What A Stupid And Annoying Day!

Don't Try To Solve This

Siwon got back to the office, hoping to see his boss there, and in a better mood than when he left. When he opened the door, ShinDong was on his feet immediately to greet him. Siwon smiled at him and made him sit back down again, showing with his two hands to sit. HanGeng sat in his chair with the back turned to them, almost looking straight into the wall. Siwon shared a look with ShinDong who shook his head in sadness. Siwon sighed silently.


“Boss…?” Siwon slowly approached his desk with him behind it. He wasn’t sure if that was a good idea, so his footsteps where slow and small. HanGeng turned around so he could look at the person who confronted him.


“Yes?” HanGeng asked with a voice not really showing any interest. ShinDong walked away from his desk and to the small kitchen-like area. He started to brew a new pot of coffee, really not wanting to hear their conversation. HanGeng looked to be in an awful mood.


“I’m sorry about before.” Siwon said, after gathering a great deal of courage. HanGeng shut down his gaze and collected something to answer.


“That’s fine. Now, did you find out anything about the case you went out for?” HanGeng answered him. His voice was a bit dry, and Siwon felt like he was the size of a mouse. Sure he had really screwed up.


“I gave Choi SaRang the card to this place and asked her to call when there was something. So I guess she does.” Siwon answered, gaining a little height when talking about something else, and telling him that he had done something good.


“Okay, tell me what she has when she contacts you.” HanGeng said. Siwon nodded, about to turn around and walk away.


“I didn’t even see the crime scene. Was it a bad one?” HanGeng asked with a normal tone, actually a bit concerned how it had affected the two guys not to have him with them. He usually did the serious stuff, so when they had to take over, it may have affected them differently. Siwon turned around again.


“Yeah, it was not a good one. Three bodies, and blood everywhere. Good that you didn’t see it, it was not nice.” Siwon answered. HanGeng nodded understandingly and looked down on a bunch of papers. Siwon turned around again to go, not seeing any reason to explain it to him. When he walked away HanGeng looked up at him, following him with his eyes as he walked away. He had a slight feeling that he had maybe hurt the younger man by his words, or rather word. While scratching his hair, he picked up his pen and wrote something down on the papers. He just needed to continue his work anyway. Siwon sat and waited for SaRang to call him back. A few hours went by, no one had really said anything. The only thing that had been breaking the silence had been a few calls to ShinDong and his tapping on the computer. Then a couple of times when ShinDong had offered HanGeng and Siwon a cup of coffee. Nothing else had been mentioned. Siwon was lost in his own thoughts almost the whole time, thinking about everything. With KangIn away, what happened to him in this moment, and with HanGeng being so frustrated all the time. He couldn’t get the cold voice out of his head that refused that a grown man needed care. It hurt him somehow that HanGeng had lost all his hope to find the tiniest bit of love and now refused to accept the slightest of care. Siwon was ripped out of his thoughts when his cell phone started ringing. It was on the table so it didn’t take long to pick up.


“Wow, you sure pick up quick.” Choi SaRang said on the other end, he could hear her laugh very quietly.


“It was just beside me. Have you gotten something?” Siwon quickly asked, cutting right to the matter. He just wanted to get this over with so he could move on with the case.  He could hear her laugh a little, just like if he could hear her smile.


“Yes. I have the dead men’s profiles, and a few evidence examples. I will send you the pictures from the scene and the profiles. Can I use the e-mail address on the card?” SaRang answered him, and the tone in her voice changed when she asked the last question, to a more light tone, because the other had sounded very serious.


“Yeah, I think it should be the right one. Mine is the one that starts with cs. Can you send it right away?” Siwon asked, almost hopeful. SaRang laughed in the other end with a sweet laugh.


“I’m just about to send it now. And I could figure that out from your name with the e-mail.” SaRang . Siwon smiled a little.


“That’s not everyone who’s that smart to know.” Siwon answered her, almost sounded like he back. She made a little laugh.


“No, that’s of course true.” SaRang agreed. She was still smiling.


“Did you get it?” She then asked. Siwon moved in the chair to check his mail on the computer in front of him. He opened the mail-box and smiled for himself, the little note attached to it was very sweet.


“Yes I did. Thank you.” Siwon answered. He opened the files, but didn’t take a look at the photos, he didn’t want to be reminded of it right now. Instead he looked at the profiles of the three men. As he expected, he didn’t know any of them.


“Boss, mail.” Siwon called through the room, as he sent it to him. Then he could take a look at it, as he wanted to. SaRang laughed a little on the other end.


“Sure that was quick to go ‘round.” She teased and laughed a little more. Siwon smiled a little more by hearing her sweet laughter.


“We can’t waste time.” He just answered, trying to sound professional, but she gave him a rather hard time with that right now. HanGeng waved his hands from his desk, making him end the phone call, so they could talk.


“Sorry, but I need to go, please send whatever you get your hands in, and if there’s more to tell, then just call.” Siwon said to her. He could hear her smile and made a little sound, giving away that she wanted to keep talking with him.


“Okay, then go work. I will see if I can get my hands on more important stuff, and I will send it to you right away when I do.” SaRang answered him. Siwon smiled a little.


“Thank you. We will talk again later.” Siwon said as his final goodbye.


“Yes, I will look forward to that.” SaRang answered him, making a little giggle before hanging up. Leaving Siwon a little surprised and with a small smile spreading on his lips. HanGeng waved again.


“Hello? Are you still there or totally love struck?” HanGeng asked, a little annoyed. Siwon cleared up and looked at him.


“Ohm… Yes. I’m still here.” Siwon answered him, letting his smile disappear. HanGeng nodded as he looked on his screen.


“It sure was a mess at that scene. I have been looking at the profiles. It doesn’t seem that they were interesting to kill, if you see it from a business person’s point of view. They aren’t involved in drugs, or liquor industry. No fancy positions in a firm or at any point known to the world.” HanGeng said not understanding the reason to kill them.


“It can be that the persons, who did it, had a reason for themselves?” Siwon suggested. Thinking of a motive the criminals could have had.


“Yes, that’s of course right. But it’s weird that persons like these are killed when there seems to be no reason for it. And clearly they have been killed brutally, so they must have done something really bad to deserve that. Or the criminals are just pure psycho’s.” HanGeng answered. The last sentence he added, mostly to himself.


“I must admit, that I don’t think these guys, who’s currently vandalizing the persons around, has a motive for it. Maybe they just think it’s… Funny, to kill people?” Siwon asked, not really sure if he wanted to know that if it was true. HanGeng nodded with his head like he was thinking about it and not really realizing that his head kept nodding.


“Yeah, that could very well be.” HanGeng answered, finally stopping the nodding. Siwon had been about to burst in laughter by the sight, but he had managed to keep it in.


“It can’t be stupid boys, like young teenage boys? Doing evil pranks or something like that.” Siwon asked suddenly. HanGeng opened his eyes a little more.


“No! This is far too serious for boy pranks.” HanGeng exclaimed quickly. Siwon quickly nodded to agree with him not to be half yelled at again.


“Yes of course it is.” Siwon answered hastily. HanGeng looked apologizing at him.


“I didn’t mean to yell at you.” He said and Siwon could tell that he moved on from that topic again already, by the next.


“I’m pretty sure that these are grown ups, and I would guess that they had some kind of leader.” HanGeng said. Siwon just sat and listened, not really knowing what to answer.


“But the difficult thing is that if these murders are all done by the same people, then they have a lot of hate to different people. It goes from top drug lords and directors in huge firms, to a freaking dustman. Why would a person have a reason to kill a man who handles trash?” HanGeng asked annoyed. How could people kill others with no motive?


“It could be that the person did something bad to the persons? Some of the psycho’s we have dealt with before have murdered someone, because they maybe just said something to them that the person didn’t like, and so he was suddenly the enemy. You know how the brains sometimes work in the head of those idiots.” Siwon said. HanGeng nodded, it seemed like an okay explanation. Not that it made it okay just because they had a possible motive.


“Yeah, I could imagine it. But how come that these persons, hated so many people? I just don’t get it.” HanGeng muttered. Siwon looked a little thoughtful.


“What if we have guessed wrong? That it’s not the same people who do this? That almost all of these murders have different killers?” Siwon asked, trying to catch another perspective.


“I don’t think so. Even though the methods are different from time to time, I still think that it’s the same people we are dealing with. And it’s the same people who have KangIn.” HanGeng mentioned. Siwon slowly nodded, remembering which situation their co-worker was in. His eyes were fixed on the table, and he didn’t want to look up. HanGeng sighed quietly to himself.


“Look… Siwon, I’m sure we are going to find him again. Don’t get all upset. KangIn wouldn’t want that.” HanGeng said, more because he didn’t want to see him upset. Siwon looked up at him. He wasn’t crying or anything, but there were traces of sadness to find in his eyes.


“Are you really sure of that? You saw the bodies from all the other crime scenes. How can you be sure that they didn’t just take him with them, dumping him in the Han-River, or throwing him from a cliff? How can you be sure of anything? How do you know that they didn’t just kill him instantly? Cut off his head or something? Do you really think that they would take him as bait to get us caught up too?” Siwon asked, getting really upset now, but more in an angry way. HanGeng sighed heavily. For the first time actually trying, just the slightest, to make him feel better, but was cut off instantly. Though, he could see that he had maybe said the wrong things to him.


“No. I’m not sure.” HanGeng answered while he breathed out his sigh. Siwon took a large sip of his coffee and swallowed it. He didn’t look at HanGeng right now. Even if he had tried to make it better, he didn’t want him to lie to him like that. He had tried himself to stay strong, but the things that HanGeng had told him today made him both upset and frustrated, and the fact that KangIn was missing all along, didn’t make the situation better.


ShinDong tried to cut them out of his concentrated work on the computer, but he couldn’t help but listen anyway. The tension in the room was suffocating, and he didn’t feel somewhat safe in there. He had a strange feeling that the two men would go crazy on each other in a moment.


“Listen, I want him back, just as much as you want. But we need to keep our heads clear, and try to figure out the best to do. So stop getting upset about it.” HanGeng said, cutting off the sweet talk now. If he didn’t want him to be friendly, he could get it the other way.


“Yeah, of course. I will just stop getting upset about my partner being somewhere in the hands of psycho’s and probably ripped to pieces while bleeding all over the place.” Siwon said now really upset in an angry way. He got up from his chair, grabbed his phone on the table and went out the door before any of the two in the room could say anything. Even ShinDong couldn’t reach to get on his feet before the door had closed with a *SLAM* behind him. ShinDong didn’t turn around to look at his boss, not even when he heard the large sound of a smack, when he hit his head into the table of pure frustration.


HanGeng sat up in his chair again, feeling a little light-headed from the hit to the table. He really wanted to tell Siwon a thing or two about how this was working in his mind, but he would probably just hit him or something if he got close to him right now. Slowly he rubbed the spot where his head had collided with the table.


“Coffee?” ShinDong suddenly asked out of nowhere. HanGeng looked wondering at the back of his secretary. He really didn’t mind to be at service no matter what happened. HanGeng didn’t know if he thought that was a plus or minus.


“Yeah… Make it as strong as possible.” HanGeng answered in a giving up tone. ShinDong pressed a few more keys on the computer, and then got up to make some coffee for his clearly upset boss. HanGeng followed the man with his eyes as he found his way to the small kitchen area and brewed a now pot of coffee. He then looked down into the table, not wanting to stare at the man. His mind was both blank and busy at the same time. How could he ever talk to that foolish man? HanGeng hid his face in his hands, trying to keep out the world forever. Maybe it wasn’t Siwon who was foolish, but himself. Siwon was afraid of what happened to KangIn, and he just tried to push the thoughts away about what was happening. It seemed like Siwon was the most humane out of him, himself and KangIn. Well, maybe at this point, there was only the two of them left. He closed his hand to a fist and squeezed so hard that his knuckles turned white. The smell of new brewed coffee reached his nose, as a cup of it was placed in front of him. ShinDong just went back to his desk, and didn’t say anything to him.


“Thanks…” HanGeng mumbled, not sure if ShinDong heard. Well, he did, but chose not to answer. HanGeng took a sip of the cup. The taste was really very strong, but it felt good with something to gain his strength with. He should get Siwon back before something bad happened. After all this wasn’t the perfect time to leave him alone. There was no way to know if those idiots would give it another try with catching one of them. He blew a little on his coffee, before taking a larger sip and swallowed it. It only burned a little, but he didn’t care. After a few of those kinds of sips, he replaced the empty cup on the table and got up.


“I’ll go look for him.” HanGeng said before getting his coat, and walked out the door. ShinDong had been on his way up to bow for him, but he was already out. HanGeng turned down the hallway and walked a little around in the building. Hoped to find him there, somewhere. When he didn’t he tried down in the car park space. He wasn’t there either, but his car was still there, so he hadn’t left. But why the hell couldn’t he find him in the building then? Annoyed, he walked up again and checked an extra time. When he was about to return to the office, he heard the click from the lock to the bathroom. The door opened and Siwon stepped out. He got a little taken aback by seeing HanGeng there.


“I thought you left.” HanGeng just said. Siwon raised an eyebrow.


“So you went looking for me?” Siwon asked, not really believing it. His voice had a slight dry tone. HanGeng looked back at him.


“Yes, I don’t want to help you out from them too.” HanGeng answered, slightly cold. Siwon just made a noise in respond. One of those noises telling that he really didn’t care. He then turned around to walk back to the office. HanGeng sighed and placed himself up the wall, watching Siwon go back to the office. When he went inside, HanGeng got off the wall again, giving it an angry kick, and walked after him. He entered the office himself and ShinDong quickly bowed to him by the coffee machine. He was about to pour a cup of the coffee to Siwon. After placing the pot in the machine again, he went to Siwon by his desk and placed it there.


“Thank you ShinDong.” Siwon said, not paying attention to HanGeng who had just entered. His attention was upon the computer screen instead, looking through the files SaRang had sent him. He was slowly sipping his coffee while doing so. HanGeng sat back by his desk and the cold atmosphere kept going on a few hours more.


“How are we supposed to find him?” Siwon suddenly asked out of the blue. After such a long time with no other sound than the clicking on computers, and paper scrambling, the silence broke. HanGeng and ShinDong looked at him, but he was still looking at his screen, but not paying attention to it. He hadn’t been for the least half an hour. His mind has been troubled with the thought of finding his partner. Even thought KangIn seemed to hate him to the core, Siwon still liked him as a co-worker and he really didn’t want him to get hurt. That was probably too late by now.


“I don’t know. But we can’t turn the city upside down to find him. We need some information’s, and I have absolutely no idea how to get those.” HanGeng answered him in a rather soft voice and very honestly. Siwon sighed and put a hand under his head with support from the table.


“We are lost.” Siwon muttered to himself, even though the other two could hear him very well. He kept imagine the worst things.


“We will be late. If we ever find him, then we will still be too late.” Siwon softly said to himself like he had his own conversation. HanGeng shut his eyes down in the table. ShinDong were still looking at Siwon, he felt sad and upset too, but he was “just” a secretary, so he had nothing to say.


“Don’t think like that.” HanGeng slowly told him, almost like a whisper, but just loud enough for him to hear. Siwon looked at him, still with the hand under his chin.


“Then what should I think about? Pink clouds and a pony?” Siwon asked, neither angry nor upset. More with a giving up tone in his voice. The thing he just said couldn’t help making both Siwon and HanGeng smile slightly. Indeed because they both got the image in their head with pink clouds and ponies. Their smiles toned down not long after.


“Yeah, something like that.” HanGeng said while he still had a tiny smile on his face. Siwon shook his head slowly and looked into the screen again. What was happening to KangIn right now? Did he hurt? Cry? Did he even breathe? Siwon looked miserable into his screen, not even thinking about his hand under his chin. He sighed slightly, giving his empty coffee cup a quick glance before deciding he didn’t need more of that. HanGeng gave him small looks from time to time, noticing that his mood really was in the bottom of the bottom. But he couldn’t help him. If he got KangIn back safely he could help, but that seemed like a far away opportunity. Where should he even find him? He shut down his look and noticed the time on his watch, he almost flinched by the sight.


“Oh, guys. We should go home and sleep.” HanGeng mentioned still looking at his watch. The other two gave him a quick look, before looking at their own watched, their eyes widened too. It was almost half past 2 in the morning. Siwon didn’t even want to go. Somehow he hoped that KangIn would come back, suddenly just step into the room. The thought made him resist leaving. But that he couldn’t tell HanGeng. He thought of him as a fool already, he didn’t need more reasons to do so. HanGeng slowly stood up from his chair and gathered his flood of papers on his desk. ShinDong was about to close his open programs on the computer so he could shut it down. Siwon didn’t move. The only part of him that had moved was his hand because he had been looking at his watch just before.


“You too, Siwon.” HanGeng said almost softly speaking towards his employee. Siwon looked up at him with deeply red eyes, and a tired expression. HanGeng looked closely at him. He wouldn’t be able to drive, he would crash or something because he would fall asleep in the car.


“Do you want a lift?” HanGeng asked him carefully. Siwon looked down at his watch again and then back on HanGeng.


“Maybe one of us should stay here in case KangIn came back?” Siwon suggested. HanGeng sighed deeply and looked down on the ground before fixing his eyes upon Siwon again.


“I don’t want to tell you, but he is not coming back here. Not the office at least. Don’t you think he would go to a hospital, or at least contact us before he would do anything?” HanGeng asked softly, trying to get some sense into Siwon’s head.


“You need to sleep, or else you won’t even be awake if he decided to turn up here, as he won’t.” HanGeng added. He could feel himself being tired too. The last of time they had spent in the office, he hadn’t managed to do any work at all, because he was tired, but he hadn’t giving it that thought before he had looked at his watch.


“Okay…” Siwon slowly gave in. He held back a yawn, but a second after it came back and he needed to let it out. HanGeng smiled a tiny smile. Siwon turned off his computer and stood up, getting his coat on, while going with the other two out the door. ShinDong turned the lights off as they went out the door. They moved down to the car parking space, where ShinDong bowed to them and got into his car. He waved a quick goodbye as he drove off.


“I can drive myself, if it is.” Siwon told HanGeng. HanGeng sent him a quick look.


“Sure of that? I’m not.” HanGeng said, looking intensely at the way too tired person in front of him.


“But how should I get to work tomorrow then?” Siwon asked him while letting out a new yawn even though he had fought with it to not being let out. HanGeng could feel that his yawning infected him, but he mastered to keep it in – for now at least.


“I’ll come and pick you up. Get in.” HanGeng said, not letting this be discussed anymore. Siwon nodded and got into the car’s passenger seat. HanGeng smiled a little by the victory and got into the driver’s seat. He the engine and made his way out the parking space. Just as they had gotten to the street, Siwon was fully asleep up the window. He was snoring very slowly and quietly. HanGeng smiled by the sight of his employee so tired. Now he was glad that he hadn’t let him drive himself. He didn’t want to be woken up tonight to be told about some car accident with Siwon as one of the victims. When he pulled up to Siwon’s house, he slowly awoke the sleeping man next to him. Siwon woke up, looking confused and even more tired than before.


“What?” Siwon mumbled and rubbed his right eye tiredly. HanGeng smiled a little.


“You are home. I’ll follow you to your door.” HanGeng said as he removed his seatbelt and opened the car door. He walked around to Siwon’s door, as he was undoing his own seatbelt. HanGeng opened the door for him, and Siwon stepped out. It was rather cold outside compared to the warmth in the car. Siwon slowly approached his house and HanGeng closed the car door behind him. He followed him to the door, carefully watching him unlock the door and stepped inside. Siwon slowly bowed to him, his expression more than tired.


“Thank you. I will see you tomorrow again.” Siwon said, looking like one who could drop down on the floor and sleep like a rock. HanGeng actually bowed back for a difference.


“Yes, I’ll get you around 8 o’clock. Be ready and get some sleep.” HanGeng instructed. Siwon nodded as an answer. HanGeng turned around and walked towards his car, giving a quick look back as Siwon who was still standing in the door, watching him go to the car. As he got to the still open car door at the driver’s side, he received a bow more from Siwon. When HanGeng got in, and closed the door, he saw Siwon close the front door. The tiredness struck him as he the engine to the car. Now the last thing he wanted was HIM to be caused in an accident. He exited the parking lot at Siwon’s place and drove back to the main street, following the lack of traffic that was barely existing. A few trucks and some car was all he saw on his way home. When he finally entered his own door to his house, he threw the keys on the little stand by the door, where the keys always were. On the way to his bedroom he undressed and threw the clothes on the floor, not giving a damn about putting it nicely on a chair. He fell down on the bed only in his boxers, and didn’t even get the blanket on, before being fast asleep.


That night he had a terrible nightmare, followed by the next, and then the next. The worst part was that he couldn’t wake from them, even though he tried so hard. He wasn’t able to escape from the nightmares, before his alarm clock went off and finally awoke him. He was drenched from the sweat his body had caused from all the nightmares. Instead of getting up immediately he buried his face in the pillow.


Yesterday flashed through his mind like a new nightmare, just a real one instead of the dreams in his sleep. Somehow he had managed to get his duvet on while sleeping, and kicked the other duvet from the space beside him, down on the ground. Actually he didn’t really know why he had a double bed, with bedding for another person because no one had slept in that site. Not longer than a single night at least. He made an annoyed sound and got up to another hopeless day. Making a mental note to himself to pick up Siwon at 8 o’clock.



A/T note: I'm sorry for the ty chapter... In my own mind I guess this is one of the worst in the story so far... -.- I had planned to re-write it, but I couldn't think of anything else than this ... xD I'm sorry for those who actually read this... I will try to make up for it with the next! Don't hate me for doing this xD I hate it too xD

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universallove #1
Chapter 21: No KangWon? Good.. Then what about some SiHan..? Just to make sure so there won't be any HanChul. lol jk :p
universallove #2
Chapter 21: No KangWon? Good.. Then what about some SiHan..? Just to make sure so there won't be any HanChul. lol jk :p
universallove #3
Chapter 18: Again, I want Heechul to be this savior light in Leeteuk's total dark life. So please keep Heechul there by his side..

And Kyu's teasing, well, hope it wont be any serious KyuChul. :|
sujulover23 #4
Chapter 16: I think he should leae because he is not safe i mean look what hedid to his parents even if his parents didnt like he he could of move or ran away instead killing them two look what hes doing to kangin and kangin ddnt even do anything jesus he barely even knows leeteuk so wtf and heshurt chullie once what make you think he not going to again if something upsets him who dd think hes going to take it out on if kangins no there just to say he escapes huh
Chapter 15: me too just teukchul part>>>>LOL^^
universallove #6
Chapter 15: i'm just here to read the TeukChul part...for now. maybe i'll read from the start when i have more free time. well, i'm pretty sure i will if you don't break TeukChul up. LoL
i totally love TeukChul and no matter how sick and evil Teukie is in this story, i don't want Heechul to leave him. especially not to go to someone else. and if that someone happens to be Hangeng (as i see his name is tagged and notice that he's a cop from this chapter) i will seriously flip and throw things.

about the violence part, ugh, i don't actually enjoy it but you're writing it finely; everything in the 2 chapters i read is great, actually. good job. :)
loveSungmin #7
Chapter 10: wooow you update fast I love it.
First the haemin is wooow their love is amazing ,I want more .
I want to know who's the killer is ....
bonchan #8
so haemin is the main character?? ^^ Yay
aulia21 #9
Chapter 6: This fic make me curious!
wait for next update ^_^