A Visit To The Couples House

Don't Try To Solve This


RyeoWook looked around in the familiar place, where he had been so many times before, that it was uncountable. He didn’t even notice that he started to smile and his white teeth showed. It was a beautiful Thursday in April, and it was only the start of the month. Shortly after he had looked around, he started moving up the path between two lawns that were nicely cut and with a cute flowerbed where the flowers were just about to come out.  With the small knobs on the branches and the small sprouts around in the dirt, it looked so welcoming and warm, even though it was not much more than 14 degrees it still looked warm with the sun shining on an almost blue sky.


RyeoWook looked at himself by the reflection of the window in the door, and fixed his hair quickly, before he rang the doorbell. He didn’t have to wait long, before his friend SungMin came and opened the door for him. SungMin smiled brightly when he saw that RyeoWook was there.


“Hello!” SungMin said smiling and embraced RyeoWook. Short after he did let go of him again.


“Hello Minnie.” RyeoWook answered and pulled back from the hug.


“Come in, come in. We have been waiting for you.” SungMin said while shoving RyeoWook inside, gently though. RyeoWook laughed a little and took his jacket off, and placed his shoes nicely side by side and followed SungMin into the kitchen. DongHae sat on one of the chairs, but he got up when he saw RyeoWook and greeted him with a warm hug.


“Hello dear friend.” DongHae said and released RyeoWook, but he still had a hand on his shoulder. He looked up and down at RyeoWook, seeing if there was anything wrong.


“Hello DongHae. How are you both?” RyeoWook asked and clapped DongHae on the shoulder, before they let go of each other.


“We are good, and you?” SungMin asked while smiling. DongHae smiled too, so RyeoWook nodded and smiled as well.


“Good to hear. Well, I’m fine too.” RyeoWook answered and gave SungMin a gift.


“Here, it’s for you two. Don’t eat it all at once.” RyeoWook teased and SungMin bowed when he took the gift.


“Thanks Wookie. You are so kind.” DongHae said and put a hand on his shoulder, and with the other one showing him further into the house, and inside the living room. RyeoWook followed him inside the living room, and he sat down in one of the armchairs, with SungMin and DongHae sitting across the table in a couch.


“How have you been? It’s a little while ago since we last saw each other.” SungMin asked. DongHae nodded to what he said and looked thoughtful, thinking about when he last had been on visit.


“Oh, well, I have been here and there. I don’t know exactly what I have been doing. You know me… I’m everywhere all the time.” RyeoWook said laughing and the other two smiled with his laugh.


“Yeah I think we have figured that one out.” DongHae said a bit teasingly. SungMin took DongHae’s hand in his and his hand with his own thumb. RyeoWook smiled at them, more or less inside of himself. They were really cute, even though they were both guys, they looked cute together.


“Of course you have. I would have been disappointed if you hadn’t.” RyeoWook said and smiled. SungMin let go of DongHae’s hand and got up.


“I’ll be here right away with some tea.” SungMin said and RyeoWook nodded. DongHae looked at SungMin, smiled to him, and followed him with his eyes till he was gone. When he was out of sight, DongHae leaned closer across the table and looked at RyeoWook with a weird look in his eyes.


“Have you spoken with YeSung  lately?” DongHae asked, with a pretty low voice. RyeoWook couldn’t see why that needed to be a secret, but he didn’t want to lie, so he nodded.

YeSung was a friend of them all too, and RyeoWook was with him quite a lot. Even though there were not many who knew that, it was some kind of secret too.

DongHae was just about to say something and it looked like a warning, but they heard footsteps from the other room, so DongHae sat back in the couch again, and looked like there was nothing wrong. SungMin entered with a tray with cups and a tea pot on, together with a small glass bowl with some content there from afar looked like chocolate pieces.


“So, now there’s tea.” SungMin said, which also seemed pretty logical, but sometimes SungMin liked to establish what was going on. He smiled and the other two smiled back to him. RyeoWook had just started to get a bit worried about what there was going on with DongHae and YeSung. DongHae wasn’t about to tell him that YeSung was dangerous or something, was he? RyeoWook was just about to laugh with that thought. He knew YeSung and had seen him as late as yesterday, nothing was wrong there. But then… Was there something wrong with DongHae? RyeoWook knew that he needed to find out. Maybe he should invite YeSung over, on their behalf. That was really not polite, but he needed to see if there was anything wrong. And he knew that he would quickly see if there was anything between them. But what should he tell YeSung? That he should invite him over and tell him to say that he just wanted to drop by? Maybe he should call him, and hear if there was anything wrong with DongHae.


“Hello? Wookie? Are you still here?” SungMin waved a hand in front of RyeoWook’s face, and RyeoWook started to get back to reality. He had been lost in his thoughts so much, that he had forgotten what was going on.


“Uhm… Yeah, yeah… I’m here. Sorry, I just drift away sometimes.” RyeoWook apologized and smiled weakly to SungMin, whose face was one big smile. Sometimes RyeoWook really understood why DongHae had changed site and married SungMin. He was a sweet person.


“Good, I thought we lost you there for a minute.” SungMin teased and patted his hair. RyeoWook smiled back to him, and SungMin poured him some tea.


“Here you go.” SungMin said when he gave RyeoWook the cup of hot tea. RyeoWook took the cup and bowed shortly with the head.


“Thanks Minnie.” He said and took a small sip, he knew that it was burning hot, but he didn’t want to be impolite. Just as the liquor reached his lips, and the hot fluid met with his skin, he felt it burn and it was way to warm to be drunk, but after all it was Minnie who had produced the tea, and RyeoWook knew he would be sad if he didn’t drink some of it, so he opened his lips up, just a bit, so he could feel the hot tea flow into his mouth and his tongue got stung by the warmth of the drink. With a bit of persuasion he swallowed the content and made a comfortable noise, of course as fake as possible, so SungMin thought that he had enjoyed it. Instead of enjoying it, his lips, tongue and throat hurt and the tea wasn’t that great either. RyeoWook managed a smile to SungMin, who had just placed himself in the couch next to DongHae.


“It’s really good.” RyeoWook said and swallowed hard, because it felt like everything on the inside and outside of his mouth hurt. He couldn’t resist thinking that it must be a 3rd degree burn.


“Oh Wookie, you are so sweet! But the tea was way too hot to be tasted already! Didn’t it hurt? Oh my, I will get you a glass of cold water. Just stay there!” SungMin quickly got up and out in the kitchen. RyeoWook felt like hitting his head into a wall. Politeness was sometimes way too nice for people that can’t handle it.


RyeoWook still felt the burning inside of his mouth, and his gaze fell on DongHae, who sat in the couch, and couldn’t resist smiling teasingly at him, it was almost mocking. RyeoWook felt some kind of weird atmosphere between them, normally they spoke well with each other. This time DongHae seemed different and somehow dark, in total comparison to what he used to be like. He is normally joyful and funny, but it could be that he had an off-day. Maybe it had something to do with YeSung? RyeoWook once more disappeared in his thoughts, but when SungMin came back with the cold glass of water and waved his hand in front of RyeoWook’s face, he came back to reality.


“You are really far away today, aren’t you?” SungMin asked with that smile, that is impossible to resist, so RyeoWook smiled back and took the glass with water, bowing his head as a thank you gesture.


“Thanks, well, perhaps I am. You know me I often have a lot on my mind.” RyeoWook excused himself, and took a sip of the water, it felt so pleasant that he wanted to drink it all at once, but he knew he had to act nicely, so he just took the water in with small sips.


“So, last time I was here you talked about going on vacation together? Are you, or change of plans?” RyeoWook asked kindly and looked at them. SungMin looked at DongHae with a smile, and DongHae looked back at him.


“Well, we haven’t really decided yet, but maybe for the summer. We would like to visit The United States.” DongHae answered him, and gave him a small smile, which almost seemed faked, but SungMin didn’t see anything.


“Okay, I hope you figure it out. It sounds great like that.” RyeoWook said with a smile. It annoyed him that DongHae acted like that. He hadn’t seen DongHae like that before, so it was quite a change, but all people could have bad days. Even people that are always fresh and smiling can have troubles. RyeoWook tried to push it away, and act like nothing.


SungMin kept blabbering about what they needed to see, and if they went there, they should see that, and if they went another place, they needed to see that. RyeoWook nodded and answered when he felt like he needed to otherwise he just listened, and thought at the same time. About what there could be wrong with DongHae, and if he got a good opportunity he should go to the bathroom and call YeSung. Perhaps he knew what the matter was, or else, he should invite him over. Just to see if there was any difference and if there wasn’t, he could discuss it with YeSung afterwards.


SungMin kept talking for about an hour, before he looked at the time and realized that he needed to prepare the dinner soon. RyeoWook got up when SungMin did.


“I must excuse myself, I need to use the bathroom.” RyeoWook said polite, and SungMin nodded.


“Yes, well of course. You know where it is.” He said and smiled before he went to the kitchen, and started to look around in the fridge to find the stuff that was needed.


When RyeoWook got into the bathroom he pulled out his phone from his pocket, and called the last call he had made. A few beep tones after it was picked up.

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universallove #1
Chapter 21: No KangWon? Good.. Then what about some SiHan..? Just to make sure so there won't be any HanChul. lol jk :p
universallove #2
Chapter 21: No KangWon? Good.. Then what about some SiHan..? Just to make sure so there won't be any HanChul. lol jk :p
universallove #3
Chapter 18: Again, I want Heechul to be this savior light in Leeteuk's total dark life. So please keep Heechul there by his side..

And Kyu's teasing, well, hope it wont be any serious KyuChul. :|
sujulover23 #4
Chapter 16: I think he should leae because he is not safe i mean look what hedid to his parents even if his parents didnt like he he could of move or ran away instead killing them two look what hes doing to kangin and kangin ddnt even do anything jesus he barely even knows leeteuk so wtf and heshurt chullie once what make you think he not going to again if something upsets him who dd think hes going to take it out on if kangins no there just to say he escapes huh
Chapter 15: me too just teukchul part>>>>LOL^^
universallove #6
Chapter 15: i'm just here to read the TeukChul part...for now. maybe i'll read from the start when i have more free time. well, i'm pretty sure i will if you don't break TeukChul up. LoL
i totally love TeukChul and no matter how sick and evil Teukie is in this story, i don't want Heechul to leave him. especially not to go to someone else. and if that someone happens to be Hangeng (as i see his name is tagged and notice that he's a cop from this chapter) i will seriously flip and throw things.

about the violence part, ugh, i don't actually enjoy it but you're writing it finely; everything in the 2 chapters i read is great, actually. good job. :)
loveSungmin #7
Chapter 10: wooow you update fast I love it.
First the haemin is wooow their love is amazing ,I want more .
I want to know who's the killer is ....
bonchan #8
so haemin is the main character?? ^^ Yay
aulia21 #9
Chapter 6: This fic make me curious!
wait for next update ^_^