Help Is Moving In

Don't Try To Solve This


A few days went by before he was allowed to be discharged from the hospital. Siwon picked him up and drove him home so he could help him a little with his things, so it made it easier for him. KangIn really didn’t know how he was able to make it here. He couldn’t walk because of his knee that had been almost crushed by the knife, and he couldn’t use crutches because his arm was packed up to support his shoulder. Only one crotch to support his leg a little with the left arm. Siwon helped KangIn inside his house and got him down on a chair in the kitchen. At that moment he just realized that he had never been into KangIn’s home before. He took a quick look around just to figure where the different rooms were.


“How are you even able to go anywhere? You can use one crutch and jump around like an idiot, but you can’t actually jump, because you can’t hurt your shoulder. You need to keep that in the exact spot the next… Yeah 6 weeks or so.” Siwon asked him as he suddenly appeared in the door, making himself comfortable up the doorframe.


“I have thought of that, and I don’t know. But I didn’t want to be in that hospital anymore!” KangIn answered and sighed deeply. How the hell should he get through this? Why didn’t that idiot just kill him when he had the shot? Then he hadn’t had this conversation with himself in his head.


“I have an option for you.” Siwon said, and walked to the chair in front of KangIn. He leaned back a little and looked at KangIn with a pair of thinking eyes.


“And that is?” KangIn asked, a little doubtful what that could be. Though, he hadn’t thought about the option that was now put on the table.


“I could come and live with you. Take care of you, and make sure you don’t do anything stupid.” Siwon offered. KangIn’s eyes grew wider. The thought of his help went quick through his mind.


“I can’t accept that Siwon. You are just a colleague.” KangIn refused and Siwon smiled a little.


“Exactly… A colleague. But a colleague can be a friend too, and I have always seen myself as a friend to you, more than “just” a colleague. On the other hand, you can’t really stop me from doing it right? I can take that one crotch you got and walk away then you can sit there till your bones have grown back together and your wounds have healed up. At that time you will be dead because you can’t get water, and if you get up and tries to get to the wash, you may fall and hurt yourself even more, and then you will lie on the floor instead of sitting in the chair, and die there instead… I think my offer is a good one.” Siwon . He knew that this one would work. Mostly because he knew KangIn wanted the help, but wouldn’t surrender easily, that would be a crack in his ego.


“Fine… I don’t want to die sitting in a chair.” KangIn muttered and rolled his eyes as he gave up the argument. Siwon smiled.


“Good choice. Lucky you have a friend that has no bonds to anyone and can help you when you need it huh?” Siwon even more. This was going to be some amazingly great weeks! He could finally piss KangIn off all he wanted, and the poor guy could do absolutely nothing to stop him!


“Yeah, how lucky I am…” KangIn mumbled and looked at him with a small laughing smile. Siwon smiled back and got up from the chair.


“Then it’s good you have an extra spare bedroom.” Siwon said and walked around the table so he was standing next to KangIn. Causing KangIn to laugh a little.


“You are quick huh? Well yes I have. Do you want to borrow it?” KangIn asked with a tricky voice sounding like a tease. Siwon looked at him with a small smile.


“Yes that would be great if you don’t want me on the other side of your bed!” Siwon laughed, KangIn laughed a little too, but it hurt if he laughed too much.


“That’s okay. The spare bedroom is yours.” KangIn said and smiled a little bit. Maybe it would be more entertaining and nicer to have a person around in the house.


“Thank you. Now, what do you want for dinner?” Siwon asked as he looked around in the kitchen. Opened a few of the drawers and cupboards to check where things where and how to navigate in the kitchen.


“I have no idea of what I got in my kitchen, so go wild and see what you can find. I think I got some rice somewhere, but I won’t promise anything.” KangIn answered with a small laugh. He really wanted to see what Siwon could mix with those few things his kitchen contained. Siwon grabbed a chair and checked the cupboards from top to the bottom. He found a few different things so he had already figured out a dish that could be possible to make.


“You know that you haven’t cleaned this kitchen in years right?” Siwon asked as he got out of the last cupboard. KangIn was on his way to die laughing, if it hadn’t been for the pain in his shoulder. So he made a combination of laugh and hurtful noises.


“Have you ever thought of me like a cleaning freak? I think you are the first person that has been crawling into my cupboards, since my last girlfriend left me.” KangIn laughed. Siwon laughed as well, almost falling down from the chair, not because he was laughing so much, but his quick lack of balance.


“No, I must confess I have not. But that I need to change. Well at least the dirty house, I guess I can’t change you into a cleaning freak while you can’t move.” Siwon teased. KangIn rolled his eyes and slowly turned his head to look at the watch on the wall. He didn’t even register what time it was.


“But first, I will cook us some food, and then I will get some of my stuff. I can plant you in the couch with the remote control.” Siwon said and got off the chair, bringing it back to its place at the table.


“Hmm… Sounds good. I never watch television anyway, so that would be a change.” KangIn answered smiling, and looked at Siwon’s back as he stood by the stove.


“What do you do then? When you are home?” Siwon asked almost fascinated that KangIn didn’t watch television. He was just the type that Siwon imagined used all his spare time on watching television and using the computer.


“Well… Not much I guess? I sleep most of the time… I don’t have much spare time, you should know that, you work like me.” KangIn answered. Siwon nodded a little while setting water in a pot on the stove, adding some rice and cutting something on a cut board.


“Yeah, but I think I have time enough to do what I want. Except when we have to work late, but I cook food to myself every evening, and watch television, sometimes I’m at the computer and surf around, or just doing whatever I want to do. Oh yeah, and I clean.” Siwon told him, the last was a little teasing. KangIn laughed a little.


“Well, yes of course you clean. How could I imagine anything else? But wait… Did you say you Cook food to yourself EVERY day?” KangIn asked very surprised. Siwon smiled and laughed a little.


 “Yes, okay a few times I have left over’s, but then I eat that the next day of course. So yes, every day I cook food to myself. What do you eat?” Siwon asked interested. KangIn thought a little about the whole situation. He had never talked to Siwon like this before. Siwon had tried a lot of times to get him to talk to him about other things than bodies and work, but this was actually more comfortable than everything else.


“Well… I like meals that have been done on beforehand so I just put it in the pot let it cook by itself, and eat it. It’s good food and I live till the next day, so I guess it’s food after all.” KangIn answered sounding almost happy right now. Mostly because of the nice thoughts he had had just before. Siwon sighed and turned to look at him.


“You can’t live on ready-meals. Especially not a person like you. Is it because you don’t want to cook, or you just can’t cook?” Siwon asked as he turned his back to him again and put the things from the cut board in another pot. The smell started to spread in the kitchen and KangIn’s stomach felt like it was going crazy to get something to eat.


“What do you mean with “Especially not a person like you”?” KangIn asked and kept looking at Siwon’s back that moved a little at times. Siwon smiled a little.


“I knew you would ask. And I don’t want to explain. You know stuff with protein and all the important things from food that a person needs to have to live properly, and you can’t get all those things from badly cooked ready-meals.” Siwon answered him, and stirred the pots with a spoon. KangIn smiled a little by the thought of Siwon suddenly so caring about him.


“Okay, then I won’t eat bad cooked ready-meals… At least not when you are here!” KangIn said and Siwon laughed a little. He shook his head slowly and checked if the rice was getting ready.


“Good. I can see that I need to shop for grocery tomorrow.” Siwon muttered to himself. KangIn was just about to say that he didn’t need to, but he could very well see that he needed to and he couldn’t do it himself. Being handicapped and helpless was not on his favorite top 10.


“Well, let me at least pay for it?” KangIn asked, trying to figure out something he could do in return. Siwon laughed a little.


“You don’t need to, but you can pay half if you want to.” Siwon answered. KangIn sighed, but surrendered.


“Fine…” He answered and Siwon smiled a little more. They kept quiet for a few minutes while Siwon put the different things on the table, and stirred a little more in the pots, before bringing them to the table too. The fantastic smell of decent food reached KangIn’s nose and he took in a large amount of air to get the smell even more. When Siwon put the pots on the table and KangIn saw the food that delivered the fantastic smell, his stomach was on its way to curl together. Siwon poured some of the food into two bowls in front of KangIn. One for the rice and one for the stew.


“I hope it’s okay for you that I have put some spices in. You haven’t really that much in your kitchen to make the food taste of anything.” Siwon said with a small laugh. KangIn smiled and took the spoon that Siwon had placed next to his bowls and tried the stew. His eyes lit up at the best food he had ever tried.


“No, that’s okay! This is amazing Siwon! How did you learn to cook like this?” KangIn asked in disbelief. Siwon laughed a little by his sudden expression.


“Well I had a mother who insisted on me learning to cook, and when I have been alone I have cooked by myself. I think that just makes me better at cooking by every time I try.” Siwon answered and smiled to KangIn that was gobbling the food almost as fast as he could chew the it. Siwon had made stew and rice that could be picked up with a spoon and not chopsticks, so it made it easier for KangIn to eat it with his left hand.


“I need to thank your mother one day.” KangIn said with his mouth stuffed with food. Siwon held back a laugh.


“I will send your thanks to her the next time I write her a letter.” Siwon promised as he started to eat by himself. It was nothing great, but obviously it satisfied KangIn more than ever, so he just held back that this was a dish containing absolutely nothing at all. Then he could just surprise him even more with the food he would cook next, when he had shopped for different food.


When they had finished the food, after KangIn had downed three portions, Siwon took the dish wash. While they had eaten they had small talked and they continued the conversation as Siwon washed the used things. KangIn couldn’t really go anywhere, so he needed to stay and he didn’t really mind it. He had just figured that Siwon was a very enjoyable person to be around and they talked very well together, compared with their everyday-fights in the office.


“So, let me help you to the living room. I will get some food and a few of my things.” Siwon announced and dried his hands, before helping KangIn up with a lot of trouble, but he got him up, almost without hurting him. KangIn helped himself a little with the one crotch he had and they got him to the living room that was just next to the kitchen. Siwon got him placed in the couch and brought him a stool so he could have his leg on it, supported with four pillows. He brought the remote control to KangIn as well and smiled to him as he was on his way out.


“I will be back as a flashlight. If there is any problem, call me, okay?” Siwon assured and KangIn smiled about his caring co-worker. Oh well, caring friend.


“I will. Now shoo.” KangIn teased and earned a large smile from Siwon. He turned around and got out of the house, into the car and to the inner city to buy food. Meanwhile KangIn the television and watched something he had no idea of what was, but it was rather funny. He kept thinking about all of this, what had happened and everything.


When Siwon got back and entered the house, he found KangIn fully asleep in the couch. Siwon smiled at the sight and put the different food where he thought it would belong. Now the fridge was stuffed to the point where there was no space left, and the cupboards was full enough to feed a family of 5. Siwon didn’t really care, they should have the most needing things now and he could cook better food if he had the right ingredients to do so. After putting his bag in the spare bedroom, he went back to the living room. Turning the television off and slowly brushing KangIn over the hair to wake him up.


“KangIn? Hey? You should get to bed.” Siwon softly said and KangIn slowly woke up. He blinked a few times and yawned a little. Siwon stopped touching his hair now he was awoke.


“Yeah, I probably should.” KangIn answered with a hoarse voice. Siwon nodded.


“I will get you the medicine so you don’t wake up tonight in deep pain. One minute.” Siwon said and got to the kitchen where he found 4 pills and a glass of water. He went back to the living room and gave KangIn the pills that he put in his mouth and then the glass of water that he downed the pills with. Siwon got him carefully up from the couch, this seemed more difficult from the kitchen chair, but he succeeded. Now he was happy that he was strong enough to manage to get KangIn around. Even though he was a big guy and he had lots of muscles, Siwon could still measure himself with him. When they finally got to the bedroom, Siwon sat him on the bed so he didn’t need to stand up too much. Then Siwon realized that KangIn couldn’t get to bed with all of his clothes on, and he could probably not help himself out of it.


“Do you want help? I don’t mind, but if you mind then you can of course do it yourself.” Siwon slowly said. He knew that this would be a crack in KangIn’s pride, but he couldn’t really blame the guy for feeling uncomfortable about it. He could read from KangIn’s face that he wasn’t good about this, but he surrendered.


“I keep my t-shirt on, but I would be glad if you wanted to help me with the rest.” KangIn answered, not looking at Siwon. This was indeed a crack in his pride and everything he had build up as a tough guy towards Siwon, was just wasted now. Siwon carefully helped KangIn getting his shirt off and let the t-shirt stay on. It wasn’t an easy task, because he needed to be more than careful with his shoulder. He got his pant off too, and watched out for his knee too, as he didn’t want that to hurt too. After undressing him, he helped him to lie down on the bed, and put the duvet on him.


“If it makes you feel better, then I have helped a lot of people with this. Don’t feel uncomfortable with it. I know it’s a big deal for you, but it’s not for me. Now get some sleep. I will check on you in some hours if that’s okay with you?” Siwon said softly, hoping KangIn would feel better with it, but he knew that he wouldn’t. Somehow Siwon wouldn’t feel comfortable with KangIn undressing him like that. After all they were just colleagues, and this was a boundary that had been crossed.


“Thanks Siwon. And if it makes you feel better, then you can check on me later. Goodnight.” KangIn answered and closed his eyes. More in embarrassment, than because he was tired. Siwon nodded and walked out of the room.


“Goodnight. Sleep tight.” Siwon said before he closed the door behind him. This would indeed be some trying weeks. But Siwon was just one of those persons who would help people he stood near if he could, and now he could help KangIn, so it made him feel better with that thought of making a difference for a person that needed the help. He went back to the living room and sat in the couch where KangIn had been seated for about half an hour ago. It was so weird to be in an unfamiliar house and knowing he should be there for a long time. Well he would get used to it in a few days when he got to know the house better. Somehow he drifted off to sleep and woke up about three hours later, where he decided he should probably go to bed. Before he went to the bathroom to get ready for bed, he checked on KangIn who was fast asleep with small noises of snore. Siwon smiled a little and closed the door again. He hadn’t reacted on KangIn’s legs that was bandaged and with a lot of plaster here and there. A few of the wounds and scratches hadn’t been covered, but it had left a deep imprint in his brain to see that. He had indeed been tortured and there was not much of his skin to see because of the white cover. It was on purpose that he hadn’t reacted on it, so KangIn wouldn’t feel more ashamed and bad about it. Siwon had told himself that no matter how bad it would look, he wouldn’t react on it, so he didn’t. He brushed his teeth and went to the spare bedroom that he now could call his room for the next weeks. When he lay down on the bed there went some time in deep thoughts before he drifted off to sleep.


A/N: I just want to say that there won't be a love relationship between KangIn and Siwon. So forget that thought about it, if you hoped for it :P Kekeke... Thanks for reading this ^^

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universallove #1
Chapter 21: No KangWon? Good.. Then what about some SiHan..? Just to make sure so there won't be any HanChul. lol jk :p
universallove #2
Chapter 21: No KangWon? Good.. Then what about some SiHan..? Just to make sure so there won't be any HanChul. lol jk :p
universallove #3
Chapter 18: Again, I want Heechul to be this savior light in Leeteuk's total dark life. So please keep Heechul there by his side..

And Kyu's teasing, well, hope it wont be any serious KyuChul. :|
sujulover23 #4
Chapter 16: I think he should leae because he is not safe i mean look what hedid to his parents even if his parents didnt like he he could of move or ran away instead killing them two look what hes doing to kangin and kangin ddnt even do anything jesus he barely even knows leeteuk so wtf and heshurt chullie once what make you think he not going to again if something upsets him who dd think hes going to take it out on if kangins no there just to say he escapes huh
Chapter 15: me too just teukchul part>>>>LOL^^
universallove #6
Chapter 15: i'm just here to read the TeukChul part...for now. maybe i'll read from the start when i have more free time. well, i'm pretty sure i will if you don't break TeukChul up. LoL
i totally love TeukChul and no matter how sick and evil Teukie is in this story, i don't want Heechul to leave him. especially not to go to someone else. and if that someone happens to be Hangeng (as i see his name is tagged and notice that he's a cop from this chapter) i will seriously flip and throw things.

about the violence part, ugh, i don't actually enjoy it but you're writing it finely; everything in the 2 chapters i read is great, actually. good job. :)
loveSungmin #7
Chapter 10: wooow you update fast I love it.
First the haemin is wooow their love is amazing ,I want more .
I want to know who's the killer is ....
bonchan #8
so haemin is the main character?? ^^ Yay
aulia21 #9
Chapter 6: This fic make me curious!
wait for next update ^_^