Are You Sure You're Okay?

Don't Try To Solve This


HanGeng looked out in the empty air, into the big white wall that was in front of him. He sighed and felt the confusion mixing with hate and annoyance. Everything pointed in another direction than DongHae, but there were no others! He was the only person seen at the crime scene, around that exact time. HanGeng hissed and kicked a metal trashcan through the room, before it hit the wall closest to it and made an awful loud noise. Siwon looked up at his boss, but didn’t comment. He knew he was in deep thoughts and he should just let him be, till he had figured out what to do with the suspect. What to do at all actually. KangIn didn’t even care with looking and just continued to fold the paper he was holding. ShinDong flinched by the sound and duck down behind his desk in case the trashcan would come his way.



“I don’t think we got the right guy.” KangIn suddenly said without moving his eyes from he almost destroyed paper piece he had played with. HanGeng looked at him with an angry glare.



“Oh, so you don’t think so!” HanGeng said with a loud voice. KangIn shook his head, while he had still his gaze locked upon the paper. HanGeng threw a stack of papers on the floor and hissed again. He kicked the leg of the table and could immediately feel the pain in his foot, but he didn’t want to show the others that he had just hurt himself.



“Hurts like a huh?” KangIn asked with an indifferent voice and threw the tiny little paper piece down on the ground, where all the other tiny pieces was lying. HanGeng looked at him with almost fury in his eyes. KangIn looked at him with a cold stare, didn’t mind his boss being angry as hell, and that in his mind he was going to kick his on the street if he didn’t behave, no he didn’t mind that. Because he knew that HanGeng would never do that.



“If you don’t watch your mouth, you are going to hurt like a . Understood!?” HanGeng yelled and hit his hand into the wall. All these cases with murders there were never going to get solved was eating him on the inside. Innocent people, that probably had never done anything bad in their lives, were murdered and he couldn’t catch the ing guy who did it! His insides were tearing him apart and he needed to get this solved, as soon as possible.



“I understand.” KangIn said and raised an eyebrow while looking at his mentally ill boss, wandering around in the office, like a prisoner in a cell. HanGeng had his hand supporting his chin with a finger lightly touching his lips, while the other arm was wrapped around himself, to support the arm that he was holding to his face. He lightly kept tapping his finger on his lips, while he was walking around in circles to make his thoughts figure out what they should do.



“Uh… Boss. We need to let Mr. Lee go soon. He has been here almost 24 hours. We need to let him out.” Siwon slowly mentioned. HanGeng’s gaze fell upon him. His gaze lightened up a bit, he knew he couldn’t be angry at Siwon for just telling him what they needed to do. He needed to freeze himself for a bit, for all of their sakes, before someone got hurt.



“Yeah. I know. Let’s release him, we have nothing on him. And then we have to apologize.” HanGeng said and made a hand gesture telling them to get up from their chairs. They both did, and on the way to walk past ShinDong he quickly got up and bowed for each of them, when they walked out of the room.



“Are you okay boss?” Siwon asked with a low voice and looked at his boss, who had a tired look and everything with him seemed to fall to pieces.



“I’m sorry Siwon. My head is rather off today. Let’s just get this over with and call it the day. I need time to think, and that office is way too small to think inside.” HanGeng answered and gave Siwon a short excusing look, before stopping at the cell, where they had put DongHae. KangIn found the key and opened up the door.



“You are now set free with no proofs against you. Do not try to run away or leave the country. If you do so, you will be highly suspected again. This is just an advice, which would be wise to follow. If we find proofs against you, we will arrest you again.” HanGeng said and stepped back so DongHae could go out of the cell.



“On behalf of the government, the department and our team, I will apologize for suspecting you of the murder, which you have been taken in to custody for. You are now free to leave.” HanGeng continued and bowed his head quickly. Siwon and HanGeng did the same. DongHae looked a little scared at them, but bowed back and was after that lead to the exit of the house. KangIn followed him to the door, and bowed when DongHae stepped outside.



DongHae looked confused around. How was he supposed to get home? He had no money on him, or a phone. And there was way too far to walk. After a few seconds of confusion, a police car came around the corner, and parked in front of DongHae. A person stood out of the car and looked at him.



“Lee DongHae?” The man said. DongHae nodded slowly and the man bowed quickly with his head.



“I will take you home.” The man said. DongHae bowed low and once again when he walked closer. When he opened the door he bowed again.



“Thank you.” DongHae said and bowed his head at him to show his gratefulness. The man nodded and drove off.








HanGeng took his coat which was hanging on the wall by the door. He waved to the others that he was going, and Siwon nodded as an answer. KangIn didn’t even look up when he left. He was doing something at his computer. ShinDong had of course hurried to stand up to say goodbye, and then HanGeng was gone.



HanGeng exited the building and walked with heavy, quick steps down the street. His thoughts were everywhere and nothing seemed to combine his thoughts. He kicked a stone that was lying on the sidewalk and sighed deeply. Now he stood still and looked around. There were a lot of people everywhere, and a few was about to walk right into him. He moved himself further up against a shop wall, and leaned his back on it. Slowly his head turned upwards and got supported by the wall behind him. The sky was grayish, but not a single drop of rain to be seen. He wondered if that DongHae guy was home now. How his… Husband… Took the reunion. After all, he had been accused of murder, against his best friend. HanGeng himself wouldn’t be happy about that.  A cold wind made him shiver, and he knew it was time to move on.



After a little time walking down the street, he decided that he should probably get something to eat. His stomach moved and made noises with his thought coming along. He was just about to walk into a decent restaurant, when he was almost walked down by some girl who seemed to be a bit busy.



“Yah! Watch your steps man!” The “girl” said. HanGeng knew by the voice that she was not a girl, she was a he. HanGeng took an extra look at the person, and could now tell that it was a man, but only barely. He had a really handsome look, but in a feminine way.



“I’m… I’m sorry.” HanGeng quickly excused, feeling all lightheaded and embarrassed for looking at the guy for so long, without saying anything. The person looked at him and rolled his eyes.



“Yah! You should think about where you’re going. Someone could get hurt.” The person said and looked at HanGeng with disgust. HanGeng bowed towards him. Only now, thinking about, that he was the one who stood still, and the person in front of him, who walked right into him. He decided not to say anything, and hope that the person would just leave it be.



“I’m sorry. Are you alright?” HanGeng asked with a more friendly tone, than the person in front of him used. The person suddenly changed looks from disgust to disbelief.



“I’m sorry, what… What did you say?” The person asked totally taken aback. HanGeng wasn’t sure if the person was going to flip and go all crazy, or if he really was shocked about the question. So HanGeng wasn’t sure what to answer.



“I… I… Uhm… Asked if you were… You were okay?” HanGeng answered and was almost about to run if the person started screaming at him. But the person sure didn’t.



“Oh… Uhm… Yes… Yes. Uhm… Are you?” The persons cleared his throat before asking the question. HanGeng nodded quickly.



“Yes, I’m alright.” HanGeng answered with a quick bow with the head.



“I’m sorry for stumbling into you.” HanGeng said and looked at the person, who now looked down, more or less.



“Oh, no. It’s okay. I… I have had a bad day, so I was just overreacting.” The person answered, and cleared his throat again. HanGeng could feel the person was uncomfortable with the situation.



“I’m HanGeng.” He quickly said to ease the tension. The person looked at him immediately.



“Oh… I’m Kim HeeChul.” The person answered. HanGeng smiled friendly to him.



“Nice to meet you.” HanGeng said and bowed his head slightly. HeeChul did the same and cleared his throat again.



“You too.” HeeChul said and looked a bit worried around, like there was something wrong.



“Do you by any chance know what time it is?” HeeChul asked him, and his eyes fell upon HanGeng again, whom had been watching him look around. HanGeng quickly looked at his watch.



“It’s just around 4 pm.” HanGeng answered and looked at the person’s worried look.



“Okay, thank you.” HeeChul said and bowed lower for him, to show his gratefulness.



“Are you sure you are alright? You don’t look so good. Are you ill?” HanGeng asked and HeeChul looked at him with bigger eyes.



“No! No, I’m alright! I just… Uhm… I need to catch a… Uhm… Train! Yes a train in a moment, so I should get going.” HeeChul lied, which was the most obvious lie ever. HanGeng raised a brow and looked at him.



“You are a terrible liar, and there is no train station nearby. Let me buy you dinner, as an apology to what happened.” HanGeng offered. HeeChul looked skeptical. He measured the words and calculated the time.



“If it’s quick, then okay.” HeeChul said, and actually smiled to him. HanGeng knew types like him and they didn’t smile just here and there. So he felt somehow amazed that he had smiled at a total stranger like he was. Although HanGeng couldn’t help but think that he had a nice smile. It suited his handsome face. HanGeng walked inside and held the door for HeeChul. This time it was HeeChul who got amazed, no one did that for him anymore. HanGeng smiled lightly and closed the door slowly. A waitress hurried to them, bid them welcome and gave them a table for two. HanGeng felt grateful that it wasn’t one of those romantic restaurants. With candles on the table, and such things. HeeChul looked around, happy that they were placed near the back of the room, and not close to any windows. He felt more comfortable in HanGeng’s presence than with almost any other person, and they had just met.



They placed their orders when the waitress came back, and gave her the menus back. HanGeng looked interested at HeeChul. HeeChul looked a bit around, before his gaze fell upon HanGeng, who still looked intensely at him.



“Uhm…” HeeChul said, and had no idea what he wanted to say, so he just closed his mouth again and looked down at the table. The waitress came with their drinks and bowed to them, before hurrying away again.



“And you are sure you are alright?” HanGeng asked all of a sudden. HeeChul’s eyes were quickly on him and stared.



“Yes, I’m very sure.” He answered and tried to hide a little smile. Unbelievable that he could meet a man like that on the street, and no one near him was as sweet and polite as him. His eyes locked with HanGeng’s for a short moment, before HanGeng looked away. He didn’t feel comfortable with looking people in their eyes, unless he should intimidate someone under an interrogation.



“Good. And are you going to be okay, when you leave here?” HanGeng asked and looked at HeeChul, though not right in the eyes. HeeChul was once again taken aback by the question.



“Why do you ask so many questions about if I’m okay?” HeeChul asked with little shy voice, a little glimpse in his eyes and a tiny smile forming on his lips. His eyes were trying to lock with HanGeng’s but HanGeng looked down on his hands there was placed n the table.



“I just want to make sure.” HanGeng answered, he looked up and by a mistake into HeeChul’s eyes. It felt like there was a mystery inside of them. Something that was dying to be told, but everything were held back. Fright and sadness was found there as well, like the little glimpse that was communicating with him right now. Was he really… Flirting with him?



“Mmr… Okay. Then, are you going to be okay when you leave here?” HeeChul asked back, and it almost felt like for HanGeng, that he was seducing him, and that his eyes made him hypnotized. It was like he couldn’t remove his eyes from HeeChul’s, like he was caught in some kind of trap.



A waitress came with a tray and sat a few bowls on the table with different content inside. From the noise it gave, made HanGeng flinch and came back to the “real” world. He removed his eyes from HeeChul’s and thanked the waitress for the food.



“Hmm…” HeeChul muttered, and smiled slightly. He took the chopsticks and fished a piece of meat from one of the bowls. He put it in his mouth and chewed a bit on it. While he did that, his eyes were fixed on HanGeng. HanGeng felt that he was being watched, but he knew who he was watched by, so it didn’t feel quite as intimidating as if it had been from a person outside. HeeChul studied him, his every move, his expressions and looks. The looks he liked very much. HanGeng looked at HeeChul after he had taken a spoonful rice.



“You didn’t really answer my question you know.” HeeChul suddenly stated. HanGeng looked at him, with a slight confused look.



“I asked you before, if you were going to be okay, when you leave here?” HeeChul asked and his head shifted position from a little tip to the one shoulder, to a slight tip on the other shoulder. HanGeng nodded understanding and swallowed.



“Of course I will be okay.” HanGeng said and smiled a little towards HeeChul. He couldn’t help but think that this person was not shy at all. He didn’t know about his age, but as far as he could judge, he needed to be younger than him. It was not polite to stare at other people in that way. But he didn’t seem to give a damn about that. He obviously just stared away.



“Um… Good. Then I don’t need to be worried about that.” HeeChul said and picked up another thing from one of the bowls, and put it in his mouth. His moves were so elegant in some way, HanGeng noticed.



“Why would you be worried?” HanGeng asked confused and looked at him. HeeChul shrugged.



“You seemed to be worried about me, then I worry about you.” HeeChul just said after finishing the bite, and picked up a new thing.



“Oh…” HanGeng muttered and ate some more rice. He wondered how this person could be like that. One of those - “Hard shell, soft core” - Types? HanGeng had met all sorts of persons through his years as an investigator, and he needed to admit, no one had been like HeeChul. Only by his presence made him comfortable and worried at the same time. Like he was the gasoline, just without the fire, yet. All of his feelings and emotions were mixed at the same time and he couldn’t really feel how he actually felt, when he was near him as now.



HeeChul looked around and found a watch hanging on the wall. He noticed that the time has apparently being taken away, and the time was already about 5pm. And he couldn’t be late.



“I need to go.” HeeChul said and put down the chopsticks. HanGeng looked at him quickly.



“Okay, do you want me to take you were you are going, or are you sure you’ll be okay to go alone?” HanGeng asked and smiled slightly. HeeChul looked at him, with sort of a satisfied look.



“You should worry more about yourself than others. Haven’t you learned that?” HeeChul just said and got up. He was just about to walk away when he turned around.



“Thank you.” He just said and blinked with one eye at him, smiling like a dream and walked out of the restaurant.



HanGeng didn’t even see which direction he went in. He sat there a few minutes, just thinking about HeeChul, which kind of character he was, and how he looked, his feelings in his eyes, and what they had talked about. Did HeeChul really try to flirt with him at some point? HanGeng shook his head slowly, only thought he did it inside of him, and not so everybody could see it. The only thing that annoyed HanGeng so much was that he couldn’t figure him out. He couldn’t place him anywhere at his scale of characters. He was new, interesting and mysterious.

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universallove #1
Chapter 21: No KangWon? Good.. Then what about some SiHan..? Just to make sure so there won't be any HanChul. lol jk :p
universallove #2
Chapter 21: No KangWon? Good.. Then what about some SiHan..? Just to make sure so there won't be any HanChul. lol jk :p
universallove #3
Chapter 18: Again, I want Heechul to be this savior light in Leeteuk's total dark life. So please keep Heechul there by his side..

And Kyu's teasing, well, hope it wont be any serious KyuChul. :|
sujulover23 #4
Chapter 16: I think he should leae because he is not safe i mean look what hedid to his parents even if his parents didnt like he he could of move or ran away instead killing them two look what hes doing to kangin and kangin ddnt even do anything jesus he barely even knows leeteuk so wtf and heshurt chullie once what make you think he not going to again if something upsets him who dd think hes going to take it out on if kangins no there just to say he escapes huh
Chapter 15: me too just teukchul part>>>>LOL^^
universallove #6
Chapter 15: i'm just here to read the TeukChul part...for now. maybe i'll read from the start when i have more free time. well, i'm pretty sure i will if you don't break TeukChul up. LoL
i totally love TeukChul and no matter how sick and evil Teukie is in this story, i don't want Heechul to leave him. especially not to go to someone else. and if that someone happens to be Hangeng (as i see his name is tagged and notice that he's a cop from this chapter) i will seriously flip and throw things.

about the violence part, ugh, i don't actually enjoy it but you're writing it finely; everything in the 2 chapters i read is great, actually. good job. :)
loveSungmin #7
Chapter 10: wooow you update fast I love it.
First the haemin is wooow their love is amazing ,I want more .
I want to know who's the killer is ....
bonchan #8
so haemin is the main character?? ^^ Yay
aulia21 #9
Chapter 6: This fic make me curious!
wait for next update ^_^