Interrogating The Wrong Suspect?

Don't Try To Solve This

DongHae was sitting in a chair, in a small room, with only two chairs and a table. He had seen this a million times on the TV, but never really thought that he would end up in such a place. His eyes were wide open, and he couldn’t figure out what had happened. He looked around in the empty room – beside himself. It was cold, and the room seemed rather dark, despite the weak light from a lamp above the table. His eyes locked on the big “window”, that he knew was made of that kind of glass, so he couldn’t see them, but they saw him very well. Now he admitted he had become a little scared of being in here. It didn’t feel so good to be locked in a room, suspected of a murder. And not so good, to be suspected of the murder of his loves best friend. What would SungMin say when he got back? If he got back… They couldn’t keep him there forever! They had no proof and they needed to let him go at some point. But what would Minnie say? Would he kick him out, yell at him, or throw his own stuff at him? Or would he fall into his arms and cry, happy to see him again, and know that he had done nothing wrong? His thoughts were interrupted when the door opened and a person stepped inside. He had never seen that person before, and it was not any of those cops that had been there to take him with them. He slowly approached and sat down on the chair, leaned back and crossed his arms.


“Okay, so here’s the deal. You tell me what you did Friday 16th of April 2010.” The person asked. He looked a little grumpy, but also tired. His eyes had some reddish in them, and he looked at DongHae with an almost deathly glare.


“I… I was home. With my husband.” DongHae answered a little unsure. The person moved a bit and his head tipped to the side.


“Oh, so you were at home. All day?” He asked and made DongHae even more scared.


“Yeah, I think so. I’m not sure! It’s a while ago. Right? I don’t remember every day.” DongHae tried to defend himself. The person in front of him didn’t look so upbeat on his explanation.


“So, you are not sure?” He asked and his teeth under his upper lip, before making a small noise with the tongue. DongHae looked worried at him. What was he suppose to say?


“I’m… I’m not sure, no.” DongHae answered after a few minutes in silence, beside the person’s small noise.


“Okay…” He said and breathed out with a heavy sigh.


“You don’t remember what you did on April 16th. Are you aware that there was a witness who saw you, around the same time as the murder of Kim RyeoWook?” The person asked and looked forcefully on DongHae, who now looked more scared and worried as ever.


“No, I didn’t know that. Where did it even happen? I don’t remember to have gone anywhere at that day. It was my day off.” DongHae said and felt very pressured. Which he had all the rights to be.


“So, now you start to remember huh?” The person said, and looked at him with a small smirk. DongHae looked at him, not even knowing what he was saying.


“As I told you, I don’t remember every day. I only remember things that are important.” DongHae defended himself, and that only made the person in front of him glare twice as much, now with an almost angry look.


“So killing Kim RyeoWook, wasn’t important to you?” The person hissed. DongHae flinched and shook his head fast.


“No! I didn’t kill him! I don’t even know where I was at that time or place, and you haven’t told me where he was murdered.” DongHae quickly said. The person hit his hand in the table and was about to stand up.


“So you tell me that you have no clue that you have been out? Do you know what Blackouts are? Some people do actions they don’t know about, and that includes killing others.” The person hissed, and hit his hand at the table again, making DongHae flinch once more.


“I don’t have blackouts! I have never had that before! I… Maybe I have been going to a store, to buy something, or whatever.” DongHae said in a hurry. The person looked down upon him, but sat down, crossing his arms again.


“Are you telling me, that you might have been going out, but you have no idea of what you have been doing?” He asked and locked his eyes on DongHae.


“May… Maybe?” DongHae said, trying to figure this whole thing out. His brain was working with the speed even the fastest car in the world couldn’t compare with.


“Maybe? Just maybe?!” The person yelled. DongHae hide under his arms that he had put over his head to protect himself with.


“Yah! KangIn that’s enough.” A person by the now open door said. DongHae slowly opened his eyes, to notice that someone stood there. He let his arms fall down again, and looked at one of the cops that had dragged him away earlier. He couldn’t really remember his name. Something with Han… Or well, just something.


“Then you can try, he’s a tough one… But in a stupid way.” KangIn mumbled to HanGeng when he walked past him.


“Okay.” HanGeng just answered, and closed the door behind KangIn. He slowly sat down on the chair, leaning over the table, but not too close to DongHae. He crossed his fingers with each other, and looked calmly at DongHae. DongHae felt immediately that he was safer with this person. He seemed nicer.


“Where were you the day Kim RyeoWook died, around noon? I know that you were around the scene at that time, so don’t tell me that you were at home.” HanGeng said with a low voice, though not a whisper.


“I’m not sure, but maybe I have been about to go buy something. I’m really sorry! But I just don’t know! Wait… Call my husband! He should know! I was with him – apparently only most of the day, and if I went out, I would sure tell him where I would go.” DongHae quickly said and looked vigorous at him. HanGeng nodded, and liked the plan. He stood up, and walked towards the door.


“I will call your… Husband, and then I can get back to you with the things he says.” HanGeng said, and walked out of the room. DongHae looked after him and sighed deeply. He was in trouble. Big trouble.


SungMin picked up the phone with shaking hands when it began to ring. He hoped so dearly that it was DongHae, telling him that he would be home in a minute. But he got disappointed when another voice than DongHae’s spoke to him.


“Hello. It’s the investigation department, HanGeng calling. I’m sorry to call you now, but I need to ask you about some information’s, that your husband couldn’t tell us. April 16th, last Friday, Kim RyeoWook was murdered, as you have been told, and as you know we have your husband under custody, until we get some answers. All you are now going to say will be recorded on a tape. That’s your right to know. I will ask you a few questions and answer truthfully, because it will only help if you co—operate. Where were your husband Lee DongHae, at this date Friday 16th of April 2010, around noon?” HanGeng asked SungMin, whom once again was on the verge of tears.


“I think he was out to buy something for dinner at that time. But where exactly I must confess I don’t know.” SungMin answered clearly, and tried hard not to give himself away that he was crying.


“Okay. Did he seem strange when he got back? Like a little far away in his mind?” HanGeng asked and wrote something down on a piece of paper. SungMin thought about it for a second.


“No, I don’t think so. He seemed normal, the way he usually is.” SungMin answered. He was just about to sob, but kept it inside.


“Okay. My last question. Did he have anything on his clothes? Like blood or dirt, something like that? Smelled strange or anything?” HanGeng asked and SungMin thought about it once more.


“No, I’m sure he didn’t have anything on him, and he smelled like his usual perfume, so no. I’m pretty sure that there was nothing.” SungMin answered honestly.


“Thank you. You have been very helpful.” HanGeng said and hung up. He looked down at the piece of paper, he had been writing on, and thought about the opportunities that DongHae had had to make himself look okay, before going home. But it seemed that there had been nothing strange. Obviously he had not changed his clothes, and there was nothing on him. With those stabs that RyeoWook had got, there needed to be blood on the other person. The alley had been so small, and to stab him like that, he had to stand close to the victim. Maybe it wasn’t DongHae after all?

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universallove #1
Chapter 21: No KangWon? Good.. Then what about some SiHan..? Just to make sure so there won't be any HanChul. lol jk :p
universallove #2
Chapter 21: No KangWon? Good.. Then what about some SiHan..? Just to make sure so there won't be any HanChul. lol jk :p
universallove #3
Chapter 18: Again, I want Heechul to be this savior light in Leeteuk's total dark life. So please keep Heechul there by his side..

And Kyu's teasing, well, hope it wont be any serious KyuChul. :|
sujulover23 #4
Chapter 16: I think he should leae because he is not safe i mean look what hedid to his parents even if his parents didnt like he he could of move or ran away instead killing them two look what hes doing to kangin and kangin ddnt even do anything jesus he barely even knows leeteuk so wtf and heshurt chullie once what make you think he not going to again if something upsets him who dd think hes going to take it out on if kangins no there just to say he escapes huh
Chapter 15: me too just teukchul part>>>>LOL^^
universallove #6
Chapter 15: i'm just here to read the TeukChul part...for now. maybe i'll read from the start when i have more free time. well, i'm pretty sure i will if you don't break TeukChul up. LoL
i totally love TeukChul and no matter how sick and evil Teukie is in this story, i don't want Heechul to leave him. especially not to go to someone else. and if that someone happens to be Hangeng (as i see his name is tagged and notice that he's a cop from this chapter) i will seriously flip and throw things.

about the violence part, ugh, i don't actually enjoy it but you're writing it finely; everything in the 2 chapters i read is great, actually. good job. :)
loveSungmin #7
Chapter 10: wooow you update fast I love it.
First the haemin is wooow their love is amazing ,I want more .
I want to know who's the killer is ....
bonchan #8
so haemin is the main character?? ^^ Yay
aulia21 #9
Chapter 6: This fic make me curious!
wait for next update ^_^