Even A Grown Man Needs Love

Don't Try To Solve This


“KangIn?” Siwon yelled around the warehouse. He had been looking for him in about five minute’s time now. The woman had joined him after the first three.


“I think he went outside.” A man said from the blood trail while taking pictures of it. Collecting evidence. Siwon nodded and bowed to thank the man. Siwon and the woman exited the building and started walking around to see if he could possibly be there.


“Maybe the car?” He asked himself and walked to the car. After all, the guy had a bad day, it could be he had sat down there to rest a little. But no sign of KangIn in the car. Siwon scratched his head and tried to figure out what to do. He couldn’t have gone back, because Siwon had the car keys, and well the car was still here. And he was sure that KangIn didn’t catch a cap here. He would have told him. No matter what he would have told him if he left. He couldn’t just have wandered off? Could he? Siwon got a little insecure. What if something bad had happened? He then decided to call HanGeng, just in case that he had returned to the office somehow.


“HanGeng? Boss. Is KangIn with you? He has mysteriously disappeared from here. I don’t know where he could be, so I thought I would just check with you if was there.” Siwon said, still afraid of what had happened to his partner.


“No he’s not here.” HanGeng answered with a slight stab in the chest of worry.


“I’m on my way immediately. I’ll be there in a few minutes.” HanGeng quickly said. He got up and turned off the call.


“I’m going to the crime scene. KangIn is missing somehow. I will inform you later.” HanGeng quickly informed ShinDong, who quickly got up, just like he wanted to follow him.


“Yes boss.” ShinDong answered, a little worried. He bowed, and HanGeng took his jacket before going out the door and almost running down the hallway, to throw himself into his car, speeding up so hard that it was just enough to almost throw him in jail if the police saw. He reached the crime scene in record time, jumping out the car and was met by Siwon.


“I’m so sorry boss. But it seems like he is gone. We have been looking all over the place, and the following blocks, but no one has either seen him or noticed him.” Siwon informed. HanGeng nodded, trying not to panic.


“Did you see anyone? You know, unfamiliar? A car parking close, or anything suspicious?” HanGeng asked, looking intense at Siwon. Siwon shook his head quickly.


“No boss. I’m sorry. I didn’t notice anything, and no one of the working people here has left the building at any time. I… I think that… Maybe… The persons who did this to the victims, has been around. Maybe… You know… They took him?” Siwon said, really hesitating to tell HanGeng of his thoughts. HanGeng had already been thinking stuff like that, and things that could be worse.


“Let the others keep looking for him. We need to find him.” HanGeng told him, instead of giving an answer to Siwon’s thoughts. Siwon nodded and turned around to talk to the woman that he had been speaking with earlier. HanGeng looked after him as he walked to the woman. He could see him explain it to her, and she gave some nods and answered him. HanGeng couldn’t see what she was saying, and he couldn’t see Siwon’s face, because he was standing with his back to him. HanGeng sighed heavily and let his hand cover his face before pulling it down. He felt tired, unbelievably tired. With only about 2 hours of sleep, and now a missing colleague. That’s just the way to start a new week. He thought to himself, regretful and annoyed. Why didn’t he just go with them? The paper work could just have waited till after, and it wasn’t even that important. This would never have happened if he had been there. With a twist of blame he kicked a little stone on the ground. It rolled away and under his car.


“What happens if we don’t find him?” Siwon asked suddenly, as he now was back to him, standing in front of him, killing his thoughts with the question. HanGeng looked up, not the least surprised, by his presence.


“Then I guess he will die.” HanGeng answered, looking at Siwon, but didn’t really want to look him in the eyes. He felt the blame from everyone and everything right now, probably from himself the most.


“Don’t blame yourself. Even if you had been here, you would have done the same as me. If anyone should be blamed, I should. I know that I can’t just let him off sight, and he knows very well too that he just can’t wander off. He was angry and said he would look around, so I thought he would stay inside and see if there was anything he could find. You know him. So I looked back, watching him a little before I needed to talk to Choi SaRang, the woman officer I just spoke with, and when I looked again, he was gone. I called for him, but a guy with a camera told me that he went outside.” Siwon explained. He had a hand on HanGeng’s shoulder, and his voice was soft and low. HanGeng nodded and was still looking at him. Yes he knew KangIn too well, so when he was looking around he always wanted to find something interesting or even wicked for that matter.


“Well, it was his deal that he went out. Probably for air.” HanGeng said, trying to get the blame he felt away from his mind. Siwon nodded, agreeing with him.


“He had a bad morning, you saw for yourself. Understandable indeed, we haven’t gotten much sleep.” Siwon slowly said. Giving something a quick thought.


“Boss… Do you think that the persons behind all these murders and killings, could be the same persons?” Siwon softly asked almost like a whisper. HanGeng’s eyes were quickly fixed on him. Though, slowly by the thought his gaze fell down.


“Yes Siwon. I must admit that I have had that thought. They are truly nasty people.” HanGeng answered. Siwon gave his shoulder a squeeze, as he still had his hand on him, but removed it after.


“Don’t be so upset. We will find him, and we will get those idiots soon.” Siwon said to him, trying to help with his word. Trying to help himself as well. They needed to get him back, and get those idiots locked up. HanGeng nodded, hoping that to be true.


“Let’s find out where he could be.” Siwon then said. People around them were still looking. HanGeng picked up his phone, calling ShinDong who was probably getting out of his mind to get some news.


“Yes boss?” A rushed voice quickly answered in the other end when he had picked up the phone.


“ShinDong, we can’t find him.” HanGeng answered with a quiet sigh. He didn’t want to freak the guy out, but he couldn’t lie to him either. He pressed the speaker button, so Siwon could listen as well.


“Have you tried to call him?” ShinDong quickly asked. HanGeng looked at Siwon.


“Yes, we have tried, but it’s turned off.” Siwon answered, a little lost of hope again. A man came running towards them from behind the warehouse.


“We got something.” The man said in a husky and breathless voice. HanGeng just hung up. He knew that ShinDong had heard the man, so he didn’t need to excuse himself right now. They ran back to the place where the man had been. He took them to the place where KangIn had been attacked.


“There are knee prints in the gravel, and if you look closer, he has been dragger on the ground. The grass has been bent and the stones have made a trace.” The man told them. They both looked closer to the ground, and could see that the man was right. All three followed the trace to the place where the car had been parked. They could tell from the ground that showed soil at places where the rocks was spread, that there had been a little struggle.


“Idiots… They have most likely drugged him, then dragged him to the car and put him in the trunk.” HanGeng said highly annoyed. Annoyed, because he couldn’t do anything about it right now. There were a billion places here in Seoul and around that they could be. And they couldn’t just try to drive around and find it. There were at least a hundred possibilities with streets in this area.


“Looks like it.” The man softly muttered. HanGeng bent down in his knees and checked something there was on the rocks. He picked up a small piece of black fabric, clearly from KangIn’s uniform.


“And they sure did a good job with the dragging.” HanGeng said a little pissed. They had caused his clothes to tear apart.


“I think there must have been one person alone to drag him.” The man said. Siwon looked surprised at him. He didn’t want to drag KangIn on the ground by himself that was one thing for sure.


“Why do you think that?” Siwon asked, looking down on the ground, and up at the man again.


“By judging from the way he has been dragged. If there had been more persons to drag him, he wouldn’t be pressed down to the ground as hard as it seems he has been in this matter. And if there had been more people, it wouldn’t look like there had been a struggle to get him into the car. You can tell by the small spots where the stones have been spread, that he may have had to step harder into the ground, to push him up, and he must have dropped him or something on the ground, before getting him in. He sure hadn’t had it easy with it. If there were at least one more person, they would have been able to take his hands and feet, and by that get him into the car with no struggle.” The man answered like it was everyday logic. Siwon nodded at what he had said. HanGeng didn’t like this man, more or less because he could tell that KangIn had been unconscious and dragged, struggled with and just thrown in a trunk to rot.


“Well I guess you aren’t an investigator for nothing.” HanGeng told the man, giving him a little respect. The man bowed with his head as a sign of gratitude for his kind word. Siwon still didn’t think that he would be happy to drag KangIn anywhere. The person didn’t just do it for fun. He had maybe been told to do it, or forced to it.


“Get someone to take pictures of all this, then send it to us. Here take this and bag it.” HanGeng told the man, and gave him the small, tiny piece of fabric he held in his hand. The man took it and bowed.


“Yes Sir.” The man answered, giving them a last bow before leaving to find a person who could do it. Siwon turned to HanGeng.


“So now what? We know he isn’t here, or nearby.” Siwon asked him very straightly. HanGeng felt it like a slap in the face. How the hell should he know? But of course Siwon turned to him, he was the supervisor after all.


“I don’t know Siwon… I don’t know.” HanGeng answered him honestly, not looking him in the eyes. Siwon could hear he was sorry in his voice. Once again he put his hand very softly on his shoulder.


“We will figure this out. We will.” Siwon told him with a soft, but convincing voice. He hoped so deeply that it would come true. HanGeng nodded a little, not so convinced as Siwon had hoped he would be.


“How could they kidnap him like that? They sure aren’t afraid of getting caught. The place teemed with cops and investigators. And how could it happen in front of all those?” HanGeng asked with a low voice, asking himself more than anyone else.


“We were all inside. And if someone was outside they would have been in front of the building, not behind it… I’m sure we will solve this.” Siwon told him, not knowing if HanGeng would like to hear that, or dislike it. HanGeng slowly put his hand on top of Siwon’s, giving Siwon a slight surprised look in his eyes, that disappeared quickly after, when he found out that it was because HanGeng removed his hand. Siwon pulled it back when he removed it. HanGeng sighed soundlessly.


“Don’t try to encourage me with care. We are grown men.” HanGeng muttered to him. Siwon was a little taken aback, all he wanted was to make him feel better. HanGeng turned around to leave. Siwon closed his eyes before looking at his leaving back.


“And a grown man doesn´t need care?” Siwon asked after him, not wanting him to leave like that. He just wanted to comfort him, not making him angry. HanGeng stopped in his tracks, hit by his words. No one really cared for him anyway, so why should there be anyone who wanted to?


“No.” HanGeng just answered with a cold and dry voice, before walking further away. He felt a little crack in his body with his refusing answer. People often said that everyone needed care and love, but no one really offered it, not to him, or those dead people he saw every day. He didn’t believe that “Love” existed in this bloody cold world. Every day was filled with hatred in his world. Not only inside of him, but also from all around and everywhere he went.


“Well, you do…” Siwon mumbled to himself. He didn’t want to run after his boss to tell him that. And it would be embarrassing to yell it to him. Siwon didn’t get how he could be so cold. Everyone needed love and care, even if it was just from a “Grown man” like he obviously was. It must have been for his many years in this apartment that had cost him his believe in love. Even though Siwon had been there many years as well, he still had his faith in love. He saw love all over the world. Couples on the streets holding hands, parents playing with their children in the park, even friends giving each other a hug before saying their goodbyes. It was love, and it was everywhere. Siwon had also been loved, in all three of those ways that was just mentioned. He had held girlfriends hands over the years, played in the park as a boy and hugged friends he had followed home, or had followed him home. Somehow he felt that HanGeng maybe hadn’t felt that. Maybe no one of those things had he felt. Even though Siwon had worked a great deal of time with his boss, he didn’t know much of his background. Obviously he didn’t want to talk about it either, so Siwon had chosen never to ask. He didn’t want to provoke him with questions that he would feel bad about answering. Siwon walked back where the cars were parked, expecting to see HanGeng, but both his boss and his car was gone. Siwon let out a sigh. He walked towards SaRang, the woman he had talked to earlier.


“We don’t need to search anymore. He’s gone from here.” Siwon informed her. She nodded as if she knew.


“Yes, your boss just told me while he hurried away. He didn’t look to good. I think he went back to your office.” SaRang answered and looked slightly worried, like most women do in cases like that.


“Okay, yes. Thank you. You may continue here, and I would be grateful if you would send us the feedback as soon as you get them.” Siwon said with a small smile. SaRang nodded and smiled to him, trying to comfort him with it.


“I think he was thinking too much.” SaRang answered him, she had heard what he had said, but she would make sure that Siwon wasn’t worrying too much about his boss. Siwon slowly nodded and gave the ground a look.


“Yes, I guess too. Here.” Siwon answered, and found a card with contact details for the whole department. SaRang took it carefully.


“Thank you. I will give you a call when I get something important. Drive safely.” She said and smiled to him. Siwon nodded shortly, giving her a quick bow.


“Thank you. Goodbye.” He said, before walking to his car. She gave him a quick wave, he slowly repaid it and the car, backed and made his way back to the office.

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universallove #1
Chapter 21: No KangWon? Good.. Then what about some SiHan..? Just to make sure so there won't be any HanChul. lol jk :p
universallove #2
Chapter 21: No KangWon? Good.. Then what about some SiHan..? Just to make sure so there won't be any HanChul. lol jk :p
universallove #3
Chapter 18: Again, I want Heechul to be this savior light in Leeteuk's total dark life. So please keep Heechul there by his side..

And Kyu's teasing, well, hope it wont be any serious KyuChul. :|
sujulover23 #4
Chapter 16: I think he should leae because he is not safe i mean look what hedid to his parents even if his parents didnt like he he could of move or ran away instead killing them two look what hes doing to kangin and kangin ddnt even do anything jesus he barely even knows leeteuk so wtf and heshurt chullie once what make you think he not going to again if something upsets him who dd think hes going to take it out on if kangins no there just to say he escapes huh
Chapter 15: me too just teukchul part>>>>LOL^^
universallove #6
Chapter 15: i'm just here to read the TeukChul part...for now. maybe i'll read from the start when i have more free time. well, i'm pretty sure i will if you don't break TeukChul up. LoL
i totally love TeukChul and no matter how sick and evil Teukie is in this story, i don't want Heechul to leave him. especially not to go to someone else. and if that someone happens to be Hangeng (as i see his name is tagged and notice that he's a cop from this chapter) i will seriously flip and throw things.

about the violence part, ugh, i don't actually enjoy it but you're writing it finely; everything in the 2 chapters i read is great, actually. good job. :)
loveSungmin #7
Chapter 10: wooow you update fast I love it.
First the haemin is wooow their love is amazing ,I want more .
I want to know who's the killer is ....
bonchan #8
so haemin is the main character?? ^^ Yay
aulia21 #9
Chapter 6: This fic make me curious!
wait for next update ^_^