A Robber Breaks In

Big Bang One Shots and Scenarios


                The place was a mess. Clothes were scattered all over the floor, drawers were hanging open, wires were sticking out of the walls were expensive appliances had been. In the midst of it all was you, sitting there alone and scared. The police had left a little while ago, vowing to find the burglar, but you were still scared.

                The land lady said she’d change the locks tomorrow, but what if he came back that night? That’s why you called your boyfriend, Jiyong, to come and pick you up. You had some clothes in his apartment, so you didn’t have to pack anything.

                “_____-ah?” he called, opening the door with the spare key you had given. You immediately stood up and rushed over to him. You grabbed onto his skinny waist and buried your head in his chest. His arms immediately wrapped around you, warm and comforting.

                “It’ll be okay, baby,” he cooed, “We can replace the things that were taken.”

                “It’s not that,” you said into his shirt, “I just… I feel so violated.” He nodded and hugged you tighter before letting go.

                “I guess you should just move in with me then. Gaho will protect you,” he said, trying to make you smile as the two of you walked out of the apartment.



                “Seunghyun-oppa!” you whispered harshly, shaking your boyfriend awake. He groaned and swatted your hand away but you were persistent. Finally he sighed and sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

                “What is it?” he asked in a deep, gruff voice that you would have found y under normal circumstances. Unfortunately, right now wasn’t exactly normal.

                “Did you hear that?” you whispered.

                “I was asleep,” he mumbled, running a hand through his hair. You bit your lip, worried that it was just your imagination, but then you heard it again. It sounded like someone was going through your apartment, bumping into things and knocking other things over. You could see Seunghyun stiffen when he heard it too.

                “Stay here,” he whispered to you before looking around the dark room. He grabbed the lamp and pulled the plug out of the wall before heading out the door, making sure to shut it behind him. You held your breath, hoping that it was really nothing, but ready with your cellphone in case it wasn’t.

                After what felt like an eternity, Seunghyun came back into the room, sighing heavily. He set the lamp down on the night stand before tossing something lightly onto the bed. The kitten you had bought that morning crawled onto your lap and curled up there.

                “I found our robber,” Seunghyun mumbled before lying back down next to you.

                “At least now we know what to name him,” you said, with a small smile before lying down as well, only shifting the kitten slightly in the process.

                “Mmhmm now go back to sleep,” Seunghyun whispered.



                “Youngbae-oppa,” you whispered into your cellphone. It was one o’clock in the morning so you had woken him up, but this was an emergency. You thought that you heard something in your apartment. You didn’t want to call the police because it might be nothing. So, you called your boyfriend instead.

                “What is it?” he asked, still sleepy.

                “I think someone is in my apartment,” you whispered as you locked the door.

                “What?” he exclaimed, suddenly awake.

                “Can you come over?” you asked, opening your closet door before hiding inside. You curled up into a ball in the corner with the phone pressed up against your ear.

                “I’ll be over in a few minutes,” he said, “Just stay on the phone with me, okay?” You agreed to it and listened as he shuffled around in his apartment. It only took him ten minutes to get to your apartment, a new record, but he spent the next half an hour searching through it.

                “Babe,” he called outside your door, “It’s me; you’re okay. There’s no one here.” You slowly got up out of your hiding place and unlocked the door. He came in and quickly wrapped you up in a hug. You clung onto him, feeling much better now.

                “Sorry about waking you up,” you said with a sigh.

                “Don’t worry about it,” he said with a small chuckle, “I’ll just sleep on the couch and make sure no one breaks in.”

                “Or you could sleep in the bed…”

                “I could,” he said, blushing slightly but letting you pull him towards your bed.



                “What was that?” Daesung exclaimed, sitting up in bed. The two of you had watched a marathon of catch the killer TV shows, so you both were a little jumpy. Unfortunately, you really needed to sleep.

                “It was probably nothing,” you said, turning over in bed.

                “What if it was a robber? Or a killer?” Daesung asked, not leaving the subject alone. You sighed and tried to ignore him, but the creaking of the floorboards in your apartment caused you to jump up as well.

                “You heard that too, right?” Daesung asked and you nodded this time.

                “What should we do?” you whispered.

                “I don’t know.”

                “You go look,” you hissed, nudging him slightly.

                “I don’t want to die! You look!” he nudged you back. You shook your head and the two of you argued in hushed voices until another creak sounded like it was right outside the bedroom. You both ran up to the door and locked it before Daesung ran to the closet in order to hide. You grabbed your cellphone and joined him inside.

                The two of you stayed cuddled together in the closet, praying that nothing was there until it was apparent that it had all been a figment of imagination. By that time, however, you were both sound asleep.



                “Oppa?” you called out as you opened the door to Seungri and Jiyong’s apartment. You quickly slid your shoes off and walked into the living room. Seungri was sitting on one of the couches, his head in his hands.

                “Oppa, are you okay?” you asked as you sat next to him.

                “I don’t know,” he mumbled. You looked around and thought it looked pretty clean for a robber to have broken in. When you read his text, you had thought that the place would’ve been in shambles, but everything was orderly. At least, the front room was.

                “Did they take anything?” you asked, trying to be as delicate as possible as you sat down next to him.

                “Yeah,” he sighed, “They took all of our photos together, our couple rings, and pretty much everything that I had that had any connection to you.”


                “That’s a sasaeng fan, but still a fan. I don’t know what to do,” he admitted, “Do I call the police? Either way, people will know that we’re a couple. The robber will leak it or the police will.”

                “Then we’ll deal with it as it comes.”

                “You don’t understand-”

                “I do understand,” you cut him off, “I know what will happen and I’m prepared for it. We’ll deal with it together, okay? And we’ll also buy you a new security system.” He chuckled at the last part before sitting up. He grabbed your hands and brought them up to his lips. He placed a soft kiss on them and smiled softly.

                “What would I do without you?”

               “I don’t know, but I’m hungry. Let’s go eat.” He laughed and nodded before getting up. You would figure things out. Everything would be okay.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

sorry this took so long, i've been really busy!



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