
Calamity of the Shadows

     You woke up in the clothes you were wearing yesturday and noticed that your music was still playing. 'I must have fallen asleep while practicing.' you thought as you sat up and adjusted to the sunlight coming through your window. You looked at the clock and realized that it was 8:45, school started in 15 minutes.

"Oh, sh*t!" you cursed as you jumped out of bed and started changing to lightning speed. You wanted to blame your parents for not waking you up but you've never forgotten to set your alarm clock no matter how tired you were, so they probably didn't bother checking. Plus, it was your fault and they already left for work. 'How hard did I hit my head yesturday?!' you wondered as you frantically rushed downstairs, almost tripping in the process, and grabbing a muffin as well as your school bag and running out the door. You reached school with 30 seconds to spare and sat down at your desk, breathing heavily.

"Have a nice sleep, did we?" Jin Ae said while poking your arm.

"Shut up..." you mumbled.

-After School-

     After school you, Hee Young, Jin Ae and Soo Min all walked to the SM building together.

"I can't wait 'till we debut! Then we'll have a reason to skip school!" Soo Min complained.

"Don't get your hopes up too high." Hee Young warned. "Many groups have been cut from between 2 years to a month prior to debut."

"Thanks for the pep talk, Leader!" Jin Ae yelled. You all started laughing.

Once you arrived, you were directed to the practice room where you were instructed to practice your harmonizing and dancing together. The practice room you were brought to was on a floor all of you have very rarely ever been on and felt nervous as to who you would see. This wasn't a floor trainees were allowed on for any reasons besides a surprisee lesson from the sunbaes.

You all entered the practice room and saw that it was empty. You all released the breath you didn't know you were holding and began practicing. You kept your focus and made sure you didn't space out again.

After a few hours you all decided to take a break and sat down in the middle of the floor and started talking.

"Do you think this is a room where big name artists practiced?" Soo Min asked, enthusiastic.

"Maybe. But what I'm more curious about is why they sent us here." you said.

"Yeah. Maybe BoA unnie will be instructing us." Jin Ae said.

"But it's almost 8:30. She'd have arrived by now." Hee Young pointed out.

"Well, maybe-" you were cut off by the door being opened. You all looked up simutaneously and saw the faces of the Super Junior sunbaes. There was an awkward silence until Hee Young spoke up.

"Sorry." she said while standing. "Can we help you with something?"

The man you believe to be Leeteuk answered.

"No. Your instructor told us to let you know your practice for today is over. You can go home. We have this room now." he said politely with a smile.

You all stood up and bowed.

"Sorry. We'll be leaving then." Soo Min said, smiling back.

You all started to walk out of the room as they walked in.

Then, right before you you were about to step out, you felt it. Your legs and arms felt like they were being grabbed by rough, boney hands. You looked down and saw nothing. You turned your head toward everyone else and saw that they wore the same expression of confusion and fear. Even the Super Junior members looked like they were frozen on the spot by this. You tried moving, but the invisible hands kept you where you were.

Suddenly, your felt like you were being pulled by the hands and everything went pitch black. You heard everyone else shouting. You couldn't make out what they were saying. You started looking in all directions frantically, but saw nothing but black.

"Hye Yoon!" you heard someone yell, although you didn't know who. Their voice was rough and demonic.

"Hye Yoon!" they yelled again. Their voice now scratching and spine creeping.

"Hye Yoon..." it whispered this time. It came from behind you. You quickly spun around and was met with glowing yellow eyes. You saw nothing but the eyes and what appeared to be tears-no. The tears were red. It was...blood. Blood was filling the tear ducts of the eyes. You wanted to scream but your voice failed you.

"Welcome, Hye Yoon. We've been awaiting your visit." the voice spoke again. The eyes moving with it.

Then you felt the rough, boney hands wrap around your thoat and squeezed. you gasped for breath but your air way was completely shut. Your heart was in your ears and black spots began to cloud your vision of the glowing eyes that appeared to smiling. Then you passed out.

"Hye Yoon!!" someone yelled, though this time your recognized it. Hee Young.

You forced your heavy eye lids open and she was kneeling over you, relief in her face. You sat up and saw where you were, the practice room. You looked around and saw that everyone besides you, Hee Young and 3 Super Junior members, who were trying to awaken their unconcious members, lay on the floor passed out.

"What happened?" you asked.

"I...I don't...know..." she answered, her voice shaking slightly. You felt panic rising in you. Coming from Hee Young, that wasn't a good sign.

You looked down to your arms and the panic increased. There were red marks covering your lower arms. They looked like they had been grabbed roughly by someone, somone with inhuman hands.


Like it so far? Haha! This story WILL be different from my other one. It will be a lot creepier and have more blood and violence, I'll warn you now. It's original and I think it will be unique and different from fanfics you normally see. I hope it's all right any way. I'm sorry in advance if it doesn't have a lot of scenes with your bias. There are a lot of members in Super Junior and I have to add my 3 OC's as well. Also, everyone is a main character so I have to make scenes and lines for everyone, all 19 people!! Anyway, enjoy! :)

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magicshop222 #1
This story actually blew my mind. I read it a long time ago and still come back for a good read as well as your other two fics!
Chapter 18: Oh god.. Thank goodness I had the intelligence to not read this in the middle of the night. ; u ;
Amazing story, author-nim!
Chapter 18: My god this was amazing!!!!! Loved it.
Chapter 18: woah!!!!!!
Chapter 18: Just.... Awesome!
Maudmoonshine #6
Chapter 18: PASS. Definitely pass. You've done a terrific job and i can't imagine a much better ending.. :D
Chapter 18: That was super extremely good!! I love your stories!!
Chapter 17: waaah~ no way?!?!?!?!? I wanna know what she thought of!!!!
Chapter 16: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!? OH MY GOSHH uishfsdgkgdsolkasg
Chapter 15: OH NO!!!!! Dx