Awakening. Hating. Realizing.

Don't Try To Solve This


KangIn slowly woke up. Everything around him was cold and even though his vision was still blurred, he noticed that the room was gray and made of concrete. He suddenly remembered that he had been tortured here, but somehow he couldn’t see the face of the man fully in his mind. The only thing he could remember was a strong and mocking voice, a mouth smirking and the pain he had caused him. Then the pain took over all of his body, and he lay his head back down on the concrete floor. His shoulder was out of its normal place, and he couldn’t move his leg that LeeTeuk had stabbed by the knee. How in the hell was he supposed to get out of here? He couldn’t move or crawl to the exit. His hands and feet were still bound with chains. Right now he had no idea of how long he had been unconscious, there wasn’t really anything nearby that could show him, and luckily no one to tell him. His breathing was heavy and it felt like he couldn’t catch his breath. Every inch of his body hurt, and made it almost impossible for him to get any air to his lungs. He moved a little, but every bit of air he had collected was blown from his lungs immediately. A little tear rolled down from his eye and into his hair. Why hadn’t he just killed him back then? His thoughts were one big mess, and couldn’t collect what happened around him right now. When did he even get him? How did he bring him here? The last thing he remembered was when he stood next to Siwon and looked at the three dead men. Now he was suddenly in here, bound and hurt everywhere. He still couldn’t remember the face, even if he tried his best. His bound hands were above his head, like he was still hanging in the chain. Zhou Mi, KyuHyun and KiBum didn’t dare to make bigger damages on the person, than LeeTeuk had already done, and he had asked them to take care of his shoulder. If they had arranged his arms differently, he might have gotten some bad injuries that LeeTeuk would get pissed about. KangIn could feel that he wasn’t able to move his body the least. How did he end up in this situation? What had even happened? He could feel he had been hurt of course, that was one thing that stood very clear in his mind, but he didn’t get the point when it happened or what had happened.




LeeTeuk slowly pushed HeeChul on the arm to wake him up. He had only just opened his eyes himself, but HeeChul shouldn’t be sleeping when he didn’t. Still tired from the last night and the early morning wake-up, he slowly sat up. HeeChul turned around and looked at his face with an annoyed expression.


“Yah… What’s the time?” HeeChul muttered and looked to his bedside, the clock on the night stand told him that it was just around 6 in the morning. He gave LeeTeuk an accusing look. LeeTeuk looked down at him, a slight smirk formed on his face.


“You can’t wake me so early! You know I need lots of sleep.” HeeChul said and pulled the duvet over his head, hiding from him and demonstrated that he wanted to sleep. LeeTeuk just removed the duvet with HeeChul giving in. He needed to, otherwise he didn’t what would happen.


“Yes, but… I need to get up.” LeeTeuk said, like it was the perfect reason for him to wake up his beauty queen. HeeChul sighed.


“Get up then and let me sleep.” HeeChul answered. Mornings were just not the best times for him, and especially not if it was before 10 am. This was even 4 hours before his usual first wake-up. He needed at least one hour to get up, with sleeping a little in between his first time with opening his eyes, till the next and the next. He turned around so his back and the duvet was the only thing LeeTeuk could see. The duvet covered his head again. Slowly LeeTeuk the light a little more up on the night stand, which he had switched on a few minutes ago. It was one of those lights that could give more or less light as how it was turned. The room wasn’t lightened up by it, but LeeTeuk could finely see what he needed to see.


Slowly he lay down again, letting his own duvet slip off him, and pulled HeeChul’s duvet on him, while HeeChul was covered too. HeeChul sighed like he was giving up, but in a teasing way. He turned around to look at his master, who looked him deeply into his eyes. Slowly HeeChul gave him a sweet kiss, as LeeTeuk answered with no hesitation.


“Get up with me?” LeeTeuk asked in a nice and soft tone, really wanting him to. HeeChul looked into his eyes, trying to figure out if he wanted to or not. He didn’t really, because the bed was so lovely and warm. If it was for him to judge, he could probably stay there forever.


“Okay…” HeeChul yawned. LeeTeuk looked almost happy, which blew HeeChul a little away. His face wasn’t a stone or ice cold. He didn’t have the killer look in his eyes. The sudden change gave HeeChul a kick in his stomach, actually liking him much right now. Without thinking more about it, he kissed him more passionately than ever. LeeTeuk was taken aback, but shared the kiss with him, enjoying it at each second. Only when HeeChul backed away to get air, they parted.


“Suddenly not that tired anymore huh?” LeeTeuk teased, his eyes had changed back to his normal cold expression, and there was no glimpse in them, as he had seen just before. HeeChul looked confused out in the air, as he was half up from the bed, with support from his elbows on the mattress. Maybe he had just misread him, or seen something in him that he only just imagined? LeeTeuk gave him a quick kiss on his cheek, before going into the bathroom next to the room. When HeeChul heard the door close, not having turned his head to watch him go, he got his feet down on the floor, but was still sitting on the bed. He buried his face in his hands as he sat on the edge of the bed. His back was turned towards the bathroom. Slowly he removed his hands, feeling exhausted by now and the early morning. He walked to the closet where he found himself a pair of underwear, as he had gotten the other stripped off last night. Somehow he felt sick. Like really sick, his stomach was turning, his head aching and he could feel a small drop of sweat running down his back. He shivered because everything was cold.


“I need to get out of here…” HeeChul slowly said to himself, but with a very serious sound in his voice. He put his arms around his skinny body, too skinny for it to be healthy. Right now he wasn’t so sure if he had felt so… Scared? Before. His whole body felt like it was turning into pieces.


“Someone save me…” He whispered as his body was shaking from the cold by now. A pair of warm arms grabbed his body and holding it tight to his. The warmth of the hug had never felt that good, even though he didn’t look at the person. It was almost before he would crawl into the person, hide behind the skin just to feel warm and safe. After a few seconds in the warm and lovely position, he was turned around. A pair of dark and coldblooded eyes shined strongly into his. All warmth left his body just by that one look. His whole body shivered again, it started shaking when LeeTeuk’s face got closer, and was looking down on him. His mint-breath reached his face, as he could tell he had just brushed his teeth. LeeTeuk’s eyes were locked in his, and he couldn’t look away – He didn’t dare to look away.


“Why would you want to be saved?” LeeTeuk asked him with a threatening voice, though low, but definitely clear enough to be heard. HeeChul was pale as a ghost, and LeeTeuk could feel his skin being cold as ice. A drop of cold-sweat ran down his cheek from the top of his forehead, and he felt like passing out any minute now.


“I don’t feel well…” HeeChul whispered, as everything went black for him, and LeeTeuk got him in his arms, causing him not to fall down on the floor. LeeTeuk looked angry at him, while throwing him back on the bed. Why would he want to be saved? He hadn’t harmed him for a long time! What had happened in that guy’s head? LeeTeuk felt pissed and went to the closet, getting a clean shirt and a new nice suit on. Maybe he should hurt him, just to get him back to the place where he belonged. LeeTeuk quickly refused his own thoughts. Why hurt someone he loved in that way, just to get him back down under? LeeTeuk looked at the bed, seeing that HeeChul hadn’t moved an inch from when he had thrown him on it. Slowly he approached the bed and looked down on him. He saw the lines on his back, as the back was what he could see the most. The scars he had caused him. Suddenly remembering that he hadn’t treated him very well at times, just to get him to understand where his place was in the rank. He slowly sighed as he felt a little guilty of hurting him at that time. His eyes took a careful look at the rest of his tiny body, because normally he wasn’t offered to see it like that. Now he somehow knew why… His bones were very clear to be seen, and the scars that LeeTeuk had caused were around on his body, a few scars here and there. When he got to his lower leg, he could see the tattoo he once had forced him to get. It was just a little above his ankle, and it was his sign. LeeTeuk’s signature. Declaring that HeeChul belonged to him. It started out with a small joke, but ended up in a very serious action.


“No one can save you… You are mine forever…” LeeTeuk whispered to him in a dark and cold voice. HeeChul made a little movement on the bed, slowly opening his eyes. His whole body felt weak, and everything felt cold. Somehow he could feel that someone was watching him, and he slowly turned around to look up at LeeTeuk. Finding himself almost , and that wasn’t a good feeling, especially not now, judging by LeeTeuk’s expression. Normally he would climb to bed either before LeeTeuk, or after the lights were turned off. He never went up before LeeTeuk had exited the room, and so on, so he tried hard not to let LeeTeuk see his body, but he let him feel it every night. But feeling and seeing it, isn’t the same thing, and HeeChul had managed to hide that for a rather long time now.


“You’ve gotten skinnier.” LeeTeuk mentioned. HeeChul slowly pulled the duvet towards him as a cover, but LeeTeuk snapped it from him, before it got to his knees. HeeChul started shaking again. Now that he was dressed it was possible that he had also taking the knife with him, as he usually had. And he didn’t like to see that knife up close, as he had a few times before.


“I’m… I’m sorry! I… I didn’t mean to!” HeeChul quickly tried to apologize, even though he never had a chance to get a word in with an angry LeeTeuk. HeeChul shivered as LeeTeuk got closer. He threw the duvet back on the bed, but far from HeeChul to reach. LeeTeuk grabbed his wrist and pulled him closer to his face.


“Why do you want to be saved?” LeeTeuk asked with a cold and almost evil voice. HeeChul looked into his eyes and it was like “Fright” was written all over his face.


“I just… Felt bad before… And felt like passing out… So I must have said that in hope, for you would come and save me.” HeeChul answered with a whisper. It sounded so perfectly true, that LeeTeuk felt like he maybe was telling the truth. Instead he released his wrist with a slight push back in the bed.


“Even if that is true, as I doubt it is, then I can’t always be around to save you from being ill and passing out.” LeeTeuk said with a slight of disgust in his voice because of the weak man in front of him. Everything about him screamed “WEAK” to his face. It felt horrible to be close to him when he was like that.


“I’m sorry.” HeeChul slowly answered him with a soft whisper. His eyes were filled with fear from what he would do next. LeeTeuk closed his eyes a little, still looking at him.


“Have you met someone? Someone you would hope to find you and save you?” LeeTeuk then asked, very suspicious. HeeChul quickly shook his head.


“No! I couldn’t even do that. I have been here and with you all the time.” HeeChul refused. LeeTeuk nodded. That he knew to be right. LeeTeuk gave him a little nod.


“Okay, then let’s pretend I believe your story. Don’t mention it again, and I will try not to think about how disgusting you look when you are scared.” LeeTeuk said with a harsh voice. HeeChul was totally taken aback by his sudden statement. He was just about to get up and hit him or throw something at him, but that would be pointless, because he had just gotten out of the fight that could cause him damage, then he shouldn’t provoke another one. LeeTeuk turned around and walked out of the room, as soon as the bookshelf had moved. HeeChul sat back in the bed, slowly taking back the duvet to protect him with. His body was still shaking and everything was cold.




LeeTeuk had an important appointment today, causing him to get even angrier with everything. He had so much wanted to force all of his anger onto the cop in the chamber. But he needed to get the appointment done first. HeeChul slowly got out of the room a little later, hoping that there were no one else than LeeTeuk, actually hoping he wasn’t there as well, but he was rather sure he would be. When the bookshelf went to the side and he stepped into the room, it was empty. His eyes widened, as he couldn’t figure out what had happened. Then he remembered there was something with today… LeeTeuk had told him about something happening today, some time ago. He just couldn’t put his finger on what it was. If it wasn’t really important, he wouldn’t go out of the room. Slowly HeeChul sneaked out of the living room / office and went to the kitchen. Before he entered he heard something, a weird noise he couldn’t place. He knew it wasn’t LeeTeuk because he never even thought about going out in the kitchen. HeeChul gathered his senses as he was practically hiding behind the wall. He straightened up and got a better look on his face, then went in.


KyuHyun stood up by the kitchen sink, with his back to it, and resting there, while eating an apple. Now HeeChul could place the weird noise. When he took bites from the apple, it made small weird noises with the juicy fruit and the hard shell to bite through.


“Oh, look who is up.” KyuHyun . HeeChul didn’t think he had ever seen him without him teasing either him or another person who could be in the room.


“Yeah, and if you don’t cut it out, I will do it for you.” HeeChul said a little annoyed. KyuHyun offered him the apple with a straight arm. HeeChul looked confused.


“Yeah, well you said you wanted to cut it out, right?” KyuHyun teased, finding himself ridiculously funny. HeeChul could judge that by the smile on his face and the glimpse in his eyes.  He sighed and turned to the stove to cook rice.


“Do it yourself…” HeeChul just muttered, not in the mood to be playing around with. KyuHyun raised a brow while looking at him. Normally HeeChul always seemed like a freaking diva or something, but there was something about him… That just wasn’t right! KyuHyun made small bites into the apple, but only getting the juice from it, and not the fruit itself. He kept looking at him, kind of expecting HeeChul to explain himself for his weird behavior. Obviously he wasn’t going to do that. HeeChul had added the rice to the water, as he stirred in the pot. KyuHyun kept looking on him, until HeeChul turned to him, with an annoyed facial expression.


“Are you going to look at me all day?” HeeChul asked him, causing KyuHyun to smile.


“If you don’t mind I can do that.” KyuHyun teased. HeeChul rolled his eyes and sighed.


“You are just such a boy…” HeeChul muttered while giving the rice an extra round with the spoon. KyuHyun laughed at his sudden thought of him. He suddenly managed to think of an annoying plan to piss him off, just to repay him for his thoughts of him.


“Hmm… I was wondering… You are like, always here right?” KyuHyun asked. He had changed his tone to sound interested and wondering. HeeChul turned his head to him, sending him a weak smile.


“Yes, why?” HeeChul then asked back, giving the boiling rice a look for not to overdo or burn them to the bottom of the pot. KyuHyun smiled to himself while HeeChul looked away.


“Well, I have just been wondering, where you sleep?” KyuHyun asked, making a slight smirk for himself. HeeChul froze in his spot, though he quickly gathered himself together.


“In one of the bedrooms of course?” HeeChul quickly answered, not too quick to sound as if he was lying to him. KyuHyun gave it a nod.


“So which of the bedrooms? As far as I know, there’s only about two or something like that?” KyuHyun teased. HeeChul turned around with a death glare to the younger.


“Where are you going with this?” HeeChul asked very straight ahead. KyuHyun laughed a little. He took a big bite from the apple as it made a small kind of juicy and crispy *pop*, when he broke the bite off from the rest of the fruit. HeeChul was now starring at him, a hand in his side and looked highly annoyed.


“Oh, well… You know… I just thought about the fact that you and Leader sleep together?” KyuHyun asked smirking more now. His voice was a fake of being wondering, and he overdid it to make it sound even faker. HeeChul’s eyes widened a little, before he needed to stir the rice, as the water started bobbling over the top.


“No, we don’t. I have my bedroom in the other end of the house.” HeeChul answered, actually sounding like he was honest. KyuHyun laughed a little.


“Yeah… Right… You have a small room for yourself when Leader is busy, but you don’t sleep in there.” KyuHyun told him, like if HeeChul didn’t know. HeeChul looked straight at him.


“Why would he sleep with me?” HeeChul asked, suddenly hit by his own words, but buried that down in his stomach, so he could pick the thought up later.


“Nah… I don’t know… I wouldn’t if it was me.” KyuHyun teased even more now, trying to get him to the edge where he would lose his senses and go all crazy on him. HeeChul was just about to throw the spoon at him, he had even raised it, but didn’t let it go. Slowly he just got it down and into the rice again.


“Then good it isn’t you huh? Anyway, no we don’t sleep together, and yes I use my bedroom, also when he was visitors. As you know, I’m just doing things for him once in a while… Cooking stupid food…” The last thing he muttered to himself because of the rice that had started to burn on the bottom. He took off the pot, and sat it on the stove plate beside the hot one. He still stirred in it to get the rice free from the bottom. How could he fail making rice? Stupid idiot for being there and making him annoyed so he couldn’t even cook breakfast…


“Oh yes, I’m glad it isn’t me. But by saying ‘I’m just doing things for him once in a while’ is that the same as saying you two have something?” KyuHyun smirked, really pushing this to the edge. HeeChul wanted to throw the spoon right in his face, but mastered all his self-control. This morning hadn’t been exactly perfect if he may say so, and if he hurt one of LeeTeuk’s “boys”, he sure would be in troubles.


“We don’t have ‘something’, because we don’t have anything. Okay? Let your little mushroom head soak it in, and don’t ask stupid questions like that. If Leader even heard that you accused him of being gay, he would fry your brain and eat it for lunch. Understood?” HeeChul said to him, looking him directly in the eyes. KyuHyun didn’t like the thought of his brain getting fried and eaten, but he couldn’t help to push it just a little more.


“Then why do you sleep together?” KyuHyun asked with a larger smirk and a teasing voice that could even get the calmest man in the world to slap him. HeeChul turned and almost threatened him with the rice-infected spoon. KyuHyun quickly held up his hands, like he didn’t want to get shot. A few seconds after he took them down, as HeeChul turned around to the pot.


“We do NOT sleep together!” HeeChul exclaimed with clenched teeth and a highly annoyed voice. KyuHyun burst in laughter, like it was the funniest thing in the world. HeeChul hit him on the head with his hand, not anything serious, just with his palm on top of his head. KyuHyun got himself together and stood up straight.


“But I know you are gay right?” KyuHyun then asked, still with a laughing smile on his face.


“Oh my! I thought I could hide that forever!” HeeChul said sarcastically in a high pitched voice, and played along to make a diva attitude while saying it. KyuHyun laughed by his act, and needed to support his hand on the table so he didn’t laugh on the floor instead.


“You truly are a diva!” KyuHyun said through his laughter. HeeChul actually made a smile, not that being called a diva was a good thing, but KyuHyun lightened up his mood a little with all his laughing.


“I never told you any different.” HeeChul answered in a more friendly tone. KyuHyun smiled big and nodded agreeing.


“That’s of course true.” KyuHyun answered, suddenly looking suspicious at him. HeeChul just looked suspicious at him back.


“What?” HeeChul asked after a few seconds of silence while starring at each other. KyuHyun was just about to crack, but held in the laughter that desperately wanted to come out.


“You do sleep with him, don’t you? Little Diva.” KyuHyun asked, giving him an intense stare, while still being suspicious. HeeChul actually laughed at him. He gave him a slap on the cheek, just softly of course.


“Would you like to join?” HeeChul teased very extremely. KyuHyun quickly jumped a feet away from him, looking with disgust in his eyes. HeeChul laughed out loud.


“Hey! That’s not funny! I’m definitely not into men!” KyuHyun quickly answered and shook his hands in front of him with his arms straight towards HeeChul to hold him back. Slowly HeeChul smirked, getting a little closer to him. KyuHyun backed away, and hit the wall behind him with a *bump*. HeeChul slowly approached him, planting a hand on each side of his head, close to his shoulders.


“Now, you aren’t so terrifying, are you? You look a little…” HeeChul whispered the last, as he got closer to him, making KyuHyun feel his warm breath, from his words, on his lips. A shiver went down his spine and the hair on his arms was standing up like electricity had gone through him.


“Shy? Anxious? Uncomfortable?” HeeChul teased, now his lips only about 2 inches away from his. KyuHyun swallowed hard, his eyes fixed on HeeChul’s lips, a few times trying to look away. HeeChul had seductive eyes, planting them in his at the time KyuHyun looked up. Slowly HeeChul bowed his arms a little so his body got closer to KyuHyun too, while his lips were now only an inch away. KyuHyun’s heart was pounding like never before, and his whole body was shivering from the tension inside of him. HeeChul stood leaned onto him, his body pressing the younger’s muscular and somehow rather hot body, as he could feel it by his body against his, onto the wall. He could feel his slight shiver, and took a hand from the wall, slowly, very, very slowly, letting it move down from the wall, to his shoulder, down to his chest. Every move he did to KyuHyun, got him to shiver more, and HeeChul could feel the body of the younger getting more and more tense by his every touch. HeeChul breathed out like a little moan of pleasure, as if he liked to touch him. KyuHyun had closed his eyes, in almost pure pleasure. His lips brushed over KyuHyun’s with just a light touch, that couldn’t even count as a kiss. HeeChul put both of his hands on the guy’s chest, moving them slowly down his stomach, as teasingly as possible. By now he could tell that KyuHyun wanted a kiss so badly, that he would actually pull him into him, to get one. HeeChul smirked, and let go of him. KyuHyun opened his eyes again, just realizing that HeeChul had , more than he could ever back.


“I can now declare that you are at least Bi-ual.” HeeChul said, more than teasingly. Earning a rather deadly glare from him, but somehow disappointed. KyuHyun didn’t answer to that. He felt used in some way, and hadn’t really predicted that he would react like that to HeeChul. How did a guy make him feel that way, and not even doing something to him, other than touching him on his upper body? HeeChul smirked at him, turning around while grabbing the pot with rice, and taking a spoon from the drawer. He then turned around again, backing out of the kitchen, while the spoon seductively and just before exiting the room, he put the spoon into his mouth and pulled it out again with a slight *pop*. Then he was gone.


KyuHyun was so taken aback that he didn’t move from the spot that he had been clinging to while HeeChul had seduced him, for the first 5 minutes. Somehow he managed to feel HeeChul’s lips still giving his own that small brush of contact. When he realized that he had just been standing there and imagined how HeeChul’s lips would feel as if they were even closer. How hot he could be when he kissed. Quickly he removed his finger from his lips that had been touching them. It was just at that moment he noticed that he had got a hard-on by HeeChul’s teasing.




HeeChul went into his room that KyuHyun had been talking about. He didn’t want to be in his and LeeTeuk’s master bedroom, and he wasn’t allowed to stay alone in the office. He switched on the TV and watched some dumb- K-Pop drama, that didn’t really catch his interest. He slowly ate his rice, that had been nicely cooked, but the bottom of the pot was still a little covered with the rice that had stuck on it. When he had emptied the pot, he put it on the little stand, by the couch, and lay down looking up into the ceiling. While his thought wandered off to places unknown, he fell asleep.


LeeTeuk had wanted to go and see the cop in his chamber like a madman, but he had had no time for it at all today. It was his priority first thing in the morning. LeeTeuk had had a quick look around the house to find HeeChul, giving him a small hope that he maybe was in his own room. He slowly opened the door and peeked inside, seeing the tiny sculpture asleep on the couch. The TV was on, but the volume was low. HeeChul had the left arm hanging from him and out of the couch, while the other was resting on his stomach. His breathing was very slow and quiet. So peacefully looking was a rare view for most people, and especially LeeTeuk. Of course he didn’t watch him when he slept, but when he sometimes woke up at night, he looked at him, and he always had a weird face expression like he was hurt, or sad, angry or just somewhat happy. LeeTeuk could never really put a finger on what it was, but he guessed it must be his dreams. But the happy face was a rare occasion. Normally it was hurt or sad face expressions. Sometimes he even woke up at night when HeeChul started talking in sleep, crying a little or moving around in the bed. He hated when he did that… But right now he seemed happy, peaceful and okay. And so, he actually hoped he was. He didn’t like the other kind of over-emotional HeeChul that he was sometimes dealing with. LeeTeuk choose just to close the door again, not wanting to interrupt the sleeping beauty.




A/N: I couldn't really figure if this should be a rated M story, but I don't think it's so that you need to close your eyes xD If you disagree I will change it. :) Please leave a comment! I will be very happy then :D

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universallove #1
Chapter 21: No KangWon? Good.. Then what about some SiHan..? Just to make sure so there won't be any HanChul. lol jk :p
universallove #2
Chapter 21: No KangWon? Good.. Then what about some SiHan..? Just to make sure so there won't be any HanChul. lol jk :p
universallove #3
Chapter 18: Again, I want Heechul to be this savior light in Leeteuk's total dark life. So please keep Heechul there by his side..

And Kyu's teasing, well, hope it wont be any serious KyuChul. :|
sujulover23 #4
Chapter 16: I think he should leae because he is not safe i mean look what hedid to his parents even if his parents didnt like he he could of move or ran away instead killing them two look what hes doing to kangin and kangin ddnt even do anything jesus he barely even knows leeteuk so wtf and heshurt chullie once what make you think he not going to again if something upsets him who dd think hes going to take it out on if kangins no there just to say he escapes huh
Chapter 15: me too just teukchul part>>>>LOL^^
universallove #6
Chapter 15: i'm just here to read the TeukChul part...for now. maybe i'll read from the start when i have more free time. well, i'm pretty sure i will if you don't break TeukChul up. LoL
i totally love TeukChul and no matter how sick and evil Teukie is in this story, i don't want Heechul to leave him. especially not to go to someone else. and if that someone happens to be Hangeng (as i see his name is tagged and notice that he's a cop from this chapter) i will seriously flip and throw things.

about the violence part, ugh, i don't actually enjoy it but you're writing it finely; everything in the 2 chapters i read is great, actually. good job. :)
loveSungmin #7
Chapter 10: wooow you update fast I love it.
First the haemin is wooow their love is amazing ,I want more .
I want to know who's the killer is ....
bonchan #8
so haemin is the main character?? ^^ Yay
aulia21 #9
Chapter 6: This fic make me curious!
wait for next update ^_^