When he helps you move in

Big Bang One Shots and Scenarios


                “Okay, where do you want this box?” you asked, carrying the second to last box inside of the apartment you were now sharing with your longtime boyfriend. While Jiyong had helped carry in the really heavy stuff, he had allowed you to finish unpacking the truck you had borrowed to move all of your stuff. Instead of helping you, he was making sure that everything was in its right place.

                “Put it in the living room,” he said, waving you away as he tried to merge your style with his in the different decorations you had brought. Your clothes were already folded and put away. Anything that wasn’t foldable was going to be ironed before being hung up. He had even set up your shoes by height of heel.

                “Yes sir,” you nodded, actually a little grateful that he was being so about where your things went. It was one of the things that worked so well about you two being a couple. Jiyong was, in some ways, uptight and a perfectionist while you were much more laidback and willing to admit to your faults. Unpacking happened to be one of the things you were especially laidback about.

                “Oh and jagiya,” he said suddenly, grabbing your attention right after you set down the box. You turned with a cocked eyebrow, curious as to what he would require next. If he was going to have you move the couch one more time, a pillow fight was definitely going to follow. “I love you.”

                You broke out into a broad grin before rushing over to wrap him up in a hug, ignoring how gross you felt from going back and forth from the apartment to the truck. “I love you too.”



                “It’s time for a break,” Seunghyun said before flopping down on the fuzzy rug you had just set down in the living room of your new apartment. The day had actually started out well. There had been no traffic from the drive across town and none of the boxes had broken on the way upstairs. However, you had now been unpacking for about two hours and both you and your boyfriend were beat.

                “Come on, we’ve got two rooms done now. If we do a few more boxes, it’ll be three,” you tried to argue. Despite your words, you didn’t resist at all when he latched on to your ankle in an attempt to get you to stay.

                “I’m tired,” he mumbled, causing you to laugh before sitting down on the ground beside him. Only then did he finally let go of your ankle and offered you a small smile. Only after you sat down did you realize how tired you really were.

                “But we haven’t even unpacked the bedroom yet,” you sighed before laying down on him. He grunted at the added weight but didn’t complain.

                “We can camp out here tonight,” he offered, “We can watch Netflix and cuddle and order ramen from that one shop we passed by. I’ll buy us sleeping bags.” For some strange reason, she couldn’t exactly resist the offer. So, you grabbed Seunghyun’s cellphone out of his back pocket and ordered two large bowls of piping hot noodles.



                “Coming through!” Youngbae announced, carrying a stack of three boxes so tall you couldn’t see even the tip of his Mohawk. You had been a little surprised when he had suddenly asked to move in with you but two weeks later he was moving in all of his stuff into your small apartment.

                “Are you sure you don’t want me to help?” you asked with more than a little bit of worry tinging your voice. He may be strong but all of this was getting a bit excessive. You didn’t want him to get hurt after all. “I can carry some boxes, you know.”

                “It’s fine. I got it,” he reassured you before setting down the boxes. He righted himself and offered you a tired smile that normally would have melted your heart but now caused you even more stress. Moving in with your boyfriend was supposed to be fun and exciting but he was wearing himself thin.

                “No, I’ll help. I’m supposed to do something.”

                “Unpack them?”

                “Shut up,” you teased before gently pushing him. He laughed and wrapped you up in a hug. He was sweaty and didn’t smell that great but you enjoyed the hug anyways. You patted him on the back before saying, “Good now let’s go get the rest of your stuff!”



                “How close are we to being done?” you asked despite the fact that you were carrying one of the lighter boxes. It was the second day of moving in with your boyfriend. The first day had been spent moving in the more bulky items so Daesung could figure out where to put them before more of your smaller things came in.

                “We’d be closer if you had less stuff,” Daesung teased, following you inside with a slighter larger box that was only held together by massive amounts of duct tape. Luckily most of the stuff inside that box was clothing so if it broke it wouldn’t be the end of the world.

                “I think we both need to go through our belongings once this is over,” you grunted before setting down your box on top of the couch you had picked out for him. He chuckled but didn’t argue on that fact. The reason all of your stuff was being moved instead of his was because he, surprisingly, had even more things than you.

                “I think we should have done that before we moved in together.”

                “Probably,” you laughed.

                “But I’m glad we’re doing this.” He put down his box near yours and gave you one of his famous smiles that crinkled up the rest of his face to make room for it. You grinned back at him, feeling the exact same way but still wishing you had learned how to pack better than this.



                “I’m not moving anything else,” you stated simply before parking yourself on the floor with your arms crossed over your chest like a child. You knew you were being silly but there was so many boxes between the two of you that you just couldn’t handle it anymore. You needed a break and from the looks of Seungri, he did too.

                “Thank God,” he sighed before sitting down beside you, “I was waiting for you to crack first. You lasted longer than I thought though.”

                “Hey!” You wanted to be offended but you were a little too tired to care. So you rested your head on his shoulder instead and smiled as he wrapped an arm around you. “Shouldn’t our friends be helping us with this?”

                “All my friends are famous,” he mumbled, “Go call your friends.”

                “All my friends are married with kids,” was your reply. He snorted before leaning his head on top of yours as he surveyed the mountains of boxes the two of you had already moved in. Half of the moving truck you had rented was unpacked but you still needed to move the other half of luggage and then it was time to arrange everything. Moving .

                “Five minutes and then we’ll start again.”


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