The First Understanding

Calamity of the Shadows

     "How do you know that? It's yellow! What living thing on Earth has yellow blood?!" Kangin said.

"Nothing..." you said. "Nothing on Earth has yellow blood."

"so, then how...?" Eunhyuk started, before a loud scream was heard from the hall. Everyone ran to the door and looked out into the hall. Nothing was there.

'What?' you thought.

"Hey!" Jin Ae yelled. "Who pushed me?!" she demanded.

"No ones behind you." Hee Young pointed out. Jin Ae looked over her shoulder. There really was no one there.

"But...I felt someone push me! I swear!" she looked scared. Everyone had wary looks on their faces now.

"Ah! Hey! Ryeowook, knock it off! Stop pushing me!" Sungmin yelled to the younger one.

"What? I didn't do anything!" Ryeowook retaliated, raising his arms.

Before anyone else could say another word, they were all pushed out o fthe door, rather harshly, and came crashing to the floor on top of each other. Then, the door was closed and the sound of a lock was heard.

Everyone groaned and stood up.

"What the !" Heechul cursed in frustration as he banged on the door.

Leeteuk sighed. "Let's just get out of here and see what's going on."

"Was anyone here when you checked, Hye Yoon?" Soo Min asked.

"No." you answered flatly.

"What? No one?" Siwon said, confused.

You nodded and started walking. You just wanted to get out of this freak building.

As soon as everyone walked through the front doors and looked out into the street, they all gaped. Everything looked so surreal. The sky was stuck in some kind of neverending twilight adna ll the cars and rush of people were gone.

"Please tell me I'm dreaming." Eunhyuk said.

"Im pretty sure if this was my dream, you wouldn't be here. kekeke." Heechul joked with a laugh.

"Aish! Shut up!"

"Whatever. Let's just try to find something or hopefully someone to explain all this." you said.

After a long time of walking everyone was beginning to become tired and there was no sign of other life anywhere.

"Let's just stop here." Hee Young said. "This is my house. We'll rest here for now." Everyone filed into Hee Young's hoise and gathered around the couch. There was an awkward silence.

"So...the 4 of you are trainees?" Shindong asked, trying to break it.

"...Yep." Jin Ae answered less than enthusiastic. Attempt failed.

After a while, everyone lowly drifted off into sleep. You slept for what felt like a while until you heard what sounded like a growl. You woke up in a start and unconciously grabbed the lamp beside you, swinging it over your shoulder. You noticed everyone else was up too. You heard the noise again and everyone looked around the other side of the coffee table.

There was Shindong. Asleep. And snoring. Loudly. Everyone burst out laughing. Waking Shindong up violently in the process.

"Yah! Don't scare us like that! Control you snoring!" Leeteuk yelled while laughing his...unique laugh.

Shindong scowled at his hyungs and dongsaengs.

You were laughing so hard that you completely forgot about the lamp in your hand and when you brought your arm down, rammed it into Yesung's head.

"Ack!" he yelled.

"Sorry!" you said.

Every one stared. The burst out in laughter again 5 seconds later. After a good 10 minutes of laughing everyone started to run out of breath and the laughter dies down.

"Oh! We forgot to ask your names!" Ryeowook said, smiling toward the 4 of you.

"I'm Hee Young."
"Jin Ae."
"My names Soo Min."
"Hye Yoon."

"All right then. We should probably figure out where we are then now that we know each other." Hee Young said standing

Everyone agreed and started toward the door. You stopped midway though. Something didn't feel right.

"Hye Yoon? You okay?" Soo Min asked worriedly.

You remained silent.

"Hello, Hye Yoon." the voice. It was in your head again. Your eyes widened.

"I told you we'd meet again didn't I?" the voice stopped.

"Hye Yoon?" you looked up and saw Soo Min standing in front of you.

"Uh...sorry. Zoned out there for a second. Let's go."

Soo Min frowned but continued out the door.

"Where should we go?" Henry asked.

"How about the park? Lot's of people go there late at night to be alone." Soo Min said.

So you all headed for the park. Once you arrived everyone looked around, no one was there.

"*sigh* Where is everyone?" Kibum said.

"Uh...guys!" Zhou Mi yelled.

"What is it?"

"Did you find something?"

You all ran over to him and noticed that he looked petrified.

"Zhou Mi? What is it?" Hankyung asked.

"What is that?" Sungmin said.

"What?" Yesung asked.

Sungmin pointed with a shaking finger to the bush next to the bench. There, you saw two yellow, glowing eyes.

The eyes smiled in what looked like a grimace.

"Nice to meet you all." the voice said. But this time it wasn't in your head. It seemed to be coming out of the air.

"Who're you?" Donghae asked.

"That doesn't matter."

"Yes it does!" Heechul yelled back.

"Foolish boy. Anger will only be your enemy here."

"What the hell does that mean?!"

"Heechul! Shut up!" Leeteuk warned.

Heechul glared at the leader, but stayed quiet.

"I suppose you're all wondering where you are. I will tell you. But you must promise  not to kill anymore of this places inhabitants."

'The spider.' you thought.

The eyes looked at Kangin's shoe which still had yellow at the edges. Everyone caught on and nodded.

"Good." the voice continued. The eyes smiled. "In the place the most important thing you possess in each other. As it is the only thing you possess, you must cherish it. In the end it will be your only salvation. What I will tell you is that; this place is unlike your own as it is similar. You learn as you progress and use the knowledge you gain to move toward your future. The future you recieve in up to you. Although, here, everything is opposite. You must leave behind what you once longed for and embrace what you fear. If you fail to do so, you will never learn and therefore never escape. That is all I will say."
"that's a very nice tip. But you never told us where we are." Jin Ae said.

"Heh. Smart girl. That may be your savious as well as your doom one day. Very well, I pass on this final thing. This place has no night or day. Only dusk. It is only accessible by people who believe it exists. But even they can only enter this world at the time the light meets the shadow in your world. Use this information I have given you wisely, and you may return home. Abuse it and this will forever be your home. Goodbye adn good luck." the voice stopped and the eyes disappeared.

Everyone was silent.

Kyuhyun sighed.

"We're ed."


Sorry I haven't been updating! I lost internet for a few days. I hope this makes up for it. I'll post another later today because I won't be able to update as much for the rest of the week. Enjoy! :)

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magicshop222 #1
This story actually blew my mind. I read it a long time ago and still come back for a good read as well as your other two fics!
Chapter 18: Oh god.. Thank goodness I had the intelligence to not read this in the middle of the night. ; u ;
Amazing story, author-nim!
Chapter 18: My god this was amazing!!!!! Loved it.
Chapter 18: woah!!!!!!
Chapter 18: Just.... Awesome!
Maudmoonshine #6
Chapter 18: PASS. Definitely pass. You've done a terrific job and i can't imagine a much better ending.. :D
Chapter 18: That was super extremely good!! I love your stories!!
Chapter 17: waaah~ no way?!?!?!?!? I wanna know what she thought of!!!!
Chapter 16: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!? OH MY GOSHH uishfsdgkgdsolkasg
Chapter 15: OH NO!!!!! Dx