When You're Sick

Big Bang One Shots and Scenarios

When You Get Sick



                “This is what you get for playing out in the snow,” Jiyong said, lecturing you for the fifth time that day.

                “But you did it too,” you whined with a small sniffle. He chuckled before pulling out a bottle of medicine and a spoon.

                “Yeah, but I was wearing appropriate clothing,” he said before pulling the dark colored liquid onto the spoon.

                “My clothing was appropriate,” you argued before hiding under the blanket. That medicine was disgusting.

                “You were wearing a t-shirt and a jacket. I told you to put on my snow jacket, but no,” he said with a sigh before turning to where you were, “Get out from under those covers.”

                “I don’t want to.”

                “Take your medicine or I’m going to throw out your comfy shirts,” he threatened.

                “Fine!” you poked your head out and he spoon-fed it to you as if you were a child, “I hate the way you act when I’m sick,” you said with a sigh.

               “And I hate you being sick,” he replied with a quirk of his lips before he leaned down to kiss your forehead.



                It was that time of the year, the time when you always seemed to get sick with something. Last year, it was the stomach flu. This year, it seemed to just be a cold.  However, you were still feeling miserably as you pulled the blankets around you tighter. The cold hardwood floor was not helping you stay warm, but you needed to check on your boyfriend.

                “Seunghyun-ssi?” you called out, using formalities like how he wanted. Instead of an answer, the smell of burnt porridge greeted you instead. “Are you okay?” you asked, taking the last few steps to the kitchen entrance.

                “Yeah…but your porridge isn’t,” he said with a sigh, turning around with the pan so you could see how blackened it was.

                “What did you do?” you asked, trying to giggle but coughing instead.

                “I was trying to cook,” he frowned before putting the entire pot into the sink.

                “Why don’t we order out instead,” you said, “At least until I get well enough to cook.”

                He nodded before walking over to you and wrapping you in a hug, “Can we watch Star Wars while we wait for your cold to go away?” you nodded, “Good, because ‘get better you must.’”



                “Here, I made you some soup,” Taeyang said as he walked into the bedroom. You smiled slightly but remained hidden under layer upon layer of blankets.

               “Thanks, Oppa,” you whispered, your voice harsh and crackly.

                “Do you feel well enough to eat?” he asked in a worried voice before sitting next to you on the bed.

                “I’m okay,” you said, but he wasn’t convinced.

                “Here, I’ll feed you,” you said before taking the first spoonful of soup. He blew on it, making sure that it wasn’t too hot before holding it out for you to take. You blushed before opening your mouth. He spooned it in and you swallowed before he went to give you another one.

                “I can feed myself,” you protested weakly.

                “I don’t mind,” he said with a small blush, “I want to take care of you.” He gave you another spoonful and it continued until the bowl was empty.

                “Thank you, Oppa,” you said with a small smile.

                “Don’t thank me, just get better soon,” he replied before setting the empty bowl down and cuddling up next to you on the bed.



                “Are you feeling better?” Daesung asked, poking his head in the door.

                “No,” you said with a sigh before blowing your nose for what felt like the billionth time, “Still sick.” He pouted slightly and sighed. You had forbidden him from getting close to you while you were sick. You didn’t want to infect him; his fan girls would kill you.

                “Can I please stay?” he asked, his lower lip jutting out in a pout.

                “No,” you said before tossing the wadded up tissue towards the trashcan.

                “Please?” he asked again, using his best aegyo against you.

                “No,” you argued while pulling the covers over your head, but he wasn’t listening. Soon, you felt the bed dip down and his arms wrapped around you. “You’ll get sick,” you protested.

                “I don’t care,” he said, his voice muffled by your numerous blankets. You sighed and let out a weak cough before giving in. It felt better to cuddle with him anyways.



                “Oppa,” you called out, hoping that Seungri would actually take care of you. After the dozens of times you had dressed in a nurse outfit to take care of him, he had better come when called. “Oppa,” you called out again before receiving a soft reply. You sighed and your side. If he didn’t come in the next five minutes, you decided to beat him to a pulp once you were better.

                A few moments later, Seungri walked into your room carrying a tray of food and wearing a surgeon’s mask. “What are you wearing?” you asked, turning to look at your usually y boyfriend. Now, he just looked weird.

                “I can’t afford to get sick with the tour,” he explained before setting the tray down on your lap.

                “So I guess this means no kissing?” you asked with a small chuckle that turned into a loud cough.

                “It’s not nice to tease,” he said before sitting down next to you on the bed.

                “Wow, actually refusing a kiss?” you asked, raising an eyebrow as you began to eat the obviously store bought porridge.

                “I’ll get you back later,” he said, narrowing his eyes and making you laugh.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

so since i've been sick for over a week, i figured this was appropriate ^^;

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