When they get angry with you

Big Bang One Shots and Scenarios

As requested by Cemre01



                “Would you just stop it!” you shouted from across the room. Jiyong and you had started this fight over something trivial. You had forgotten to move something from the washer to the dryer and he had commented on how forgetful you were. It had spiraled from there; old arguments were brought up along with past discretions.

                “Not until you start listening!” he shouted back, his face scrunched up in anger.

                “How am I supposed to listen when you’re ing yelling all the damn time!” you growled, lowering your volume while purposefully using curse words. Oh how he hated them.

                “Ladies aren’t supposed to curse,” he hissed.

                “. . Damn. ,” you replied mockingly. You even stuck out your tongue for the added effect. You knew this was childish but you didn’t care; you didn’t feel like being an adult right now.

                “Shut up.”

                “Make me,” you taunted. He murmured curses of his own under his breath. He wagged his finger at you like a teacher would to a student, causing you to become more angered with him. You opened your mouth to say something else you would regret in a few days when he suddenly turned away from you.

                “I’m leaving.”

                “You’re what?” You hadn’t been expecting that. If Jiyong had been facing you, he would have seen the surprise written all over your face.

                “I’m leaving. I’ll be back in a couple hours when you’re ready to be a grown up again,” was his cold reply before he walked towards the door. He didn’t bother getting out of his slippers. He slammed the door and stomped down the hall in his inside shoes while you were left in the middle of the living room still seething with anger.



                He was silent. The silence was so absolute and final that you worried if perhaps you should be packing your bags instead of standing in the doorway of the kitchen, watching him sit on the couch and watch the news.

                Seunghyun took another sip from his wine glass. That had been his fourth.

                “S-Seunghyun-ssi,” you called out weakly. It garnered barely any notice from the man and it wasn’t like you could completely blame him. What you had done was stupid; it was completely idiotic and there was no way you could take it back.

                You had never wanted to hear his voice so much before. You wanted to turn on a song just to hear him speak. Curses spit in rage would be better than this treatment but he probably knew that.

                “S-Seunghyun-ssi,” your voice cracked as you attempted to get some sort of response. He blinked and you furiously copied the action to try and keep the tears at bay. All your efforts were in vain. Tears began to stream down your cheeks as your breath came out in choking sobs.

                “P-Please,” you whimpered, “Please. I’m begging you- please.” Slowly, you slide down the frame and curled up against it, hugging your knees to your chest. The cold kitchen floor was almost a comfort as it kept you grounded.

                The mumbled voices from the TV were suddenly as silent as your boyfriend. He walked past you, barely paying your shaking form any mind. The sink was , no doubt to wash out the remainder of the glass before it was gently placed on the counter to be thoroughly washed in the morning.

                His footsteps were deafening in the quiet room as he slowly walked back over to you. A tissue was dangled in front of your face. You reached out for it but grabbed his hand instead. His skin was warm and soft against yours.

                “Please,” you croaked out as you tilted your head back to look up at him. His eyes were closed and his brow furrowed. Slowly, those brown eyes opened and met yours.

                “Get up,” he finally said, “Dry your tears. We’ll talk about it in the morning.”



                “What was that?’ Youngbae asked, his voice tinged with hurt and annoyance. You hadn’t been paying him much mind until just that moment. It wasn’t that you were purposefully ignoring your long-term boyfriend, it was that he had been so quiet that you had actually forgotten he was there.

                On top of that, your coworker had been conversing with you rather cordially. You enjoyed your conversations with him. He was turning out to be a rather good friend the more you got to know him. Youngbae didn’t seem very impressed with Lee Minho though.

                “What was what?” you asked in a quiet voice, trying not to garner too much attention at the office party. You really didn’t want to be the talk of the water cooler in the morning.

                “You. Him. That.” He was trying to remain calm but he almost hissed those words at you. His ears were turning red but not in the way that you enjoyed. It was cute when he was blushing but, now that it was due to anger, you really didn’t enjoy that.

                “We were talking,” you sighed before glancing at the clock. It wouldn’t appear too badly if you left now. You could make an excuse in the morning about date night or feeling tipsy or something. You might get some funny looks but it wouldn’t be as bad as having a fight in public.

                “You were flirting,” he stated.

                “Let’s not do this here” was your reply. As much as you absolutely loved your boyfriend, this jealous streak was really starting to get on your nerves. You politely excused yourself and pulled Youngbae out of the reserved room and towards the lobby of the fancy hotel.

                You could feel Youngbae’s eyes boring into the back of your head but refused to turn around even when you finally reached the parking lot. The moment you said something else, it would start an argument that TV dramas would be jealous of. He knew it too so the ride back home was quiet; it was the silence before the storm.

                But you weren’t going to let him win this time.



                “Wait! Come back!” you shouted, scrambling up from where you had been sitting on the couch. Until just a few moments ago, you had been watching a movie with your lovely boyfriend. He had tried to cuddle and you said you were too hot. After that seemingly harmless comment, he had gotten up and stalked towards the bedroom.

                “Why?” he asked with an exasperated sigh as he turned.

                “Why? What do you mean why?” your voice heightened, “Why’d you just get up like that?”

                “Because I’m tired of you being so distant,” he said in a surprisingly calm voice, “I’m tired of you always making excuses for not cuddling or touching or kissing. Do you know how long it’s been since we kissed last?”

                “A couple days?” you guessed.

                “Two weeks,” he replied, “It’s been two weeks. What’s going on?”

                “What’s going on is I’m tired of hiding from everyone!” you exclaimed, “I’m tired of being the girlfriend of a big superstar who I can’t even go out on a proper date with! I’m tired of both of us having to deny that we’re in relationships! I’m tired of it!”

                “What do you expect me to do about it? I can’t just change my career! I love singing!”

                “I don’t want you to,” you glared, “I just… I’m not getting any younger, Oppa. I want to get married. I want to have kids.”

                “I…” he trailed off, not sure of how to respond to that. His mouth hung open slightly while you trembled before him. The anger had dissipated but the argument had taken a turn neither of you had seen coming.

                “I’m tired of just being a girlfriend, Daesung-oppa,” you said in a small voice, “I love you but I can’t do this anymore. I just can’t.”



                “How could you do this to me?” Seungri’s voice shook with rage and betrayal. You didn’t want to look at him but you did. His eyes were welling up with tears, his fists were clenched at his sides, and his breathing was forced as he tried to get control of himself.

                You really didn’t have an answer for him.

                “How could you do that with him?” Another question which you didn’t have an answer to. The only thing you could say was that you were lonely, he was comforting, and more than one glass of wine was involved. That was not the answer he was looking for though.


                “Don’t you dare say you’re sorry!” he hissed, pointing a finger at you. You took a step back away from him and glanced away.

                What could you say instead?

                “I didn’t mean-”

                “You didn’t mean for what?” he asked, “You didn’t mean to sleep with him? You didn’t mean for me to find out? What? What didn’t you mean to do, ______-ah? Enlighten me.” Angry tears slowly dripped down his cheeks but he quickly wiped them away.

                Tears of your own began to steadily fall from your eyes but you didn’t bother trying to hide them. It wasn’t an attempt to gain sympathy. You just didn’t feel like wasting the energy; more would end up coming.

                “Just… Get out,” he finally said. The words hit you hard.

                “W-Where?” you couldn’t help but ask. You quickly realized that it was the wrong question though.

                “I don’t know. How about his place? If he’s good enough to he’s good enough to be your new boyfriend, right?”

                “I don’t want him!” you exclaimed, slightly ashamed of the way your voice cracked.

                “Then you should have thought of that sooner!” he yelled right back. The two of you stared at each other in silence for several tense minutes before he turned his back. That was the end of round one and the only choice you really had was to do what he asked: leave.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I feel like I need to do something sweet and fluffy to make up for this chapter....

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