When he confesses

Big Bang One Shots and Scenarios

When he confesses-



                You were spinning round and round in one of the chairs in Jiyong’s recording studio. He had asked you to show up to the studio out of nowhere. Luckily, you were done with classes for the day so you showed up only a few minutes late.

                “What are you doing?” Jiyong asked with a small chuckle as he walked in. He was carrying two disposable coffee cups from your favorite coffee stand. You stopped spinning and paused to let your head stop spinning before holding out your hand to take the cup from him.

                “I was waiting for you,” you said before taking a sip of the hot beverage, “What was so important that you called me down here?”

                “I want you to listen to something,” he said before sitting down beside you.

                “Just because I’m a music major doesn’t mean I can help you,” you shook your head with a small smile, “I do classical music, not hip hop.”

                “Don’t worry, just listen,” he said before pressing buttons and putting in a CD. You took another sip of coffee as you waited for whatever he wanted you to hear to start playing. A slow, calm beat resonated from the speakers. Your foot immediately began tapping as you counted the rhythm.

                It wasn’t long before his voice accompanied the beat and your eyes widened after listening to what it is he had to say. Your face heated up a bright shade of red as sweet words of love and longing filled the room. You reached over to pause the song before turning to look at an equally embarrassed Jiyong. “Do you like the song?” he asked.

                “Yeah,” you said, feeling like your face was about to break from how wide you were smiling.

                “So, you‘ll be my girlfriend?”

                “Of course!” you set down your coffee before wrapping him in a hug.



                “Here,” Seunghyun said as he handed you a box that contained a small toy figurine. It was one of those doll figurines from Mustoy that he had obviously painted himself. It was cute, pinker that you would’ve expected, but there was still this flashiness and dorkiness about the doll that let you knew it was his.

                “What’s this for?” you asked, taking the doll from him.

                “Just… Uh, just look at it,” he said, the tips of his ears turning a light shade of pink as he scratched the back of his head. You paused, looking at him curiously, before turning the toy around in your hands. On the face of the doll, written in graffiti type scroll, was, “I like you!”

                You snorted with laughter, causing his ears to turn a darker shade of pink and his cheeks to heat up a little as well. “If you don’t like me, you didn’t have to laugh,” he mumbled, reaching over to take the toy back from you.

                “No,” you said, holding it out of his reach, “I like you, Seunghyun-ssi.”


                “I like you,” you said, getting rid of the last of your giggles, “It’s just… Your confession was too cute.”

                His face slowly broke out into a grin before he suddenly jumped up. He ran around the room, shouting for joy, before tackling you with a hug. You smiled back as you wrapped your arms back around him, trying not to laugh even more.



                Twenty-eight red roses, one giant teddy bear, a box of Korea’s finest chocolates, a red dress you had been eyeing for the last two months, and a silver charm bracelet. Someone was really trying to get your attention. Though you enjoyed the gifts, you were starting to get annoyed by the fact that you had no idea who the sender was.

                You somehow managed to unlock the door to your apartment despite the multitude of presents you were holding. You used your to close the door before kicking off your shoes and heading inside. You dropped the presents off on the couch and ran a hand through your hair.

                “Hey Youngbae-oppa,” you greeted absentmindedly. You started walking towards the kitchen, thinking about getting a glass of milk to drink while you ate the chocolates. But, you stopped in mid-step. You turned back around to look at him, “Oppa?”

                “Hi…” his face was bright red, “Did you, um, did you like the presents?” he asked, nibbling on his bottom lip. It was then that you noticed how your apartment had changed. It was clean, for once, with candles and flower petals that should have led you to him. Instead, you were oblivious as always.

                “You sent them?” you asked, a little surprised at your best friend’s actions. If he hadn’t have used your apartment as his safe-house for the last four or so years, it would be creepy for him to be here. Instead, you were more surprised at how red his face was getting.

                “Yeah,” he gulped, “b-because I like you and I wanted to show it like those dramas you love watching. I was hoping, maybe, you l-liked me too?”

                “What kind of question in that?” you laughed before almost running to where he was. You threw your arms around him, catching him by surprised. “Of course I like you!”



                The atmosphere was really awkward. This was supposed to be a fun break where the two of you watched DVDs, pigged out, and spent all night talking. Instead, there was an insurmountable silence between the four inches that separated your body from his. You kept your eyes glued on the screen and pretended to pay attention to the plot.

                You glanced to the side and your dry lips. His hand was so close to yours yet so far off. Your fingers shook as you moved them closer, only a centimeter or two, before losing your nerve. You looked back at the screen and tried not to sigh. You thought you would get the courage to do something today, but it looked like you were going to be a coward.

                Suddenly, something warm brushed over your hand before trembling fingers wrapped around your palm. You turned to look and there was your hand, enclosed in his. You looked up to see him looking at you with all the nervousness and fear you felt.

                “I like you,” the two of you blurted out in unison. Your face heated up bright pink as did his before the two of you burst out into laughter. He pressed his forehead against yours, both of you smiling contently.

                “I really, really like you,” he mumbled.

                “That’s my line,” you replied, causing another giggle fit. Daesung placed a soft kiss on the tip of your nose before the two of you went back to pretending to watch the rest of the movie.



                “I’m Bringing y Back” was playing. You glanced at your phone and smiled when you noticed the picture you had taken of Seungri in a panda hat was flashing on the screen. You picked up the plastic device before answering, “Yeoboseyo?”

                “Hey,” his voice answered, “I need to talk to you about something. Do you think I can stop by later tonight?”

                “Sure, how late should I wait up?” you asked, knowing your definition of “later” and his differed by quite a bit.

                “No later than eleven,” he replied before the conversation was cut short. You sighed before setting your phone back down. You wondered what he wanted to talk about. Was it another girl? A scandal? You didn’t think your heart could take another blow like it received when you had read the headline from his Japanese scandal. You shook your head to clear your thoughts before continuing with what you had been doing before.

                Around ten, you were sitting on the couch, a glass of wine in hand, and a good book resting on your lap. You were wearing an outfit one step up from pajamas. You had known Seungri long enough that being seen like this fazed neither of the two of you. You sighed and took another sip before glancing at the clock.

                When would he show up?

                Finally, the doorbell rang and your question was answered. You marked your spot by dog-earing the book and set the glass down on the table. You answered the door and Seungri walked inside wearing a sweatshirt that had obviously been used to disguise who he really was. He dropped the hood and turned to you as you closed the door.

                “I love you,” he said, his expression serious, “That’s what I wanted to talk about. I love you. The hyungs say to use the word ‘like’ but that’s not it. I love you. So, please say that you love me too so that I don’t look like a fool.”

                “I… Yes,” you hid your blushing face in your hands, “I love you too.”


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I am SOOOOOOOOOOO sorry about not updating sooner. My life has been really hectic with preparing to enter the nursing prgram at my school. I've been running around like a chicken with it's head cut off trying to get everything done while also trying to meet up with my friends before i return XP

Anyways, i'm REALLY sorry *bows* but i hope you liked the update :)

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