Anonymous Call

Don't Try To Solve This


Siwon met in at work early Monday morning. ShinDong got up and greeted him as his usual, and gave him a cup of hot new brewed coffee with him. Siwon thanked him and sat down by his disk. KangIn already sat on his chair, legs on the table and with a rubix cube in the hands. He liked to turn the cube in different angles and mix the colors. He couldn’t solve it, but it wasn’t his interest either so he didn’t even try.


“Morning KangIn.” Siwon greeted as he sat down. KangIn made a noise in return, sounding like he was fully concentrated on the little game cube.


“Sleep well?” Siwon asked and took a small sip of his warm coffee and discovered that it was hot. Once more KangIn made a noise – telling him yes. Siwon had learned to understand his noises, which he often used to answer with. Even though Siwon was sure of HanGeng’s super powers to see others even though he hadn’t looked, he wasn’t so sure that he had super powers to understand KangIn. He usually gave KangIn a smash on the head when he didn’t answer properly. Siwon had worked with KangIn for some years now, so he knew him and read him like an open book. HanGeng on the other hand read new people and people he investigated. When he got to know people he stopped reading them at some point. Siwon was an easy person, so HanGeng didn’t need to know so much, because he already knew almost everything.


“Did you eat a good breakfast?” Siwon asked and took a closer look at the news paper that ShinDong had carefully placed at his desk before he arrived. The news spread quickly. On the front page there was a tiny headline: “Man found dead in alley”. Siwon shook his head slowly. A big picture of some politician filled the rest of the front page. Siwon didn’t care much for politics so he just skipped that.


“Uhm… Yeah, sure.” KangIn answered absent, putting away the silly toy. Siwon sent a quick glance his way, but looked through the headlines in the news paper instead of answering. He knew that KangIn hadn’t eaten anything, because of the way he said the words and the tone in his voice. On the other hand, Siwon knew he usually didn’t eat breakfast.


The phone started to ring and ShinDong quickly picked up. He answered quickly and started writing down a lot of things. A few seconds after, he waved the two others over and put the phone on speakers.


“I just found a man. I think he’s dead. I didn’t know what to do, so I just called the police, and they send me on line to you.” The voice of a man said, he didn’t seem so upset or anything.


“Where are you mister?” ShinDong asked with a normal tone. Siwon and KangIn looked at each other, not uttering a word. Siwon mimed “HanGeng” to KangIn, who suddenly opened his eyes a bit more, realizing that HanGeng hadn’t met in.


“I… I’m not sure officer.” The man answered ShinDong. If it hadn’t been for the situation, ShinDong would have been happy to hear someone call him officer, but at this moment it would be a bit weird to jump up and down in happiness.


“Can you explain the place?” ShinDong asked and tried to tell the others to call HanGeng, without saying anything. KangIn nodded and stepped a bit away to call his boss.


“It’s rather dark. Like there’s some kind of roof or something above the houses. I’m pretty sure that it’s some kind of street though.” The man told them. Siwon nodded to himself, trying his best to find out where the man could be.


“We try to figure out where that is. Do you know if the man is alive or not? Have you been checking his pulse?” ShinDong asked, wondering why he hadn’t called the ER or paramedics or done something himself.


“I… I’m pretty sure that he’s gone officer. I’m sorry. I don’t want to touch him.” The man answered with a thin shaky voice. ShinDong nodded to himself, giving Siwon a quick glance to see what he had to say, if he had to say something. Siwon was still thinking of what place it might be. KangIn came back to them, showing two fingers that indicated that HanGeng would be there as soon as possible. They both gave a slight nod and ShinDong answered the man.


“It’s okay. Are there a lot of blood? Do you see any sign of a fight, or weapons?” ShinDong asked and the man cried out.


“I don’t know what have happened here, and I don’t want to know.” He exclaimed and they could hear both the fear and the trembling in his voice.


“Please calm down mister. We need to at least know where you are.” ShinDong asked, and tried to talk to him in a slow and calm manner. ShinDong didn’t want to know how many of these type of calls he had had over his time as a secretary for the police, but he knew for sure that there was a lot.


“I’m sorry.” The man said, before he hung up. ShinDong looked confused and tried to re-dial the number, but no one picked up. He tried again, with no effect.


“We need to move.” Siwon quickly manage to calculate. KangIn gave made a confirming nod and they were on their way to pick up their jackets.


“Shouldn’t you wait for Boss?” ShinDong quickly asked, and Siwon quickly looked at him with a mind working like crazy.


“Call him to the office, and tell him to contact us, when he gets here, after you have informed him about the call. We will drive to a place I might think it could be. I will call you when we get there and if the place looks like it’s the right, then I will call you for backup, before we go in. Okay?” Siwon said before he opened the door to the passage.


“Yes.” ShinDong said and bowed for them, when they went out. ShinDong quickly dialed HanGeng’s number, and waited for him to pick up.


“Boss, are you on your way?” ShinDong quickly asked and looked into the air.


“Yes, I’m only a few streets away. I will be there in less than 5 minutes.” HanGeng quickly said as he sped through another traffic light.


“Okay. I will inform you about everything when you get here.” ShinDong said and knew he wouldn’t get an answer from HanGeng, and just as he had said the last, HanGeng hung up.


HanGeng sped through another traffic light, just as the red color was about to shine. It gave him at least 2 more extra minutes. Like he had told ShinDong he pulled into the parking lot in less than 4 minutes after, and hurried to the office. Just about 5 minutes later, he entered the office and ShinDong quickly got on his feet to greet him with a low bow.


“Yeah, yeah, skip that. Tell me what’s going on.” HanGeng quickly demanded, feeling a lot of pressure, and that he needed to hurry. ShinDong told HanGeng everything in speed, without forgetting anything, and still so HanGeng understood. HanGeng didn’t need to ask questions about anything, because he knew that ShinDong told everything he knew, and he wouldn’t be able to answer the questions that he would ask anyway. So he just nodded, absorbing the information like a sponge.


“Siwon told me that I should tell you to call him when I had told you all this. He thought he knew where it was they should search for the person. If it was the right place I should call for back up.” ShinDong ended it. HanGeng nodded a last time and pulled his phone up, to call Siwon. It took a few tones before Siwon answered.


“Sorry Boss, had a little problem picking up. We are on our way. I guess ShinDong has now told you everything, and that’s why you call. I will give you an address on text, and I call you again when we get there.” Siwon said and hung up. His voice was a little out of breath, and HanGeng could tell that he was hurrying somewhere, most likely driving, but Siwon was always out of breath when something was happening. Like he held his breath for too long, and then realizing that he needed air. Actually it was more or less like that to be true. A few seconds after HanGeng received a text from KangIn, telling where the address was.


“I will get going now.” HanGeng quickly told ShinDong and got up from the chair he had been sitting on. He grabbed his coat that he had had under his arm, and pulled it on, while he was going out the door. ShinDong had quickly gotten on his feet and bowed to him, before he had disappeared.



Siwon and KangIn pulled out the parking lot and hit the streets a moment after. Siwon drove like an insane, but he somehow managed to do so without trouble.


“You should try to calm a bit down with that speeder, before we get caught by our own.” KangIn muttered and didn’t really give a damn whether or not the police came after them, but if they did, they would use precious time to explain instead of getting to the (possible) crime scene. Siwon mumbled something that KangIn didn’t hear, but he was sure that he had just cursed at him. Though, he would have loved to hear it from Siwon. KangIn sat at the passenger seat next to Siwon. He couldn’t hold a little smirk back, because of Siwon was being so over dramatic. Siwon didn’t reach to hit the brakes before he drove right across the traffic light with red in his way. KangIn laughed at him, because Siwon was just about to scream, and that just looked way to funny, not to laugh about.


“Yah! Shut up…” Siwon exclaimed, with the last just to be a little mumble. KangIn held back an even bigger laugh, but his body showed it very clearly. His chest was moving like he was choking, and his face turned red.


“Oh just get it over with…” Siwon said, and KangIn burst into laughter. Siwon rolled his eyes, and drove on. When KangIn had himself on a sane level, he looked Siwon’s way.


“Do you think we will find it?” He then asked. Siwon shrugged.


“I hope. Well, I would also like to know who that guy was that called us, and just hung up. Maybe something happened.” Siwon said and drove slower down a street, looking from side to side. He then turned right and down a smaller street, eyeing out possible places to kill a person.


“Yeah… Sure…” KangIn answered and didn’t really sound so upbeat. Siwon pulled to the side and turned off the engine.


“I think it could be just down that way. There is some kind of roof, as the guy said, and there are small paths between the walls, and so.” Siwon mentioned. KangIn nodded and shrugged. What the hell should he know about that? Siwon hit his shoulder, and KangIn quickly held the spot where Siwon had hit him. KangIn made a facial expression telling that it hurt, but he would never say that out loud.


“Yah! What the ? Why did you do that?” KangIn said loudly. Siwon shrugged, pretending to act like KangIn.


“Drama queen.” KangIn muttered and got slapped again by his partner. He felt the spot on his head where Siwon had just hit him.


“What the!...” KangIn yelled and Siwon just looked at him with a pair of saying eyes.


“You just called me a fagot.” Siwon said angrily, not Siwon-like at all to be angry like that. KangIn rolled his eyes.


“Whatever…” He just muttered and Siwon was just about to hit him again, when they saw a car getting closer from in front of them. They both ducked and waited to the car had passed them. Siwon looked in the rear mirror that the car was way behind them. The car had been driving so slow, like the person in the car had been looking for something. Siwon sat straight up again.


“Just don’t refer to me as a fagot again. Or I will get a real fagot to take you.” Siwon said and looked angrily at his partner in the passenger seat. KangIn looked at him like he didn’t give a damn.


“Uhh… I’m scared now.” KangIn said with a fake scared voice, but with no fright in it. Siwon just hit him once more, and got out of the car before he could hear anything more from KangIn, so he closed the door as quick as he got out. Inside the car KangIn held the spot in his face where Siwon had just smacked him, rather hard actually.


“The is his problem.” KangIn mumbled and rolled his eyes. Just realizing that his co-worker had just exited the car in a place where they weren’t suppose to go out, unless they were either well equipped or with a lot of others. Siwon should know that. KangIn made an annoyed noise and stepped out the car, looking around, just to see that HanGeng’s car had parked behind them. He once more rolled his eyes and walked to the car. Siwon stood by the door to the front seat, and talked to HanGeng through the open window. KangIn still held the sore spot where Siwon had hit him in the face. His jaw would never be the same, he thought. Even though Siwon was a bit of a sissy, he could hit. That was cleared out now, if it hadn’t been that before. KangIn walked to the car, and placed himself up the hood of the car.


“What happened to him?” HanGeng asked Siwon, who surprisingly gave him a smirk. KangIn looked gloomy at them, and didn’t want to discuss it.


“He called me a fagot, so I hit him.” Siwon said, like it was the simplest thing in the world. HanGeng nodded, and wouldn’t comment more on that. KangIn glared at him for a second and then looked away.


“Let’s check out the place. We can judge from here if there is anything.” HanGeng said and got out of the car. Siwon stepped aside and looked down the street where the car, they had ducked for, had gone down.


“Boss, there was a car a few minutes ago. Just thought you should know.” Siwon said, making HanGeng nod in agreement. They walked down the small paths where there could possibly be a body, but they didn’t find anything. Except a pretty large rat-nest. When they had searched, what they felt like was everywhere, they decided that there was nothing. Except from a lot of rats.


“Let’s go back. ShinDong is probably worried.” Siwon said, and got back in his car. KangIn chose to drive with HanGeng, which felt less dangerous. Siwon was very fine with that, and enjoyed his ride with some music blasting from the speakers, while singing along.

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universallove #1
Chapter 21: No KangWon? Good.. Then what about some SiHan..? Just to make sure so there won't be any HanChul. lol jk :p
universallove #2
Chapter 21: No KangWon? Good.. Then what about some SiHan..? Just to make sure so there won't be any HanChul. lol jk :p
universallove #3
Chapter 18: Again, I want Heechul to be this savior light in Leeteuk's total dark life. So please keep Heechul there by his side..

And Kyu's teasing, well, hope it wont be any serious KyuChul. :|
sujulover23 #4
Chapter 16: I think he should leae because he is not safe i mean look what hedid to his parents even if his parents didnt like he he could of move or ran away instead killing them two look what hes doing to kangin and kangin ddnt even do anything jesus he barely even knows leeteuk so wtf and heshurt chullie once what make you think he not going to again if something upsets him who dd think hes going to take it out on if kangins no there just to say he escapes huh
Chapter 15: me too just teukchul part>>>>LOL^^
universallove #6
Chapter 15: i'm just here to read the TeukChul part...for now. maybe i'll read from the start when i have more free time. well, i'm pretty sure i will if you don't break TeukChul up. LoL
i totally love TeukChul and no matter how sick and evil Teukie is in this story, i don't want Heechul to leave him. especially not to go to someone else. and if that someone happens to be Hangeng (as i see his name is tagged and notice that he's a cop from this chapter) i will seriously flip and throw things.

about the violence part, ugh, i don't actually enjoy it but you're writing it finely; everything in the 2 chapters i read is great, actually. good job. :)
loveSungmin #7
Chapter 10: wooow you update fast I love it.
First the haemin is wooow their love is amazing ,I want more .
I want to know who's the killer is ....
bonchan #8
so haemin is the main character?? ^^ Yay
aulia21 #9
Chapter 6: This fic make me curious!
wait for next update ^_^