Movie Time

Big Bang One Shots and Scenarios


                “Oppa, I want to watch a movie!” you whined as you sat down next to him on the couch. He was watching a fashion show on TV. Normally you would be fine with that, but this show seemed to go on forever.

                “But I’m watching this,” he whined back, using the same tone as you.

                “This is so boring,” you said with a sigh as another scantily clad, anorexic model walked down the runway on TV.

                “Do you want to make it interesting?” he asked, turning to you with a mischievous glint in his brown eyes.

                “No, I want to watch a movie,” you said, crossing your arms across your chest. He let out a dramatic sigh before handing you the remote control,

                “Fine, go find something to watch.” You smiled before leaning over to kiss him on the cheek as you changed the channel. “Yeah, yeah, you owe me,” he said before wrapping an arm around you and pulling you close.



               “No! I don’t want to watch ‘Star Wars’ again!” you exclaimed.

               “Yeah? Well I don’t want to watch ‘200 Pound Beauty’ again!” he retorted in a child-like manner.

               “What?! But that movie is awesome!” you exclaimed, brandishing the DVD at him.

                “So is ‘Star Wars’!”

                “But we watched it last week!”

                “And we watched your movie the week before that!”

                “Exactly! It’s my turn!”

                “I don’t want to watch it,” he whined before turning away from you.

               “And I don’t want to watch yours,” you said with a huff before turning your back on him as well. Silence consumed the two of you for a few moments, but it seemed like hours.

               “Fine I’ll watch your movie!” the both of you exclaimed, turning around at the same time as well.

               “Okay, ‘Star Wars it is,” Seunghyun said with a nod before you stopped him and the argument began all over again.



                It was late but you couldn’t sleep. Taeyang wasn’t home yet, but he probably wouldn’t be back for a while. It was something that you should be used to, but you couldn’t help but miss him. You sighed before going on Netflix and finding a romantic comedy. You needed something to lighten your spirits.

                About half-way through the movie, you heard a tired voice say, “You should be sleeping.” You immediately sat up and turned to see Taeyang standing there with a small smile and dark circles under his eyes.

                “Oppa, you’re home!” you exclaimed, starting to get up.

                “Stay there, I want to watch with you,” he said before sitting down next to you.

                “But you should get some rest, you need all the sleep you can get,” you said before pausing the movie.

               “No, put it back on,” he said before laying his head down on your lap, “I want to watch with you.” You were going to argue with him, but decided it was better not to. You started up the movie again and the two of you were fast asleep in ten minutes.



                “Can we go see a movie?” you asked before sitting down next to Daesung on the couch.

               “Why do you want to see a movie when we have a Doraemon DVD?” he asked, holding said DVD in his hand.

               “Can we go see a movie before watching this?” you asked, using your best aegyo face.

               “But I want to watch this one first,” he whined, using his aegyo too.

                It was a battle of the aegyo, but you weren’t nearly as good as he was. “No! I don’t want to watch Doraemon first! If we start watching it, you’ll never leave this apartment!” you exclaimed, turning away from his cuteness.

               “Come on, please? Just one or two episodes and then we can go to a movie. I promise,” he said, wrapping his arms around your waist.

                “Fine,” you grumbled; you could never win against him in anything. So, the two of you cuddled up on the couch and began to watch the Doraemon DVD. Unfortunately, Daesung didn’t end up keeping his promise, but you didn’t mind. Staying in with him was just as good as going out.



                “Let’s buy this one,” Seungri said, pulling a DVD from the shelf of the store.

                "No, I want to get this one,” you said, grabbing a DVD from another shelf and holding it out for Seungri to look at.

                “But this one has a better title,” he whined.

               “Yeah but this one has better reviews,” you argued back.

                “You actually checked?”



                “Just now on my phone,” you said, sticking your tongue out at him.

               “But I really want this one,” he said with a sigh.

               “And I really want this one,” you replied, crossing your arms across your chest.

               “Oh my God you two; just buy them both,” Jiyong said with a sigh, “I can’t believe you and your girlfriend are arguing over which o to watch!”

               “You’re just jealous,” Seungri replied with a grin before taking both movies up to the cashier. You simply shrugged before joining your boyfriend at the counter.  

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