loved it.
Chapter 18: woah!!!!!!
Chapter 18: Just.... Awesome!
Maudmoonshine #6
Chapter 18: PASS. Definitely pass. You've done a terrific job and i can't imagine a much better ending.. :D
Chapter 18: That was super extremely good!! I love your stories!!
Chapter 17: waaah~ no way?!?!?!?!? I wanna know what she thought of!!!!
Chapter 16: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!? OH MY GOSHH uishfsdgkgdsolkasg
Chapter 15: OH NO!!!!! Dx